NationStates Jolt Archive

Who has the craziest conspiracy theory?

13-07-2005, 16:29
I need to know what other people think about the infamous murders and other far-out things of the past. JFK? Bobby Kennedy? Lincoln? I don't know. Give me your ideas.
13-07-2005, 16:36
That the free masons are in control of the world. Ha.
Drunk commies deleted
13-07-2005, 16:38
The Ford family, members of a secret society that actually runs the USA but puts the blame on Freemasons, had both Lincoln and JFK killed.

The evidence?

Lincoln was killed in Ford's theater. JFK was killed while riding in a Ford. Need I say more?
13-07-2005, 16:38
Humanity is actually the indigenious sentient species of venus. The planet was abandoned because of aerial pollution and green house gasses and Genesis is the tale of how it happened.
13-07-2005, 16:39
The Ford family, members of a secret society that actually runs the USA but puts the blame on Freemasons, had both Lincoln and JFK killed.

The evidence?

Lincoln was killed in Ford's theater. JFK was killed while riding in a Ford. Need I say more?
13-07-2005, 16:40
I support the no-bullet theory. JFK's head just did that.
El Caudillo
13-07-2005, 16:47
What's that one guy's name who believes we're all lizards, or something to that effect?
13-07-2005, 16:51
somebody has to say it: I believe we're not independently Intelligent all, HUmans are just matrices of a hypercomplex computer run by pandimensional beings seeking the question to the ultimate answer of life the universe and everything.
Demented Hamsters
13-07-2005, 17:01
Princess Diana was sacrificed to appease the shape-changing human-flesh-eating reptiles (SCHFER) that are controlling us.

The proof is that orignal settlers of Paris were Moon-worshippers.
The Greek Goddess, Artemis, was the Goddess of the Moon. She was also Goddess of the Hunt.
Later the Romans took on the Goddess Artemis and expanded her powers. Their festivals for her would include many sacrifices. Many of these ceremonies were held in caves.
When the Romans invaded France, the Moon-worshippers readily took up the Moon Goddess the Romans offered and followed the same sacrificial rites.

Skip forward a couple of thousand years to the Royal Family in England, latter 20th Century. They of course are some of the SCHFERs I mentioned earlier. These SCHFERs controlled Rome at the height of it's powers and readily indulged in human sacrifice to augment their demonic powers.
Horrifed at the thought that Diana could be pregnant and thus have a potential heir to the throne who was not only human but also half-Arab, they decided she needed to be sacrificed.
And what better place to do it than in Moon-town itself: Paris? Of course to be a proper sacrifice, she would have to be killed at night and underground after being 'hunted'.

To tie all this completely together, I need to give you just one more bit of information:
When the Romans took on Artemis, they renamed her. Can you guess the name?
That's right! Diana. Goddess of the Moon and the hunt.

As for my proof that the Royal family are SCHFERs, well you only need to ask one of them. The fact that they will stare at you blankly, possibly deny it but most likely have you seized by their police bodyguards and escorted away from them immediately is more than enough proof.
And before you Yanks get complacent and smug - remember that everytime a US president's elected, they trace his lineage back the British Royal family.

They're controlling us all!!! Elvis knew, that's why they killed him! What do you think the real meaning of the song 'Suspicious minds' is?

So, do I win the "craziest conspiracy theory" competition?
Phylum Chordata
13-07-2005, 17:07
I support the no-bullet theory. JFK's head just did that.
So, do I win the "craziest conspiracy theory" competition?
Doesn't sound so crazy to me. I bet every now and then the Queen dislocates her jaw and shoves a corgi down her gullet. Why else does she keep so many around?
13-07-2005, 17:07
I don't know....I like the Ford one too...
The Similized world
13-07-2005, 17:17
I support the no-bullet theory. JFK's head just did that.
Megaloria you rule supreme :p
Neo Kervoskia
13-07-2005, 17:20
Jesus is love?


Comrade Mouse was actually a piece of communist propaganda during the Cold War. The MickeY Mouse Club was nothing more than a Soviet training camp. Thisis what the real lyrics behind the song were..

What's the name of the land that's made for you and me

Hey there hi there ho there comrade
you're as equal as can be

Soviet Union(Donald Duck)
Soviet Union (Donald Duck)
Forever let us hold our banner high (high, high, high!)

Come along and fight along
And join the jamboree

13-07-2005, 17:24
The Ford family, members of a secret society that actually runs the USA but puts the blame on Freemasons, had both Lincoln and JFK killed.

The evidence?

Lincoln was killed in Ford's theater. JFK was killed while riding in a Ford. Need I say more?

And Ford took over after Nixon. Maybe Watergate was prearranged by them too, and Nixon was just a fall guy.
Drunk commies deleted
13-07-2005, 17:26
And Ford took over after Nixon. Maybe Watergate was prearranged by them too, and Nixon was just a fall guy.
Be carefull. If you let on that you know that much the Ford Foundation might disappear you.
13-07-2005, 17:30
Well, I once heard a theory that said Elvis killed JFK. Seriously, I'm not making it up, I've actually heard someone seriously say that.
Greedy Pig
13-07-2005, 17:31
America doesn't exist. There's no superpower across the ocean.

It's all fictitious. If we sail across the Pacific, we'll fall across the world into the big black darkness.

