What is the best beer?
30-05-2005, 22:17
What is the best beer you have ever had or know of?
30-05-2005, 22:19
Free beer.
Le Leffe (Belgium)
Cabra West
30-05-2005, 22:22
Guinness, why?
And a beer from one of the ten breweries in my home town, called Faessla Ungespundet. And Ungespundet from Mahr's Brewery, Spezi Brewery and Keesmann Brewery. All from the same town.
Steel Butterfly
30-05-2005, 22:25
Free beer.
For me it's Dos Equis (spelling?)
But I'm not much of a beer fan really...I prefer the hard stuff...
The Noble Men
30-05-2005, 22:25
One word; homemade.
But I prefer whisky myself.
German Nightmare
30-05-2005, 22:28
Free beer. :D
Great!!! :D:D:D
The best beer I ever heard of? It's kinda hard to judge the quality and taste by reputation.
The best beers I drink on a regular basis are these:
Pilsner Urquell
And it does depend on which brand is on sale at the moment of shopping...
30-05-2005, 22:28
Guinness! Anyone who says anything else is a commie! :sniper:
30-05-2005, 22:32
One word; homemade.
I second that! *swigs homebrew from tankard*
Tho i'm also quite fond of my homebrewed mead.
30-05-2005, 22:32
I'm a commie!
Kriek! again, a belgian beer.
Belgian beers are as varied as French cheeses. They just don't stink as much.
The Noble Men
30-05-2005, 22:34
Belgian beers are as varied as French cheeses. They just don't stink as much.
LOL. :)
Lancaster of Wessex
30-05-2005, 22:34
I have to concur with the Guinness vote thus far as most satisfying and greatest of all beers (although it is stout).
Being a Canadian I have a fond taste for some of our domestic brews, including Alexander Keith's India Pale Ale and just good old Molson Export.
I keep a running count of the beers I sample...almost up to 90 different varieties consumed.
I am also a fan of sampling various scotches.
Any one else agree that drinking beer from the tap is far superior to anything available in cans or bottles?
Cabra West
30-05-2005, 22:35
I'm a commie!
Kriek! again, a belgian beer.
Belgian beers are as varied as French cheeses. They just don't stink as much.
Care to be annoyed by a world record? ;)
My home town has 70 000 inhabitants and sports and amazing 11 breweries. And literally EVERY village around has at least one brewery itself. When there's a church, there's a brewery :D
30-05-2005, 22:37
I have to concur with the Guinness vote thus far as most satisfying and greatest of all beers (although it is stout).
Being a Canadian I have a fond taste for some of our domestic brews, including Alexander Keith's India Pale Ale and just good old Molson Export.
I keep a running count of the beers I sample...almost up to 90 different varieties consumed.
I am also a fan of sampling various scotches.
Any one else agree that drinking beer from the tap is far superior to anything available in cans or bottles?
A fellow Canuck eh? Have you tried Waterloo Dark yet? Bless their little hearts, it's like Guinness lite!
Fullers London Pride
Fullers ESB
Hopback Summer Lightning
Courage Directors
Green King IPA
Urquell Pilsner
to name a few (read the brit thread to see what I do for a living ;) )
afaid Kriek doesnt make it onto my list as it is a cherry fruit beer and I HATE cherries :)
and yes Lancaster cask ale is far superior to any bottled/canned beer
30-05-2005, 22:42
Krusovice, Czech beer! :D
The Noble Men
30-05-2005, 22:43
I come from a town that has at least 11 pubs. The longest time taken to get from one pub to the furthest one away is about an hour. Not bad considering ther's at least 9 pubs in between. This amounts to one thing:
lol I work in Burton on Trent and trust me you wouldnt make it round ALL the pubs they have ;)
The Mindset
30-05-2005, 22:45
I quite like Coors.
Lancaster of Wessex
30-05-2005, 22:46
A fellow Canuck eh? Have you tried Waterloo Dark yet? Bless their little hearts, it's like Guinness lite!
No, can't say I have! I only sporadically come across new beers either at the LCBO, Beer Store (although I am not one to *usually* just buy a case of six and just hope to hell I like it) or just at the bar.
