What was your worst nightmare ever?
Cabra West
01-06-2005, 11:19
Do you remember? Or don't you remember any of your dreams?
I keep having terrible nightmares, so if you know of a way to make them go away, advice would be appreciated as well.
Nov 2, 2004. About 10:30 pm. I'm still having it.
01-06-2005, 11:39
I had a dream that I was at a Riot/BBQ at my old elementary school/University when I got shot in the back of the head and died. That was kind of cool. Only dream I ever died in.
01-06-2005, 11:44
Nov 2, 2004. About 10:30 pm. I'm still having it.
No, really my worst nightmare I can't remember. It must have been around when I was six-seven, and the only thing I can remember is waking in the middle of the night screaming in utter terror, and to this day feeling kind of uneasy in dark places. And I think my arachnophobia dates from around then, though I don't know what the dream had to do with it.
I remember most of my dreams and I have nightmares all the time. Usually I manage to wake myself up enough to take control of the dream and steer it somewhere nicer, though usually that gets a little strange (Werewolves in tutus anyone?).
If the same nightmare keeps plaguing you though, the best way to deal with it is to write down as much details as you can remember when you wake up from it and then look at it during the light of day when you're fully awake. Usually the nightmares go away when you manage to figure out what it is that's bugging you.
Pure Metal
01-06-2005, 11:54
i had one last night, actually. i was in a supermarket and there was some big rock gig going on... i think i was part of a band and went backstage. as i was talking to someone (i think it was Jim Morrison... and a weird naked indian :eek: ;) ) the cieling of the shop started to bulge like a swarm of ants or bees was trying to break through. eventually it did break and some kind of monster fell down and started killing people. we all started to run away but the area was suddenly enclosed by supermarket shelving, containing foods. everyone was scrambling up these shelves as the monster continued to maime and destroy people one by one. i just managed to get to the top before the guy next to me was dragged down and done away with. as i was on the top, the shelf wobbled and fell down... i thought i was doomed, but all of a sudden the monster was gone, as was everything else, and all around me was just this great big void... within a supermarket of course... but it went on forever. then i woke up.
that was a weird one, and oddly i remembered it - i often have weird dreams/nightmares, but i never remember them.
another one i used to have as a kid was being chased by giant floating rocks. i could never get away.
oh and the worst one was a recurring one i had when i was about 8. i'd been playing descent a bit at the time and all i remember was there was this Red (descent map style) door, which was essentially just a wireframe red box, and it hung over our house. i don't remember the specifics but every night i would dream things would come out of the door and creep around the house, each night getting further into the rooms until, eventually, after a few days, they found my parents and murdered them. this then recurred as a dream for a few weeks. i think they eventually found me and maybe even did away with me too, but i'm not sure.
either way it wasn't nice :(
The Vuhifellian States
01-06-2005, 11:55
It was about 2 years ago, all I remember was something about cats....
Drowning in a vat of insects.. pretty fucked when you're only 6
Heron-Marked Warriors
01-06-2005, 21:55
I keep having terrible nightmares, so if you know of a way to make them go away, advice would be appreciated as well.
Stop sleeping?
It worked for me ;)
01-06-2005, 22:14
Do you remember? Or don't you remember any of your dreams?
I keep having terrible nightmares, so if you know of a way to make them go away, advice would be appreciated as well.
Being chased by a horde of bible thumpers.
Marmite Toast
01-06-2005, 22:20
Does it count if one is ill at the time of nightmare? Because that seems to make dreams much worse than the actual content of the dream. Then again, maybe I just don't have very bad dreams.
01-06-2005, 22:26
I had a really freaky dream where everyone was decomposing into dirt around me and just before that all their teeth were falling out, including my own... that was quite frightening. I also used to have a variant of the "falling" dream. I'll be running, and I'll come to a hill. I'll start to run down it, but my strides become really elongated. And I'll start to take off, but like a HUGE stride. I'll end up about 40-50 feet off the ground, and then just start falling faster and faster. It usually ends when I land on some large rocky outcropping.
Blackfoot Barrens
01-06-2005, 22:27
Little yellow mice. Little yellow mice aaall over the place. Wierd thing is I'm not even afraid of mice. Well... not afraid of ones that aren't yellow.
The thing I really hate though is when you try to run but you can only move veeeeerry slooooooowly. After a while that gets so cliched you wake up cursing your lack of creativity in the manner of a disillusioned French artist.
01-06-2005, 22:46
Well, there was the time I finally managed to get Heidi Klum into a dream, only to spend the entire time talking to her about how brilliant Bertrand Russell's logical notation was. I had a bad day in philosophy class that day. . .
