How did you arrive at your nation name?
Optima Justitia
19-06-2005, 16:10
Most likely this thread topic has been attempted before, but share the etymology of your nation name, especially if it's not an English word and therefore not immediately obvious. I'll go first:
Optima Justitia is Latin for "best justice."
19-06-2005, 16:11
I like the Wurzels. no better reason.
19-06-2005, 16:15
Our region was based on slackers... slacking all day long, and my nickname is Hype.
19-06-2005, 16:19
It was expressing my political ideology e.g.whatever seems a good idea at the time
Pot = Marijuana. Simple as that.
However, it's a lot more complex. It came from an alias of mine, "Potatish", which is Pot, Potatoes, Fish, and Hash. How and why I came up with it, I will never know.
And, Potaria? Well, I thought that "The People's Republic of Potaria" sounded better than "The People's Republic of Potatish". You know what? It does.
I really don't know how I came up with Taldaan. I was just sitting there in front of the computer screen, and *bing*!
Of course, its now called The Obviously Satirical Republic of Taldaan, which is even better.
I was drunk and took the wrong ****ing plane...
...Though seriously, a mixture of Colombia and India. Ha! Pretty clever, eh? I thought I'd be sick of it after 6 or so months. Nope. Not sick of it yet!
Dragons Bay
19-06-2005, 16:43
Dragon for the Chinese mythical omnipotent creature
Bay should resemble a tropical paradise
Imperial Republic: a variant of Mao's "democratic centralism", just that I'm nicer and less pottier than the Great Chairman.
19-06-2005, 16:46
My RL name means "Dove" in Irish. And as Dove was taken, and tourist numbers were falling, I felt it necessary to push the national sterotype.
Borgoa is the Latin name for Borgå, a town in southern Finland (50km east of Helsingki). I should say that Borgå is of course the town's Swedish name, in Finnish it is Porvoo. It was my mother's hometown.
19-06-2005, 16:54
I just used my last name and added a national-sounding ending to it. Nothing magical about it.
The Chocolate Goddess
19-06-2005, 16:57
An annual chocolate party i host... this year a friend called me the Chocolate Countess. I just went power hungry from there.
I just thought it sounded cool.
It started out by combining my name Dan, with the country of Denmark. I went with Danmarc, and then decided to use that as the currency as well, kind of like a Deutchmarc... From there, I went crazy, and started naming all my cities Dantropolis, Dantopia, Danville, Danenstein, etc... Either i am really creative, or none at all.. can't decide which..
It started out by combining my name Dan, with the country of Denmark. I went with Danmarc, and then decided to use that as the currency as well, kind of like a Deutchmarc... From there, I went crazy, and started naming all my cities Dantropolis, Dantopia, Danville, Danenstein, etc... Either i am really creative, or none at all.. can't decide which..
Reminds me of the Heli-Peter and the Hinden-Peter.
19-06-2005, 17:11
Heh heh, it's a long story. My generic online name has been "Praeco Noctis" meaning Herald of the Night in Latin. However, I wanted a "good" nation, so I needed another name.
When I was 12, I wrote a little story, featuring a monster called the "Black Liskein". Well I liked the "Liskein" part, so I tacked "land" onto the end. Now I'm stuck with it.
Jibea named after jibs.
Jibs were creatures I made out of tinfoil in lunch do to my boredom. They are humanoids. There are also various forms and yeah. Thats it. How I came up with the name is a mystery.
19-06-2005, 17:31
Mine is a mix between Rome and (Tolkien's) Numenore. I'm part of a nation group that focuses on defending fictional canon, namely Lord of the Rings. I got the idea from there, and actually sounds like a potentially real nation, no?
Divine Imaginary Fluff
19-06-2005, 17:43
It was simply the weirdest name I would think of at the moment that would fit a nation like mine, give a somewhat freaky impression and contain the word fluff at the same time.
19-06-2005, 17:57
it was the name of the nation i had in a story i was writing for fun.
Marmite Toast
19-06-2005, 18:04
I was probably hungry.
I was probably hungry.
Ya know, I've always envied your name. You and Drunk Commies Reborn.
19-06-2005, 18:12
Take my middle name; Jordan.
Add one X, Jordax, because the X makes it sound cool (I love you bender)
Add nationy type end to it, Jordaxia.
Also helps that it changes the bulky Jord-axe sounding to froody Jor-daze-ia. Much better.