(For those of you in other nations, we here in the Province of Ontario in Canada still have government controlled liquor sales - it generates over a billion dollars in revenue for the province and I'm quite happy keeping it that way: helps control the flow of booze and limits minors [usually] from getting their hands on it.)
The Nazz
30-05-2005, 22:46
Anchor Steam Beer, made in San Francisco since 1896. You may find its equal around the world, but you won't find one better. See for yourself (http://anchorbrewing.com).
The Nazz
30-05-2005, 22:48
I quite like Coors.
Not to pick on you, but as you're the first to say an American macrobrew...
What do Coors and having sex in a canoe have in common?
They're both fucking close to water.
30-05-2005, 22:52
Not to pick on you, but as you're the first to say an American macrobrew...
What do Coors and having sex in a canoe have in common?
They're both fucking close to water.
Sex has more flavor too.
Iron City. I've had about half a cup, and it's definitely not a craft beer. It's a working man's beer... REAL beer: Full-bodied, and certainly not for the weak.
Of the underpants
30-05-2005, 22:57
Nothing else even come close!!
Bah, you're all craft beer weirdos :p.
Post Arabia
30-05-2005, 23:03
Coors is definatly the best.
screw you europe- :sniper:
30-05-2005, 23:05
Never had one that was undrinkable, though my first batch of homebrew was close. Had some Pilsner Urquel recently that was notable, but overall Old Milwaukee is this working man's choice for everyday drinking. Inexpensive as well.
30-05-2005, 23:07
Best International beer: Guiness Draught or Stout
Best American beer: Shiner Bock
Most underrated beer: Red Stripe
That's it.
30-05-2005, 23:10
The differences of taste between different brands are so small that it doesn't matter which is the best. Budweiser, for example, tastes like alcohol in carbonated water, and any Finnish beer adds some too much hops to that.
But, it's easy to name the worst. Any Swedish beer is bad, that nation shouldn't even attempt beer brewing. Estonian beer is too sweet.
Of the underpants
30-05-2005, 23:10
Coors is definatly the best.
screw you europe- :sniper:
Which is exactly why most of the world hates America
Guinness is wank, dont see how anyone can drink the stuff.
I personally dont give two shits about what im drinking so long as its cheap and not guinness or bitter
Cosmo Kramerica
30-05-2005, 23:10
"What is the best beer you have ever had or know of? "
Well my favorite Beer is Brick Lager (a local beer)
Post Arabia
30-05-2005, 23:14
Which is exactly why most of the world hates America
and, this is why america hates you, rest of the world. except new zealand, because their human to sheep ratio is 1:35
-screw you, europe :sniper:
Timisoreana (local)
30-05-2005, 23:17
Staropramen and Pilsner Urquell from The Czech Republic!
Another good beer would be Grolsch from Holland.
The best beer from Denmark (world famous in beer, just look at Carlsberg and Tuborg!), I think, is Carl's Special. It is a darker beer than the average pilsner, and it has a more powerfull taste.
Oh, and by the way: American beer = :headbang:
The most American beers I have tried were worse than Tuborg T-beer, and THAT'S saying ALOT!
Of the underpants
30-05-2005, 23:21
and, this is why america hates you, rest of the world. except new zealand, because their human to sheep ratio is 1:35
-screw you, europe :sniper:
If Americans just learned that the rest of the world ISN'T trying to kill you, then maybe we would start liking you. Wales human to sheep ratio is about the same (and that's Wales UK, NOT Wales Australia)
Nemesian Justice
30-05-2005, 23:21
Silva Dark (http://ohhh.myhead.org/comm/beer2116.html) rulz! :D
Timisoreana is also nice, for those days when you wish to be bipedal even _after_ the consumption of 2-3-4-evermore beers. :) Ocasionally(lunch at grandpa's) Tuborg.
30-05-2005, 23:22
Yuengling Lager is probably my favorite. It is a blue collar brew made in
America's oldest brewery located in Pottsville,PA which is about 40 minutes from me. I'm going with the local boys!
Yuengling Lager is probably my favorite. It is a blue collar brew made in
America's oldest brewery located in Pottsville,PA which is about 40 minutes from me. I'm going with the local boys!
I've never tasted Yuengling, but I've heard good things about it.