Most of my nightmares are pretty straightforward: I dream about finding the love of my life only to have her die, or I dream about doing something heinous and dieing by lethal injection. It's pretty easy to know why I'm afraid, so I usually console myself that those things are highly unlikely to happen.
Mediocre Obscurity
01-06-2005, 22:51
another one i used to have as a kid was being chased by giant floating rocks. i could never get away.
I had a dream really like that! Except the rocks were just balanced on really thin hairs or ropes and there was a completely white background... I can't explain why but that dream used to scare the shit out of me!
'If you don't wake up is it still a dream?'
To avoid nightmares, do NOT eat before bed. Dinner should be your final meal for the day. Drinking is fine, but nothing too incredibly sugary or heavy.
Marmite Toast
01-06-2005, 22:56
I don't have falling dreams - if I ever fall it's because I jumped, and it's often fun. The slow running is what annoys me.
I also had a dream where I was in a building and about fifty of the undead were coming through a doorway to kill me, but they were no match for me.
01-06-2005, 23:05
I used to get into the habit of eating a cheese sandwich right before i went to bed, until i woke up shouting and threw my bedside lamp at the wall. Then it had to stop.
The worst i have ever had must have been the one only a few weeks ago, there was an underground bunker type thing with phials and giant green chemical vats all over the place. Some... thing was in a white labcoat and was saying "We killed another one" over and over again. It then cut to a large creepy-looking house with barbed wire all over it, and someone around my age with their back turned to me. They were wispering something, and when i went closer they turned around suddenly and shouted "Go Away!" repeatedly, getting louder each time. The strangest thing is the mansion bit was in broad daylight, and it was after the cheese sandwich incident...
Not exactly horrifying, but for some reason it shit me up like nothing else.
02-06-2005, 00:38
I can only remember one nightmare and I'm not even sure if it can be classified as one. It did make sleeping very unpleasant, so I guess you could. I was sick at the time and all I could was sleep. Basically every time I fell asleep I had the same dream. It was quite abstract. The only thing in the dream was messed heap of iron wire in black emptiness. Somehow I had to clear it up and organize it into a neat shape or something like that, I believe I was somehow creating the universe. Anyway, the hard part was that everytime I got the problem solved I got a bigger and more messed up wire heap. Whenever I woke up I felt pure hatred towards the dream, but sleeping was the only way to escape the misery of the illness and I always had the same dream, so it was a very annoying situation.
02-06-2005, 00:49
I can only remember one nightmare and I'm not even sure if it can be classified as one. It did make sleeping very unpleasant, so I guess you could. I was sick at the time and all I could was sleep. Basically every time I fell asleep I had the same dream. It was quite abstract. The only thing in the dream was messed heap of iron wire in black emptiness. Somehow I had to clear it up and organize it into a neat shape or something like that, I believe I was somehow creating the universe. Anyway, the hard part was that everytime I got the problem solved I got a bigger and more messed up wire heap. Whenever I woke up I felt pure hatred towards the dream, but sleeping was the only way to escape the misery of the illness and I always had the same dream, so it was a very annoying situation.
heh. How Adamsian. "whenever someone does manage to explain the universe, it immediately disappears and comes back even more complex than before. There are another group of people who say that this has already happened."
That was me butchering the quote to a very large degree.
The Black Forrest
02-06-2005, 00:55
Nov 2, 2004. About 10:30 pm. I'm still having it.
Bastard! I was going to say that! :p
The Black Forrest
02-06-2005, 00:57
Well I don't think I have had anything that would be called a nightmare as in having to be woken up or wake up scared etc.
What starts off as something that could be a nightmare turns into an adventure.
Example: Getting chased by zombies(ala Night of the Living Dead) changes to fighting them.
Cannot think of a name
02-06-2005, 01:04
Being dead, though I don't remember how I knew I was dead, I just was. I was young, maybe 10.
A bunch of people where filling into this house that looked like the Bates house or the Haunted House from Disneyland.
Everyone formed up in a line that went up the stairs. Stuff shifted about a lot, like dreams do.
I got to the top of the stairs and had to pass through what looked like a medal detector. Along the bottom was a wire no one else was stepping on and next to the detector on the other side was a guy slumped in a seat, and he looked bored.
Naturally I stepped on the wire. I obey Chekov even in dreams ("If you put a gun in the first scene, it had better be fired by the last." paraphrased). This set off an alarm which I somehow knew ment I wasn't getting in.