America is all made up to keep us in check that we don't go apeshit like the middle-east. All you American's don't exist! Americans are actually aliens controlling us, so that we don't get too smart.

EDIT: Now that i've uncovered your secret! I'm going to hide in my underground lair so that you Americans won't find me and lobotomize me, like you did with my Rabbits
Your Worst Fear
13-07-2005, 17:37 is the conspiracy of North Korean intelligence officers to spread out certain facts of dictatorship as the most effective and easy way to rule a nation. Indeed, all the +100.000 nations here are dictatorships where each and every decision is taken by one person. Everybody is coached to become a dictator.
Neo Rogolia
13-07-2005, 17:38
Bush orchestrated 9/11 :D
Nihilist Krill
13-07-2005, 17:41
Capitalism Works
13-07-2005, 17:41
You're all just artificial intelligence programs, nobody exists on the internet except me and this is all part of a huge experiment so vast and complex I couldn't dream of understanding it.

Also, all my friends are robots.
13-07-2005, 17:46
Also, all my friends are robots.

Achtung 45
13-07-2005, 17:48
Be carefull. If you let on that you know that much the Ford Foundation might disappear you.
lol, what was that term in 1984? Vaporized?
Achtung 45
13-07-2005, 17:51
Bush orchestrated 9/11 :D
lol, that's crazy! he's too stupid to even ride a bike or a segway and even speak coherent English! Now, the PNAC planning it...that's a different matter! :)
Drunk commies deleted
13-07-2005, 17:54
lol, that's crazy! he's too stupid to even ride a bike or a segway and even speak coherent English! Now, the PNAC planning it...that's a different matter! :)
He has trouble with pretzels too. BTW what's the PNAC?
Nihilist Krill
13-07-2005, 17:54
Making people believe:

<INSERT COUNTRY HERE> is doing <INSERT ACTIVITY HERE> because it is the just and moral thing to do.
Achtung 45
13-07-2005, 18:00
He has trouble with pretzels too. BTW what's the PNAC?
insane neocon clan that insists on spreading Democracy because America is "the chosen one" through military action as a first resort. What's worse are the members: Jeb Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfled, Dan Quayle etc...

You can find the antidote to this here:
13-07-2005, 18:10
Lee Harvey Oswald killed JFK to get his hands on tha Jack Ruby! [/simpsons]
13-07-2005, 18:14
Canada. It quite clearly doesn't exist.

Think about it- do you ACTUALLY KNOW anybody from Canada? And when people claim to have come back from canada they can't tell you what they did. It's a creation by the damn liberal media to make it seem as though liberal policies are better than other ones
13-07-2005, 18:17
That the free masons are in control of the world. Ha.
No, dummy, everyone knows it is the Jews who control the world through shadow organizations.

I am in no way flaming him with "dummy," this is all a joke and calling him a "dummy" is part of the act
13-07-2005, 18:43
The scientologists. Think about it, either they're right, or they're following a religion created as a joke/experiment by a dead mediocre sci-fi author. Both outcomes are fucking hilarious.
The Elder Malaclypse
13-07-2005, 18:43
How about the theory that in the beginning there were one entity which split into two, the first one split further and became all living life, but the other never split. It only grew and grew and became what is known now as Leviathan. According to the Illumintus! Trilogy it looks like a gigantic pyramid with hundrends of thousands of tentacles.
13-07-2005, 18:46
Crayon. Disprove that!
13-07-2005, 18:46
My theory is that this thread was set up by the lizard-controlled government to find out who's onto them. Anyone who reads it will have their house raided by evil genitically modified ninga-penguins tomorrow morning. RUN!!! RUN!!! :eek:
Big Haliburton
13-07-2005, 19:06
George W. Bush invaded Iraq so that big corporations, big oil companies, Republicans, Rush Limbaugh, white men, SUV owners, the Christian Coalition, and gun owners could kill liberals. :eek:
Drunk commies deleted
13-07-2005, 19:10
I had a good one while on a bad acid trip once. I convinced myself that there was a secret organization that manipulated the media. That's not the weird part. The weird part was that all the images on TV and all the music and voices on the radio were generated by computers. They wouldn't let humans on the air because they wanted to make sure they had complete control over the message, and humans might say something wrong or let something slip out.
Drunk commies deleted
13-07-2005, 19:10
George W. Bush invaded Iraq so that big corporations, big oil companies, Republicans, Rush Limbaugh, white men, SUV owners, the Christian Coalition, and gun owners could kill liberals. :eek:
I'm a white, male, gun-owning liberal. What am I supposed to do?
13-07-2005, 19:22
I'm a white, male, gun-owning liberal. What am I supposed to do?

I think the answer to that is obvious.

And G.W.B. couldnt have planned 9/11. He can't even eat a pretzel. It was cheney.
13-07-2005, 19:24
Craziest conspiracy theory ever has to be the uber conspiracy that the Nazis are still operating and have a top secret base in Antarctica, modelled on WWII Berlin, where they secretly develop flying saucer technology. Apparently a pilot crossing the antarctic saw a flying saucer with the Iron Cross painted on the side.

Oooooooooh. Scary.

