Age / longest lasting relationsship.
How old are you and how long did your longest relationship last till know (or did you not yet have one)?
Are you still in this relationship?
I'm 19, my longest (and till now only) relationship lasted 2 years and 2 month, but we are not together anymore.
06-07-2005, 13:53
How old are you and how long did your longest relationship last till know?
Are you still in this relationship?
I'm 19, my longest (and till know only) relationship lasted 2 years and 2 month, but we are not together anymore.
6 years and 2 months, my salvation from making to many mistakes as a teen.
The relationship is over since 2½ year, I ended it. He deserved better.
I am 24.
I'm 21 and my current relationship has been going on for just short of 2 years so far.
Dragons Bay
06-07-2005, 13:58
Two days. Three years ago (15 then).
Jester III
06-07-2005, 13:59
Four and a half years and i am 34.
Ancient Valyria
06-07-2005, 14:03
four and a half months, and I'm 18 (was 17 at the time)
i'm 24, and my longest romantic relationship is my current one. 7 years, 7 months, and 27 days so far.
--dunerat, Dominar of EvaMade
The Charr
06-07-2005, 14:10
Almost three years. Ended a short period of time ago. I'm 20.
Commie Catholics
06-07-2005, 14:11
15 and still haven't had a relationship. Lucky me.
06-07-2005, 14:16
26 and the longest relationship has lastest about 4 years (still together) the second longest 3 years.
06-07-2005, 14:32
I am WAY over 21, and my longest lasting relationship is 5 years and counting. :)
I'm 22 years old and (I'm not joking - I wish I was) my longest relationship lasted for about 4, 5 hours.
imported_Jet Li
06-07-2005, 14:36
I'm 23, longest relationship is my current one... 3 and a half years.
I'd get less for Manslaughter.
06-07-2005, 14:45
I think that what we are seeing here is, generally speaking, that the older one is, the more likely it is that the relationship will be longer lasting. This has much to do, I think, with discovering who we are and what we really want in life -- which often takes a while.
For some people, knowing themselves takes nearly their whole lifetime. Others may be very in tune with their personality at a fairly young age.
06-07-2005, 14:50
I think that what we are seeing here is, generally speaking, that the older one is, the more likely it is that the relationship will be longer lasting. This has much to do, I think, with discovering who we are and what we really want in life -- which often takes a while.
For some people, knowing themselves takes nearly their whole lifetime. Others may be very in tune with their personality at a fairly young age.
Nah, I was 15 when I started my 6 year relationship, I think it depend on more than maturity, because I was in no way mature then, just happened to meet a person who was willing to commit himself for that long (even longer had I not ended it).
06-07-2005, 14:54
I am 34. I have been married for 13 years, with him for 18 years altogether.
He has however, become a "bad man", and the relationship will not last much longer. :(
Squirrel Nuts
06-07-2005, 15:01
I'm 19. I'm currently in my longest relationship which is at 4 months now. I'm like the only person to never have dated in high school.
06-07-2005, 15:03
I am 34, and my longest relationship lasted three years and change. Actually, change wasn't part of the relationship, which is why it ended.
06-07-2005, 15:04
I'm 31. :eek:
Longest: current relationship, 6 years (incl. 1 year marriage), living together since the beginning, looks good
Previous: 3 1/2 years, we were living in different cities, it helped keeping that disaster alive for too long...
06-07-2005, 15:14
24 - Longest realtionship is going on 18 months,
my relationship with beer has been over 6 years though....
Ancient Valyria
06-07-2005, 15:15
I'm like the only person to never have dated in high school.
no you're not :p
no you're not :p
I never ever had anything like a "date". At least nothing I would consider a date.
06-07-2005, 15:20
I'm 17 and have never been in a relationship.
They can be a waste of time. I want the guy I date to fascinate me; I find it pointless to have a relationship with someone who doesn't captivate you.
Jello Biafra
06-07-2005, 15:46
I'm 22 (soon to be 23) and my longest relationship is my current one, 5 years and 4 months. I'm not sure of its prognosis for the future, though.
06-07-2005, 16:03
17, and have never technically been in a relationship.
I'm 21 and my longest relationship lasted about six months.
A word of encouragement to the lonely youngsters that haven't been in a relationship: I was 19 when I had my first real girlfriend, and things have turned out to be fine.
22 and 7.5 months.
Squirrel Nuts
06-07-2005, 19:43
no you're not :p
Good :) That makes me feel better.
06-07-2005, 19:44
24, 4 years (and still going).
I'm 27. I've been with my husband for just about 10 years (sounds more impressive than 9 and 1/2:))