Politician discovers 'X-Rated minigame' in GTA: SA
08-07-2005, 06:44
As you may or may not know, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas has, in its code, a sex-minigame that can be unlocked by a third party mod.
Somebody found this out, and is now seeking to create an outcry. He wants GTA: SA to be rated 'AO' or Adults Only, because of this.
I find this rather amusing, consdering that throughout the course of the game the number of people you routinly kill is in the hundreds.
Ahhhh, our wonderful American culture. Violence, blood, gore and so forth is fine, but show a nipple and people scream "THINK OF THE CHILDREN!" :rolleyes:
Apparently Rockstar studios has yet to comment.
08-07-2005, 06:48
What was the guy doing THERE anyway?
08-07-2005, 06:49
Actually...I would be surprised if the number of people you kill as part of the storyline and missions even broke 100... not to mention the fact that no one you kill during the course of the storyline is exactly an innocent bystander...they're all "demonize" so to speak...and honestly...the main character in San Andreas is actually trying to acheive something somewhat noble as opposed to the characters from 3 and VC.
Where have you been? They've been shouting bloody murder at this game since it came out!
08-07-2005, 06:52
Actually...I would be surprised if the number of people you kill as part of the storyline and missions even broke 100... not to mention the fact that no one you kill during the course of the storyline is exactly an innocent bystander...they're all "demonize" so to speak...and honestly...the main character in San Andreas is actually trying to acheive something somewhat noble as opposed to the characters from 3 and VC.
Aye, I think it was commented on in the first thread I started about the game that the main charecter never does drugs and rarely uses alchahol througout the game. He is violently opposed to cocain.
But the idea behind my comment was that generaly you kill alot of people in the game, regardless of whether or not they are part of the storyline, I mean, its the main way of getting money.
Not to mention that you routinly steal cars, destroy propertly and so on and so forth.
I dont personaly mind, but hey :P
08-07-2005, 06:57
My opinion?
The ethics and morals presented in GTA:San Andreas are certainly no worse than the war in Iraq.
We are killing people and doing whatever it takes for a greater cause.
In the case of GTA:SA, CJ was merely trying to replace the other gangs with his gang in a sort of inner-city imperialism, because he knew his gang was much cleaner and did more good for the neighborhood.
Chaos Experiment
08-07-2005, 07:13
I've always felt politicians should stay out of games and the internet unless they're breaking a pre-existing law. They've ****ed everything else up, I don't want to see the internet turned into what TV is today.
08-07-2005, 07:15
Uh-oh! It's a Democrat who's complaining about the game! What now, liberals?
08-07-2005, 07:18
I've always felt politicians should stay out of games and the internet unless they're breaking a pre-existing law.
If a game breaks a pre-existing law, politicians (who are mostly legislators) still need to stay out of it...if something breaks a pre-existing law, that's up to the executive branch to take care of...
But honestly, if it's not even in the actual game (simply background coding that can only be unlocked with a 3rd party program), then shouldn't the 3rd party program be in trouble, as it is clearly something the producers chose to leave out of the game?
By the way, also not part of the game...there's supposed to be a set of tattoos unique to San Fierro...but that tattoo shop was never put into the actual game, yet there is a glitch that allows you to get into the tattoo shop and buy the tattoos in the ps2 version...
08-07-2005, 07:18
Uh-oh! It's a Democrat who's complaining about the game! What now, liberals?
Why does everyone here have to turn everything into a partisan issue?
08-07-2005, 07:21
I think its the parents responsibility. Its not the governments(my tax dollars) job to police your brats. I like having the freedom to buy the game if I want.
As a matter of fact, I've been reading some good reviews about the game from some good sources and I think I'll buy it on the morrow. :D
The Lone Alliance
08-07-2005, 07:21
All because those ****ing colmbine kids parents blamed doom.
08-07-2005, 07:23
As a matter of fact, I've been reading some good reviews about the game from some good sources and I think I'll buy it on the morrow. :D
If you're getting it, don't get it for the storyline. Despite the great potential it sounds like it may have from the overview I've given of it...the story is short, and riddled with holes...
EDIT: Not to mention, significantly easier than the other games...it took me many, many months to complete every storyline mission in 3 and VC, whereas I beat every storyline mission in SA in about 3 weeks...and haven't touched in since probably Christmas..
08-07-2005, 07:26
And why was this bastion of morality playing such a degenerate game?