Rolen = the single greatest third baseman in the history of baseball (Yes including Mike Schmidt and Ernie Banks) Scott Rolen is his name, #27 on the St. Louis Cardinals...
Californian Refugees
19-06-2005, 18:16
I've lived outside of the USA for over a decade. When I run into other Americans overseas, I often find that I have a lot less in common with them than I thought I would because of coming from different states and different backgrounds, and that there is almost a stigma attached to being Californian. Some acquaintances even repeatedly conveniently forget that I'm from California, as if the only way they can relate to me is if they pretend I'm from a different homestate. So......I'm Californian, and I've been wandering for years on end, and I know people that hope California falls into the I thought, hey, what would it be like if that happened (or something similar) and us overseas Californian survivors managed to band together and found a small nation of Californian Refugees......
19-06-2005, 18:17
I'm of Celtic (Irish) decent hence Celtlund, land of the Celts. I tried Celtland, but for some reason NS wouldn't take it. That's OK though as I like Celtlund better.
Grand Teton
19-06-2005, 18:19
Grand Teton was the name of a planet in a book I was reading. Then I found out that it's a national park in some rectangle state. (Wyoming, I think)
Then I translated it into French. Three guesses what it means. :eek: :D Now I've got bored with it, but I don't wanna lose my postcount.
I'm of Celtic (Irish) decent hence Celtlund, land of the Celts. I tried Celtland, but for some reason NS wouldn't take it. That's OK though as I like Celtlund better.
Do you pronounce the Celt part as selt or kelt?
Santa Barbara
19-06-2005, 18:25
I was born here.
19-06-2005, 18:33
Do you pronounce the Celt part as selt or kelt?
Its pronounced with a hard c
19-06-2005, 19:04
Do you pronounce the Celt part as selt or kelt?
The Ce is pronounced as a hard K so it would be keltic unlike the Boston basketball team.
19-06-2005, 19:14
Mine is a mix between Rome and (Tolkien's) Numenore. I'm part of a nation group that focuses on defending fictional canon, namely Lord of the Rings. I got the idea from there, and actually sounds like a potentially real nation, no?
how do you defend lotr cannon? im very intrigued. is there a webpage i can look at?
the uncertain state of ashmoria-- my last name is ashmore
its almost biographical
Pschycotic Pschycos
19-06-2005, 19:39
Party+beer+skateboards+hospital trip=Pschycotic Pschycos
19-06-2005, 19:39
Vae victis = Latin, woe to the conquered. I thought it sounded good, and the two names I use on other fora (one preferred one, and a spare in case it's taken) were both taken.
I completely made mine up, but I just did a google search and believe it or not I found a meaning. Khudro is an Iranian automotive manufacturer, so I guess Khudros means multiple Iranian auto companies? :D
19-06-2005, 19:52
Markreich wasn't really a stretch. I was pretty surprised it wasn't taken, actually...
Legless Pirates
19-06-2005, 19:54
It seemed funny
Chicken pi
19-06-2005, 19:57
Most likely this thread topic has been attempted before, but share the etymology of your nation name, especially if it's not an English word and therefore not immediately obvious.
I was eating a chicken pie when I created my nation. Since I'm not particularly good at coming up with names out of thin air, I went with that.
19-06-2005, 20:03
It seemed funny
I thought it was a tip of the hat to Tom Baker in that episode of Blackadder?? :)
Sonho Real
19-06-2005, 20:04
My nation is named after a Brazilian squat camp. Nice, eh? It translates to "real dream" in English. The residents of the real Sonho Real were violently evicted quite a while ago.
19-06-2005, 20:09
From Latin:
in- = prefix meaning (oddly enough) both "not" as well as "very". Think INdestructible versus means "can't be destroyed" the other means "not just flammable, but ridiculously flammable, in fact, please don't breathe around it." In this case, "not".
tangere = verb meaning "to touch" as in tangent (a line touching an arc or circle on only one point).
-lon = suffix which indicates a noun, back-formed from -ion.
I figured that any nation here on NS would exist as digital information only and therefore be impossible to touch, let alone visit. A place as intangible as imagination needed a name to convey that idea. Thus, Intangelon [in-TAN-jel-on]. Okay, so no Galactic Prize for Extreme Cleverness, but I happen rather to like it.
Thanks for asking! :)
I chose Huntaer because some other idiot chose "huntaria" before I could.