/me awaits cookie

[EDIT: Oh wow, that PNAC site actually has the report they published on how to achieve american dominance by taking control of oil and stuff and having a new Pearl Harbour etc.. If I remember correctly, it's the one called 'Rebuilding America's Defenses' on the Letters/Statements page. I wouldn't have thought they'd be publishing that sort of stuff so explicitly - last thing I heard was that it was a sort of behind-the-scenes memo document to Republican higher-ups.]
Marrakech II
13-07-2005, 19:32
Humanity is actually the indigenious sentient species of venus. The planet was abandoned because of aerial pollution and green house gasses and Genesis is the tale of how it happened.

We never learn do we. Seems we are going to have to prepare mars for our coming.
Sumamba Buwhan
13-07-2005, 19:32
my theory is that I personally did all the bad things that ever happened thruought history right after I stole a time machine after they were perfected in the future.
Marrakech II
13-07-2005, 19:33
I'm a white, male, gun-owning liberal. What am I supposed to do?

Yes, but do you own any bullets?
13-07-2005, 19:46
Most people on the internet are actually just chatbots.

Think about it:
With some people, you mention a liberal viewpoint and get a seemingly randomized response about 'baby-killing gay terrorist lover!' or something similar.
With some other people, you mention a conservative viewpoint and get attacked randomly about being a 'Nazi far-right Christian loon' or somesuch.
Want to know why this appears to happen at random? The 'people' who do this are actually just the worst programmed chatbots!
Others are a bit less reactive, but still, think about this the next time you get an irrelevant response.

I believe that this was all set up because the Illuminati want to provide the few actual people on the internet with many simulated viewpoints, to figure out what these people believe in, and to silence the most dangerous ones before they get a chance to air their views in the real world.
Big Haliburton
13-07-2005, 19:49
I'm a white, male, gun-owning liberal. What am I supposed to do?

Cry in the corner, twitch, then blow your brains out while listening to both Al Franken and Limbaugh.
Sumamba Buwhan
13-07-2005, 19:50
Most people on the internet are actually just chatbots.

Think about it:
With some people, you mention a liberal viewpoint and get a seemingly randomized response about 'baby-killing gay terrorist lover!' or something similar.
With some other people, you mention a conservative viewpoint and get attacked randomly about being a 'Nazi far-right Christian loon' or somesuch.
Want to know why this appears to happen at random? The 'people' who do this are actually just the worst programmed chatbots!
Others are a bit less reactive, but still, think about this the next time you get an irrelevant response.

I believe that this was all set up because the Illuminati want to provide the few actual people on the internet with many simulated viewpoints, to figure out what these people believe in, and to silence the most dangerous ones before they get a chance to air their views in the real world.

OMg yew r such an [error 431-b.6]
13-07-2005, 19:53
Who has the CRAZIEST conspiracy theory?

Holy Hellenic Empire.

Search 'em up and read some of the crap they're saying. A bit on the psychotic side, in my opinion. He had some stupid thread about the homosexual agenda against Catholics, and managed to even offend ME, which is rare for another Catlick to really get under my skin.

The creep just goes too far.
Drunk commies deleted
13-07-2005, 19:58
Yes, but do you own any bullets?
Yep. Even some of those evil hollowpoints!
The Similized world
13-07-2005, 20:10
I'm a white, male, gun-owning liberal. What am I supposed to do?
Have lots & lots of kids. Sensible people are badly needed on this planet ;)
13-07-2005, 20:30
My theory is that this thread was set up by the lizard-controlled government to find out who's onto them. Anyone who reads it will have their house raided by evil genitically modified ninga-penguins tomorrow morning. RUN!!! RUN!!! :eek:
Damn! Anyone know how to search where someone's messages are coming from? (shifts eyes)
13-07-2005, 20:55
Two words.


lol just joking, but that was a great show.
13-07-2005, 21:14
Have lots & lots of kids. Sensible people are badly needed on this planet ;)
No! We need more Conservatives! I'm tired of Liberals telling me what to do!
Drunk commies deleted
13-07-2005, 21:15
No! We need more Conservatives! I'm tired of Liberals telling me what to do!
*Tells Trexia what to do*
13-07-2005, 21:18
*Tells Trexia what to do*
(Does what Drunk commie deleted tells him) Damn! It's working!
The Holy Womble
13-07-2005, 21:31
The Arabs are big winners as far as conspiracy theories go, both in quality and in quantity. Consider these:

Evil Zionist bubble gum induces sex craze among Muslim women (

Evil Zionists attempt to destroy the Palestinian nation with deadly... Sweet n'Low (,2506,L-3098915,00.html)

Spiders sent by Allah defeat Americans in Fallujah ( this one is mot personal favorite, for the sheer entertainment value.

The White Zionist Ship conspiracy ( probably the Arab version of the infamous "Black Helicoters".

I've got more. A whole collection, in fact.
13-07-2005, 21:41
I need to know what other people think about the infamous murders and other far-out things of the past. JFK? Bobby Kennedy? Lincoln? I don't know. Give me your ideas.
Ask President Shrub...he seems to have the market cornered on wild-ass conspiracy theories.

13-07-2005, 21:45
I figure that since all conspiracy theories rely on one thing -- a simplistic, one route answer that can't be proven correct -- I'll venture into the "art" of conspiracy-making. Here goes. I dare anyone to prove it wrong.

In 1987, a man named Henry Funklewunkle was mysteriously taken from his Los Angeles home. He awoke, days later, in a garbage can outside of a Radio Shack in Jacksonville, Florida.