[NS]Saks 5th Avenue
30-05-2005, 23:26
The best big and commonplace beers are:
Kronenberg 1664
Stella Artois
But otherwise, the best beers are Belgian.
all taste like weewee in comparison.
Sam Adams is not bad. After reading the above, I will try Molson. Maybe that is good.
30-05-2005, 23:29
Theakstons from the cask, can't beat it.
English Ale is far and away the best in it's class
Belgian beer is the best of the "fizzies" or lager types, of which I would say Haact Primus rates highly
And of course Guinness when drunk in Ireland is the king of stouts
I'm sorry but I have to say that American beer is like bottled water.
Alien Born
30-05-2005, 23:30
Bishops Tipple
then more widely available and a different sort of pint
Newcastle Brown Ale (Ice cold from the bottle on the dance floor while "Sympathy for the Devil" is being played by Claire)
Grolsch (for lager with flavour, and who can resist the bottle)
Serramalte (Brazil is worse than the USA for tasteless bland lager)
Of the underpants
30-05-2005, 23:32
Theakstons from the cask, can't beat it.
English Ale is far and away the best in it's class
Belgian beer is the best of the "fizzies" or lager types, of which I would say Haact Primus rates highly
And of course Guinness when drunk in Ireland is the king of stouts
I'm sorry but I have to say that American beer is like bottled water.
Hehehehe, helll yeah!!!!!! I'm just supping away at my second pint of Guinness since reading this convo. Will be on third very soon!!
30-05-2005, 23:35
Yuengling has a rich flavor, doesn't taste like water like alot of the domestic stuff in the U.S. does and is easy on the wallet(priced the same as the BIG
domestics.) i liken it to import flavor at domestic price. Real blue collar beer, from a real blue collar region(mining towns).
Cobra beer is very nice, stella is ok, carling is good as well
Well, it was a microbrew I drank in Takayama in a small restaurant with the wonderful name: Small Kitchen. They had a collection of axes near the entrance. A light brew, the smoothest tasting beer I have ever had, no bitterness at all. I was shocked. . .because it cost me 8 freakin dollars for a glass!!!!
It has to be Miller's Genuine Draft
I don't drink beer, but if I ever do, it will be Sleeman's, because they have socially responsible, charming commercials rather than hordes of hoochie-mamas.
Note the pun on "hordes". Heh.
30-05-2005, 23:59
Dogfish Head brewery out of Deleware makes some of the best beers you'll ever drink, and one of the best of those is the Aprihop. Its an IPA brewed with apricots, incredible. Also I was glad to see Iron City on the list. Pittsburgh, PA pride.
31-05-2005, 00:09
Just kidding, the best big brand beer is probably Guiness, the best beer however is the small brand names.
i can't believe no one has mentioned Le leffe but me! Pilsner Urquelle is really nice too though, it is at odds i would say in flavor with Belgian beers, as most of the eastern stuff is.
31-05-2005, 00:16
I still stand by Shiner Bock as the best American beer.
Of the underpants
31-05-2005, 00:30
Just kidding, the best big brand beer is probably Guiness, the best beer however is the small brand names.
Spell it right will you then, Guinness!!
Killians red, guinness...
I hate most macrobrewed American beers (namely PBR and Budweiser) but drink those the most often. What can I say...i'm in college.
31-05-2005, 00:37
I still stand by Shiner Bock as the best American beer.
Iron City!!
31-05-2005, 02:41
Grolsch is very good .
The Downmarching Void
31-05-2005, 02:55
A fellow Canuck eh? Have you tried Waterloo Dark yet? Bless their little hearts, it's like Guinness lite!
You mean Waterloo Fart? Makes you happy when you drink, and makes you go poopy the next day. Very yummy though...the beer I mean. I live a couple blocks away from where they make it and the bar it was first served in, when it was available only in draft, not bottles. (The Huether Hotel) It first came out around my last year in High School, many fond memories of slugging back Waterloo Dark.