08-07-2005, 07:26
If you're getting it, don't get it for the storyline. Despite the great potential it sounds like it may have from the overview I've given of it...the story is short, and riddled with holes...
EDIT: Not to mention, significantly easier than the other games...it took me many, many months to complete every storyline mission in 3 and VC, whereas I beat every storyline mission in SA in about 3 weeks...and haven't touched in since probably Christmas..
What is 3? And is VC VietCong?
08-07-2005, 07:27
What is 3? And is VC VietCong?
GTA3 and GTA Vice City.
Neither as good as GTA2.
08-07-2005, 07:28
GTA3 and GTA Vice City.
Neither as good as GTA2.
OK, thanks. :D
08-07-2005, 07:29
What is 3? And is VC VietCong?
... Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas is the 5th game in the series of Grand Theft Auto games.
Grand Theft Auto and the Grand Theft Auto: London expansion
Grand Theft Auto 2
(both on PSX, top down design)
Grand Theft Auto 3
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
and the truly revolutionary (first console game with real-time rendering...the thing that they're talking about for all games on the new generation of systems), Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
08-07-2005, 07:31
Why does everyone here have to turn everything into a partisan issue?Because the liberals always like to cry about how the Republicans are intruding on their lives. Now a Democrat did it. If this were a Republican supporting welfare, I'd say pretty much the same thing about the Republicans.
08-07-2005, 07:32
And why was this bastion of morality playing such a degenerate game?
08-07-2005, 07:32
Democrats are liberals now? News to me.
08-07-2005, 07:33
i agree its the parents job to supervise what the kids do. Sex is constantly in movies and in tv, something parents can control what their kids watch. I really dont see this yee dudes point
08-07-2005, 07:35
Whatever politician, must have been playing to find this hmm?
08-07-2005, 07:36
Democrats are liberals now? News to me.By American standards they are.
08-07-2005, 07:41
Whatever politician, must have been playing to find this hmm?
sorry, its late :p
Greedy Pig
08-07-2005, 08:16
Really? How do you unlock this X-Rated Minigame? :D
By American standards they are.
That's quite the sad truth...
08-07-2005, 12:35
Huh, why do these silly ratings matter? Wasn't this America with the greatest freedom of expression in the world? Is the government allowed to dictate which body parts can you show in any work?
Huh, why do these silly ratings matter? Wasn't this America with the greatest freedom of expression in the world? Is the government allowed to dictate which body parts can you show in any work?
In America we have a rating system so parents know the content of the games their children are playing, the television shows they are veiwing and the movies they are watching. Ideally, of course. They are not meant to be a restriction, but a guide for parents to make their own decisions about what is appropriate for their child. Pompous jerks like this particular politician don’t get the point and think its an opportunity to ban stuff.
I always thought GTA:SA was good in that it had a fairly strong anti-drugs message
08-07-2005, 20:28
Uh-oh! It's a Democrat who's complaining about the game! What now, liberals?
Yeah, like an American Democrat is somehow 'liberal'...
*much rolling of the eyes*
The Black Forrest
08-07-2005, 20:36
That's funny. Hmpf I will have to see about picking of the game and see what the fuss is about.
I played Delta Force Black Hawk down with the Sabre team add on. By the time I went through all the missions, I had over 1200 kills.
Guess it falls under their radar since they were Iraqis, drug cartels, and somalians.
Ah well.....
The Great Sixth Reich
08-07-2005, 20:51
Because the liberals always like to cry about how the Republicans are intruding on their lives. Now a Democrat did it.
Not "a Democrat" but "Democrats". Sen. Charles Chumer (D-NY) just tried to ban the game "25 to Life" before it even came out, for an absolutely ludicrous reason: That it supports killing the police. What he failed to realized is the game allows the player to play AS the police. ;)
08-07-2005, 20:53
Where have you been? They've been shouting bloody murder at this game since it came out!
but the hardcore sex minigame was locked..but not removed from teh code
The Great Sixth Reich
08-07-2005, 20:55
Really? How do you unlock this X-Rated Minigame? :D
Read the new article: http://www.gamespot.com/news/2005/07/08/news_6128759.html
Shouldn't these senators be running the country and paying attention to Iraq rather than snooping around videogames (which in the end is the individual's decision to purchase or not that determines acceptable content) looking for hidden sex games?
08-07-2005, 21:00
I think its the parents responsibility. Its not the governments(my tax dollars) job to police your brats. I like having the freedom to buy the game if I want.
As a matter of fact, I've been reading some good reviews about the game from some good sources and I think I'll buy it on the morrow. :D
I agree. Why punish the majority, when one fucked up kid beats his friend up with a bat - besides, they musn't have been very good friends to do that anyway.. i play alot of violent games and I think that it has never affected me in any way.
Fucking kids.. they always litter on my lawn.. brb, getting the shotgun.
Shouldn't these senators be running the country and paying attention to Iraq rather than snooping around videogames (which in the end is the individual's decision to purchase or not that determines acceptable content) looking for hidden sex games?
That's what I'm thinking.
08-07-2005, 21:03
I agree. Why punish the majority, when one fucked up kid beats his friend up with a bat - besides, they musn't have been very good friends to do that anyway.. i play alot of violent games and I think that it has never affected me in any way.
Fucking kids.. they always litter on my lawn.. brb, getting the shotgun.
That is not how you deal with litterers...
You get a ladder and the sniper rifle then climb onto the roof and pick them off
Hahahhahahaaa...the mini game looks pretty darn funny actually...the screenshots of it anyway (which I googled). Maybe they should make kids play this game in their human sexuality courses :D
I think it is also quite amusing that in this Republican forum (http://www.perspectives.com/forums/forum5/48249-4.html) posters are blaming the liberals for the game itself.
The game was originally rated M. Now it's content is probably rated X. There are a lot of parents out there that don't realize what is in these games and it's only getting worse. We need to take a stand and tell these liberal nutjobs to stop brainwashing our kids. If you don't think GTA is doing that then maybe you need to take a look at some of the articles by left wing nutjobs that are talking about the political soapboxing that occurs in the game.
Come on now, LETS POINT SOME FINGERS!!!!!! :D
08-07-2005, 21:12
what I find funniest is this
"Once again, ESRB has failed our parents," Yee said in a statement. "Plain and simple, parents cannot trust the ESRB to rate games appropriately or the industry to look out for our children's best interests."
Since when did anyoen give a fuck what teh ESRB rated a game?
and sinuhue that was "concerned conservative"
08-07-2005, 21:16
Uh-oh! It's a Democrat who's complaining about the game! What now, liberals?
Democrat and Liberal aren't the same thing. Ever hear of Zell Miller or Lyndon Johnson? Conservative Dems.
Anyway, the labelling issue has always been a Democrat thing. All those "Parental Warning: Explicit Lyrics" labels you see on CDs? Thank Al and Tipper Gore for that.
Well when society do-gooder Trevor Macdonald made violent video games the subject of his programme on ITV here in Britain, and showed pictures of Grand Theft Auto, there was some trouble here with parents. My younger brother, who is still young enough for these games, watched as they took the disk thingy outside, got a sledge-hammer and smashed it. The same thing happened to all our neighbours children, with the ultimate destruction of about six copies of the game. I thought that this was a little too far, but then that's what happens when you outrage middle England. *sighs*
I think it is also quite amusing that in this Republican forum (http://www.perspectives.com/forums/forum5/48249-4.html) posters are blaming the liberals for the game itself.
Come on now, LETS POINT SOME FINGERS!!!!!! :D
Yep, we wouldn't want to make the parents actually pay attention to what their kids are doing, but rather just blame the evil game companies and the vast left-wing conspiracy to subvert our children.
08-07-2005, 21:22
My opinion?
The ethics and morals presented in GTA:San Andreas are certainly no worse than the war in Iraq.
We are killing people and doing whatever it takes for a greater cause.
In the case of GTA:SA, CJ was merely trying to replace the other gangs with his gang in a sort of inner-city imperialism, because he knew his gang was much cleaner and did more good for the neighborhood.
Does everything in the world come back to Iraq? Oh no, Little Timmy's stuck in the well...IMPEACH BUSH, HE'S RESPONSIBLE!!!
My cat got run over yesterday...HOLY CRAP, IT'S TERRORISTS THAT ARE MAD THAT WE'RE IN IRAQ!!!!
Seriously people, this has nothing to do with the war.
And what's up with the justification? Just because he helps kill other gangs to keep drugs out of the streets, is he not still a murderer?
The Great Sixth Reich
08-07-2005, 21:28
What the politician has yet to figure out is that "Hot Coffee" is now available for the PS2 and XBOX versions of GTA: SA... ;)
08-07-2005, 21:30
You just know that this was a taxpayer-funded $350 million study.
08-07-2005, 21:34
What the politician has yet to figure out is that "Hot Coffee" is now available for the PS2 and XBOX versions of GTA: SA... ;)
So how do you get ahold of it? How do you run it on PS2?
You just know that this was a taxpayer-funded $350 million study.
Oh yeah, with about 12 senators and a few hundred bureaucrats to oversee it, all of whom draw generous salaries for their "service".
The Great Sixth Reich
08-07-2005, 21:52
So how do you get ahold of it? How do you run it on PS2?
Search for it... ;)
08-07-2005, 21:54
You just know that this was a taxpayer-funded $350 million study.
Yeah, and that was probably after some one already told them it existed
I've seen this mini-game. It's kind of gross.
08-07-2005, 22:29
Does everything in the world come back to Iraq? Oh no, Little Timmy's stuck in the well...IMPEACH BUSH, HE'S RESPONSIBLE!!!
My cat got run over yesterday...HOLY CRAP, IT'S TERRORISTS THAT ARE MAD THAT WE'RE IN IRAQ!!!!
Seriously people, this has nothing to do with the war.
And what's up with the justification? Just because he helps kill other gangs to keep drugs out of the streets, is he not still a murderer?
Sure, he's a murderer. But unlike the picture that politicians try painting, he is not a cold-blooded murderer (unless the player of the game CHOOSES to make him that...just as a player has that choice in real life), and that he is trying to accomplish something noble.
Politicians don't seem to have a problem with people being "murdered" in other instances when the one doing the murdering is trying to accomplish something noble..
08-07-2005, 23:05
What do you do in it Roshni?
08-07-2005, 23:22
By American standards they are.
[hijack of the hijack] Sorry, pal, I've read enough of your gross mischaracterizations, thread hijacking and far-Right echo-chambering. Not by "American" standards are Democrats all liberals. THat's another in the endless series of "repeat it until it's true" -isms furnished to the masses by the (gasp) conservative media.
And before you attempt to "correct" me by claiming the media are liberal, let me remind you that the media are only as liberal as the multimillion-dollar corporations who own their outlets.
Anyone interested in more on this subject should read Eric Alterman's What Liberal Media? (2003) [/hijack of the hijack]
As for GTA:SA, the gameplay is truly astonishing. However it is veering dangerously close to THe SIms in its insistence on watching what your character eats, how he exercises and so forth. The reason I stopped playing The Sims was because it was too damned concerned with things like eating and eliminating and other ridiculous micromanagement.
If I want to play a game that has micromanagement as its prime idea, I'll play Masters Of Orion III or Civilization III. GTA:SA has just about the perfect balance of action and management, but when I have to take my gangbanger to the toilet, that'll be going too far.
08-07-2005, 23:25
What do you do in it Roshni?
I thought my previous reply kind of said it "hardcore sex"
The last I heard, Hot Coffee was all fake, but it looks like it might not be after all. Still, to proscribe the game based on what was coded in but never actually implemented is entirely wrong. It would be akin to having something banned or restricted because it had the binary code; 01100110011101010110001101101011 somewhere in it. Why that code is there, who knows, but the point is that it makes no sense at all. To me, that is.
ESRB works just fine, by the way. The US gaming industry has been going strong for a good few years now and self-regulation hasn't produced much in the mainstream that's exactly inspired murder.
08-07-2005, 23:44
01100110011101010110001101101011 011110010110111101110101
09-07-2005, 05:39
Well I myself am a fiscally conservative independent democrat (in other words what ever is best for the country I'm cool with) and I think government has certainly got better things to be doing than complaining about video games. I have played the game, I mean use common sense the game is rated mature. So in othe words dont give it to a 3 year old lol. I mean 12 senators study a video game to change its rating. Come on they have got to have better things to be doing. I dont mean to offend anyone, but if you dont like the post thats fine. If you as a consumer dont like a product you have the power not to buy it. The odd thing is, that if these people did a study on the game then they probably bought a copy or two. I myself just rented it.
09-07-2005, 12:33
In America we have a rating system so parents know the content of the games their children are playing, the television shows they are veiwing and the movies they are watching. Ideally, of course. They are not meant to be a restriction, but a guide for parents to make their own decisions about what is appropriate for their child. Pompous jerks like this particular politician don’t get the point and think its an opportunity to ban stuff.
So, nothing out of the ordinary. Phew, I thought something else.
Shut Up Eccles
09-07-2005, 13:04
01100110011101010110001101101011 011110010110111101110101
*head explodes*