05-07-2005, 03:27
Here in the NationStates General Forum, we have debated just about anything and everything. Politics, however, are a specialty. Now, I know I am not an old timer on the form, and don’t have a high post count (I’m not even too sure who Tink IS, let alone why we have a cult for her), but I have noticed a few things in the debates here that might confuse a new comer to this everlasting argument. So, without further ado, I present this glossary of terms to help those who might be confused.
Center or Centrist: Your own political position, regardless of where you are outside NationStates. This position is, of course, the voice of sweet reason and compromise.
Leftist or Liberal: Any position to the left of you.
Rightist or Conservative: Any position to the right of you.
Leftist Liberal Pinko Commie Elitist: Any position to the left of you that you disagree with.
Rightist Neo-con Cave-dwelling Fascist and/or Racist: Any position to the right of you that you disagree with.
Religious Loon: Anyone who happens to remotely mention a religious position, or reason for, assuming you are not religious in your Centrist position.
Amoral/Immoral Atheistic Sinner: Anyone who happens to remotely question the validly of the Bible (or holy book of choice), assuming you are religious in your Centrist position.
Valid Source: Anything written and posted (usually on the Internet) that agrees with and backs up your position, regardless of author or source.
Biased Source: Anything written or posted (usually on the Internet) that disagrees with your position, regardless of author or source.
Flaming: Anytime someone says something disagreeable to your Centrist views.
A Well Written/Conceived Mild and Reasonable Rebuttal: Your response to any posting on NationStates General Forum which you disagreed with.
Mod Brutality/Bias: Mod action against your Well Written/Conceived Mild and Reasonable Rebuttal.
Good Mod Judgment: Mod action against a Flame directed at you or your Centrist position.
American Bashers: Anyone who does not worship the United States of America and support 100% her actions, or questions said actions, especially in regards to the War on Terror and President George W Bush, dependant upon your Centrist position.
Military Nut Cases: Anyone who worships the United States of America and supports her actions 100%, without questions, especially in regards to the War on Terror and President George W Bush, dependant upon your Centrist position.
French/France: The butt of all jokes and/or attacks if you’re a Military Nut Case, or American. The source of all that is wrong in the world.
Americans/America: The butt of all jokes and/or attacks if you’re an American Basher, or French. The source of all that is wrong in the world.
Evolution/Abortion/Gun Control/Iraq/President Bush/Gay Marriage: Topics guaranteed to bring out the Leftist Liberal Pinko Commie Elitist or Rightist Neo-con Cave-dwelling Fascist and/or Racist in droves to Flame your Well Written/Conceived Mild and Reasonable Centrist position.
Newbie: Anyone who assumes that reasonable arguments will be listened to on NationStates General Forum.
Old Timers: Those who know better, and know who Tink is.
This is, of course, a partial list based upon my own neutral (i.e. Centrist) views of NationStates General Forum. I ask that ye olde old timers and newbies add to the list for educational purposes.
For those of you who don’t get the funny, this is supposed to be funny. Please no personal attacks unless you’re willing to attack yourself at the same time.
Center or Centrist: Your own political position, regardless of where you are outside NationStates. This position is, of course, the voice of sweet reason and compromise.
Leftist or Liberal: Any position to the left of you.
Rightist or Conservative: Any position to the right of you.
Leftist Liberal Pinko Commie Elitist: Any position to the left of you that you disagree with.
Rightist Neo-con Cave-dwelling Fascist and/or Racist: Any position to the right of you that you disagree with.
Religious Loon: Anyone who happens to remotely mention a religious position, or reason for, assuming you are not religious in your Centrist position.
Amoral/Immoral Atheistic Sinner: Anyone who happens to remotely question the validly of the Bible (or holy book of choice), assuming you are religious in your Centrist position.
Valid Source: Anything written and posted (usually on the Internet) that agrees with and backs up your position, regardless of author or source.
Biased Source: Anything written or posted (usually on the Internet) that disagrees with your position, regardless of author or source.
Flaming: Anytime someone says something disagreeable to your Centrist views.
A Well Written/Conceived Mild and Reasonable Rebuttal: Your response to any posting on NationStates General Forum which you disagreed with.
Mod Brutality/Bias: Mod action against your Well Written/Conceived Mild and Reasonable Rebuttal.
Good Mod Judgment: Mod action against a Flame directed at you or your Centrist position.
American Bashers: Anyone who does not worship the United States of America and support 100% her actions, or questions said actions, especially in regards to the War on Terror and President George W Bush, dependant upon your Centrist position.
Military Nut Cases: Anyone who worships the United States of America and supports her actions 100%, without questions, especially in regards to the War on Terror and President George W Bush, dependant upon your Centrist position.
French/France: The butt of all jokes and/or attacks if you’re a Military Nut Case, or American. The source of all that is wrong in the world.
Americans/America: The butt of all jokes and/or attacks if you’re an American Basher, or French. The source of all that is wrong in the world.
Evolution/Abortion/Gun Control/Iraq/President Bush/Gay Marriage: Topics guaranteed to bring out the Leftist Liberal Pinko Commie Elitist or Rightist Neo-con Cave-dwelling Fascist and/or Racist in droves to Flame your Well Written/Conceived Mild and Reasonable Centrist position.
Newbie: Anyone who assumes that reasonable arguments will be listened to on NationStates General Forum.
Old Timers: Those who know better, and know who Tink is.
This is, of course, a partial list based upon my own neutral (i.e. Centrist) views of NationStates General Forum. I ask that ye olde old timers and newbies add to the list for educational purposes.
For those of you who don’t get the funny, this is supposed to be funny. Please no personal attacks unless you’re willing to attack yourself at the same time.