I barely ever drink alcohol of any kind nowadays, but Warsteiner is my favourite. Becks is pretty great too. Molson Canadian used to be awesome, and Labbats Blue terrible, but for some reason the roles have been reversed...or were a couples ears before I basicly stopped drinking. A beer has got to be pretty awesome or unique/exotic for me to drink it now, since I drink it for the taste and not the buzz. Most beer tastes like piss, which is appropriate, since you only rent beer, returning it to the toilet when your done with it. Hard Liqour is like drinking perfume, but cheaper and much stinkier.
31-05-2005, 02:58
the best beer is the icy cold one you just opened on a blazing hot summer day
31-05-2005, 03:03
the best beer is the icy cold one you just opened on a blazing hot summer day
So long as it's Iron City.
Guinness of course (On tap, I'll take the bottle if there's no way to find it otherwise though), and oddly enough, Kirin's orginal lable is actually quite good.
The American macros seem to have univeral regards as being just a step above used beer world wide (Unless you're in America).
For micro... hmm, would you consider Sierra Nevada Pale Ale? I also like some of the stuff Gordon Biersch comes up with.
Of course I much prefer wine and sake to beer. :D
31-05-2005, 03:15
There's a Yuengling bottling factory just blocks from where I live. It's probably one of the best domestics. Red Stripe is good. Heinies are way over-rated. And Fosters is Australian for (cough, cough) "This tastes like shit!"
And Fosters is Australian for (cough, cough) "This tastes like shit!"
Eeh. I had a sip of Foster's at a bar on South Padre (my dad let me have some). Nasty stuff, indeed.
31-05-2005, 03:17
There's a Yuengling bottling factory just blocks from where I live. It's probably one of the best domestics. Red Stripe is good. Heinies are way over-rated. And Fosters is Australian for (cough, cough) "This tastes like shit!"
The red stripe you get here is beyond nasty, maybe it just doesn't travel well
31-05-2005, 03:31
Root beer!
Root beer!
It may not be real beer, but it still kicks ass!
It may not be real beer, but it still kicks ass!
It does indeed and I miss it so. *In the land of very little, to no, root beer as all Japanese seem to hate it*
It does indeed and I miss it so. *In the land of very little, to no, root beer as all Japanese seem to hate it*
*shakes fist*
Damn you, Japan! Learn to love root beer!!!
*throws a rock, in hopes that it will reach Japan*
*watches it go a mere 40 feet*
*shakes fist*
Damn you, Japan! Learn to love root beer!!!
*throws a rock, in hopes that it will reach Japan*
*watches it go a mere 40 feet*
Nice try. ;)
Nice try. ;)
I could have thrown it farther, but it was such a small rock...
*walks away with head bent down*
Dominus Gloriae
31-05-2005, 04:14
Jupiler (Belgium, Domestic variety)
Fischer Alsace (France, Export version )
Tinkov (Russia, Export version)
La Fin Du Monde (Belgium)
How is having sex in a canoe like drinking American (US) beer?
A. They're both fucking close to water
of course the best alcohol full stop is Absinthe, its like minching on liccorice and getting stoned while getting totally whammed. Now of course the best drink in existance is the Pan Galactic Gargle blaster, of course
Patra Caesar
31-05-2005, 04:28
The beer of beer
We love it up here
New Fubaria
31-05-2005, 04:52
Caffrey's (Ireland)
Kilkenny (Ireland)
Sapporo (Japan)
Carlton Draught (Australia)
31-05-2005, 05:20
My buddy Mike makes an all grain he call 'Learnya'.
It's so good you can't stop, but one time is enough to learnya not to overdo it. :D
Knock yer nose into the dirt it will.
Second place goes to Kreuzberg, a German beer made at Kloster Kreuzberg, Bischofsheim/Rhön.
You haven't had good beer until you sat with the monks of the Kreuzberg! :D
Booty Chops
31-05-2005, 05:36
moosehead or blue moon. i like sierra nevada alot too.
miller lite out of the cheap ones.
31-05-2005, 07:40
Well, it's one hell of a subjective question, but I'll weigh in. I hail from the land of microbrewed goodness, and I've had a lot of very good beers.
