NationStates Jolt Archive

Politicians Say the Darndest Things

Neo Kervoskia
17-07-2005, 17:42
Don't they? It's not their fault, okay is it but that's off topic. Post something that a politician has said that makes you say, "What the hell?"
Achtung 45
17-07-2005, 17:47
lol this is so easy...

"When you ride hard on a mountain bike, sometimes you fall. Otherwise you're not riding hard." --GWB (Jul. 7, 2005)

"I'm looking forward to a good night's sleep on the soil of a friend."
-- Dubya's way of saying he's looking forward to a visit to Denmark, White House, Jun. 29, 2005

I could go on and on and on and on...and more're in my sig.
17-07-2005, 17:52
Supposedly, this quote is on page 197 of Clinton's book My Life:
“I was so exhausted I fell asleep while the stripper was dancing and the goat head was looking up at me.”
Does anybody have a copy of the book, in which to check? Because otherwise, I'll have to go check out whether it is or isn't actually there myself.
Achtung 45
17-07-2005, 17:53
And some more, just cuz it's so fun!

"As your President, it seems like to make sense to me to say, if we treat you this way, you treat us -- that's what fair trade is all about."
-- He's right. It seems like to make sense to him. University Park, Pennsylvania, Jun. 14, 2005

These are all by Bush, btw

"And so, in my State of the -- my State of the Union -- or state -- my speech to the -- nation, whatever you wanna call it, speech to the nation -- I asked Americans to give 4,000 years -- 4,000 hours over the next -- of the rest of your life -- of service to America. That's what I asked. I said 2 -- 4,000 hours." -- Bridgeport, Connecticut, Apr. 9, 2002 <--my favorite! (There's audio to prove this is how he said it too.)

"The goals for this country are peace in the world. And the goals for this country are a compassionate American for every single citizen."
-- Having more trouble with making sense, Washington, D.C., Dec. 19, 2002
17-07-2005, 18:02
Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."

'nough said
Legless Pirates
17-07-2005, 18:04
Why is there a big ass archive of stupid things Dubya said, but no more than a few from others?
Neo Kervoskia
17-07-2005, 18:15
Why is there a big ass archive of stupid things Dubya said, but no more than a few from others?
I was wondering the same thing.
17-07-2005, 18:17
Why is there a big ass archive of stupid things Dubya said, but no more than a few from others?

Because pound for pound, George Walker Bush can consistently out-buffoon anyone in our day and age.
17-07-2005, 18:23
I miss Jean Chretien. He said so many wonderful things... Kept me laughing for years.
I got these off:, but there was an awsome article in MacLean's a while back...

"A proof is a proof. What kind of a proof? It's a proof. A proof is a proof. And when you have a good proof, it's because it's proven."
(His remarks were made after reporters asked what kind of “proof” Canada wanted to see before backing a U.S. attack against Iraq.)

When holding a press conference on Free Trade with U.S. president Bill Clinton, Canadian prime minister Jean Chretien was asked what he thought about all the drugs that were entering Canada from the U.S. He responded: "Well, it's more trade."
After a tense moment of silence and some muffled laughter Clinton leaned over and whispered something in Chretien's ear. Chretien immediately blurted "Oh drugs! I thought you said trucks!"

"pourquoi achèter des carabines à répétition et de l'armement nucléaire -- quand c'est à la maison un enfant peut jouer avec ça"

And my personal favourite: "you want free trade, you want free trade. Too bad!" - concerning a wee issue over softwood lumber that we had with our neighbours to the south (and I agree with Jean).
17-07-2005, 18:26
lol this is so easy...

"When you ride hard on a mountain bike, sometimes you fall. Otherwise you're not riding hard." --GWB (Jul. 7, 2005)
Even the best crash. Which if you did any serious mountain biking you would know.
17-07-2005, 18:27
"Muslims and Jews should settle their differences in a good Christian spirit." ~Dan Quayle

"Of course it's a budget. It's got a lot of numbers on it." ~George W. Bush

"Is that correct?"
"It depends on what the meaning of the word 'is' is." ~William J. Clinton

Yup, Republicans aren't the only ones to say stupid things... lol!
17-07-2005, 18:29
Oh, and:

"There are known knowns. Those are the things we know we know.

"Then there are the known unknowns, the things we know we don't know.

"Then there are the unknown unknowns, the things we don't know we don't know." ~Donald Rumsfeld

It makes you wonder how much they really know... ;)
17-07-2005, 18:50
My all time favorite political quotes are all from Dan Quayle:

"A low voter turnout is an indication of fewer people going to the polls"

"I love California, I practically grew up in Phoenix."

"If we don't succeed, we run the risk of failure."

"Welcome to President Bush, Mrs. Bush, and my fellow astronauts."

"Verbosity leads to unclear, inarticulate things."

"I believe we are on an irreversible trend toward more freedom and democracy - but that could change."

"The Holocaust was an obscene period in our nation's history. I mean in this century's history. But we all lived in this century. I didn't live in this century."
17-07-2005, 19:05
I found a couple more that I just had to share :D

"It isn't pollution that's harming the environment. It's the impurities in our air and water that are doing it."

