Whose your Idol?
10-07-2005, 20:46
Thats right, I wanna hear who your Idol is :). Mines would be
George Bush- Lies to the world and is still able to get relected and stay in power as one of the most powerful men in the world.
Cao Cao- Chinese Warlord who took advantage of the chaos during the three kingdoms period and laid down the roots of one of the most powerful dynasties to exist in China.
Thats right, I wanna hear who your Idol is :). Mines would be
George Bush- Lies to the world and is still able to get relected and stay in power as one of the most powerful men in the world.
Cao Cao- Chinese Warlord who took advantage of the chaos during the three kingdoms period and laid down the roots of one of the most powerful dynasties to exist in China.
You are *swoons*
But seriously, Winston Churchill because I have possibly more respect for him than any other historical figure, and I think he sums up Britain through he personality, or Constantine the Great, primarilly because I wrote a book on Byzantine history and he sticks out.
10-07-2005, 21:16
Anyone who knows the difference between the words "who's" and "whose"
Abraham Lincoln, I think he's to America what what Churchil was to England in that he held the nation firm during the darkest days of a bloody war.
Plus freeing the slaves wasn't too shabby either :rolleyes:
Bob Greene
10-07-2005, 21:18
Anyone who knows the difference between the words "who's" and "whose"
Don't forget to add in "Whom".
Bodies Without Organs
10-07-2005, 21:18
But seriously, Winston Churchill because I have possibly more respect for him than any other historical figure...
So, gassing the Kurds is no barrier to respect in your opinion?
Anyone who knows the difference between the words "who's" and "whose"
Beat me to it there.
10-07-2005, 23:27
John Bonham... greatest groove drummer of all time.
10-07-2005, 23:31
John Bonham... greatest groove drummer of all time.
Ronald Reagan. One of the greatest Americans and American Presidents.
The Sadistic Skinhead
10-07-2005, 23:37
billy idol is my idol
Bob Greene
10-07-2005, 23:39
Steve Bosell, my personal physician and spiritual advisor.
"Anyone who knows the difference between the words "who's" and "whose"..."
Who's is a contraction, short for who is, and whose is a relative pronoun used in the possessive case.
10-07-2005, 23:54
"Anyone who knows the difference between the words "who's" and "whose"..."
Who's is a contraction, short for who is, and whose is a relative pronoun used in the possessive case.
You know, that's why English is such a difficult language to learn. So there, I'm glad I speak North American because I live with their people. When is a not not a not? When it is a knot. :D
I'm bored but it's better than being a board.
God. :p
Seriously though, I idolize nobody. Nobody's accomplishments seem nearly as significant as mine. For example, none of you would be living on that planet Earth if it hadn't been for me. I saved your planet from being blown up when you were 40,000 years younger, and more civilized than you are now. You lived at that time on Venus, which was chemically bombed and became uninhabitable. I felt sorry for the inhabitants. :( Anyway, a hostile mercenary race enlisted in the service of Khain AurĂ¯es, my arch-enemy, and attempted to blow up Terra and its two moons. They got one moon, but not the planet, because I sent out my own army to stop them, and led it myself in my lead starship the Bkarsavij. Aahh, those were the days... Anyway, there was a great battle. They won but were weakened enough that they had to flee. Now I and my fearsome army are attempting to conquer Khain (who goes by several aliases, notably Satan, Kim Jong-Il, and Michael Jackson:p). You can help! Send your contributions to the old oak tree by the stream at midnight! Leave the money under a rock so no-one will steal it!!! ;)
Brians Room
11-07-2005, 00:15
Theodore Roosevelt.
The Similized world
11-07-2005, 00:31
Whose: The posessive form of "who" & "which".
- Legendary Czardas, whose armies were nearly defeated in the battle for Earth.
Who's: Contraction of "who is"
- Who's making a mockery of English?
Whom: The objective case of "who"
- To whom did you mail the firebomb?