For the list of mircobrews, I listed the breweries because my individual preference for a particular variety of beer shouldn't invalidate an entire brewery (plus it's a good plug for good outfits). I prefer beers that are easy on the hops -- reds, ambers, bocks, doppelbocks, porters and stouts. Blonde ales are nice thirst quenchers, but they should be blonde, not friggin' YELLOW, like most mass-produced US crap that calls itself beer. That isn't to say I never have anything bitter. It all depends on mood. Kinda like wine.
I also find it interesting that certain food nationalities go with that nation's beer. Not always, and it's probably subliminal persuasion of my tongue by my mind's sense of symmetry, but it is largely true.
Also remember -- very few of us have tasted everything. I certainly haven't!
AMERICAN, MASS PRODUCED: Henry Weinhard's (used to be local, now A/B or Miller owns them); Corona, when having Mexican Food (A/B or Miller owns them, too), Shiner Bock, Alaskan Amber, Anchor Steam and Samuel Adams.
AMERICAN, MICROBREW: Anything by the following breweries: Pike Place and Red Hook (Seattle, WA), Full Sail (Hood River, OR), McMenamin's (HQed in Portland, OR), Thomas Kemper (Poulsbo, WA), Deschutes (Bend, OR), Widmer (Portland, OR), Bert Grant (Yakima, WA), Roslyn (Roslyn, WA), Rubicon (Sacramento, CA), Quay Street (Pt. Huron, MI), Scuttlebutt and Flying Pig (Everett, WA), Pyramid (Berkely, CA) and Sudwerk (Davis, CA).
IMPORTS: Ayinger's Celebrator Doppelbock and Koestritzer's Schwarzbier from Germany; Grolsch from The Netherlands; Pilsener Urquell, from the Czech Republic; Stella Artois, from Belgium; Double Diamond, from England; Tsingtao with Chinese food; and a few others I can't remember because I very dearly want a beer now.
31-05-2005, 07:43
Guinness and some beer I had from a micro-brewery on the Outer Banks of NC while visiting my sister.
Overgrown Children
31-05-2005, 07:48
Fat Tire.
31-05-2005, 07:56
Root beer!
Actually, Thomas Kemper Brewery up here in Poulsbo, WA (a ferry ride from Seattle), makes a whole series of non-alcohollic brews that are as handmade and yummy as their grain-based cousins.
Root Beer
Birch Beer
Ginger Ale
Cream Soda
Black Cherry
Orange Cream
Classic Grape
All of them much better than their mass-produced brethren. Best of both worlds!
New Fubaria
31-05-2005, 08:39
Anyone who thinks Fosters is nasty shit oughta try the local stuff! The Fosters you get overseas is export quality - the shit here in Australia is twice as bad.
Virtually nobody in Australia - except teenagers who have just started drinking - drinks the crap.
New Fubaria
31-05-2005, 08:41
Question: is root beer what Americans call ginger beer?
Best International beer: I'll just say Guiness, because if I try to chose something more original, I'll never make up my mind.
Best American beer: Any Flying Dog brew...buy the sampler 12 pack, you won't be dissapointed.
Most underrated beer: Leinenkugels Red - They have other brews (Honey Weiss, Creamy Dark, Amber Light are all good), but Red is the best.
Most overrated beer: Heineken - Nasty, watery, skunky stuff.
Best Beer to splurge on: Corona - Not particularly expensive, but several cases with a bunch of friends is great on those hot summer days!
Best Beer on a budget: Red Dog - "Hey, we've got nine bucks...sweet, 30 beers!" :p
Decomposing Roadkill
31-05-2005, 08:48
Hey, if others can say Coors...
31-05-2005, 08:53
Any one else agree that drinking beer from the tap is far superior to anything available in cans or bottles?
I can't say I agree with that as a blanket statement - it all depends on how good the pint is. At our union bar the tap/draught beers are all horribly flat and warm, so you're forced to buy bottles. As for me, I like Wychwood beers - mainly Hobgoblin and Goliath. The odd pint of McEwans Champ goes down a treat as well :)
Anyone who thinks Fosters is nasty shit oughta try the local stuff! The Fosters you get overseas is export quality - the shit here in Australia is twice as bad.
Virtually nobody in Australia - except teenagers who have just started drinking - drinks the crap.
