NationStates Jolt Archive

Moumou Land
18-07-2005, 15:40
Nothing to do with me, but its either bloody hilarious or a new low in bad taste depending on your point of view. Warning, the site contains some of the worst web page design you are likely to see. It's bad. Really Bad. Don't say I didnt warn you......

In these troubled times it's good to know that someone out there is addressing the issue of how you would express your anger and disgust were you - God forbid - to become a victim of terrorist atrocity.

Enter You Blew Me Up You Bastard.Com, a new online resource dedicated to ensuring that your ire is properly expressed photographically and verbally:

If you're killed by an act of terrorism, the newspapers and television stations will use whatever photo they can.

From graduation...

Your holiday snaps...

Or if you're really unlucky, CCTV...

None of these express the anger, the rage, even the disappointment your disembodied spirit will feel at having your life untimely snuffed out.

That's where comes in. We'll store a photo of you, giving it large at the terrorists what done you in, and in the event of your body being blown to bits by a suicide bomber, we'll supply your disgusted image to all news services.

So don't let your death stop you telling the terrorists how much they stink.

Naturally, there are some very angy people in there - and they're not even dead yet. Ozzie bin Laden take note, you bastard.
Text lifted from
18-07-2005, 15:45
My mind is desperately trying to comprehend how someone can come up with something so ... undescribable.
18-07-2005, 15:47
That's a funny idea... but they need some serious site design.

I think I'll contact them. ;)
18-07-2005, 15:51
My Eyes. It Burns
The Noble Men
18-07-2005, 15:56
Woah, what a good idea.

Hope it succeeds.

And can I just say that Nikki from London is hot. :D
18-07-2005, 16:21
there is another one thats better. somthing like we are not afraid. Anyone remember the site?

Edit: found it
Moumou Land
18-07-2005, 16:37
there is another one thats better. somthing like we are not afraid. Anyone remember the site?

Ahh, but the pictures arn't as good in that one :p