If the world were to end...
Ruddy Kippers
25-07-2005, 04:11
Ia! Cthulhu Ftgahn!
25-07-2005, 04:50
25-07-2005, 04:57
Black Hole.
I don't know how long you'd have to watch it, but what a spectacle it would be!
25-07-2005, 05:12
I don't care how it goes, but I want to be a safe distance away before it does.
25-07-2005, 06:03
At my own hands -insert evil laugh- .... What I don't like the world.
I seriously need to read this Lovecraft book and see what all the fuss is about...
25-07-2005, 06:12
Vibe-O-Rama. I'd die happy. ;)
25-07-2005, 06:17
You ask about the world ending, but you only seem to offer modes of death, except for the Biblical option.
I suppose I'd like a non-biblical apocalypse, preferably non-nuclear, from which I survive and can build a civilization from the ashes (there actually seem to be a lot of books out about this of late. Perhaps I should read some of them, though this is a fantasy that I've entertained since late 2000).
Of course, admittedly the Biblical option would satisfy my agnostic curiosity.
Jellybean Development
25-07-2005, 10:57
Into a black hole, cuz we might come out of the other side unharmed :rolleyes:
Jellybean Development
25-07-2005, 10:59
You ask about the world ending, but you only seem to offer modes of death, except for the Biblical option.
I suppose I'd like a non-biblical apocalypse, preferably non-nuclear, from which I survive and can build a civilization from the ashes (there actually seem to be a lot of books out about this of late. Perhaps I should read some of them, though this is a fantasy that I've entertained since late 2000).
Of course, admittedly the Biblical option would satisfy my agnostic curiosity.
LIke a huge comet! What is that film called, big comet ,most dead, few survivors. :confused:
LIke a huge comet! What is that film called, big comet ,most dead, few survivors. :confused:
Your thinking of Deep Impact.
I like the Unicron option myself. :)
Red Sox Fanatics
25-07-2005, 11:19
Hail Yog-Sothoth!!!
Cabra West
25-07-2005, 11:25
Butterlfy and nuclear testing. I would just love the irony in that...
25-07-2005, 11:29
Personally, I would prefere the 'other' option. Something like crashing my private jet at the age of 82 having been distracted by making passionate love to my 14th wife. But the black hole sounds interesting as long as I had a space suit to avoid the terrible vacuum of space. At least that way I could see my impending death
The odd one
25-07-2005, 11:48
butterfly and nukes. so pointless, so random...
Dostanuot Loj
25-07-2005, 11:54
Black Hole.
I don't know how long you'd have to watch it, but what a spectacle it would be!
Remember, time slowes down relative to the outside world the closer you get to the event horizon of a black hole. In theory (my theory) you could never die, but instead simply cease in time itself. You may be alive, but time would have stopped.
It's a toss up between nuclear war and a black hole.
Nukes rule, but I like the time distortion thing.
San haiti
25-07-2005, 12:50
Remember, time slowes down relative to the outside world the closer you get to the event horizon of a black hole. In theory (my theory) you could never die, but instead simply cease in time itself. You may be alive, but time would have stopped.
Well if you want to get scientific you would get literally ripped apart by the difference in the gravity field strength before that happened.
Warta Endor
25-07-2005, 12:52
Butterfly+nukes=dangerous :D
25-07-2005, 13:04
Demolished to make space for a hyperspace bypass. :D
25-07-2005, 13:04
If the world would to suddenly end, I would want it to be as ironic, and as humorous as possible.
Like one day we look outside and see the sky is a rich forest green, and then as the sky seems to get closer to the earth.....we realize its a giant Ping Pong paddle...
The last thing the world hears is a deafening ......................*POIT!!*
Demolished to make space for a hyperspace bypass. :D
Ack! Eminent Domain at its worst! :D
25-07-2005, 18:44
Remember, time slowes down relative to the outside world the closer you get to the event horizon of a black hole. In theory (my theory) you could never die, but instead simply cease in time itself. You may be alive, but time would have stopped.
It's a toss up between nuclear war and a black hole.
Nukes rule, but I like the time distortion thing.
Oh, no... you'd most certainly still die. Time, for you, never changes one whit; you still fall through the event horizon, accelerating madly and being torn apart by massive tidal forces, until you hit the singularity and are crushed into oblivion (assuming no wormholey effects, here). From the viewpoint of outside observers, however, they'll see you rapidly approach the event horizon, your apparent time slowing ever more, and the light reflecting from you becoming more and more redshifted, until the moment you reach the horizon, and you basically appear to stop in time at the same moment that you fade from view, all the light reflecting from you redshifted beyond observability. :D
I voted other. I'm still hoping for an accidental creation of a stable, negatively-charged strangelet over at RHIC or someplace. Mmm, strange matter. :D
Jellybean Development
25-07-2005, 18:51
Your thinking of Deep Impact.
I like the Unicron option myself. :)
Deep Impact, now I remember, hah, stupid earthlings.
Complete matter-antimatter annihilation, so nothing uses my atoms.
Edited because of superiority complexes.
25-07-2005, 19:04
Galactus would own Unicron.
25-07-2005, 19:04
If the world would to suddenly end, I would want it to be as ironic, and as humorous as possible.
Like one day we look outside and see the sky is a rich forest green, and then as the sky seems to get closer to the earth.....we realize its a giant Ping Pong paddle...
The last thing the world hears is a deafening ......................*POIT!!*
Brilliant! LMAO :p
25-07-2005, 19:05
I seriously need to read this Lovecraft book and see what all the fuss is about...
Lovecraft wrote many books you know?
& Yes you should read them. Good stuff
Unicron, haha.
I would probably be a bit freaked to see him standing on the planet (http://jazz_ja.webpark.pl/transformers_unicron.jpg)
25-07-2005, 19:29
If its not an Evil Corporate Company drilling to the centre of the Earth to extract Resources and causig a Chain reaction
or Giant Butterflys with Lazer eyes....*
*Probably created by GM Scientists.
(I could destroy the Earth though Czardas would probably do it first!)
*Shakes Fist*
The Stoic
25-07-2005, 19:34
Why is there an "if" in the title of this thread? Shouldn't that be "when"?
At any rate, when the world ends, I hope I have been dead for millions of years (at a minimum), so that I won't be around to see it.
25-07-2005, 19:41
Why is there an "if" in the title of this thread? Shouldn't that be "when"?
At any rate, when the world ends, I hope I have been dead for millions of years (at a minimum), so that I won't be around to see it.
Aztec or Mayan or Inca redict it will be in the next 7 years so 1000000-7= :eek:
An Eva-style ending. Cloned angels turned mecha and sinister cabals are all much cooler than a really big volcano or nuke.
The Tribes Of Longton
25-07-2005, 20:32
I know how the world ends. We get knocked into the top-left black hole in a galactic game of snooker. Incidentally, we were the cue-ball - all the blue and green was chalk. Damned amateurs.