Actually, my theory is that they use the dirty leftover beer at the bottom of the vats to make Fosters, and sell it to gullible foreigners, while we enjoy the good stuff to ourselves :D
31-05-2005, 09:03
About 25 years ago I had a beer called South Pacific, it was brewed in New Guinea I believe. I haven't been able to find it since.
But my recollection of how good it was has kept me looking....
31-05-2005, 09:03
In my humble opinion, from the variety I have tried... :D
Best mass produced Lager/Pils: Budweiser Budvar
Best micro (ish): Augustiner *drools at the thought*
Best Ale in a Bottle: Any from Spitfire/Landlord/Riggwelter Blacksheep/Waggledance/Bishops Finger
Best Ale from the cask: No idea, i hate the stuff, it tastes soooo different to bottled ale.
Best Stout: Guinness, but only from Ireland, it does not taste the same anywhere else.
Best unknown beer the name of which i can't remember: Some honey ale which is micro brewed somewhere near Whistler in Canada. was not too sweet, served cold but always had a slight bite to it too. Saving to go back there one day and see if I can bring a few bottles back!
Plus there are a few fruit ales that are produced in the UK that come wrapped in paper and have a cork and I can't remember what they are called but they are really realy nice.
31-05-2005, 09:06
Fat Tire.I've got a sixer of that in the fridge right now, thanks for reminding me.
31-05-2005, 09:07
Waggledance and Bishop's Finger are indeed rather nice.
As far as big brand beers go, has anybody tried Premier Crue? It's the extra-strength Kronenburg 1664,and it's rather nice. It's practically the only lager i'll drink now.
And to whoever said Carling - no. Just no. You'd get a tastier drink from a pint of piss.
I've always got a place for Miller. It's what I was raised on. Other than that, probably Czech Budvar.
Pretty hard to descide on one beer being the best - not only is it a subjective question, there is also a host of other considerations:
A) Are you eating while drinking? Very important
B) How drunk are you?
C) What time of day is it?
D) What time of _year_ is it?
E) Are you at the pub or at home?
F) Are you thirsty or just looking for a beerbuzz?
It all depends - a Belgian heavy brew might be nice in the middle of winter infront of the fireplace or something, but if I wanna get shitfaced then just get me a Newcastle Brown and be done with it. :p
31-05-2005, 09:13
Duvel hasn't been metioned :eek:
Or any of the Trappist beers :eek:
come to think of it... no real beers have been mentioned :eek:
Seriously guys, Belgian beers are the best, all the rest is a good attempt at best.
31-05-2005, 09:16
Waggledance and Bishop's Finger are indeed rather nice.
As far as big brand beers go, has anybody tried Premier Crue? It's the extra-strength Kronenburg 1664,and it's rather nice. It's practically the only lager i'll drink now.
And to whoever said Carling - no. Just no. You'd get a tastier drink from a pint of piss.
No, i just prefer a lighter ale than a whole 'meal in a pint glass' :p
As for Carling, that stuff is just nasty.
31-05-2005, 09:19
Best International beer: I'll just say Guiness, because if I try to chose something more original, I'll never make up my mind.
Best American beer: Any Flying Dog brew...buy the sampler 12 pack, you won't be dissapointed.
Most underrated beer: Leinenkugels Red - They have other brews (Honey Weiss, Creamy Dark, Amber Light are all good), but Red is the best.
Most overrated beer: Heineken - Nasty, watery, skunky stuff.
Best Beer to splurge on: Corona - Not particularly expensive, but several cases with a bunch of friends is great on those hot summer days!
Best Beer on a budget: Red Dog - "Hey, we've got nine bucks...sweet, 30 beers!" :p
I agree that shite is nasty! Well unless I'm out of beer and that's what's available.. then it's alright.
I think Corona is nasty too. Along with any kind of malt liqour.
WCE-Flying High
31-05-2005, 09:23
best beer has to be coroners or crown lagers!!! screw guiness!!! tastes like shit!!!
31-05-2005, 09:24
No, i just prefer a lighter ale than a whole 'meal in a pint glass' :p
As for Carling, that stuff is just nasty.
I agree with you on that - I can't figure out why people drink Guiness. You can't move afterwards for being so bloated, the next day your intestines forcibly eject themseles from your body via your arse, and...well, have you ever seen the shape of the head after you take a drink from it? Liquid shouldn't do that!