Note: Knowledge & application of it are two different things.
I hate that someone beat me to Billy Idol. I guess my idol is Czardas. I've fallen prey to Czardas Wager :p
New Watenho
11-07-2005, 00:37
Bill Bailey. He's part troll, don't you know?
11-07-2005, 01:15
Oh .... I don't idolize anyone ... though I do think highly of some famous folks ... Trotsky, Guevara, Lennon, Chavez ... the usual buncha commies folks would associate with me.
Otherwise ... my heroes have always been cowboys.
12-07-2005, 14:28
I don't tend to have 'idols', I mostly make my own way. Although, I have been trying to discover the 'lost heroes' of history.
At the moment, I'm waiting for amazon to deliver a book on one of the most tragic of medieval heroes, Constantine XI Palaiologos, the last emperor of Byzantium, who (like the Byzantine Empire itself) seems to be almost completely ignored in the western historical tradition.
A lot of the people who are regularly praised as 'heroes' are often just politicians, who made detached decisions from the security of an oak-panelled study, and let others do their fighting. Constantine XI, by contrast, fought to the bitter end to defend his city from the Turks, and eventually died anonymously among the common soldiers on the city walls, having discarded the imperial purple for the final battle. They should make a film about it; it would have been so much better than that one about Troy with Brad Pitt.
Although, ultimately, Constantine Palaiologos failed, he performed his duties with the kind of nobility and resolve that I don't believe many world leaders of the last two centuries could match if it really came to the crunch.
12-07-2005, 14:42
Sport - Wayne Gretzky
Politics - James Callahan, Pope John Paul II
Military - William The Conquerer
Dragons Bay
12-07-2005, 15:28
My "idol" would be Carrie Underwood...lol.
El Caudillo
12-07-2005, 15:47
I don't have an "idol," since the 10 Commandments forbid having an idol, but there are plenty of people I admire, most of them fought to cure the world of the disease that is communism.
Stuart Pearce,
David Lloyd George,
Martain Johnson
Neil Back
Julius Ceaser
Bob Geldof
Oh, Lenin and Trotsky as well, and Marx.
Phillip Pullman
Clinton, Roosevelt
I hate that someone beat me to Billy Idol. I guess my idol is Czardas. I've fallen prey to Czardas Wager :pYay, someone idolizes me :D Will you follow my instructions above (as in the contributions)?
12-07-2005, 16:12
fought to cure the world of the disease that is communism.
And, yet, they lost. *shrug*
Jesus was a Communist, ya know.
El Caudillo
12-07-2005, 16:14
And, yet, they lost. *shrug*
Jesus was a Communist, ya know.
Bullshit. That's just a lie told by Marxists to convert us to their cause.
12-07-2005, 16:16
Anyone who knows the difference between the words "who's" and "whose"
who's = who is
Ex: Who's your daddy, biatch?!
whose - possession
Ex: Whose daddy am I, biatch?!
Bullshit. That's just a lie told by Marxist pigs to convert us to their devil-worshipping cause.
No, it's true, read the bible.
I'm not a devil worshipper, I'm a aithest.
12-07-2005, 16:18
and btw, jesus wasn't a communist. Spend some time reading the new testament... or, better yet, leave the explication of jesus's views to christians.
El Caudillo
12-07-2005, 16:19
No, it's true, read the bible.
I'm not a devil worshipper, I'm a aithest.
Jesus was apolitical, not a totalitarian. Just because He cared for the poor and opposed corrupt wealthy people doesn't make him a communist. I know plenty of people- some of them rich- who do a lot for the poor, yet also oppose those whose wealth filled them with greed. Another thing: if Jesus was a communist, why do communists hate Him so much?
Drunk commies deleted
12-07-2005, 16:19
Real people never live up to what we want them to be. Therefore all of my Idols are fictional characters.