Green Freiowyn
19-06-2005, 20:11
Green Freiowyn...
Frei is my nickname (rhymes with day)
-owyn is from Éowyn, of Lord of the Rings fame.
Green is from my favourite band Green Day. Green Day + Frei -> Green Frei... Green Frei + Éowyn -> Green Freiowyn.
There's the word equation... can't be bothered to do a symbol equation for y'all.
19-06-2005, 20:11
My nation is named after a Brazilian squat camp. Nice, eh? It translates to "real dream" in English. The residents of the real Sonho Real were violently evicted quite a while ago.
Doesn't "real" (as pronounced ray-ALL) in Portuguese and Spanish mean "royal"? As in "La Casa Real" = "royal house"?
I know Portagee and Espagnole are different, but they're not that different, are they?
Cabra West
19-06-2005, 20:21
Cabra is the part of Dublin where I live. I added West because NS wouldn't accept Cabra alone, and I do live slightly to the west of the city center.
The Noble Men
19-06-2005, 20:43
Because every other bloody name I could think of had been taken.
My first choice was "Ragnarok", which was taken. So I decided to see the nation of Ragnarok.
It didn't exist... :headbang:
The same way I get all of my names for online stuff: I type random letters and then add and remove vowels.
Robot ninja pirates
19-06-2005, 22:06
Chris the Ninja Pirate is a cartoon character from the Weebl and Bob series.
However, Ninja Pirates was already taken, so I just tacked on the robot part for the hell of it.
Cannot think of a name
19-06-2005, 22:19
I'll let you guess...
19-06-2005, 22:20
I kind of wish I knew where it came from.
19-06-2005, 22:22
I stole it. It's someones real name. She worked in the childcare at the YMCA where I was a lifeguard. One day I saw her pay check:
Guadalupe Lerma. I just loved the sound of that name. I would say it to myself at work.. Guadaluuuuupaaaa Leerrrrmmaaaaa. Put it togehter and what have you got? Guadalupelerma.
I'll have to thank Mr. Sufjan Stevens for my nation name. I love his music.
It is an island in and a friend have a long running joke that we're going to move to Tuvalu when we fail out of college and take over an island each.
Vaitupu is the educational center of Tuvalu, so it makes sense that once I fail out of Education, I should take over an educational center.
The word itself means "To see Tupu [Tupu is a female name]". The founder of the islands, Telematua, put his wife Futi on one island (now named Funafuti [female prefix and her name, which translates to banana]) and Tupu (translates holy or abundant) on what would become Vaitupu. Telematua split his time between the islands. When Futi was asked where her husband went to for so long, she responded "Voai ia Tupu", to see Tupu. This was shortened to Vaitupu
My nation name is Lovfro, because NS wouldn't accept Løvfrø (stupid letterist NS)
Løvfrø means Treefrog in danish. That is my nickname :D
The story behind this is a rather nerdy one. At a live Vampire: the Masquerade RPG I one time played this Archon (sort of secret vampire police). In an attempt to infiltrate a group of anarchs (mostly young, dissatisfied vampires) I was dared to drink the blood of someone on a treefrog trip. Treefrog poison is hallucinogenic, so the next two hours I went around doing all kinds of crazy stuff while roleplaying being under the influence of treefrog poison. This performance was apparently so good, that the nickname my character gained that night (ie Løvfrø) carried over to my person.
20-06-2005, 04:33
Just thought it up.
meihana is a great name for a tiki god in the south pacific. Since my nation is all about surfing and relaxing, meihana can look after us ;)
Well, I am taking German as a second language in school, and I have to say that “und” is my favorite Germanic word. In fact, I have mistakenly written “und” instead of “and” in my classes immediately following German, or after I did my homework while I was supposed to be paying attention to a lecture. Anyhow, I just attached a nation-like suffix to it.
My nation name is Lovfro, because NS wouldn't accept Løvfrø (stupid letterist NS)
Løvfrø means Treefrog in danish. That is my nickname :D
The story behind this is a rather nerdy one. At a live Vampire: the Masquerade RPG I one time played this Archon (sort of secret vampire police). In an attempt to infiltrate a group of anarchs (mostly young, dissatisfied vampires) I was dared to drink the blood of someone on a treefrog trip. Treefrog poison is hallucinogenic, so the next two hours I went around doing all kinds of crazy stuff while roleplaying being under the influence of treefrog poison. This performance was apparently so good, that the nickname my character gained that night (ie Løvfrø) carried over to my person.