Mr. Funklewunkle wasn't taken by aliens -- no! He wasn't snatched by a horde of midgets, either. Not at all, my friends. It was something much, much darker. Darker than anything else. So dark, you can't see through it. So dark, you need a flashlight. Mr. Funklewunkle was taken because he knew too much. He was taken because the stuff he knew...yes, you guessed it, was too much. Mr. Funklewunkle was abducted by the Vast-Penguins-Trained-In-The-Arts-Of-The-Ninja-Who-Can-Kill-You-With-One-Peck-Of-A-Beak-Alliance, collectively known as the VPTITAOTNWCKYWOPOABA.

This shadowy group is so shadowy, it's mysterious. They're so mysterious, they're unknown. They're so unknown, they're unheard-of. They're so unheard-of...yes, once again you guessed it correctly, they've never been heard of. Watch out, simple-minded citizens, the VPTITAOTNWCKYWOPOABA is coming after you.

They're waddling through doorways everywhere, just waiting to use their karate skills on unsuspecting people. THEY ARE OUT THERE.
Green Sun
13-07-2005, 21:52
I predict that the Canadians really have an uber army that they're planning to use to take over the world.

The clowns are plotting to destroy the world.

And the Canadian Clowns are plotting to use the mighty Canadian Army to destroy the universe.
Cannot think of a name
13-07-2005, 21:59
It's all the Kool-Aid Man (, man! (

You see (, he's really an evil otherworldly commander. ( He ( turns his enemies ( into powder ( and sells ( them here on Earth ( as water flavoring (

And Kennedy ( knew (, man (, so something had to be done, for The Man (

That's what I heard, anyway...
13-07-2005, 22:03
When I first noticed that recently some PEZ dispensers were made in a way that prevented you from removing the candy with your teeth, I demanded an explanation... from the mother of my girlfriend who is in no way connected with PEZ but was responsible for buying me the dispenser (we are no longer together. I have no idea why.). Her mother mocked me. This is my reply:

They mocked the first to stand up and cry "CONSPIRACY" about the John Fitzgerald Kennedy assassination. Then a little known movie called "JFK"
came out and now the government has admitted a cover-up and has agreed to release all documents related to the assassination to the public once anyone and everyone involved has passed away. Obviously, to
protect them from abuse and scandal.

Must we wait for Hollywood to tell us what we already know? Must "PEZ"
be billed as one of the most informative and controversial movies of the year? Let us just let it remain the fun, tasty, and completely vitamin devoid snack it always has been. Let us cry "foul" in one
voice so loud it breaks the eardrums of the conspirators. Let them not only repent, but also beg us for our forgiveness. But it will be too late because they will have the blood of candy vendors on their hands and they will no longer only need our forgiveness.

Oh, yes, The crazy-fun PEZ dispenser made for your mouth not for your hands WILL return. On that day, I will again eat PEZ until I am so hopped
up on sugar I cannot sit. Then, I will twirl and laugh, laugh and twirl until I regurgitate a multicolored partially digested PEZ sculpture onto the
ground in a wonderful celebration of life and its many beautiful offerings. On that day, I will rise victorious, while others writhe in the agony of
defeat. And if one day a statue is erected of me, I will be holding high a true PEZ dispenser made for mouth use. Let those that have ears hear.
Sinister Mentor
13-07-2005, 22:16
Jesus Loves You

Santa Lives

Mommy Loves Daddy

Megatron Isn't Galvatron

Children Do Not Die

Elvis Is A Pez Dispenser
13-07-2005, 22:25
Cobra ultimately lost to GI Joe. That's the biggest lie ever put out there.
14-07-2005, 14:45
A lot of people think we never landed on the moon, that is wrong. This story was started by the government, in collaberation with the penguins, to disguise the truth: we're all on the moon right now. That's right, we've never been to Earth, we've been on the moon all along and you never noticed, you poor fools. this is what they really don't want you to know.

I can hear those ninja penguins now, they're coming through the windows, SPREAD THE WORD!!!! :mp5:
14-07-2005, 15:12

They believe aliens are in control of the modern human society and you can reach a higher plain of consciousness with intensive reading of their leader Hubbart and paying big bucks. Only then the aliens can be defeated.
I Still Like Oranges
14-07-2005, 16:52
That the "mighty" lemon will one day return to save all the lemons and the lemons supporters.

This is actually just a cult started by lemon worshippers who try and kill off the orange community.

The "mighty" lemon is not actually real and was never here in the first place to return.

Thats all for now, and remember people, lemons are dangerous
14-07-2005, 17:14
Can you people come up with something that isn't about lizards, penguins, and/or ninjas?
14-07-2005, 17:19
Ask President Shrub...he seems to have the market cornered on wild-ass conspiracy theories.

I see what this is...gang up on the won't convert me!
14-07-2005, 17:19
Can you people come up with something that isn't about lizards, penguins, and/or ninjas?

Dude, pay attention. PEZ. And that really happened.
14-07-2005, 17:20
Can you people come up with something that isn't about lizards, penguins, and/or ninjas?

Don't think we're not onto you Trexia you evil ninja lizard-penguin hybrid. :)

Anyway, there are some very different theories on this thread but we're all incapable of seeing them because of the penguin created drug that the lizard-controlled government hired ninjas to dump in the water supply which destroys our ability to see anything they don't want us to...
14-07-2005, 17:20
I see what this is...gang up on the won't convert me!

