Scientists Succeed in Creating Zombie Dogs!
Unlike the previous joke link which I posted for the purposes of humour, this is an actual legitimate story!,10117,15739502-13762,00.html
27-06-2005, 04:05
This has been going on for a while, you can technically 'kill' a person and bring them back to life, although I think the time-limit is rather short, about five or ten minutes before you start getting brain damage.
I beleive its mostly used for things like heart transplants, intensive brain-surgery and suchlike, opereations where you cant have blood spurting everywhere.
27-06-2005, 04:12
Soviet biologists once kept a dog's head alive for hours, without a body. They had it plugged to various machines, filtering the blood and pumping it. Just imagine the suffering. I've seen some footage in a documentary, it was disgusting.
Lord-General Drache
27-06-2005, 04:24
This has been going on for a while, you can technically 'kill' a person and bring them back to life, although I think the time-limit is rather short, about five or ten minutes before you start getting brain damage.
I beleive its mostly used for things like heart transplants, intensive brain-surgery and suchlike, opereations where you cant have blood spurting everywhere.
Two or three is when brain damage starts, and by five to ten, they're dead, and probably not coming back, in most normal circumstances.
Greedy Pig
27-06-2005, 04:31
It would have it's purpose, well except the chopping heads off part, unless you can reconnect the spine.
Lunatic Goofballs
27-06-2005, 04:31
Two or three is when brain damage starts, and by five to ten, they're dead, and probably not coming back, in most normal circumstances.
What if you're already brain damaged?
*looks around* I'm just asking.
27-06-2005, 04:32
the possiblities of this could be far reaching...human THAT is something that could have some seriously f'd up consequences....but we are probably pretty far off from doing that in the perameters intended in reanimation (years)
I knew that my underground storehouse of shotguns, ammunition, water, and cheez-it crackers would someday come in handy.
Prepare of the Zombie apocolypse!
Seriously...Zombie Dogs? That is just really creepy.
27-06-2005, 04:42
Unless they are actually undead and need to be shot in the head to kill I think 'zombie' will be an incorrect term. At most this is a weird case of hibernation and body storage.
Still freaky though.
Robot ninja pirates
27-06-2005, 04:57
Zombie is just a way of livening up the thread, they're not really zombies.
I just want to see what people remember after being put through this. Will it be like being unconcious, or will they see heaven and such?