Foreign Aid
10-06-2005, 05:29
Would you be willing to exchange all the tax you pay to your government to instead be used as foreign aid? Now, before you say yes or no, think of the benefits. Governments, providing they act benevolently and in our respected interests, could provide much needed aid to Africa. They have more powers than NGOs* and could have access to materials desperately needed [medicines, foodstuffs, engineers & doctors etc].
It does have the potential disaster involved if everybody opted to pay their tax as foreign aid but there obviously be checks to this included to provide economies dont suffer meltdown.
Personally, I dont NGOs like Concern. In Dublin, they've got 'charitymuggers' who position themselves at busy points in the city [they're always two located near any atm in the city centre, i swear to god] and they're trained to be nice to people, to smile, be polite and gain your attention. They get paid 8 euro an hour. So where's our aid going?!
I'd be in favour of such a tax system. I know i've given a very simplified and niave scheme of things, but thats the jist of it.
The government here keeps taking my money by fining me for really stupid things. I'd jump at the chance to have a say where my money goes, and I'd love to be able to donate to charity. Even though I'm dirt poor and could never afford to make signifigant charitable donations, I still get taxed. I'd be great if I could have some say in where my money goes. I'm supporting my government as is, and I don't like the way they waste my money.
10-06-2005, 05:53
Would you be willing to exchange all the tax you pay to your government to instead be used as foreign aid? Now, before you say yes or no, think of the benefits. Governments, providing they act benevolently and in our respected interests, could provide much needed aid to Africa. They have more powers than NGOs* and could have access to materials desperately needed [medicines, foodstuffs, engineers & doctors etc].
It does have the potential disaster involved if everybody opted to pay their tax as foreign aid but there obviously be checks to this included to provide economies dont suffer meltdown.
Personally, I dont NGOs like Concern. In Dublin, they've got 'charitymuggers' who position themselves at busy points in the city [they're always two located near any atm in the city centre, i swear to god] and they're trained to be nice to people, to smile, be polite and gain your attention. They get paid 8 euro an hour. So where's our aid going?!
I'd be in favour of such a tax system. I know i've given a very simplified and niave scheme of things, but thats the jist of it.
I can't say I am in favor of this idea. It could lead to imbalance (too many people saying yes, no domesetic aid, or too many people saying no, the idea is useless).
10-06-2005, 06:11
Well, perhaps if it was a lifetime system. People sign up to the plan and decide how much of their tax they'd like to donate, then decide how many years they'd remain true to the scheme. So say if you signed up for 8 years, they'd split it into two periods of taxation of 4 years each or another variation more suited.
That way, if the system took off, it wouldnt deprieve government coffers to the extent that things became seriously problamatic in running the state. The government would alternate between different people between different years, hopefully avoiding internal economic collapse.
I think things might be a bit better in this world if people could choose how governments spend their money.
10-06-2005, 06:29
I think things might be a bit better in this world if people could choose how governments spend their money.
The problem with people choosing where government taxes went would be that no one would be able to agree exactly how it should be spent. Think of how problematic it would be if everyone who thought they had an idea of what should be spent where and when, it would take even longer to decide where taxes went and many people still wouldn't feel satisfied. Although most people think they could do better if in a government position, the reality is that what you want and what is actually feasible budget-wise are two different things. That isn't to say that the government knows the right thing to do with your money, but generally they can do better than someone who wants leather padded seats in public washrooms
10-06-2005, 06:40
the problem with a government giving "foreign aid" to other nations is that it has no business Taking money from its own citizens and giving it to someone else. If a government taxes its citizens, then it needs to use it to do what it is supposed to do, protect its citizens. When it starts giving people/other nations that money just because they "need" it......that is just wrong.
As to the question. I think that would be good. But do it like this:
Government stops all foreign aid, and gives that money back to the people through lower taxes. Then the people can give money to international charities/etc. if they wish.
I could not possibly be in favor of this idea. The government already takes way to much from us in taxes as it is. Now your telling me you want people to be able to say that it won't even benefit their nation at all? No thanks.
10-06-2005, 07:24
One other problem with foreign aid is that most of the time it only temporarily fixes the problem, it doesn't solve it completely.
The biggest problem is that what they call aid in fact is just them buying a third world country. They always ask something in exchange. They hide what they ask by saying they only give aid to those who are not corrupt, but actually they call corrupt anything that doesn't serve their interests.
10-06-2005, 07:54
I think I'd have a problem with that. You see, 90% of everyone you will ever meet are rather dim. If you solicit that 90% the for money for charity, you will get a lot of really pointless and quirky uses for that money, like, oh The Society For... buying doggie sweaters for their pets to wear while visiting tropical Central African nations with thier masters. Not that they should be denied that right to fritter away thier hard earned money, but more intelligent folks with an agenda to push would swoop right down on them and talk them right into it. Not to mention potentially harmful or dangerous segments of our society that would simply salivate at the opportunity to go after them. Think PETA.
Did I say that?