PS is not a republican. I take it you haven't seen his/her threads.
14-07-2005, 17:22
Don't think we're not onto you Trexia you evil ninja lizard-penguin hybrid. :)

Anyway, there are some very different theories on this thread but we're all incapable of seeing them because of the penguin created drug that the lizard-controlled government hired ninjas to dump in the water supply which destroys our ability to see anything they don't want us to...

PEZ, dammit.
14-07-2005, 17:28
I figure that since all conspiracy theories rely on one thing -- a simplistic, one route answer that can't be proven correct -- I'll venture into the "art" of conspiracy-making. Here goes. I dare anyone to prove it wrong.

In 1987, a man named Henry Funklewunkle was mysteriously taken from his Los Angeles home. He awoke, days later, in a garbage can outside of a Radio Shack in Jacksonville, Florida.

Mr. Funklewunkle wasn't taken by aliens -- no! He wasn't snatched by a horde of midgets, either. Not at all, my friends. It was something much, much darker. Darker than anything else. So dark, you can't see through it. So dark, you need a flashlight. Mr. Funklewunkle was taken because he knew too much. He was taken because the stuff he knew...yes, you guessed it, was too much. Mr. Funklewunkle was abducted by the Vast-Penguins-Trained-In-The-Arts-Of-The-Ninja-Who-Can-Kill-You-With-One-Peck-Of-A-Beak-Alliance, collectively known as the VPTITAOTNWCKYWOPOABA.

This shadowy group is so shadowy, it's mysterious. They're so mysterious, they're unknown. They're so unknown, they're unheard-of. They're so unheard-of...yes, once again you guessed it correctly, they've never been heard of. Watch out, simple-minded citizens, the VPTITAOTNWCKYWOPOABA is coming after you.

They're waddling through doorways everywhere, just waiting to use their karate skills on unsuspecting people. THEY ARE OUT THERE.

Then how did you hear about them?
I Still Like Oranges
14-07-2005, 17:38
Can you people come up with something that isn't about lizards, penguins, and/or ninjas?

mine is about lemons, EVIL LEMONS :sniper:
14-07-2005, 17:42

They believe aliens are in control of the modern human society and you can reach a higher plain of consciousness with intensive reading of their leader Hubbart and paying big bucks. Only then the aliens can be defeated.
no no no, not the aliens, but teh alien GENES inside of all of us can be defeated with shelling out lots of moeny to listen to kooks talk about things
14-07-2005, 17:53
Then how did you hear about them?

*shifty eyes* I was informed by the lady in purple under the codename 'brown eyes.' No one has heard from her since, so it is reasonable to assume that the penguins got to her.
14-07-2005, 17:58
Cry in the corner, twitch, then blow your brains out while listening to both Al Franken and Limbaugh.
Wouldn't his head explode naturally from listening to both of those at the same time?
14-07-2005, 18:02
*shifty eyes* I was informed by the lady in purple under the codename 'brown eyes.' No one has heard from her since, so it is reasonable to assume that the penguins got to her.

How did she hear about them? The point is, if they are unknown, why do people know about them?
14-07-2005, 18:11
How did she hear about them? The point is, if they are unknown, why do people know about them?

Dun, dun, dun! What if she was one of them?! :eek: ;)
14-07-2005, 18:12
Dun, dun, dun! What if she was one of them?! :eek: ;)

That's all I needed to know. *turns to cohorts* "Hit him, boys."
14-07-2005, 18:17
That's all I needed to know. *turns to cohorts* "Hit him, boys."

Aww snap. *runs like the dickens*
14-07-2005, 18:21
Aww snap. *runs like the dickens*

*turning out to actually be using his hate for Saving Private Ryan as a cover, Aldranin throws off his flawless disguise to reveal that he is the awesome sniper from that very movie. Taking aim, he easily picks off Colerica.*
14-07-2005, 18:49
Damn! Anyone know how to search where someone's messages are coming from? (shifts eyes)
Yes and im doing it now.
14-07-2005, 18:52
The Vatican created HIV/AIDS and unleashed it on Africa to try and spread abstinence.
Big Haliburton
14-07-2005, 19:02
The GOP created Saturated Fats to murder Michael Moore.
Big Haliburton
14-07-2005, 19:14
Hillary is actually a straight female.
14-07-2005, 19:40
*turning out to actually be using his hate for Saving Private Ryan as a cover, Aldranin throws off his flawless disguise to reveal that he is the awesome sniper from that very movie. Taking aim, he easily picks off Colerica.*

*dies. returns as a ghost and haunts Aldranin*
15-07-2005, 00:34
Bush orchestrated 9/11 :D