31-05-2005, 09:33
I agree with you on that - I can't figure out why people drink Guiness. You can't move afterwards for being so bloated, the next day your intestines forcibly eject themseles from your body via your arse, and...well, have you ever seen the shape of the head after you take a drink from it? Liquid shouldn't do that!
Maybe after drinking so much watered down crap we're use to.. Guinness brings a full flavored taste we can enjoy.
As for me.. I like the buzz. I tend to drink it slower, and the buzz is smoother. I like the taste as well.
But as I'm sitting here typing.. I'm drinking Natural Light. I can't afford to be buying Guinness everytime.
Even if I could, I'd probably still buy some lighter beer since Guinness is a bit filling. But for those that don't drink but every so often.. why the hell not drink a good stout beer?
31-05-2005, 09:36
I agree with you on that - I can't figure out why people drink Guiness. You can't move afterwards for being so bloated, the next day your intestines forcibly eject themseles from your body via your arse, and...well, have you ever seen the shape of the head after you take a drink from it? Liquid shouldn't do that!
You think you had the screaming eagles after drinking Guinness? Drink a 12 pack worth of Milwaukee's Best.
31-05-2005, 09:37
Well, some fact that can prove wich of the beers are good or bad. Prof Denis De Keukeleire from university of Gent (world famous for research at the chemistry of beer) gave a lecture from were i understood this:
first: all the beers that dont come from dark-brown bottles are inferior. And thats because of the hop extracts are light sensitive. When exposed to light they will break down. One of the components will be the one that has the smell of cat urine. Im not joking. Put your glass in the sun and after a while smell it. Never wondered why corona is sometimes served with a slice of lemon, and the flasks have unusual roundings? all of it to keep you from smelling the cat urine.
off course thats the reason why beers in a bottle will taste different then from the tab.
second : Have you ever wondered why commercials about washing products claim that there new product is even better then the previous one, while you will never see them saying that about their beers. But they do change a lot at the composition. Be sure then when they sell some new bottle or change something else, its because they' ve changed the beer. But you wont off course taste it. They learned from the coca cola mistake. They tried to improve the coke, but nobody liked in anymore, because it just wasnt there original coke.
last : Every beer is fitted to the local tastes. Here in belgium we like it when its a bit bitter. While somewhere else they like it more sweet. No problem at all. Your beer can taste different depending on its geografical location (only for the mulinational breweries off course).
So to finish: the best beers are brewed in belgium, you have to taste:
Jupiler (golden lager)
Leffe (blond and triple)
Grimbergen (brown)
Hoegaarden (white)
Duvel (golden ale)
and the variety of fruit beers, but im not keen on that.
Additional info on: www.beerhunter.com (If you thought you are a collecting freak....he knows what he's talking about)
What is the best beer you have ever had or know of?
don't like beer unless its free, prefer cocktails!
31-05-2005, 10:43
Kingfisher, its an indian beer they sell in all the balti houses
Greater Yubari
31-05-2005, 10:48
The best I ever had was brewed in the monastery of Heiligenkreuz near Vienna. It's practically impossible to get it outside of that village. The monks there only sell it to the few pubs and restaurants there, but... it's just wonderful, it's worth the few miles ride lol.
All Continents
31-05-2005, 10:55
I like every kind of beer. Some of my favourites:
Erdinger Weißbier (hazy beer from bavaria)
Jever Pils (bitter beer from northern germany)
Reissdorf Kölsch (light beer from cologne)
Mühlenkölsch (a very local variety of Kölsch)
Krombacher Pils (midwestern germany)
Pilsner Urquell (of course)
Velkopopovicky Kozel (cerny = a dark beer, the light variant is also good!)
Staropramen (comes in light and dark as most czech beers, here I prefer the light variant)
31-05-2005, 10:55
I agree with you on that - I can't figure out why people drink Guiness. You can't move afterwards for being so bloated, the next day your intestines forcibly eject themseles from your body via your arse, and...well, have you ever seen the shape of the head after you take a drink from it? Liquid shouldn't do that!