Cool... And very odd.
20-06-2005, 04:46
Well my name was sort of part of a theme. I knew that my nation would end up being totalitarian and have some emphasis on morality, as well I knew my nation would be awesome so I decided to have the holy empire of holyawesomeness as my nation.
20-06-2005, 04:48
It keeps the pervs at bay.
I stole it. It's someones real name. She worked in the childcare at the YMCA where I was a lifeguard. One day I saw her pay check:
Guadalupe Lerma. I just loved the sound of that name. I would say it to myself at work.. Guadaluuuuupaaaa Leerrrrmmaaaaa. Put it togehter and what have you got? Guadalupelerma.
Haha...stalkerish ;)
20-06-2005, 06:28
Have any of you ever read Bernard Cornwell's trilogy of novels about King Arthur (The Winter King, Enemy of God and Excalibur)?
The country that Arthur fights to defend is called Dumnonia. When I created my nation, I had absolutely no ideas. Total blank. So I took Dumnonia, substituted a bastardization of my first name (Graham ... which most people pronouce "Gram" anyways, the illiterate fools :headbang: ) for the first syllable of the country's name, and voilà! Gramnonia was born.
Discordia Magna
20-06-2005, 06:32
Discordia Magna = Eris the Great
Hail Eris!
It started out by combining my name Dan, with the country of Denmark. I went with Danmarc, and then decided to use that as the currency as well, kind of like a Deutchmarc... From there, I went crazy, and started naming all my cities Dantropolis, Dantopia, Danville, Danenstein, etc... Either i am really creative, or none at all.. can't decide which..
This quote reminds me: There are only 2 boys' names that are used in Danmark: Dan and Mark. :fluffle: :D
UDside: When you pronounce it, it sounds like 'you decide'. In this case it's what the government tells the rich and powerful capitalists. :D
20-06-2005, 07:25
Phaestos is a city in Crete.
Basically, its original concept was essentially a case of "What if a Minoan/Mycenaean style city state had survived to the modern era?"
Sonho Real
20-06-2005, 07:30
Doesn't "real" (as pronounced ray-ALL) in Portuguese and Spanish mean "royal"? As in "La Casa Real" = "royal house"?
I know Portagee and Espagnole are different, but they're not [I]that[I] different, are they?
No, I'm pretty sure real in Portugese means real in English, dunno much about Spanish. You're right about the pronounciation though.
EDIT: it seems we're both right... meaning depends on context.
20-06-2005, 07:37
HurraH!!! A delightfully refrshing thread! Thanks, poster!! Anyway, I'm particularly proud of my name, simply because it's obvious what it means and it's obviously in a foreign language. Whoever earlier posted "stupid lettering NS" was exactly right, because my nation is supposed to be called Сообщество Индивидуальности, only NS won't accept Cyrillic alphabet characters (discrimination!!!), so I gave the Roman alphabet equivalent: [The] [Community] (Soóbshchestvo) [of] Individualnost (Individuality). I wanted a commune, because I believe in communism with a LOWER CASE C, as in, whatever's best for the community as a whole. It's the best way for humans to survive, I believe, because everyone benefits. It also requires everyone to be equal in some way or another, so I tempered that with my intrinsic belief that everyone is individual and life should be dealt with case-specifically, so Individuality was of course the namesake of my country. Really, it's not turned out to be a community at all, but a dictatorship (Father knows best, little children...) that often does not protect individuality. Oops :(. Oh, well. It looks cool, I think, cause it's an interesting twist on a good English word. ::shrug::
20-06-2005, 07:40
No, I'm pretty sure real in Portugese means real in English, dunno much about Spanish. You're right about the pronounciation though.
EDIT: it seems we're both right... meaning depends on context.
Yes, "Real" en español does mean royal, like La Casa Real o El Camino Real (the real house?? The real road??? No, it's royal, even if you don't speak Spanish). I believe the original poster of said quote was referencing Brazil, though, and if real means real en portueguesa, then the original contender who brought up the "royal" argument didn't really have grounds.
Lashie comes from my nickname that i got last year just before i created my nation... the nickname's cause i always flutter my eyelashes when i get mad or roll my eyes or argue... and prob other times too :D
In Europa Universalis II in the Grand Campaign there is one random Buddhist province in European Russia. Its name is Kalmuk. Out of shear amusment at there being Buddhists in Europe of 1419 I had to pick it.