It was not bush but those controlling bush that orchestrated 9/11.
And it is that controll that is the theory: We will have a long string of easily manipulable presidents because all polls are rigged to that end by those with the real controll. In fact, though bush 'won' this election, they would have been equaly if not moreso satisfied if kerry won. They got Dean out of the race because he wasnt as much a pushover and might be, to them, uncontrollable.
It was not a plane that hit the pentagon, twas a missile, and twas fired by a US plane. Several important people had been told to make sure not to be in the area when it occured, and the rooms blown up were, while not empty, lacking many people. The towers were hit by remote controlled airplanes, no mideasterners were involved but ones paid to be by organizations which, while looking like terrorist organizations, are actualy government run schools for the indoctrination and training of soldiers within their boundaries. This was to make sure that the soldiers sent there could be kept there as long as needed to establish a regime to get the oil. They know where Bin Laden is and never intended to find him, instead radioing to him when they are coming so he can escape. As well, Bin Laden had little to do with anything 9/11, in fact after it happened several terrorist organizations were vying for credit, but the credit went to the one the US found most conveniently placed to begin enstating it's own easily controllable government in the middle east with which it shall drain the resources.
The controllers are actualy a group of capitalists not just in the oil industry but in the stock market, but dealing in the market from other countries and small personal islands. Because the entire economy is dependent on oil, they are milking the entire world for what it's worth in their own dollar value via owning a plethora of stocks in nearly every corner of the market, all of which is dependent on oil, hence their extreme interest in oil. Because of their extreme controll and funding, they have the use of the military at their whim, hence the 'military industrial complex' we hear about. The entire war is self serving to these people mentioned, and because of their 'long arms' anyone who knows of them lives in fear of them. Live news media is not live because they have to make sure nothing is ever said that is subversive to their will, such as a politician stopping midsentance and blurting out the truth to all peoples listening.
The bombings in England are along similar lines, to attempt to gain public backing for some self serving notion, in the case of england it is an attempt to get a countrywide system of ID cards that will be used to track people anywhere, any time. The concept is easily common, and often used. As was said Hermann Goeringby "just tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism..."... Pearl harbor, 9/11, London, and others. They are going to charge money for these cards, but they will have problems and cost more money to replace, with citizens responsible for this replacement. The problems will be specificaly generated to drain those particularly dependent on them of capital. The US doesnt need to go far to enstate a system: they already got us used to driver's liscences which serve much the same function in a more primitive but nonetheless efective manor. Despite that we continualy pay for drives liscences, for non drivers they make official IDs necessary anyway, serving the same function, and consequently, costing the same amount.
It is somewhat ironic that in a system based on credit, that being that there is no actual monetary basis to our currency since you cannot actualy redeem a dollar for a dollar's worth in gold anymore, and therefore the 'printing' of money is quite frankly at their whim, that it would come into play so often. The only explanation is that they are attemting to keep us down so we don't realize what's going on.
15-07-2005, 00:51
Just look at this site:

You'll never look at your Nintendo set the same way again.
15-07-2005, 01:38
There's already six pages of post here, if no one mentioned flat earth theory ( in the modern times, then you're all missing the point!
15-07-2005, 01:49
somebody has to say it: I believe we're not independently Intelligent all, HUmans are just matrices of a hypercomplex computer run by pandimensional beings seeking the question to the ultimate answer of life the universe and everything.

AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAA, you obviously haven't read all the books (if you've read any at all(that movie was absolutely nothing like the book)) i would correct you, but that would reveal the truth. and i wouldn't want to do that would i.
Winston S Churchill
15-07-2005, 02:05
Otto Von Bismarck, Nicholas II, Trotsky, Elvis, JFK, RFK, John Lennon and Martin Luther King did not die, they were all abducted by aliens because they were too good for this world and are currently sitting on Saturn's 17th moon having a cookout, Pope John Paul II is bringing the potato salad... Kurt Cobain and Ghandi thought it was too corporate and Castro's invitation was lost in the mail. FDR and Abraham Lincoln went on a liquor run a decade ago, Winston Churchill and William Shakespeare are off reading spoken word poetry, oh yes and Oscar Wilde still hasn't made it in yet, prefering to be fashionably late...

Mind you this is all organized by the secret Amero-Anglo-Zionist-Mormon conspiracy to ressurrect the British Empire and unstorm the Bastille and unsalt the oceans and ensure that the Ark of the Covenant is regained from storage. Albert Einstein is the arch-nemesis of the conspiracy and is really sitting inside the Ark ready to pop out and write novels.
Cannot think of a name
15-07-2005, 02:44
It's all the Kool-Aid Man (, man! (

You see (, he's really an evil otherworldly commander. ( He ( turns his enemies ( into powder ( and sells ( them here on Earth ( as water flavoring (

And Kennedy ( knew (, man (, so something had to be done, for The Man (

That's what I heard, anyway...
I work my google image searching fingers to the bone for you people and what do I get? Nothin'.


I'm just going to curl up in the corner and have a pity party all for me...and your not invited. U-unless you want to come...d-do you?

Fine. I'll just have it alone then.
15-07-2005, 02:56
Karl Rove being a raving homosexual
Daistallia 2104
15-07-2005, 05:27
One of the more memorable one's I recall seeing posted here wasd TRA's theory that the WWII British ULTRA ( code breaking machine project was taken over by the CIA, who changed the name to MKULTRA ( That one had the advantage that both were secret projects. But I never understood how a mechanical code breaker translated into mind control via drugs. is a headache.

Industrial Society And Its Future (a.k.a. The Unabomber Manifesto) ( is a nutty one.
15-07-2005, 05:52
President Bush has paid ogopogo to start eating Canadian citizens in preparation for the American invasion of Canada.
Winston S Churchill
15-07-2005, 16:04
Ahhh, whatever became of The Red Arrow?
New Sans
15-07-2005, 16:21
Al Gore actually did invent the internet by himself.
Daistallia 2104
15-07-2005, 16:37
Ahhh, whatever became of The Red Arrow?

His constant cut-and-paste conspiracy spam finally annoyed the Mods enough that they asked him to limit himself to one a day. After a number of warnings, he was was DEATed.
He returned as MKULTRA, and was eventually DEATed for the same sorts of activities. He suposedly returned under some other name that I have forgotten.
Big Haliburton
15-07-2005, 16:46
"The national newspapers are filled with coded articles saying that George Bush is trying to Destroy the liberal media while Michael Moore is being persecuted by the NRA to draw attention away from the vile plans of George Bush. "

George W. Bush had Michael Jackson arrested so that Republicans, Rush Limbaugh, white men, and the Christian Coalition could steal from welfare recipients.

George W. Bush rigged the 2000 election so that Republicans, oil companies, and big corporations could conquer The United Nations.

George W. Bush rigged the 2000 election so that The Jews, big corporations, oil companies, Republicans, Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, white men, SUV owners, the Christian Coalition, and gun owners could conquer Muslims.
15-07-2005, 16:50
"The national newspapers are filled with coded articles saying that George Bush is trying to Destroy the liberal media while Michael Moore is being persecuted by the NRA to draw attention away from the vile plans of George Bush. "

George W. Bush had Michael Jackson arrested so that Republicans, Rush Limbaugh, white men, and the Christian Coalition could steal from welfare recipients.

George W. Bush rigged the 2000 election so that Republicans, oil companies, and big corporations could conquer The United Nations.

George W. Bush rigged the 2000 election so that The Jews, big corporations, oil companies, Republicans, Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, white men, SUV owners, the Christian Coalition, and gun owners could conquer Muslims.
Hurray for America!
15-07-2005, 16:55
Whitey-tighteys have a reactive agent in them that actually forms skidmarks to make men appear to be less clean than women. This was done by the fashion industry that wanted to keeps us staring at waifs. (though I don't know how one relates to other).
Of the underpants
15-07-2005, 17:36
American doesn't actually exist...It's a Welsh government conspiracy (the Welsh government actually rule the world - they invented America to point out to the world that your country could in fact be worse, it could be like America, your government could actually have no morals at all, instead it has some, unlike fact because it doesn't actually exist does it deserve a capital letter...? hmm...
15-07-2005, 17:49
I'm a white, male, gun-owning liberal. What am I supposed to do?

shoot yourself in the foot and scream "take that you left-wing pinko pussy!!!"
15-07-2005, 17:54
"There are WMD in Iraq" GWB
15-07-2005, 17:58
I didn't feel like reading seven pages so forgive me if this one has already been posted. Basically this one states that Jesus was half-alien and probably part fish.

There is a war going on between the forces of Mergovia and the forces of the Sirians. The Merogvians are a peace-loving race, devoted to the enlightenment of the universe, the promotion of intelligent life and the redemption of humanity from it's own blatant stupidity. The Sirians are dog-liked and are completely wicked, wanting to enslave humanity for it's own unknown purposes. Sirians are behind cattle mutilations, alien aductions, and most of the bizarre and terrible things that happen to us. Their homeworld is a little planet in the region of a star the Persians called Sirius, or the Dog Star. The Mergovians cannot communicate with humans very well but a few select member of our own humble species can talk to them. So they needed a messenger.

So roughly 2000 years a a virgin known Mary was actually a surrogate mother for a genetically engineered half-human, half-Mergovian child that we know as Jesus. The Mergovian genetics enabled him to perform his miracles and the human half allowed him to speak to the other humans. Jesus faked his own death on the cross to fool the Sirians and then his disciples pulled him out later. He and Mary Magdalene hooked up, had kids and created the Mergovian dynasty. The family fled to what later became France to hide out from all the Sirians looking for them in the Middle East. Later on, the surviving Mergovians faked the extinction of their bloodline to fool the Sirians once again. They're currently hiding out all over the world, or possibly on the moon, anonymously aiding us with their special powers against the forces of the Sirians.

Now the idea of the between the Dog People and the Fish People pops up in some other out-there conspiracies. So how did Jesus get connected? Duh! The symbol of the early Christian church was the fish!

And for more laughs, go google The Church of Sub-Genius. They're very entertaining.
15-07-2005, 18:08
Just look at this site:

You'll never look at your Nintendo set the same way again.

Mario wasn't a communist. It was propagand from the drug cartels. Think about it. You get power from mushrooms. You go up plants and get high (though in a strictly geographical sense), and by the time the game is done, you find out that pipes contain very good things.
15-07-2005, 18:21
He suposedly returned under some other name that I have forgotten.
Skapedroe, ShadyFiend, and BonePosse, I believe.
But they all ended up DEAT ( too.
15-07-2005, 18:22
Genosis :D
15-07-2005, 19:26
I've noticed that most of you are not just talking about ninjas/penguins/lizards, but you're talking down on Republicans
15-07-2005, 19:33
Genosis :D
Genesis.... the band? I knew nobody could have music that good without some kind of alien involvement.
15-07-2005, 19:34
somebody has to say it: I believe we're not independently Intelligent all, HUmans are just matrices of a hypercomplex computer run by pandimensional beings seeking the question to the ultimate answer of life the universe and everything.

15-07-2005, 19:34
Genesis.... the band? I knew nobody could have music that good without some kind of alien involvement.

