Where are you politically?
The Ghas
31-05-2005, 05:03
Im a Consivitve.
I'm a softcore libertarian. Therefore, I put liberal.
The Ghas
31-05-2005, 05:05
Vote then
The Ghas
31-05-2005, 05:08
Sorry, I didn't see that.
31-05-2005, 05:13
Yo sup.
Imperial Dark Rome
31-05-2005, 05:17
I am a Extreme Conservative.
~Satanic Reverend Medivh~
I don't know what conservitives or moderites are, so I guess I'm a liberal.
I'm varied. On some subjects, my opinion is very conservative, on others very liberal. I voted "Moderate".
31-05-2005, 05:45
You really need to define by whose standards we are judging "conservative" and "liberal." Where I live, in Arizona, I would be considered by most to be a far-left liberal. However, were I to go to San Francisco or, say, Sweden, I would probably be considered moderate. By default, I'm going to assume you're judging political stances by average American ideas, so I suppose I'm thus "very liberal."
I dunno. I usually classify myself as a moderate conservative.
Patra Caesar
31-05-2005, 06:07
I'd probably have to say I'm more liberal than the Liberal (conservative) party.
Free Soviets
31-05-2005, 06:10
anarcho-communist with the occassional mutualist and primitivist leaning.
otherwise known as 'not on your conceptual map'.
31-05-2005, 06:10
i'm a conservative on a lot of issues, but moderate on a few, so i put conserivitive (sic). this dude's the worst speller ever.
I voted liberal... I am definitely liberal, but I know a lot of people more so than I am, so I don't consider myself "very" liberal.
Neo Rogolia
31-05-2005, 06:13
I am very "consivative" ;)
31-05-2005, 10:00
I didn't vote (or at least, haven't yet.)
The one-dimensional spectrum is horrid.
Go 2-D! (http://www.politicalcompass.org)
Crimson Sith
31-05-2005, 10:04
lolz, what horrible spelling. :D
I'm a moderate, that is to say, fiscaly I'm a little right, socially I'm a little left.
Downtown Motown
31-05-2005, 16:36
John McCainian. And this guy's spelling blows.
Pure Metal
31-05-2005, 16:40
anarcho-communist with the occassional mutualist and primitivist leaning.
otherwise known as 'not on your conceptual map'.
indeed. there's more to life than conservatives and liberals :rolleyes:
and same here (plus Regressionist)
The Ghas
31-05-2005, 23:30
i'm a conservative on a lot of issues, but moderate on a few, so i put conserivitive (sic). this dude's the worst speller ever.
Ya think? I suck at spelling.
Take a look at my sig. I voted "very liberal".
IImperIIum of man
31-05-2005, 23:44
<-independant moderate
i like and dislike some issues from both sides of the american political spectrum.
for example i like guns, low taxes and national defence but i am anti-religious and against government legislated morality, i like sensible conservation but i hate animal rights extremist,.....so in other words if your in the fringe left or right i am not on your side.
01-06-2005, 00:04
Think Trotsky, but less communist.
01-06-2005, 00:12
I am a classical liberal. The poll is too simplistic.
Drunk commies reborn
01-06-2005, 00:13
On domestic issues I'm pretty liberal. On foreign policy I'm a bit conservative. All in all I consider myself liberal.
Mustangs Canada
01-06-2005, 00:15
I'm a soft core conservative, so I'm gonna have to go conservative on this one.
Southern Balkans
01-06-2005, 00:22
Im the only one here i think that sits slightly further right than very conservative
01-06-2005, 00:25
Im the only one here i think that sits slightly further right than very conservative
You have to me more specific. Some liberals may be farther 'right' than you are.
Fars Malarky
01-06-2005, 00:30
Go Conservatives! W00t!
01-06-2005, 00:32
im an anarcho-syndicalist. so i put "very liberal"
Pepe Dominguez
01-06-2005, 00:37
"Very conservative." Yep. :)
I'm definitely liberal. Verrry liberal.
Pure Metal
01-06-2005, 00:37
http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y267/PureMetal/UDCPbanner.jpg (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=418610)
if this counts as spamming, someone let me know & i'd better stop...
just thought i'd get the ball rolling with just 2 days to go
01-06-2005, 00:39
http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y267/PureMetal/UDCPbanner.jpg (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=418610)
if this counts as spamming, someone let me know & i'd better stop...
just thought i'd get the ball rolling with just 2 days to go
How the fuck did you download an image?
Pure Metal
01-06-2005, 00:41
How the fuck did you download an image?
guh? :confused:
The thread starter needs to use a spell check or a dictionary, there should also be more options.
Social Democrat
Are the minimum options needed for this poll.