20-06-2005, 08:02
Fluidics is the demon project. Only about 10-20 people in the world know this, and half of them would dispute that APS is the true demon project, but that is all irrelevant because nobody has any idea what I'm talking about in the first place.
Offensive Language
20-06-2005, 09:54
Offensive Language... because i use it a lot.
20-06-2005, 10:06
I was looking for a name that had anything to do with Western Canada and I had just read an article that said Sir Francis Drake may have sailed north of Vancouver Island during is circumnavigation of the world. Also pretty much everything else was taken... oh well I like it.
Niccolo Medici
20-06-2005, 10:07
The Principality of Niccolo Medici.
I mean, c'mon...Do I have to draw a diagram? If you can't figure it out you need to study more. ;)
Commie Catholics
20-06-2005, 10:08
I was just looking for a name that would involve religion or politics and be contradictory. The Dictatorship of Commie Catholics was perfect. Then I changed it to the Capitalist Crusaders of Commie Catholics. Even better.
20-06-2005, 10:15
last name with a possesive tense added on and German Word for city.
I didnt like the idea of my first name .....istan or .....ia or
Thats right kids i have a 1.78 Billion Population living in one city! :eek:
I slightly underestimated how fast a nation grows! silly me.... :p
Actually Harlesburg (City) has a pop of 25Million. :)
20-06-2005, 10:18
Kellarly - The capital planet of a race called the Polaris in a great game called Escape Velocity Nova.
Want it?
Go here. (
The Downmarching Void
20-06-2005, 10:44
The name of my nation comes from a painting and an electro track I made. The original painting was meant as a kind of Cthuloid Talisman of Protection I made for my best friend at the time. He has a strong belief in a kind of magical system/philosophy all his own. He beleives in magical objects and places (btw, he's got an IQ of around 200, and very successful entrepeneur in the computer security) I've always gone along with it because its much more interesting an odd than our otherwise boring and humdrum ways of interacting with the universe. The full title is "Evil LengLeng Of The Downmarching Void" and I chose it to convey the idea of a strange Cthuloid entity. LengLeng is not evil, but gets his title of Evil from the fact that he is able to absorb infinite amounts of evil and redistribute it into the void.
Yes it's quite insane and also absurd, but since I'm both mentally ill and an Absurdist, it all fits. As a nation name, I think of it as representing the inexorable, never ending descent into absurdity commonly reffered to as "Politics" Don't read too much into it though, because it also represents my hatred of the pretentious titles and subjects so many artists indulge in. Untitled #whatever gets boring fast, so I just name my pieces with whatever incongruant or absurd phrase or word first comes to mind
(I was stone cold sober when I named btw. Just incase you're one of those sad,unfulfilled beings who think weirdness in creativity can only come about "under the influence")
20-06-2005, 11:02
I wanted to make a laissez faire paradise experiment and I went searching for translations of 'ennui'. Thus I got Langewales from the German Langweile (boredom) and the same goes for the national currency, Verveiling (Dutch for boredom). I thought it worked out well something like Wales and I've always liked that flying whale from music video 'In the End' by Linkin Park.
Th Great Otaku
20-06-2005, 11:24
hmm, "Th Great Otaku". I was 12 years old, couldn't type very well and loved anime. Pretty much all there is too it. ^^;;
20-06-2005, 18:50
Kellarly - The capital planet of a race called the Polaris in a great game called Escape Velocity Nova.
Want it?
Go here. (
The Polaris are the coolest race in EVN. Though I admit I'd like to have a Wraith ship or one of those incredibly weird Krypt pods.
Catch ya later, Ory'hara!
Roshni is Urdu for light.
20-06-2005, 18:52
I live in Maine, thus, Maineiacs
I'm not entirely sure.
But isn't 'nyib' just a great word?
And according to the mighty Google, stands for New York Investment Bank or National Youth Involvement Board.
How very appropriate. :rolleyes:
I V Stalin
20-06-2005, 22:15
Well, there was this guy may even have heard of him? Born in Georgia (the country...), trained as a priest (never actually qualified), joined a small political movement in Russia at the start of the 20th century. Then there was some business involving revolution, murdering a royal family, fighting a civil war...y'know how it is. Some other guy called Vladimir died in 1924, sparking a 'struggle' for leadership of the biggest country in the world. This guy Stalin won it in/around 1929, and proceeded to kill off over 80 million of his country's people by the time of his death in 1953. He was a nice guy really, just a little misunderstood.