Actually the chapter in the bible, however Phil Collins may have had a hand in it...
Daistallia 2104
16-07-2005, 11:44
Skapedroe, ShadyFiend, and BonePosse, I believe.
But they all ended up DEAT ( too.

I know MKULTRA claimed to be TRA. AFAIK, Skapedroe didn't, but others said he was . No idea about the others. Did any of those make the claim?
(It's quite possible they did and I simly missed it.)
16-07-2005, 11:53
My personal conspiracy theory is that the company that makes spam (the canned meat-like substance) is using internet lingo as a means of gaining free advertising for their product. But the truth is far worse. The company that makes spam is just a front for a conpiracy by the Mason Illuminati Zionists to make us all eat very unhealthy foods that make us stupider and more susceptible to brainwashing by the various political extremists who are controlled by aliens who crashed at Roswell.

Or not.
Mythotic Kelkia
16-07-2005, 13:39
My own pet conspiracy theory atm is that all ideologies/cultures/worldviews are actually hyper-intelligent extra-reality players in the vast game that is human history. The biggest contestents at the moment are the Abrahmic Religions, Capitalism, Chinese philosophy (including Maoism) and possibly what may be termed "Humanism", but in the very recent past was known as "Communism". Other, smaller players could include Indo-European Polytheism (in the modern world represented by Hinduism and to a certain extent Neo-Paganism), the unique Japanese cultural worldview, and maybe African spiritual philosophies, including the partially Christanized ones such as Rastafarianism and Vodun/Voodoo.

These players all compete for the meme space of human minds by developing ever more sophisticated devices of infection. They have driven all of human history, and without them we would still be animals. The winner is presumably going to be the one that completely takes over the meme space of all of humanity. Then maybe they'll go out and memify other species too.

Of course, you don't have to resort to some kinda metaphor involving sentient beings to explain the behavior of these various philosophies. The competition between the worldviews and their increasing sophistication could also simply be viewed as natural selection in action.
16-07-2005, 14:33
"Everyone thinks I'm paranoid!"

Followed by;

"Just because you're paranoid does not mean that nobody is following you"
16-07-2005, 16:11
"Everyone thinks I'm paranoid!"

Followed by;

"Just because you're paranoid does not mean that nobody is following you"

You are paranoid.

B0zzy - The Feminist coverup - Don't be Fooled -
16-07-2005, 16:44
My personal conspiracy theory is that the company that makes spam (the canned meat-like substance) is using internet lingo as a means of gaining free advertising for their product. But the truth is far worse. The company that makes spam is just a front for a conpiracy by the Mason Illuminati Zionists to make us all eat very unhealthy foods that make us stupider and more susceptible to brainwashing by the various political extremists who are controlled by aliens who crashed at Roswell.

Or not.

What?!?! What are you saying? You have something against SPAM (Hormel)?

I have a conspiracy theory that says you are some sort of insurgent working for Jenny-O turkey meats or something!?

Don't you know that SPAM single handedly turned the Allied forces into super heroes who won WW2 for us! :p :D :D
Land of the Bills
16-07-2005, 17:05
Yes, that's right... That innocent game from the 80's is Communist Propaganda. Take a look at this web site.
16-07-2005, 17:05
So first off to begin I am Catholic

Next off my conspiracy theory is that the bible was created to keep people in line during some time of civil unrest [in which the making of the 10 commandements was very key to keep people calm] and that during this time one man [who no one knew the name of]was crucified because of the unrest and people became so obedient after that they named the crucified one the one who saved them....from being corrupt and so they gave him the name Jesus and so 50-80 years later the first gospel to tell of the Crucifiction of Christ was written as according to matthew, mark, luke, or johns grandfather, which is why the bible says that Jesus was really being crucified because the romans didnt want him "lying" they say that because if people really knew that Jesus was crucified by the Jews during the period of civivl unrest they wouldnt care as much and because the story was told so many times that the grandfather or whoever had added and lost some parts of the story
President Shrub
16-07-2005, 17:41


Origami Tigers
16-07-2005, 18:56
We're all rats in an expansive alien-controlled laboratory. We're experimented on, evaluated and laughed at on a regular basis.
The Elder Malaclypse
16-07-2005, 19:17
We're all rats in an expansive alien-controlled laboratory. We're experimented on, evaluated and laughed at on a regular basis.
If thats true then I don't know what they're laughing at, I'm having a blast in their lab!
16-07-2005, 19:22
The World is run By the League of Twelve who have power of everyone they include

The Queen of England
The KFC Cornol
John Kennedy
Al Gore
John Lennon
Chairman Mao

and the others remain a mystery
16-07-2005, 19:27
The Illuminati ( exist, and everything anyone has ever said about them ( is true.
Sinister Mentor
16-07-2005, 19:38
:D That is NOT the standard ": D" emot, it's MISTER GREEN!
The Elder Malaclypse
16-07-2005, 19:54
The World is run By the League of Twelve who have power of everyone they include

The Queen of England
The KFC Cornol
John Kennedy
Al Gore
John Lennon
Chairman Mao

and the others remain a mystery
Have you ever seen Repo Man?
16-07-2005, 20:32
PS is not a republican. I take it you haven't seen his/her threads.
OK, I just got it. President Shrub is a player; I thought you were talking about President Bush in a derogatory way.