GTA: San Adreas
27-06-2005, 04:02
Anybody else played it?
I personaly found it very entertaining. Its actually fun to just sort of cruise around town, play the mini games, and watch as random traffic accidents send cars flying into the air on occasion.
Seriously, the sheer randomness of this game is entertaining. Its almost lifelike :)
Back to the game...
The plot is basicaly thus:
You, Carl Johnson (CJ) return to San Andreas when you hear about your mothers death during a drive-by. On arrival you are pulled over by the corrupt CRASH (a sort of anti-gang unit of the local police) and informed that they now 'own' you, because they have proof that 'you just killed a cop' (Of course, throughout the course of the game you may kill a great many cops, and they STILL use this against you :P), so you now have to do the CRASH fellows dirty work.
The cops drop you off in the territory of a gang that you are not friendly with (The Ballas) and you have to make a break for friendly territory. On arrival you find that things have gone to hell while you were gone, the Ballas are selling coccaine to your gang, your territory is almost gone, and things are generaly bad.
Going further with the story would risk spoilers, so I wont.
Anyway, you can do pretty much anything in the game between missions, including above mentioned mini-games, building up muscle at the local gym, practice your biking/driving skills, flying airplanes and all that.
Your aim income comes from side missions, although mugging people still gives you money (but risks the cops coming after you). The side missions range from vigilante missions that involve killing crimilals, to ambulance missions where you have to save people
Overall, its a very good game.
Of course, I would definitly NOT recommend this to anybody under, say, sixteen, since the violence, swearing, sex and drug use is almost constant. You might dissagre, but thats your choice, so lets NOT debate that particular subject, m'kay? If you must, start a new topic.
Greedy Pig
27-06-2005, 04:33
What I find excellent about the GTA series. Is that Rockstar seems to be taking the best parts of the series, and keep on improving it. It's getting better and better :)
27-06-2005, 04:34
Yup, unlike most other series where they like to take the good bits and get rid of them :P
I still like to play GTA2 though, the 2D part has some appeal on occasion.
27-06-2005, 04:37
What surprises me about the game is that the NAACP hasn't had a stroke over it yet...especially since it takes every bad stereotype of blacks (except maybe for the "yessuh yessuh" stereotype) and incorporates them into the game.
I mean... c'mon. You get health back by eating fried chicken. :rolleyes:
27-06-2005, 04:39
What surprises me about the game is that the NAACP hasn't had a stroke over it yet...especially since it takes every bad stereotype of blacks (except maybe for the "yessuh yessuh" stereotype) and incorporates them into the game.
I mean... c'mon. You get health back by eating fried chicken. :rolleyes:
Yes, but it stereotypes EVERYBODY. Most people that live in small towns arent, in fact, hics. Everybody in San Andreas is though :P
And you get health from pizza and burgers as well, so its all good :)
But it also has the main character wanting out of the crime life, he refuses to buy or use drugs all throughout the game. He came here to bury his mother and stop the spread of drugs to his neighbourhood (look at how it turn friends to enemies and destroys the place) while trying to restore their power.
Rubber Piggy
27-06-2005, 05:58
But it also has the main character wanting out of the crime life, he refuses to buy or use drugs all throughout the game. He came here to bury his mother and stop the spread of drugs to his neighbourhood (look at how it turn friends to enemies and destroys the place) while trying to restore their power.
As well as kill about a thousand people throughout the game...
I hated the game. Poor controls, poor camera, ugly as hell, glitchy collision detection, a terrible save system that forces you to backtrack to the mission area and do the whole mission over again if you die as well as too arcadey gameplay for my tastes.
I only tried the PC version however, and I've heard that it's not at all as fun as the console versions.
27-06-2005, 06:07
In Pac Man, you binge on yellow pills, take steroids and eat your opponents.
Not to mention the fact that Ms Pac Man is nude.
It's so outrageous.
In Pac Man, you binge on yellow pills, take steroids and eat your opponents.
Not to mention the fact that Ms Pac Man is nude.
It's so outrageous.
Mario eats magic mushrooms, and "gets big".
27-06-2005, 06:32
Mario eats magic mushrooms, and "gets big".
He just *thinks* he is.
27-06-2005, 08:31
I seriously love the game. i waited for it to come out on the xbox before i bought it. (the PS2 version's graphics are crap, i borrowed my friends copy and put 2 tv's next together, one with the xbox and one with the PS2, and the xbox is much better.)
I also plan to get it on the computer once it comes down in price - for the mods!
as i said before, i love it. it gets the best of the previous games, has tie-ins with the other GTA games and other rockstar games (manhunt (awesome game) and others)
but... i have one single problem with the game.... all the things on the HUD are just a little too small! you can barely tell what things are on the map, the health bar is not very noticeable, and the camera seems to be a bit farther away from the character than the previous games.
...maybe it's my new tv (it's too pixely) or not, hopefully the computer version is ok. I'll try playing it on a different tv...