The I V (his initials - I know that's obvious, but someone did once ask why my nation was called '4 Stalin'), stands for Iosef Vissarionavich.
Leperous monkeyballs
21-06-2005, 00:08
Looked in the mirror.....
I'm not entirely sure.
But isn't 'nyib' just a great word?
Yes, it sounds cool... it doesn't matter how you came up with it if it's an awesome name :)
21-06-2005, 08:34
I, and a few of my friends, came up with the word "shmarm" while high. We've used it ever since to confuse people, and snicker profusly whenever we hear the word.
Because "Die Untermensch sind VERBOTEN!!!", of course (the subhumans are forbidden).
21-06-2005, 09:43
Watch out for the PC police...
21-06-2005, 09:54
In Europa Universalis II in the Grand Campaign there is one random Buddhist province in European Russia. Its name is Kalmuk. Out of shear amusment at there being Buddhists in Europe of 1419 I had to pick it.
Wow, is that a historically validated community?? I'm interested.
21-06-2005, 09:57
I wanted to make a laissez faire paradise experiment and I went searching for translations of 'ennui'. Thus I got Langewales from the German Langweile (boredom) and the same goes for the national currency, Verveiling (Dutch for boredom). I thought it worked out well something like Wales and I've always liked that flying whale from music video 'In the End' by Linkin Park.
Heck yes that whale is hilarious never understood why they put it in there though.
21-06-2005, 10:00
Well, there was this guy may even have heard of him? Born in Georgia (the country...), trained as a priest (never actually qualified), joined a small political movement in Russia at the start of the 20th century. Then there was some business involving revolution, murdering a royal family, fighting a civil war...y'know how it is. Some other guy called Vladimir died in 1924, sparking a 'struggle' for leadership of the biggest country in the world. This guy Stalin won it in/around 1929, and proceeded to kill off over 80 million of his country's people by the time of his death in 1953. He was a nice guy really, just a little misunderstood.
The I V (his initials - I know that's obvious, but someone did once ask why my nation was called '4 Stalin'), stands for Iosef Vissarionavich.
Oh, and you have an excellent name and an even greater presentation of it. Loved the whole post.
21-06-2005, 10:10
Winter-een-Mas. If anyone has ever read they will know what this is. Winter-een-mas in short is a gaming holiday devised by Ethan of ctrlaltdel or rather the writer of it Tim Buckley..
sorry for stealing the name Tim
21-06-2005, 10:18
Winter-een-Mas. If anyone has ever read they will know what this is. Winter-een-mas in short is a gaming holiday devised by Ethan of ctrlaltdel or rather the writer of it Tim Buckley..
sorry for stealing the name Tim
Hoorayy I gain more respec for the posters here every time I log into this forum! Ctrlaltdel-online is an awesome comic that I check daily, and anyone who reads it has a sense of humor that I thouroughly appreciate. And a love of video games that i appreciate even more. Take care, oh you with the most majestic name of the cold months.
21-06-2005, 10:19
Started with Latium [Lazio], then moved to Latia, then tried Latias and when that didn't work I tried Latiatis and Tada.
21-06-2005, 10:39
Winter-een-Mas. If anyone has ever read they will know what this is. Winter-een-mas in short is a gaming holiday devised by Ethan of ctrlaltdel or rather the writer of it Tim Buckley..
sorry for stealing the name Tim
I love Crtl-Alt-Del! I really hope Zeke pulls through, I mean it was just a water baloon...
Magnetic Island
21-06-2005, 13:15
Magnetic Island is an island in Townsville.
Czardas? Well, that's a good question.
Starting out with my title (Supreme Ruler of the Universe), I looked up a word for royalty. Settling on 'Czar' at random, I then added a few more letters, and, ta-daa! Czardas was born.
Of course, that isn't true at all. I just hit upon it at random. It does help that Bartók is one of my favorite composers though... :p
I V Stalin
21-06-2005, 15:42
Oh, and you have an excellent name and an even greater presentation of it. Loved the whole post.
Ta. I aim to please...well, no I don't, I was just bored.
21-06-2005, 16:04
I was bored.
The military nation
21-06-2005, 16:49
My name Speaks for it`s self The Military Nation ,i cant renember how i came up with it though? Hmmm....
