NationStates Jolt Archive

Films You Want To See?

31-05-2005, 19:46
What films, coming out soon do you want to see? I want to see Madagascar when it gets here, and moree than that, I want to see the Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe film, first of the Narnia series, and I want to see Shadowmancer, the film adaptation of the G.P Taylor book.
31-05-2005, 19:55
I'll be seeing Stealth and War of the Worlds when they come out.
Anarchic Conceptions
31-05-2005, 19:59
The League of Gentlemen's Apocalypse and Sin City

'bout it
Pure Metal
31-05-2005, 20:04
War Of The Worlds, Madagascar, Episode 3 again... i'm sure there are others but i forget.

but not Sin City - it looks like yet another Tarantino pretentiousness-fest :rolleyes:

go ahead, flame me :rolleyes:
31-05-2005, 20:07
Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, which I'll be seeing Thursday. :D
31-05-2005, 20:08
I want to see the film about that guy... you know... the movie about his life...
Whispering Legs
31-05-2005, 20:09
Anything by Samuel L. Bronkowitz
31-05-2005, 20:09
War Of The Worlds, Madagascar, Episode 3 again... i'm sure there are others but i forget.

but not Sin City - it looks like yet another Tarantino pretentiousness-fest :rolleyes:

go ahead, flame me :rolleyes:

I won't flame you for that, but i'll definitely flame you for your signature, EU, ppphhh.. we could do without it.
31-05-2005, 20:09
You guys do know that War of the Worlds is based on a book written by a man who praised and admired Stalin, right?
The Emperor Fenix
31-05-2005, 20:10
Howls Moving Castle
Sin City [Barely]
The Watchmen [how are they doign with that one ?]
The island
League of gentlemans apocalypse
A good woman [out now]
The lion the witch and the wardrobe
The Emperor Fenix
31-05-2005, 20:12
You guys do know that War of the Worlds is based on a book written by a man who praised and admired Stalin, right?

I DO know and i DONT care :D...

But flip side... you guys do know that war of the worlds has Tom Cruise in it and so is undoubtably going to be adequate at best.
Pure Metal
31-05-2005, 20:13
I won't flame you for that, but i'll definitely flame you for your signature, EU, ppphhh.. we could do without it.
well, you're entitled to your opinion...... even if it is wrong ;) :D

You guys do know that War of the Worlds is based on a book written by a man who praised and admired Stalin, right?
still a good story.

I DO know and i DONT care :D...

But flip side... you guys do know that war of the worlds has Tom Cruise in it and so is undoubtably going to be adequate at best.
yes, and they moved the story to New Jersey :rolleyes:
Bodies Without Organs
31-05-2005, 20:14
You guys do know that War of the Worlds is based on a book written by a man who praised and admired Stalin, right?

...but was written in 1897 (IIRC), long before Stalin came to power, by a man who died in 1947, long before the full effect of Stalin's reign was known. Aside from which, the novel contains an interesting discussion (held in the ruins of Woking, I believe) about just what is the correct way to rebuild the world - whether through force or by consent, and the protagonist plumps for the side of consent. Add to that the fact that even by the mid-thirties, with Stalin only recently head of the Communist Party, Wells had become disillusioned with him. Wells was always a socialist, and never a fill blown communist.
31-05-2005, 20:18
Ong Bak
31-05-2005, 20:18
Anything by Samuel L. Bronkowitz

Suicidal Librarians
31-05-2005, 20:19
I want to see The War of the Worlds and The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.
Anarchic Conceptions
31-05-2005, 21:26
You guys do know that War of the Worlds is based on a book written by a man who praised and admired Stalin, right?

Well aside from what BWO said.

From the trailers it doesn't look like they'll be a lot of the original book in it. It looks like an action-film (lite). Though its not meant to be. Unsurprisingly really, considering they (Spielburg & Cruise) did the same to Minority Report, kind of missing the point of PKD's stories imo.
The Tribes Of Longton
31-05-2005, 21:35
but not Sin City - it looks like yet another Tarantino pretentiousness-fest :rolleyes:
Tarantino guest directed Sin City for one whole day. It isn't his baby, it's Frank Miller's, the guy who wrote the comic. In fact, Robert Rodriguez worked with Frank Miller ultra closely in order to bring as much of the comic to the screen as possible. I'm well looking forward to it. Plus Jessica Alba would definitely get it in those chaps.
The Abomination
31-05-2005, 21:41
Dude you want to see Shadowmancer? The book was atrocious....

Episode 3 (Still ain't seen it! ARGH!) and Sinfest (Meant to be the best comic book adaptation available).
Secluded Islands
31-05-2005, 21:44
(i just saw episode III, it was the best one IMO)

i want to see dark water and the island.
31-05-2005, 22:04
SERENITY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And Sin City...
31-05-2005, 22:06
You guys do know that War of the Worlds is based on a book written by a man who praised and admired Stalin, right?
why would that make one bit of difference to me?
neither wells nor stalin will get any money from it.
31-05-2005, 22:11
SERENITY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And Sin City...
sin city is a very compelling movie. well worth seeing if you dont mind EXTREME violence and gore. i liked it pretty well.

who is making lion witch and wardrobe? live action? is anyone famous in it?
01-06-2005, 13:02
Dude you want to see Shadowmancer? The book was atrocious....
and Sinfest (Meant to be the best comic book adaptation available).
Yeees, might not take the advice of a guy who just got a film name wrong, despite its being mentioned at least ten times before you. Sin City is the name, not Sinfest. :rolleyes:
and Shadowmancer was a brilliant book, ten times better than Rowling, a brilliant read.
01-06-2005, 13:06
who is making lion witch and wardrobe? live action? is anyone famous in it?

Director: Andrew Adamson
Only Actors I Recognize In That List: Rupert Everett and Dawn French