NationStates Jolt Archive


La Habana Cuba
06-07-2005, 08:50
Post your favorite Spanglish sayings, pharases etc, etc.

Spanglish can be when you mix spanish and english words when you speek, for exsample when I say vamos a la playa de Miami Beach.

Or Spanglish can be words part english and spanish, like when we add spanish endings to english words.

Even if you consider it bad spanish, participate and just
have fun with this thread.
06-07-2005, 08:58
me gustan comer LOS NIÑOS!
La Habana Cuba
06-07-2005, 08:58
delete the other thread on the same subject with the same name or do I have to do it some other way, I thought it had not come out the first time so I did another one.
Thank You.
The Lightning Star
06-07-2005, 09:02
Panamanian Spanglish:

Que pretty!(How cool)

Erm...I'd think of others but it's 3 A.M...
La Habana Cuba
06-07-2005, 09:14
Talexan and Lightning Star please return, it is las 3:00 de la manana and where I am son las 4:00 de la manana, last time I tried to do the -n my computadora jumped
and I lost the screen-ventana, so tengo miedo to try again.

Gracias, sometimes I get the feeling my hispanic brothers dont like me for my political economic and social views and because I am cuban, I guess this proves me wrong, but to be honest the feelings are there and its something I have to deal with, I believe in hispanic unity. Gracias.
La Habana Cuba
06-07-2005, 09:17
Talexan and Lightning Star please return it is 3:00 Am and 4:00 de la manana where I am, the last time I tried
to make la - n mi computadora jumped and I lost the screen-ventana, so tengo miedo to try again.
06-07-2005, 22:13
First, I want to tell my favourite direct translation from Spanish to English:

I'm going to pass the vacuum.

It just sounds painful!

Ay La Habana Cuba, you can really be buena onda when you want to, pero siempre hablas de politics in a different manera que I do. I guess tenemos nuestras differences, pero I love Spanish, I love speaking Spanish, y muchas veces hablo así in can be very frustrante cuando the people I'm speaking to no tiene español and they think I'm volviendo loca!
06-07-2005, 22:16
Can this also become a franglais thread?
06-07-2005, 22:18
Can this also become a franglais thread?
I'm not the OP, but I'm going to say,

06-07-2005, 22:19

Too bad my teachers always mocked us for that though... hmm...

Je ne care pas!
06-07-2005, 22:25
me gustan comer LOS NIÑOS!

isnt that something Michael Jackson says?
The Lightning Star
06-07-2005, 23:33
Can this also become a franglais thread?

No! Espanol es a beautiful language, that is mas pretty que french.

BTW- Soy American, Solo live en Panama.
Oye Oye
07-07-2005, 00:08
Can this also become a franglais thread?

Que Bien! J’aimerais a mezcla of idiomas. Truly a mélange of poetry et tontarias.
La Habana Cuba
07-07-2005, 05:19
that often mean the same thing, for exsample
cubans say manejar, puerto ricans say guiar - to drive.

A boy in Puerto Rico is called a nene,
What is a boy in Chile called?
What is a boy in Mexico called?
Get the idea?
07-07-2005, 05:45
The soccer/football team at the school I used to attend is roughly 50% hispanic and 50% not hispanic, so we have a lot of Spanglish in use there.
For example:
(I apologize in advance for my horrible spelling of spanish words)

Quiete la shut the hell up!
shoote' la pelota!
Yo soy el open!

and of course lots of mixing of spanish and english curse words.
07-07-2005, 05:48
Waste-papel cesta
Optima Justitia
07-07-2005, 05:48
• Voy a vacunar la carpeta ("I'm going to vacuum the carpet," literally "I'm going to vaccine the folder")
• la marqueta (for el mercado; based on English market)
• el rufo (for el techo; based on roof)
• el péiper (for el manuscrito; based on paper)
• imeil (my grandparents once spelled the English foreignism e-mail this way)
• checar or chequear (for revisar; based on check)
• forwardear
• sharpenear
La Habana Cuba
07-07-2005, 06:53
I also expanded the thread to our
diffrent words not spanglish only if you wish.
Oye Oye
07-07-2005, 07:07
My uncle hates when my cousins use Spanglish and gets infuriated to no end when they use the word "jungle" (pronouced hungleh) instead of "selva", or when they use the word "super" as a prefix.