~picture snip~
Erm.... no
Pure Metal
01-06-2005, 00:45
Erm.... no
bah, fair enough. your loss :rolleyes:
[IMG] code is On
if that answers your qestion, Kervoskia :confused:
Steel Butterfly
01-06-2005, 00:47
I'm very fiscally conservative, but regardless of what my political compass says, I'm socially moderate.
I'm against abortion, homosexual marriage, and the general gay culture. (not really against homosexuality itself as much though) However, I'm for stem-cell research, for cloning, not very religious, I have a good bit of (protected) sex with various (attractive) partners and I'm not married, drink and party, etc.
To make it simple, I'm not a compassionate conservative by any means, but I don't have a stick up my ass.
Steel Butterfly
01-06-2005, 00:48
The thread starter needs to use a spell check or a dictionary, there should also be more options.
Social Democrat
Are the minimum options needed for this poll.
That's nonsense. I for instance am a Conservative, a Capitalist, and I've been called a Fascist (lol) on a few occasions.
That's nonsense. I for instance am a Conservative, a Capitalist, and I've been called a Fascist (lol) on a few occasions.
Meh, i put in capitalist in case you were in between being socially conservative and socially liberal but were still economically liberal.
It could be taken out.
01-06-2005, 00:58
I'm very fiscally conservative, but regardless of what my political compass says, I'm socially moderate.
I'm against abortion, homosexual marriage, and the general gay culture.
You can't be against gay marriage and be moderate. Abortion, yes, but opposition to gay marriage is almost universally (in the west) considered to be a very conservative position.
What's your stance on immigration? (Why do Americans never talk about this?)
01-06-2005, 01:03
The thread starter needs to use a spell check or a dictionary, there should also be more options.
Social Democrat
Are the minimum options needed for this poll.
I agree. There is more to politics then Liberal and Conservative, even if you spell them correctly.
Oh, and you forgot "Myrth" and "other" :p
The Great Sixth Reich
01-06-2005, 01:03
Radical Republican. Fascist in the right sense (no supression of regions or ethnic groups or anything like that).
Remember? The trains run on time in a Dictatorship! (Or someone get's shot for it!)
You can't be against gay marriage and be moderate. Abortion, yes, but opposition to gay marriage is almost universally (in the west) considered to be a very conservative position.
What's your stance on immigration? (Why do Americans never talk about this?)
I disagree, i think you can be against gay marriage but for civil unions. However i do not think the person you quoted is moderate as they say they are against 'The general gay culture'.
Without clarification that sounds very conservative
Steel Butterfly
01-06-2005, 01:06
You can't be against gay marriage and be moderate. Abortion, yes, but opposition to gay marriage is almost universally (in the west) considered to be a very conservative position.
What's your stance on immigration? (Why do Americans never talk about this?)
Why can't I? Could I be for gay marriage and still be conservative? If it's as big of an issue as you say it is...it wouldn't seem that I would be able to be.
Anyhow...on immigration? I'm pretty conservative on this too. Sorry for not bringing it up...I just kinda lumped that in with...bleh...wellfare. I'm perfectly fine with legal immigration, no matter where they're from. I'm not fine with Mexicans jumping the border then demanding the same rights as everyone else legally here. Why they can't learn english and go through the nationalization process is beyond me.
01-06-2005, 01:06
I disagree, i think you can be against gay marriage but for civil unions. However i do not think the person you quoted is moderate as they say they are against 'The general gay culture'.
Without clarification that sounds very conservative
Maybe I should take account of different places. The USA is the only country in the western world where anyone other than über-conservatives really have a problem with gay marriage.
Maybe I should take account of different places. The USA is the only country in the western world where anyone other than über-conservatives really have a problem with gay marriage.
In Britain i am sure there are conservatives who oppose gay marriage and civil unions.
However, the Conservative Party are for civil unions, as am i.
01-06-2005, 01:11
Why can't I? Could I be for gay marriage and still be conservative? If it's as big of an issue as you say it is...it wouldn't seem that I would be able to be.
It's not really a big issue. It's more symbolic. To be against it, is, at least to me, symbolic of being intolerant of any kind of non-traditional culture.
Steel Butterfly
01-06-2005, 01:13
I disagree, i think you can be against gay marriage but for civil unions. However i do not think the person you quoted is moderate as they say they are against 'The general gay culture'.
Without clarification that sounds very conservative
But one issue cannot sway you so much more than all the others. I'm not hiding the fact that I'm conservative....I'm just more open socially. Not completely open by any means though.
As it stands right now, there's just as much proof saying that gays are born that way than there is saying that it's a choice. Therefore, you cannot use any experts' evidence. Personally, if I wanted to be gay, I could be...making it my choice...but we're not going to hijack this thread.
I don't think gays should be given special treatment for being gay. For instance, if you beat up a gay man you get punished worse than if you beat up a straight man. Why? Because it's a "hate crime," regardless if you beat them up because they were gay or for one of the million other reasons out there.