1) Burke from the Andrew Vachss crime novels. Hard boiled ex-con private detective who doesn't mind breaking the law for a profit but doesn't hurt anybody who doesn't deserve it.
2) Homer Simpson. Loving family man who knows the value of Laziness and Alcohol.
Jesus was apolitical, not a totalitarian. Just because He cared for the poor and opposed corrupt wealthy people doesn't make him a communist. I know plenty of people- some of them rich- who do a lot for the poor, yet also oppose those whose wealth filled them with greed. Another thing: if Jesus was a communist, why do communists hate Him so much?
There is no reason why communism should be totalitarian. And not all communists hate him. i don't hate him, I understand that Christians have done a lot of good things-as well as bad. Just don't balive that there is a 'God'
12-07-2005, 16:22
Bullshit. That's just a lie told by Marxist pigs to convert us to their devil-worshipping cause.
The part about "they lost" or the part about Jesus?
Matthew 5:46, 9:10, 19:23-26 and Luke 3:11-13. Jesus was clearly a Communist.
As for them losing, well, just look at the billion+ Chinese people. That shows that at least 1/6th of the world is Communist.
El Caudillo
12-07-2005, 16:23
The part about "they lost" or the part about Jesus?
Matthew 5:46, 9:10, 19:23-26 and Luke 3:11-13. Jesus was clearly a Communist.
As for them losing, well, just look at the billion+ Chinese people. That shows that at least 1/4th of the world is Communist.
I don't have a Bible on hand, so please read me the parts where he's supposedly a Communist.
12-07-2005, 16:24
I like Mr B.B.Rodriguez.
But I dont think I can say he is my Idol...
but if I ever had one...hed be high up in the list
El Caudillo
12-07-2005, 16:24
There is no reason why communism should be totalitarian. And not all communists hate him. i don't hate him, I understand that Christians have done a lot of good things-as well as bad. Just don't balive that there is a 'God'
Most communists hate Christianity. In Vietnam, communists pounded nails into Christians' heads, sliced out tongues of teachers who taught children about religion, jammed wooden chopsticks into childrens' ears so their eardrums were torn apart, etc. In China, the U.S.S.R., the Warsaw Pact nations, Christians were sent to gulags, tortured, slaughtered, and worse.
12-07-2005, 16:25
I don't have a Bible on hand, so please read me the parts where he's supposedly a Communist.
You'd think a person so into Jesus would have a Bible on hand. I am merely a Muslim and even I have a Bible on hand.
Most communists hate Christianity. In Vietnam, communists pounded nails into Christians' heads, sliced out tongues of teachers who taught children about religion, jammed wooden chopsticks into childrens' ears so their eardrums were torn apart, etc. In China, the U.S.S.R., the Warsaw Pact nations, Christians were sent to gulags, tortured, slaughtered, and worse.
That like me saying 'All Christians hate muslims and athiests' based on what the Spanish Inquasiton did 100's of years ago.
El Caudillo
12-07-2005, 16:27
You'd think a person so into Jesus would have a Bible on hand. I am merely a Muslim and even I have a Bible on hand.
Dude, I'm at school. I don't carry one everywhere I go.
12-07-2005, 16:28
Adolf Hitler..the sheer power & control he had was amazing.
Big Haliburton
12-07-2005, 16:28
Bob Geldof
I hope you like him for his charity stuff and not for his horrendous Boomtown Rats work.
I hope you like him for his charity stuff and not for his horrendous Boomtown Rats work.
Both, songs such as I don't Like Mondays are class.
Dude, I'm at school. I don't carry one everywhere I go.Isn't it in the school library (I can't imagine from where else you'd go online at school, but hey--)? :rolleyes:
El Caudillo
12-07-2005, 16:30
Adolf Hitler..the sheer power & control he had was amazing.
He used for it for evil purposes, though.