I asked the bored guy if there was a chance I could go again, figuring I had unlocked the secret of the detector. I knew that a whole lot was at stake, because I was panicy, but I have no idea why I knew that. He pointed to a giant cake that if I ate it I could try again later. So I did.
I woke up in a panic and about as scared as I have ever been. Still remember that dream. Doesn't seem scary, even to me now. But I remember being scared silly.
02-06-2005, 01:06
My worst nightmare ever is an occasionally recurring dream.
It is one of the few dreams that I have ever had that I, myself was involved in (I'm usually a dispassionate observer in my dreams.)
I'm in a room, reading a book, a book about the holocaust. It has pictures in it. I'm looking at the picture of a concentration camp guard, when I realize that the face in the picture is my face. I feel a sudden surge of terror and wake up, sweating, but otherwise fine.
I suspect the dream is an expression of my fear of an inner evil that I fear I might have. Maybe it's me dealing and coping with the actions of people with a similar background to me did. I don't know. The dream just frightens me, and it comes back every so often.
New Granada
02-06-2005, 01:08
Waiting on a girlfriend's pregnancy test.
If this thread is talking about dreams, this wasnt a dream.
New Fubaria
02-06-2005, 01:10
When I was a kid I used to have a dream that I fell off a cliff and smashed all my bones, and jagged bits of bone were poking out all over my body, and a pack of dogs were trying to chew on the bones...:D
02-06-2005, 01:25
that one dream where i'm standing on a pyramid butt naked with all these naked chicks around me throwing pickles and chanting my name
what, you haven't had that dream?
My worst dreams aren't the irrational ones where i am being chased by a tornado and vampires...more like personal stuff that has happened to me in the past...the worst is waking up thinking that it happened again.
02-06-2005, 01:39
My weirdest dream is a recurring one(i don't know why but i have it every couple of years :( ) i'm in this neverending room of total white and if i try to run i go then i fall then it turns to black if i try to run in the black part fall up?
Then i'm back in the white room and then it goes black then white then black!
It's not exactly scary it just started to piss me off.
The Vuhifellian States
02-06-2005, 01:42
Now I remember what my worst nightmare was.
When I was 6 my mom instilled in me UBER-CHRISTIANITY, SIN ONCE AND GOD KILLS YOU AND YOU GO 2 HELL!!!!1111!!!!1111. So one time I went to sleep after some speech about the sinners and terrorists all over Kazachstan, and two minutes into it I woke up screaming, sweating, and flailing all over.
Drowning in a vat of lava while several extinct dinosours are tearing my skin off, while someone's poking my bare tissue with an alcoholic stick. WHILE I had hot embers in my ass, and I still didn't die, just pain, and pain, and pain.
Pretty fucked up for a 6 year old man....
02-06-2005, 01:59
Man those were lame nightmares. I think some of my dreams are supposed to be nightmares but they are not to me. Like the dreams of several tornados converging together and then surrounding me. I try to drive away with my car, but they are everywhere. I just drive in a ditch and wait for some action packed moment to come, but instead, I wake up.
This was a nightmare. This black void thing that seemed to represent evil, was absorbing various objects around the house. It ignored my bros and charged me. When I was fully absorbed into the inky blackness and me feeling there was no way out now, I woke up.
This violent nasty dream didn't disturb me that much and I went back to sleep after I interpreted it. I was in this sewer and in this cage was a man eating bat of some sort that was 9 feet tall. This man told me what the bat's name was (it sounded like some ancient name in latin, but I don't remember what he said) and told me not to let anyone go in. The man leaves and this stupid idiot comes along. I tell him not to go in there, but he unlocks the lock and walks into the cage laughing at me. The bat wakes up and then bites down on his legs degloving the flesh of the man from the head down, and all I see is this bloody mess and they guy screaming. My last words were, "When is this guy going to die?" Then I woke up.
My dreams are always a constant struggle. I have gotten used to it to a point that even dreams where I am walking into pitch black and something stabs me and I fall over and over into emptiness, just feel regular. I accept the situation my dreams put me into and just go with it most of the time.
My bro has simialar dreams where this serial killer comes after him. It ends violently with lots of blood and my bro winning, but feeling weird.
New British Glory
02-06-2005, 02:01
My worst nightmare:
I was lying in bed and suddenly this black thing that was made out of shadows with a skull face slammed me against the wall above my bed by my throat and began to laugh at me as I choked.
I woke up sweating and I had to turn on the light for about an hour. I felt ill the next day and could barely sleep the next night.