I also dislike gays flaunting their culture and shoving it down our throats. Can I flaunt my heterosexuality? No more than I can flaunt my "white-ness." Political Correctness is bullshit, and homosexuality easily fits right in with it.
If homosexuality was just a sexual perversion (like whips and chains or 3-somes or whatever) then I'd be fine with it. As of now, it's a commercial lifestyle that's as annoying as Pokemon.
01-06-2005, 01:14
The creator of this thread shall receive a fifty point penalty for not including a 'Myrth option'.
Steel Butterfly
01-06-2005, 01:15
It's not really a big issue. It's more symbolic. To be against it, is, at least to me, symbolic of being intolerant of any kind of non-traditional culture.
Like I said, as it stands right now, there's just as much proof saying that gays are born that way than there is saying that it's a choice. Therefore, you cannot use any experts' evidence.
If it becomes unquestionable that it is a born condition, then I would have no right to disagree with it. I'm neither racist or sexist, and I generally dislike most organized religions, so I'm not intolerant in any other "can't change" area. I am, however, intolerant of fat people who eat at McDonalds, as well as wellfare rats who don't try to get a job. They can change that, I don't have to accept them.
I'll wait until the jury decides on gays.
It's not really a big issue. It's more symbolic. To be against it, is, at least to me, symbolic of being intolerant of any kind of non-traditional culture.
Perhaps, my take is i am for homosexuals getting their partnerships officially recognised so to speak, and to be given similar rights to married couples. For me, and i am not religious at all, marriage is between man and woman.
I'd be perfectly happy for a new word to be invented for a 'marriage' of man and man or woman and woman.
My reasoning being that if you asked someone if they are married and they said yes then you would know two things, one, they are married, two they are heterosexual. If they answered no, i am (insert new word here), then you would know they are (new word) and they are homosexual. Thats not so they can be discriminated against, its so you do not assume they are straight and insult them possibly.
Meh, just my thoughts.
Ooooh... I'm Sometimes Deadly now. :sniper: :mp5: Celebrates :D
But one issue cannot sway you so much more than all the others. I'm not hiding the fact that I'm conservative....I'm just more open socially. Not completely open by any means though.
As it stands right now, there's just as much proof saying that gays are born that way than there is saying that it's a choice. Therefore, you cannot use any experts' evidence. Personally, if I wanted to be gay, I could be...making it my choice...but we're not going to hijack this thread.
I don't think gays should be given special treatment for being gay. For instance, if you beat up a gay man you get punished worse than if you beat up a straight man. Why? Because it's a "hate crime," regardless if you beat them up because they were gay or for one of the million other reasons out there.
I also dislike gays flaunting their culture and shoving it down our throats. Can I flaunt my heterosexuality? No more than I can flaunt my "white-ness." Political Correctness is bullshit, and homosexuality easily fits right in with it.
If homosexuality was just a sexual perversion (like whips and chains or 3-somes or whatever) then I'd be fine with it. As of now, it's a commercial lifestyle that's as annoying as Pokemon.
That is a very interesting argument, and is very well thought out and reasoned.
I agree with you on some of those points. I too hate political correctness, i too hate the fact that if a heterosexual beats up a homosexual it is almost always automatically assumed to be a hate crime, when in fact it could be because the guy was just a complete arsehole, or he hit your girlfriend etc.
I am also annoyed at the fact that you cannot be proud of being who you are if you are heterosexual and white, and if from the UK, English. It is dispicable and disgusting. I also do not believe in positive discrimination (affirmative action), there is nothing positive about it, it is just discrimination.
26-06-2005, 22:27
Is Steel Butterfly on holidays?
I'd be perfectly happy for a new word to be invented for a 'marriage' of man and man or woman and woman.
My reasoning being that if you asked someone if they are married and they said yes then you would know two things, one, they are married, two they are heterosexual. If they answered no, i am (insert new word here), then you would know they are (new word) and they are homosexual. Thats not so they can be discriminated against, its so you do not assume they are straight and insult them possibly.
Sounds like we've got another "separate but equal" advocate here. :rolleyes:
Why is it your business to know their sexuality from what their marriage is called? Your "reasoning" is weak. I don't buy that whole "protecting them from heteronormativity" thing either. Sounds like you're hiding something.
Neo Rogolia
26-06-2005, 22:36
Sounds like we've got another "separate but equal" advocate here.
Why is it your business to know their sexuality from what their marriage is called? Your "reasoning" is weak. I don't buy that whole "protecting them from heteronormativity" thing either. Sounds like you're hiding something.
A better question: why are you fishing around in the deepest parts of the forums to bring new life to a topic already discussed in several other threads? This thread died a long time ago, and it looks like you're only trying to resurrect the ancient flames.