Stupendous Badassness
21-06-2005, 23:49
I just wanted to project myself into the nation :D
22-06-2005, 03:43
Well, there was this guy may even have heard of him? Born in Georgia (the country...), trained as a priest (never actually qualified), joined a small political movement in Russia at the start of the 20th century. Then there was some business involving revolution, murdering a royal family, fighting a civil war...y'know how it is. Some other guy called Vladimir died in 1924, sparking a 'struggle' for leadership of the biggest country in the world. This guy Stalin won it in/around 1929, and proceeded to kill off over 80 million of his country's people by the time of his death in 1953. He was a nice guy really, just a little misunderstood.
The I V (his initials - I know that's obvious, but someone did once ask why my nation was called '4 Stalin'), stands for Iosef Vissarionavich.
Wow. 4 Stalin? That's really funny.
I must admit that when I first saw your name I wondered how Stalin could be taken intravenously.
Socialist Autonomia
22-06-2005, 03:50
Well, I wanted to illustrate that my government used socialism, so I chose a word that seemed to portray this well: "socialist"
Next, I wanted to say that my government allowed to people to choose their lifestyle without many limits: "autonomia"
Thirdly, I realized that I couldn't think of any more things to say about how my nation would be.
Ninja Strike Team 2
22-06-2005, 03:55
haha, be prepared for a long story, on another forum there was a response to a thread were someone used the word "Spooteh" back then of course i ignored it, it wasn't until a month later that i needed a name for a character in a webcomic, i was reminded of Spooteh but could only fit Spoot in the title, when i went on NS i realised that Spoot and Spooteh were taken so i settled for Spooty, long story but its my story (of course this is the story of how my Puppet got its name, ¬_¬ i didnt realise i was logged in wrong)
22-06-2005, 03:56
It's my web name.
Hrmm. Well, when I couldn't get the name I wanted (Aelosia, I believe) I came up with Khrrck, and used it. It's based on a style of name I use for Wyrms.
It's interesting, really. If I had chosen Aelosia, would I have a nation of airy elves instead of the hard-bitten Wyrms I have now? :/
Carnivorous Lickers
22-06-2005, 04:09
I live in Maine, thus, Maineiacs
I think this was very clever.
22-06-2005, 04:23
Named after the legendary Aussie cricketer, David Boon.
22-06-2005, 04:25
I'll break it down phonetically:
from my original flag, which was Barbados
originally liberal government
monetary system in FF
My original name was Neuria, a name that came from the name of a tribe in anceint Greece that was said to change into wolves once every year. Since Neuria itself, was taken. I just tweaked the name a bit and came up with Neureya.
22-06-2005, 06:20
It just came to me..
This is the only site I use the name on. The rest I usually use Aiyana if it isn't already taken.
Tierra De Cristo
22-06-2005, 06:45
Italian for "Land of Christ," because it's pretty and I'm a Christian.
The Capitalist Vikings
22-06-2005, 06:49
Well, I'm a free-market capitalist and Norwegian. So, yeah, pretty easy choice. :D
22-06-2005, 07:49
Well, there was this guy may even have heard of him? Born in Georgia (the country...), trained as a priest (never actually qualified), joined a small political movement in Russia at the start of the 20th century. Then there was some business involving revolution, murdering a royal family, fighting a civil war...y'know how it is. Some other guy called Vladimir died in 1924, sparking a 'struggle' for leadership of the biggest country in the world. This guy Stalin won it in/around 1929, and proceeded to kill off over 80 million of his country's people by the time of his death in 1953. He was a nice guy really, just a little misunderstood.
The I V (his initials - I know that's obvious, but someone did once ask why my nation was called '4 Stalin'), stands for Iosef Vissarionavich.
Got that but actually I think it works both ways (either For Stalin or Stalin himself)
Rojo Cubana
22-06-2005, 07:56
Well, I'm Cuban, and it's a common misconception that all Cubans are communists. Thus, Red Cuba. Then, just for the hell of it, I used gramatically incorrect Spanish instead of English.