"Our party has been accused of fooling the public by calling tax increases 'revenue enhancement.' Not so. No one was fooled."

"Republicans have been accused of abandoning the poor. It's the other way around. They never vote for us."
Achtung 45
17-07-2005, 19:12
Even the best crash. Which if you did any serious mountain biking you would know.
lol, I know, I've crashed, but you're missing the point here...he said "when you're riding hard, sometimes you crash, otherwise you're not riding hard." Lemme spell it out for you... So, most of the time when you're riding hard and not falling (since you only fall sometimes), you aren't actually riding hard? Help, I'm confused...
17-07-2005, 19:19
Why is there a big ass archive of stupid things Dubya said, but no more than a few from others?
Because there's a big ass bunch of Bush-haters on here. I seriously doubt Achtung45 has quotes from any other politician.
17-07-2005, 19:22
Even the best crash. Which if you did any serious mountain biking you would know.
TELL me about it! Groan! LOL!
Neo Kervoskia
17-07-2005, 19:22
"The laws in this city are clearly racist. All laws are racist. The law of gravity is racist."
--Marion Barry (former mayor of Washington, DC)

"People said that my language was bad, but Jesus--you should have heard LBJ!"
--Richard Nixon
17-07-2005, 19:25
Help, I'm confused...
And this is like, something new for you? LOL!
17-07-2005, 19:30
lol, I know, I've crashed, but you're missing the point here...he said "when you're riding hard, sometimes you crash, otherwise you're not riding hard." Lemme spell it out for you... So, most of the time when you're riding hard and not falling (since you only fall sometimes), you aren't actually riding hard? Help, I'm confused...

I guess everything you say is perfectly eloquent and thought out. Good for you. We should all be so lucky.

Anyway some wit:

President Bush: "I appreciate the Secretary of Energy joining me today. He's a good man, he knows a lot about the subject, you'll be pleased to hear. I was teasing him -- he taught at MIT and -- do you have a PhD?"
Secretary Bodman: "Yes."
Bush: Yes, a PhD. (Laughter.) "Now I want you to pay careful attention to this -- he's the PhD, and I'm the C student, but notice who is the advisor and who is the President.

a poop joke :
"Some might compare the filibuster to constipation; the cloture vote to a colonoscopy; and confirmation to, well, you get the point." --Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist

Clinton and Bush together joke:
"Mrs. Bush ... has taken to calling me 'son'... this just shows you the lengths at which the Bushes would go to get another president in the family. And I wish I could get them to adopt Hillary." -- Bill Clinton

"My view is that Fox News is a propaganda outlet for the Republican Party and I don't comment on Fox News" --Howard Dean
Bodies Without Organs
17-07-2005, 19:30
"We are not prepared to stand idly by and be murdered in our beds."

The mighty mighty Ian Paisley.
17-07-2005, 19:31
lol, I know, I've crashed, but you're missing the point here...he said "when you're riding hard, sometimes you crash, otherwise you're not riding hard." Lemme spell it out for you... So, most of the time when you're riding hard and not falling (since you only fall sometimes), you aren't actually riding hard? Help, I'm confused...
There's nothing to be confused about. Had he said when you're riding hard, you crash, then there would have been cause for confusion, but he had inserted the word sometimes, which means that you don't always crash while riding hard.
Achtung 45
17-07-2005, 19:34
There's nothing to be confused about. Had he said when you're riding hard, you crash, then there would have been cause for confusion, but he had inserted the word sometimes, which means that you don't always crash while riding hard.
he said a blanket statement, "when you're riding hard, sometimes you crash," okay, that makes sense, it's true and sort of deep in a Dubya way, now the confusing part: "otherwise you're not riding hard." Now, this otherwaise refers to if you don't crash, you're not riding hard, which totally contradicts what he just said. Here it is translated from Dubya to English: "If you're riding hard and don't crash, you're not riding hard." WTF!?!?!
17-07-2005, 19:38
Hey, what about foreign politicians who happen to be imprisoned by an occupying army:

"No Froot Loops!" --Saddam Hussein

Does she count as a politician? :D:

"I was told that they had people ready to tackle me if I tried to get close to [President Bush] ... Republicans can party almost as much as porn stars … I was getting propositions to have threesomes with wives or mistresses, I was offered money from oil tycoons … I am a fully converted Republican now." --Porn star Mary Carey (she did run for governor)
Achtung 45
17-07-2005, 19:40
I guess everything you say is perfectly eloquent and thought out. Good for you. We should all be so lucky.
First of all, I never professed to be a perfect speaker, but you would expect the President of the United States to be able to string two phrases together and have it make sense.
Anyway some wit:

President Bush: "I appreciate the Secretary of Energy joining me today. He's a good man, he knows a lot about the subject, you'll be pleased to hear. I was teasing him -- he taught at MIT and -- do you have a PhD?"
Secretary Bodman: "Yes."
Bush: Yes, a PhD. (Laughter.) "Now I want you to pay careful attention to this -- he's the PhD, and I'm the C student, but notice who is the advisor and who is the President.
He's done that on a couple other occasions as well.
a poop joke :
"Some might compare the filibuster to constipation; the cloture vote to a colonoscopy; and confirmation to, well, you get the point." --Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist
mmm, poop
Clinton and Bush together joke:
"Mrs. Bush ... has taken to calling me 'son'... this just shows you the lengths at which the Bushes would go to get another president in the family. And I wish I could get them to adopt Hillary." -- Bill Clinton
haha, that dork
"My view is that Fox News is a propaganda outlet for the Republican Party and I don't comment on Fox News" --Howard Dean
Here's another dose of propaganda and idiocy:
"In my line of work you gotta keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kinda catapult the propaganda." - Dubya, May 24, 2005

btw, Dean is an idiot
17-07-2005, 19:44
Clinton and Bush together joke:
"Mrs. Bush ... has taken to calling me 'son'... this just shows you the lengths at which the Bushes would go to get another president in the family. And I wish I could get them to adopt Hillary." -- Bill Clinton

"My view is that Fox News is a propaganda outlet for the Republican Party and I don't comment on Fox News" --Howard Dean
The Clinton/Bush thing is hilarious! :D

Howard Dean reminds me of a wild Hickory nut. ;)
17-07-2005, 20:02
Since Bush Jr. is already amply covered here, I thought I'd offer up a few favorite statements by Bush Sr., in a testament to the apparent power of heredity:

"I hope I stand for anti-bigotry, anti-Semitism, anti-racism. This is what drives me."

"Remember Lincoln, going to his knees in times of trial in the Civil War and all that stuff. You can't be. And we are blessed. So don't feel sorry for - don't cry for me, Argentina."

"You're hurting my feelings, as they say in China."

"Look, I want to give the high five symbol to high tech... The truth is, it reminds a lot of people of the way I pitch horseshoes. Would you believe some of the people? Would you believe our dog?"
Achtung 45
17-07-2005, 20:03
One more:

"That's been the proven example around the world. Democracies equal peace."
-- That's because democracies never go to war... Oh, wait a minute. White House, Jan. 7, 2005

and a bump
17-07-2005, 20:19
One more:

"That's been the proven example around the world. Democracies equal peace."
-- That's because democracies never go to war... Oh, wait a minute. White House, Jan. 7, 2005

and a bump
Democracies never go to war with one another.
Ancient Valyria
17-07-2005, 20:25
17-07-2005, 20:33
Democracies never go to war with one another.That's because there are no democracies. With the possible exception of places like Malta, which is so small anyway that it has a very weak army, and would be crushed in war against any larger nation. :p
17-07-2005, 20:39
That's because there are no democracies. With the possible exception of places like Malta, which is so small anyway that it has a very weak army, and would be crushed in war against any larger nation. :p

Representative Republics rule! We’ll rock their world!
17-07-2005, 20:40
"Go Fuck Yourself" - Dick Cheney :D
17-07-2005, 20:47
Representative Republics rule! We’ll rock their world!Yeah, Representative Republics never declare war on each other. :rolleyes:
17-07-2005, 20:51
Yeah, Representative Republics never declare war on each other. :rolleyes:

I didn’t say that. That was someone else. I was just identifying the actual form of government most people mistake for democracy. I’m good like that. :p
17-07-2005, 20:56
Oh, and:

"There are known knowns. Those are the things we know we know.

"Then there are the known unknowns, the things we know we don't know.

"Then there are the unknown unknowns, the things we don't know we don't know." ~Donald Rumsfeld

It makes you wonder how much they really know... ;)

See, this is actually very intelligent and very true.
17-07-2005, 21:02
"We are not prepared to stand idly by and be murdered in our beds."

The mighty mighty Ian Paisley.

Dont you just love stories that start "I was sittin' there walking down the road and .............. "
17-07-2005, 21:24
Don't they? It's not their fault, okay is it but that's off topic. Post something that a politician has said that makes you say, "What the hell?"

Bush does say the darndest things!
17-07-2005, 21:58
I didn’t say that. That was someone else. I was just identifying the actual form of government most people mistake for democracy.You would.
The Nazz
17-07-2005, 22:19
Oh, and:

"There are known knowns. Those are the things we know we know.

"Then there are the known unknowns, the things we know we don't know.

"Then there are the unknown unknowns, the things we don't know we don't know." ~Donald Rumsfeld

It makes you wonder how much they really know... ;)
Did you ever see the book of poetry that some editor made up of Rumsfeld's sayings? My g/f got it for me a couple of years ago. Brilliant stuff.

My quote's not from a politician, but it's political, so it ought to count. From Matthew Cooper in Time magazine, released today:"So did Rove leak Plame's name to me, or tell me she was covert? No. Was it through my conversation with Rove that I learned for the first time that Wilson's wife worked at the CIA and may have been responsible for sending him? Yes. Did Rove say that she worked at the 'agency' on 'WMD'? Yes,"
18-07-2005, 19:15
In this category George Bush takes the cake. Hands down.
18-07-2005, 19:30
In this category George Bush takes the cake. Hands down.Yeah, I might as well just link to If someone hasn't already done so.

It apparently contains an authoritative list of Bushisms. There are something like 200 gems of accidental wit and wisdom of the 43rd president.