26-06-2005, 22:37
Im a Consivitve.
:rolleyes: Im uh liburul.
26-06-2005, 22:38
I go by Libertarian Socialist, Council Communist or Anarcho-Communist, so I don't fit on your very limited poll.
:rolleyes: Im uh liburul.
Mi Tou.
26-06-2005, 22:39
I disagree, i think you can be against gay marriage but for civil unions. However i do not think the person you quoted is moderate as they say they are against 'The general gay culture'.
Without clarification that sounds very conservative
What? That's just silly. You can be a far left liberal and still be against the general gay culture. Gay culture doenst have a damn thing to do with someone's political ideology, although, I am sure they would love everyone to believe that shit. That's just another attempt at leftist thought policing and PC bullshit.
26-06-2005, 22:46
Slightly to the left: meat-eater, anti-vegetarism, pro-environment, anti-war (most of the times), anti-growth, anti-globalisation, anti-protectionnism, pro-liberty of expression. I respect libertarians even though I prefer discussing with social democrats.
Who annoys me the most? The hysterical ultra-left (these people are good at yelling at you, especially if you're moderate), man, they like calling names, "All men are rapists" and all this bullshit. Racist people. The ultra-conservatives annoy me only when they're people who don't know shit about what they're talking about. Sometimes I can have a nice chat with a conservative.
i aint no godamn liberal. Trotskyism r000lz
26-06-2005, 22:56
I'm somewhere halfway between traditionalist conservative and libertarian. I'm pretty libertarian on a lot of issues, but still side with the so-called "religious right" on certain things. Pro-legalized pot, pro-life (anti-abortion), against seatbelt laws and high taxes, all for gun rights, etc.
Venus Mound
26-06-2005, 23:04
Im a Consivitve.That's the funniest thing I've read all day.
26-06-2005, 23:27
That's a friggin tough one on that tired Liberal-Conservative scale.
I voted "very liberal," and I guess I am, on a US scale. Social Democrat right here. Social Democracy! Oh yea! Raise the roof!
*raises roof*
PS Awesome spelling btw
27-06-2005, 00:03
Libertarian. A liberal in the "classic" sense
27-06-2005, 00:10
A better question: why are you fishing around in the deepest parts of the forums to bring new life to a topic already discussed in several other threads? This thread died a long time ago, and it looks like you're only trying to resurrect the ancient flames.
No, I was looking for Steel Butterfly's posts. He didn't seem to be around any longer, so I wanted to find him. I liked his posts.
Besides, this is hardly the "deepest parts of the forums" - it's only from a few weeks ago.
Liverbreath']That's just another attempt at leftist thought policing and PC bullshit.
As opposed to the conservative "freedom" that would ban gays from expressing themselves at all?
27-06-2005, 00:11
I am a Extreme Conservative.
~Satanic Reverend Medivh~
I will pray for you then. :D
El Caudillo
27-06-2005, 00:12
I'm a virulent anti-communist.
I'm varied. On some subjects, my opinion is very conservative, on others very liberal. I voted "Moderate".
Same here, I'd have to say moderate. On fiscal issues I tend to think conservative, on social issues I tend to be quite liberal.. so it's half a dozen on one side and half a dozen on the other.
27-06-2005, 00:16
Anarcho-communist with some crazy notions of taking things on case-by-case basis. I put moderate. I don't really fit that scale too well but generally I act moderately.
Robot ninja pirates
27-06-2005, 00:34
Over there.
*motions vaguely*
WHAT?! you forgot the most important thing! you only have left and right wing? what about forward wing?
New Burmesia
27-06-2005, 19:45
i'm a communist, so i'll put myself where...
The Thracean Rebels
27-06-2005, 19:49
i'm a communist, so i'll put myself where...
I'd say very Liberal, because of the communist socialist and freedom/civil rights extremeist views.
27-06-2005, 19:55
I'm a Democrat but I'm not Liberal or conservative (Zell Miller scares me). So I put Moderate.
I've always thought my self moderate.
27-06-2005, 20:22
If Zell Miller scares you, you're definitely liberal and not a moderate. You must think Margaret Thatcher is the anti-Christ.
27-06-2005, 20:44
Well if you really think about it, the Democrats and Republicans are right wing, but Democrats are less so.
An archy
27-06-2005, 21:10
A two deminsional political compass is bad enough as an individual in the extreme bottom left corner could easily be a hardcore liberal or an anarcho-communist. A one deminsional political poll, however, is just sad.
27-06-2005, 21:35
anarcho-communist with the occassional mutualist and primitivist leaning.
otherwise known as 'not on your conceptual map'.
same with me, but i put very liberal anyway
28-06-2005, 01:00
Maybe this poll isn't specific enough...