22-06-2005, 07:56
(I'm a guy by the way - just thought I'd make that clear from the start)
I was thinking of something Scottish like Albany or Caledonica because I was thinking of this dour, rocky, kilt wearing, militaristic totalitarian state. Well Caledonica was apparently taken so after switching letters around here and there I ended up with something reasonably plausible, Caledonia mixed with Athenian. The drawback is, since it ends in 'a' there's the odd chance that people think I am feminine (then again we all wear kilts...). The Cathenian Roach Beast is supposed to be a cross between Scottish highland cattle and... errr roaches (a hardy, hairy, meaty six legged and horned creature). Thus, undeterred by chance and fate and scornful of the effeminate wiles that have overtaken lesser nations we are the Commonwealth of Cathenia.
22-06-2005, 08:03
Heck yes that whale is hilarious never understood why they put it in there though.
Does anyone know? I loved that music video cuz it was so... weird in a great way. And the flying whale was a part of that. Anyways... does anyone know why and WHAT that whale was (my nation's scientists are looking for the scientific name).
22-06-2005, 08:06
Reverse mine and break it into two parts.
Art Saves
And it does!
Italian for "Land of Christ," because it's pretty and I'm a Christian.
Wow i really like that name, alot more than mine anyway :)
22-06-2005, 09:36
Ermarian is the unofficial name of the world of Avernum ( by Spiderweb Software. The name was coined years ago by the fan community.
Diamond Realms
22-06-2005, 18:57
Tiger Diamond is my regular net-nick (and a D&D character), and Diamond Realms is where he rules (as a democratically elected president).
22-06-2005, 19:03
Skinny87 is a nickname I use all the time over the 'net. Howeer, using it in RP's is awful, leading to several memorable manglings of the name, including 'Skinnian', 'Skinnyian' and 'Skinny87ians'. I just gave up and started referring to my country and its troops as 'Republican' instead. Saves a lot of hassle in the long run...
El Porro
22-06-2005, 19:22
Italian for "Land of Christ," because it's pretty and I'm a Christian.
iEs Español, mi pobrecita!
The Italian would be 'Terra di Cristo'.
Pendantry aside, El Porro means 'The Spliff' in Spanish. The People's Republic of the Spliff. Sounds kinda South American, does it not? And therefore, like me, rather cool, in a smoky, sweaty and dangerous way.
Um... yeah....
I have a mental database of the various slang words for joint across the world. So far I have, in Spanish - un porro, un porazo (if rolled particularly badly); Italian - uno spinello, una canna, una bomba, una yappis (by far the best sounding! imho).. And that's about it so far. If anyone can contribute any more I'd be very happy. Thanks! ;)
It's the name of a Dead Kennedys song.
I'm a big fan of the letter "X" ..;)
Me, its simple. Dormit is the Latin word for sleep, which is what I spend most of my time doing. It was going to be more along the lines of eating but all the Latin words for food were taken. :mad:
Holyboy and the 666s
22-06-2005, 19:57
OK, since you asked
My elementary(sp?) school was a Catholic school (I live in Canada, so the education was still free :D) and I was the only person in my class who know anything about the bible (my teacher didn't know where to find 1 John in the bible. It took me 1/2 an hour to convince her that it wasn't chapter one in the gospel of John :eek: ) So when people needed help in religion class, I would help them. Thus I became Holyboy.
After I learned what an oxymoron was, I thought it would be cool to have an oxymoronish name. I couldn't do that with my current screen name (z1720) and I remembered my name in elementary school, Holyboy. I then remembered the devil's number, 666, so I tagged it on, coming up with Holyboy666, which I now use for my screen name at other forums.
When the time came for me to discover this site, I used the name I always had, and then i thought it sounded dumb. So I broke up the name, and made the country a United State of Holyboy and the 666s
Finally, when i discovered my country was socialist, I changed the name of my nation to The United Socialist States of Holyboy and the 666s, just because I could, and to get away from the realization that it sounded like the United States of America :D
(NOTE yes I know recent research has realized that the devil's number is 616, but at this moment in my life, i don't really care and I am too lazy to change my country's name :D)
25-06-2005, 16:47
(NOTE yes I know recent research has realized that the devil's number is 616, but at this moment in my life, i don't really care and I am too lazy to change my country's name :D)
616, the area code to Ann Arbor Michigan. Proving once agian that Michigan State University rules over The University of Michigan. :)
25-06-2005, 16:50
Surname: Winters
Wintovia: Sounds Stupid
Vintovia: Great! Our currency can be the Vint!
And there you have it folks
26-06-2005, 01:56
Quiltlifter is a direct translation from Danish. It's a detective employed by social authorities to discover fraud towards welfair programs