El Caudillo
12-07-2005, 16:32
Isn't it in the school library (I can't imagine from where else you'd go online at school, but hey--)? :rolleyes:
I'm in the computer lab, actually, not the library. I don't feel like going all the way downstairs, going outside, going into the next building, searching for awhile, finding it, looking up the parts Keruvalia mentioned, and then coming all the way back here. I'm not only lazy, but I'm very unfit, and I'd probably pass out.
I'm in the computer lab, actually, not the library. I don't feel like going all the way downstairs, going outside, going into the next building, searching for awhile, finding it, looking up the parts Keruvalia mentioned, and then coming all the way back here. I'm not only lazy, but I'm very unfit, and I'd probably pass out.Ah yes. The computer lab and the library are in different buildings. I hadn't realized that.
You can look it up online though. Isn't there some database that has the whole Bible on it or something? Google it.
El Caudillo
12-07-2005, 16:37
Ah yes. The computer lab and the library are in different buildings. I hadn't realized that.
You can look it up online though. Isn't there some database that has the whole Bible on it or something? Google it.
Will do.
And Keruvalia and Aust, sorry for being a bit of a prick a few pages back.
Big Haliburton
12-07-2005, 16:41
Matthew 5:46 (King James Version)
For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same?
Matthew 9:10 (King James Version)
And it came to pass, as Jesus sat at meat in the house, behold, many publicans and sinners came and sat down with him and his disciples.
Matthew 19:23-26 (King James Version)
23Then said Jesus unto his disciples, Verily I say unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven.
24And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.
25When his disciples heard it, they were exceedingly amazed, saying, Who then can be saved?
26But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.
Luke 3:11-13 (King James Version)
11He answereth and saith unto them, He that hath two coats, let him impart to him that hath none; and he that hath meat, let him do likewise.
12Then came also publicans to be baptized, and said unto him, Master, what shall we do?
13And he said unto them, Exact no more than that which is appointed you.
Ok Keruvalia, where exactly does it say that Jesus is a commie. If you would look at the rest of the chapters, he is clearly talking about giving to the needy of your own accord. And to the story about the camel and the rich man, he was talking about greedy rich men whom are greedy and ungiving. Rich men can easily get into Heaven if they are righteous. King David was rich, so he would be excluded from Heaven? Jesus was not a communist anymore then he was a capitalist. He was not political.
El Caudillo
12-07-2005, 16:42
Matthew 5:46 (King James Version)
For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same?
Matthew 9:10 (King James Version)
And it came to pass, as Jesus sat at meat in the house, behold, many publicans and sinners came and sat down with him and his disciples.
Matthew 19:23-26 (King James Version)
23Then said Jesus unto his disciples, Verily I say unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven.
24And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.
25When his disciples heard it, they were exceedingly amazed, saying, Who then can be saved?
26But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.
Luke 3:11-13 (King James Version)
11He answereth and saith unto them, He that hath two coats, let him impart to him that hath none; and he that hath meat, let him do likewise.
12Then came also publicans to be baptized, and said unto him, Master, what shall we do?
13And he said unto them, Exact no more than that which is appointed you.
Ok Keruvalia, where exactly does it say that Jesus is a commie. If you world look at the rest of the chapters, he is clearly talking about giving to the needy of your own accord. And to the story about the camel and the rich man, he was talking about greedy rich men whom are greedy and ungiving. Rich men can easily get into Heaven if they are righteous. King David was rich, so he would be excluded from Heaven? Jesus was not a communist anymore then he was a capitalist. He was not political.
A democratic socialist, maybe (a very big maybe), but not a communist. I don't think he was political at all, period. He was sent to atone for our sins, not to spread a political ideology.
12-07-2005, 16:43
Dude, I'm at school. I don't carry one everywhere I go.
Shame. You have time to post on the internet, but not read scripture?
Big Haliburton
12-07-2005, 16:43
Both, songs such as I don't Like Mondays are class.
Class? My dear boy, you sound like a rube.
12-07-2005, 16:45
And Keruvalia and Aust, sorry for being a bit of a prick a few pages back.