But the game is awesome! some People complain that it looks too cartoony and stuff, but i love the animation style and i think that there are enough photo realistic games out there. GTA has it's own style and it works, very well.
terrible save system? it would be nice to hit pause and save, but i think that heading back to your house or safe house just adds to the realism of a realistic world. and it's been that wasy for that last games, so why change?
glitchy collision detection? ive never seen it in any GTA game - other rockstar games, yes. (execpt for the rooftops in GTAIII and some rooftops in vice city, but your not really supposted to be up there anyways. ive also seen it in placees that your not suppost to go to either)
i've played GTAIII on the PS2, xbox, and computer
GTA: Vice City on the xbox and computer,
And san andreas on the PS2 and xbox.
as well as many other rockstar games on the xbox and comp.
and i have found that in the computer versions (this just applies to rockstar created games), the controls arn't as good. best examples: helicopters in Vice City, and gun targeting in Manhunt. helicopters in vice city are hell to contol (as well as planes) in the computer version, but are great with a controller. and manhunt is just so much easier to play with a controller than a keyboard.
I also have noticed that in all the games, the main character never does drugs, never smokes, and never drinks (except for one mission in vice city, where he got drunk from just smelling the boomshine(if i remember correctly), and when you go to a bar on a date in San Andreas.) it also never shows any thing really sexual. i hear that there were sex games or someting in San Andreas, but got taken out, but if you mod it you can access them.
but anwyas, San Andreas is awesome! I love being able to swim, be on a mountain bike, have more plane options, and all the other new features! I wish i could quit my job so i could have more time to play it!
27-06-2005, 08:36
Aye, my one gripe with the game is the controls, mostly just on airplanes. When on foot or in a car, theyre fine, but once your in a plane, its a PAIN to control.
This is most noticable on Zero's missions in San Fierro, basicaly you have to fly a remote controlled plane around and kill some delivery guys. I spent two missions crashing into buildings before I figured out how to keep the plane level. Once you get used to it the mission is JUST possible.
But as long as nobody is trying to kill you and no fine manuvering is required, its hardly noticable.
27-06-2005, 09:27
I honestly think that GTA SA is just way too big. GTA III was slightly short, GTA VC just about right, and GTA SA too big. There’s simply too much “side salad” in the game. The GTA series is about stealing cars, driving fast and blowing stuff up. Not about sailing or flying. Especially since the flying controls are absolutely f***** up on the PC. The missions that require you to fly are a royal pain in the a**.
Also, finding 100 packages is doable but rather boring. Spraying 100 tags, finding 50 oysters and taking 50 pictures is also doable but very boring.
They should have stuck with the GTA III formula and simply made a slightly longer game out of it…
That being said, GTA SA is a great game. The good moments certainly outweighs the bad ones. The game has some moments of utter brilliance and great humour throughout. I just wish that Rockstar would forget about those damn aircraft…
Pure Metal
27-06-2005, 10:08
its an awesome game - been playing the GTA series since the very first one, and have always bought each new game on release day (when i can - i don't have a PS2) :)
right now i'm stuck on a Toreno mission, the one right after you learn how to fly. i've done all the las venturas missions apart from the final heist ("Breaking The Bank At Caligula's"), "A Home In The Hills" for the Triads, and "Saint Mark's Bistro" for the Mafia... those missions aren't unlocked yet :mad:
anyone know if i have to do the Toreno mission before i can do these?
N.O.E. - Mike Toreno
Toreno needs to deliver some cargo to some people he knows, but he can't do it because of people watching him. You need to fly a plane low on the radar so you're not shot down. Get in the Rustler and drive out of the hangar. Tap R2 so you turn slightly to the right, then take off heading almost directly South. Fly to the right and get out of the restricted air space, then fly towards the countryside. Stay as low as you can, but if you need to go up, pull back on the analog stick and clear whatever obstacle is in the way, then push the analog stick forward to drop back down. You can stay above the height limit for about ten seconds which is more than enough time to be able to do something about it. Dodge the trees as you fly through the countryside, and keep heading to the blip on the radar. When you get there you'll be instructed to fly through the corona to trigger the drop. Once that's done, head to the East and fly over the sea. Keep low here, as there's no worries or hitting anything, and make your way towards the new blip on the radar. When you fly over land just avoid the tree's again and keep diving down when you're too high. Eventually you'll be over Las Venturas, so just make your way straight towards the runway. Remember to stay out of the way of the no fly zone though. When you get back you'll need to land the plane, so head to the West and turn around, then hit R3 to bring down the wheels and hold square to slow down and land anywhere on the runway.
Mission Passed!
Aye, my one gripe with the game is the controls, mostly just on airplanes. When on foot or in a car, theyre fine, but once your in a plane, its a PAIN to control.
This is most noticable on Zero's missions in San Fierro, basicaly you have to fly a remote controlled plane around and kill some delivery guys. I spent two missions crashing into buildings before I figured out how to keep the plane level. Once you get used to it the mission is JUST possible.
But as long as nobody is trying to kill you and no fine manuvering is required, its hardly noticable.
damn straight flying is freakin' hard :headbang: