In Contrast, What is your Favorite State and Why??
British Jimmy
27-06-2005, 02:07
As yall have probably seen the other thread saying which state should we kick out of the US or places in other countries, this thread is for which US State/other regionin a country is your favorite and why.
Feel free to debate about which ones are the best
27-06-2005, 02:09
The one I live in, California, because it's sooooooooooo liberal and fun and shiny and...
Alien Born
27-06-2005, 02:10
Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil. European level civilization in sub tropical climate with the best beef in the world (no we don't export it).
British Jimmy
27-06-2005, 02:12
Mine would either be North Carolina because it has so many different landforms and a beautiful landscape with a varied climate (like it can be hot and snow as well) or Texas because it is a beautiful land with wide open spaces and the atmosphere is just so relaxed and just...I can't describe it, I just love it! Only downside is that there are too many mexicans invading...
27-06-2005, 02:26
Alaska. Huge landmass, itti-bitti population. It would be nice if they were allowed to make decisions there without consulting the Secretary of the Interior, though.
Number two would be Texas, followed by the four-corners states at three (Colorado, Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico.) Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho sit at four.
Cannot think of a name
27-06-2005, 02:37
Ruling out Northern California because I live here and it clearly rules...Everyone I've ever met from Wisconsin has been a fuckin' great human being. Total stand up cats, I've dug every one of them. Now, I've never actually been to Wisconsin, so maybe I'm just getting lucky, but so far evidence points to cool.
We got a lot of people from other states all the time 'round here, and so far the folks from Wisconsin are the reigning champs. So Go Wisconsin (see what I did there?), you guys are okay.
For not being Northern Californians.....
27-06-2005, 02:40
Ruling out Northern California because I live here and it clearly rules...Everyone I've ever met from Wisconsin has been a fuckin' great human being. Total stand up cats, I've dug every one of them. Now, I've never actually been to Wisconsin, so maybe I'm just getting lucky, but so far evidence points to cool.
We got a lot of people from other states all the time 'round here, and so far the folks from Wisconsin are the reigning champs. So Go Wisconsin (see what I did there?), you guys are okay.
For not being Northern Californians.....
Oops, I messed up, I didn't mean California, I mean t Northern California, them So-Calers steal our water.
Cannot think of a name
27-06-2005, 02:43
Oops, I messed up, I didn't mean California, I mean t Northern California, them So-Calers steal our water.
Tha bastards :D
Herbert W Armstrong
27-06-2005, 02:44
Tennessee-Much to see and do, plus alot of Christian activity there.
27-06-2005, 02:49
OK. I won't name my own province (Quebec), it would be too easy.
Favorite Canadian province/territory: Nova Scotia (I just love the place and the people)
How many provinces/territories I have visited so far: 5/13
Favorite American State: Vermont (second: Massachusetts)
How many states I have visited so far: 8
Favorite French Department: Ariège (thermal baths, nature, the calm)
How many departments I have visited so far: only 3
Favorite Spanish Region: Catalunia (it's just so alive and loud)
How many regions I have visited so far: 4
Favorite ex-Yugoslavia State: Croatia (where Italy meets the Slavic spirit)
How many visited: 2/5
Fav Indian State: hmmm Gujarat (coz that's where my sister's in-laws live)
How many visited: 6
Fav Brazilian State: I dunno, but certainly not Minas Gerais... I'd say SP but outside the big city
How many visited: only 3
The Great Sixth Reich
27-06-2005, 02:55
Perfect except for the liberals. If you kicked them out, it wouldn't do much good either, because almost the entire state is liberal, and everybody would be gone! ;)
Neo Rogolia
27-06-2005, 02:56
Alabama. Gorgeous scenery, a plethora of churches, everyone being nice to one another, a generally conservative sentiment, and the fact that I live here make it wonderful :D
27-06-2005, 02:56
Ruling out Northern California because I live here and it clearly rules...Everyone I've ever met from Wisconsin has been a fuckin' great human being. Total stand up cats, I've dug every one of them. Now, I've never actually been to Wisconsin, so maybe I'm just getting lucky, but so far evidence points to cool.
We got a lot of people from other states all the time 'round here, and so far the folks from Wisconsin are the reigning champs. So Go Wisconsin (see what I did there?), you guys are okay.
For not being Northern Californians.....
Good point. Harleys come from Wisconsin too...
27-06-2005, 03:01
My own state (Colorado) has definetly got to come first... The people here are the friendliest you'll meet anywhere!
Second... Northern Cal, since SoCal is practically another state...
Cannot think of a name
27-06-2005, 03:01
Good point. Harleys come from Wisconsin too...
The plusses just keep adding up. I think my next bike is going to be a Sportster, if indeed I am able to get a next bike.
British Jimmy
27-06-2005, 03:02
Perfect except for the liberals. If you kicked them out, it wouldn't do much good either, because almost the entire state is liberal, and everybody would be gone! ;)
Actually if you look at a map for the presidential campaign, most of California is republican, but so many people live in those counties in the city and those ppl are liberal and those countires are enought to turnt he state blue.
Texas. Why? The people. Sure, they aren’t too bright, and maybe they’re a bit intolerant, but, at least where I live, they happen to be the nicest people I have ever met. When you're driving in a rural area and you pass another car, the driver waves to the other driver. People hold the door open for other people. It just has a fee, like everbody knows everybody else.
Fav Indian State: hmmm Gujarat (coz that's where my sister's in-laws live)
That’s where my best friend is from. I’ll have to let him know that some Canadian was bragging on his home state. :D
27-06-2005, 03:05
Have to say North Carolina, since it is the only state I've lived in. Haven't spent much time anywhere else. I've always had a fondness for Montana, Colorado and Wyoming. As someone said above the big wide open spaces. I love that. :)
27-06-2005, 03:13
Colorado. By far the most beautiful (plumage--err..) landscape in a state that I've been to. Once I get my Master's, I'm packing up and shipping out to live up near the mountains of Colorado.
Texas is alright, except for all of the damned wind and MPD weather we have. And it's so freakin' hot during the summer here. All you yanks best stop complainin' of yer heat, cus' we got it in full! ;)
Neo Rogolia
27-06-2005, 03:15
Texas was nice when I was there...mainly because I like the culture and desert :D
The Gulf States
27-06-2005, 03:21
Massachusetts is a nice state, probably the best I've been to. I love Boston. Worcester is my city, I'm always going there. The Cape is a nice place to visit. And oh yeah, it's home to the champion baseball and Am. football teams: Red Sox and Patriots. Wooo.
Oh, I'll admit it. I have some weird liking for New Jersey. Even though there's a lot of crime infested holes, and even more industrial and commercial blight.
The Great Sixth Reich
27-06-2005, 03:24
Actually if you look at a map for the presidential campaign, most of California is republican, but so many people live in those counties in the city and those ppl are liberal and those countires are enought to turnt he state blue.
Same thing in New York. I hate when that happens! :)
The Gulf States
27-06-2005, 03:27
Same thing in New York. I hate when that happens! :)
As long as you have 40% of your state crammed into one city comprising five counties and 370 square miles... you're gonna be Democrat too.
8 million out of 18 ... the other 10 million doesn't have a chance as long as it's connected to whatever's south of Westchester and west of Nassau.
Gung-ho Hootenanny
27-06-2005, 03:32
Give it to Japan. They'll need something to relocate to once China invades.
27-06-2005, 03:38
Dunno....I love New York and Jersey only coz I was raised here
British Jimmy
28-06-2005, 01:42
Texas. Why? The people. Sure, they aren’t too bright, and maybe they’re a bit intolerant, but, at least where I live, they happen to be the nicest people I have ever met. When you're driving in a rural area and you pass another car, the driver waves to the other driver. People hold the door open for other people. It just has a fee, like everbody knows everybody else.
That’s where my best friend is from. I’ll have to let him know that some Canadian was bragging on his home state. :D
Hey that is a huge sterotype, just because ppl there have accents dosn't mean that they are dumb, heck if having an accent means that you were dumb New Jersey would be renamed New Dumba**.
I've not been to many US states - Indiana, Illinois, Georgia, Missouri, and Texas. Georgia and Texas have only been Atlanta International Airport and Dallas, Fort Worth respectively. I have to say, however, that the Texans were among the friendliest people I have ever had the pleasure to meet in my life. Despite the airport being busier than any airport I have ever seen in my life, despite the heat (Even with A/C), and despite the massive queues and crowds, the staff were nothing but friendly and ready to help.
But I love Missouri most. Yeah, it's not got many claims to fame, but in some regards that's the way I like it. I just love the general atmosphere there, I love the people, and I love (This one is odd, I confess, but I swear it's true.) the smell of the place.
But, I've only been to 10% of the states, and only three of those for any significant length of time. This could change greatly as time goes on.
The Downmarching Void
28-06-2005, 03:09
Of the American Staes I've visited (Montana, Missouri, N. Virginia, Minnesota, Nebraska, Nevada, New York, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Nevada, Oregon, California, Utah, Wyoming, Wisconsin, Oklahoma, Kansas) it's a tie between California and Nevada.
California just because its both so beautiful, over-the-top and genraly liberal (at the parts Ive been in) and ther climate....and the Roads...damn fun place to drive, esp. if you own a sportscar. LA is a little too plastic for my tastes, but a fun place.
Nevada because of the landscape and the climate. I LOVE the desert. Also that whole over-the-top anything-goes in nthe name of money and the greed for tourists dollars means the residents (on average quite friendly) while having TERRIBLE taste in Fashion, Cars & Architecture are pretty tolerant of freaks like me and 30,000 or so people who descend there each year for Burning Man. Since I've only travel there for Burning Man and to DJ @ DefCon (huge Hackers convention..very wild party) my expereinces and opinion are coloured by my experiences there, which have all been positive. (Except for having a knife thrown @ my back with murderous intention @ BM2004, but hey, whats a good Burn withpout some outright insanity?)
28-06-2005, 03:39
A lot of people in southern California are rude and selfish, not eveyone, duh, but at least the ones serving my drinks.
As for my favorite, probably Massachusetts because of all the culture in boston
28-06-2005, 03:57
Alberta Canada has you all beat by a good 1.6093 kilometres! (1 mile for americans) 've Got rivers, mountains, plains, forests, the friendliest Canadians (aside from the newfies, and that's probably because they want to fornicate with you. Newfoundland was found to be the most sexually active province in all of Canada according to some polls.)and one of the strongest economies in all of North America and all crammed into less than 662 000 square kilometres! When it comes to best places in this world to live, you'd be hard pressed to beat Alberta. Quebec might come a very close second, especially les Cantons de-l'est and the surrounding area. But only if you speak French.
28-06-2005, 03:59
I rather enjoy Maine, the climate is nice during the summer, but the winter is cold. And the people talk funny. But those things are tolerable.
Angry Moles
28-06-2005, 07:07
My county of alachua, a small, isolated portion of florida, the last land of intellectuality in the entire state. Also one of the few blue counties. The population consists mainly of gainesville, my town, another mentally isolated college town. The food is great here, especially the pizza places. It's essentially a dream florida.
But as a state as a whole I'd have to say rhode island, one of the few remaining reseviors of coney island hot dogs.
It would have to be Massachusets. (sp? I can never get it right.) My family is from there and I just love it. Its like the people there have thier own distinct culture and I love it. I especially love the costal areas near Rhode Island like Somerset.
Evil Cantadia
28-06-2005, 07:22
My favourite state is inebriation.
Santa Barbara
28-06-2005, 07:25
Oops, I messed up, I didn't mean California, I mean t Northern California, them So-Calers steal our water.
Pfft, what are you talking about? We steal Nevada's water, thank you very much.
Favorite state? Northern California. We only keep on SoCal for Disneyland.
Imperial Guard
28-06-2005, 07:32
California, what's not to like? Great weather, The terminator as governor, Los Angeles(even if it is a craphole)...etc, a fun place to live.
The only right ANswer is Texas, If you don't think Texas is better than every other states then you don't know enough about Texas yet.
The Maroon Bells
28-06-2005, 08:00
Wel I have lived all over the country and have/travel alot...(in order of rsidence) Mich., Indi., N&Scal., Texas, Wis.,Minn., S. Dak., Kentucky, Penn. and finnaly Colo.
I agree with the view that Wis. is a great state, Very heavy into Education! I loved Cali. and Colo very much,......but.....My pick goes to MINNASOTA!!!!!!!!
Northern Minnasota is the best..great people, food, schools, active and helpful communities, Literaly everyone is freindly from the first time they meet you!!! They just don't seem to let quite so many people fall through the cracks as opposed to other states. When I lived there, stress was much less of a factor.
I live in Ky now but plan to move soon for Grad. School. I am looking at Iowa. I haven't spent much time there but the people seem nice on the phone. :confused:
River Hawke
The plusses just keep adding up. I think my next bike is going to be a Sportster, if indeed I am able to get a next bike.
just an aside..sporties are made in york pa.
28-06-2005, 09:51
Victoria, it's where I live.
Cannot think of a name
28-06-2005, 10:06
just an aside..sporties are made in york pa.
Ah well...