Por ejemplo:

Oye, que mas?

Soy super bien!
La Habana Cuba
07-07-2005, 07:48
Sinuhue podemos bregar, puertorican word from a cuban-cubano, I hope you see this post or one of your NS friends
lets you know.
La Habana Cuba.
07-07-2005, 08:03
Quoting La Habana Cuba:
I believe in hispanic unity. Gracias.

I believe in Nordic unity. Auf Wiedersehen.
La Habana Cuba
07-07-2005, 17:56
According to my source, Que Pasa USA? is America's first bilingual situation comedy. The Program explores the trials and tribulations faced by the Pena family of Miami as they struggle to cope with a new country and a new language. The series focuses on the identity crisis of the members of the family as they are pulled in one direction by their elders - who want to maintain Cuban values and traditions and are pulled in other directions by the pressures of living in a predominantly Anglo society.

The series is bilingual reflecting the mix of language often heard in Cuban American neighborhoods, from spanish in the home and english at the supermarket to the inevitable combining of both into Spanglish.

The main cast:

Pepe - The Father Manolo Vilaverde, may he rest in peace. he passed away of a heart attack in his 50 s.
Juana - The Mother Ana Margarita Martinez-Casado.
Antonio - The Grandfather Luis Oquendo, may he rest in peace.
Adela - The Grandmother Velia Martinez, may she rest in peace, she spoke excellent english, I have never heard anyone speek english as excellent as her.
Joe - The Son Rocky Echevarria, Steven Bauer-Scarface Manny Ray.
Carmen - The Daughter Ana Margarita Menendez.

I have seen the episodes of the show and while it is funny and bilingual I think sometimes it dosent mix the spanish and english in a way that a non spanish speeker can kind of understand what is being said, I think they could have done a better job in that mix.

The show is shown in Florida, Illinoiss and other parts of the USA.
07-07-2005, 18:03
(With apologies for my bad grammar/spelling: )

Hey Momasita!!
Yo tengo un boligrofo grande en mis pantalones!!

(What do you want? I learned most of my Spanish working in a factory ten years ago...)
La Habana Cuba
07-07-2005, 18:08
I am having problems with my computer every time I try to make the -n with alt164 or alt 165 the computer screen jumps and I loose the screen, so I am afraid of trying it during a post, the word pena is pe-na.
La Habana Cuba
07-07-2005, 18:12
I wonder if any hispanics on this site have seen the show
Que Pasa USA.
07-07-2005, 18:19
First, I want to tell my favourite direct translation from Spanish to English:

I'm going to pass the vacuum.

It just sounds painful!

cuando las almejas destruyen el mundo, nosotros nesicitamos matar las aspiradoras. i like that one.

or this:
me asustan porque hay dos ñadus debajo de mi cama.
Legless Pirates
07-07-2005, 18:24
Hasta la vista baby!
07-07-2005, 19:28
that often mean the same thing, for exsample
cubans say manejar, puerto ricans say guiar - to drive.

A boy in Puerto Rico is called a nene
What is a boy in Chile called?
Nene tambien.

But I love that in Chile, a guagua is a baby and a guagua in Cuba is a bus:).

'Hey, I need to take the guagua' is going to sound a lot different in each country.
07-07-2005, 19:31
Guten morgen, how are you sir? Voce puedes cambiar mes dollars canadiens, por favor? Muito obrigado. Vale!
La Habana Cuba
07-07-2005, 19:47
Good one Sinuhue.