No harm, no foul.
Big Haliburton
12-07-2005, 16:45
Shame. You have time to post on the internet, but not read scripture?
I guess he has his own priorities.
Class? My dear boy, you sound like a rube.
El Caudillo
12-07-2005, 16:49
Shame. You have time to post on the internet, but not read scripture?
Lol, I didn't think we'd be talking about Scripture, so I didn't bring a Bible. :p
United Chicken Kleptos
12-07-2005, 16:52
Peter Tchaikovsky for managing to be an absolute nutcase and still write great music, and Douglas Adams for givin' us The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Without Douglas Adams, I might not have been inspired to write somethin' of my own. I'd probably be up like this guy: :headbang:
Nueva Ganja
12-07-2005, 16:52
My idol(s) would have to be my Dad and my Grandpa. That's an easy one.
12-07-2005, 16:52
The part about "they lost" or the part about Jesus?
Matthew 5:46, 9:10, 19:23-26 and Luke 3:11-13. Jesus was clearly a Communist.
As for them losing, well, just look at the billion+ Chinese people. That shows that at least 1/6th of the world is Communist.
jesus wasn't a communist.
he never said that government should steal from the rich to give to the poor. find that part.... he never said it.
he encouraged PRIVATE donation to the poor... not government subsidies. the jesus-as-communist propaganda has been refuted here plenty of times before, but i figured i'd do it again. mission accomplished. lol
12-07-2005, 16:52
Lol, I didn't think we'd be talking about Scripture, so I didn't bring a Bible. :p
You can go here: http://www.biblegateway.com/
And read many versions if you need to look something up. :)
A democratic socialist, maybe (a very big maybe), but not a communist. I don't think he was political at all, period. He was sent to atone for our sins, not to spread a political ideology.Yeah, that's right. Jesus was a great teacher and (as Christians believe) a martyr. I'm an atheist here, but I think that saying Jesus was any of the modern political ideologies is ridiculous. Back then there was no liberalism, no conservatism, no communism, no socialism, no capitalism. Those were all invented in the 18th century by philosophers like Locke, Marx, and Rousseau.
12-07-2005, 16:54
he never said that government should steal from the rich to give to the poor.
Neither does Communism. That would be Robin Hood.
Anyway, I think we're hijacking this thread. I'm stopping now.
Big Haliburton
12-07-2005, 16:54
Sorry, I heard that the other day and I just had to use it.
My idols are:
Big Jim Kelly (http://milenium2001.fm.interia.pl/wsmoka12.jpg)
Norman Fell (http://www.synapticblur.com/pics/3scofell.jpg)
Jim J Bullock (http://www.murphdogg.com/famous/jimjbullock_new.jpg)
12-07-2005, 16:56
I'm an atheist here, but I think that saying Jesus was any of the modern political ideologies is ridiculous.
But it's ok to say Jesus was a Jew ... Jew being a term not invented until the 19th century .... ??
Big Haliburton
12-07-2005, 16:58
But it's ok to say Jesus was a Jew ... Jew being a term not invented until the 19th century .... ??
Well, not everyone here knows what the proper term for a "Jew" back in those good ole days would be. Kudos to you if you know, and a big cookie as well.
But it's ok to say Jesus was a Jew ... Jew being a term not invented until the 19th century .... ??Hey, I never said Jesus was a Jew. He was a member of the Hebrew faith with some ideas of his own. :rolleyes:
12-07-2005, 17:00
Neither does Communism. That would be Robin Hood.
Anyway, I think we're hijacking this thread. I'm stopping now.
cool. hehe
No idols for me... Then again, I never needed any.
Well, not everyone here knows what the proper term for a "Jew" back in those good ole days would be. Kudos to you if you know, and a big cookie as well.Hey, well, anyone can get the cookie. Just google it. (the old name for the Jewish faith, not the cookie, I mean.) ;)