If i drink guinness I only ever drink one. I can drink more but i just don't like it. I nearly always prefer quality over quantity, but if I want to get hammered its 50 Cents (Euro cents) per bottle of Becks in a club near me...either that or a crate of Rothaus :D
31-05-2005, 11:28
The best I ever had was brewed in the monastery of Heiligenkreuz near Vienna. It's practically impossible to get it outside of that village. The monks there only sell it to the few pubs and restaurants there, but... it's just wonderful, it's worth the few miles ride lol.
My dad may be moving to Vienna at some point in the summer - if he does i'll have to go over there and try that beer :)
Europe and Eurasia
31-05-2005, 12:38
Trust me guys, all of the Australian beers that we send overseas are just the dregs from the bottom of the vats watered down so we can make a quick buck. Come to Australia and you shall find that we are a paradise of great beer, our beers are so good you will never want to leave, now as for my faves:
Trust me guys, all of the Australian beers that we send overseas are just the dregs from the bottom of the vats watered down so we can make a quick buck.
That's what I've been saying :p
Carnivorous Lickers
31-05-2005, 13:41
I like Corona on a summer day. We went to a cookout yesterday-perfect weather and I had a dozen Coronas with lime. It reminds me of good times in the summer and vacations.
I love Guiness.
Samuel Adams has several good beers. The Summer Ale is a good one right now.
Carnivorous Lickers
31-05-2005, 13:43
Actually, Thomas Kemper Brewery up here in Poulsbo, WA (a ferry ride from Seattle), makes a whole series of non-alcohollic brews that are as handmade and yummy as their grain-based cousins.
Root Beer
Birch Beer
Ginger Ale
Cream Soda
Black Cherry
Orange Cream
Classic Grape
All of them much better than their mass-produced brethren. Best of both worlds!
I do like the Black Cherry.
Californian Refugees
31-05-2005, 13:45
Root Beer ;)
Cold day: Guinness (but only Ireland)
Hot day: Dixie Voodoo Blackened Lager
Anyday: Tooheys New or Tooheys Old. Depending on your mood!
31-05-2005, 14:32
Killian's Irish Red is my favorite.
I also like Leinie's Red and Yuengling lager, glad to see they were mentioned.
There's a microbrewer from Cincinnati called Christian Moerlein, their "Select Lager" is pretty good.
Oh, and I'm kind of surprised Guinness is so popular. I'm not a fan of a beer you have to chew and it's too bitter for my tastes.
31-05-2005, 14:36
Coor's Light after mowning the lawn.
New Fubaria
31-05-2005, 14:37
best beer has to be coroners or crown lagers!!! screw guiness!!! tastes like shit!!!
Coroners? Can just see the ad "After a hard day at the slab in the morgue, enjoy a slab of Coroners!"
Mott Forest
31-05-2005, 14:44
My favorite is Karhu, imported beer is much more expensive so I seldom buy any, but Czech beer is pretty good though.
The United Empire
31-05-2005, 14:47
"What is the best beer you have ever had or know of? "
Well my favorite Beer is Brick Lager (a local beer)
Well Cosmo, if you are a local, you'll know that sleemans honey is far superior to anything that brick produces.
Guiness blows, molson products are by far the best. I prefer Canadian...and I don't understand why it's so wrong to hate a brewing compnay just because they're big, that's retarded, no wait, INDY retarded.
And Alexander Keiths is damned good.
Canadians should be the only authority on beer. Anyone who drinks it warm should be shot.
Canadian beer is weak as... Molson's is just bearable...
31-05-2005, 15:38
(In no particular order...)
Stella Artois
Rolling Rock
I'm somewhat pleased nobody mentioned Sam Adams, that syrupy overrated pop.
Whispering Legs
31-05-2005, 15:46
Hoegaarden White, without a doubt.
The United Empire
31-05-2005, 15:58
Canadian beer is weak as... Molson's is just bearable...
So, the stronger the beer the better? So a 9% beer is better than a 5%?
That's idiotic.
Whispering Legs
31-05-2005, 16:02
So, the stronger the beer the better? So a 9% beer is better than a 5%?
That's idiotic.
Yeah, I drink doppelbock for the taste... :rolleyes:
Marijuana and Alcohol
31-05-2005, 16:13
Heineken (dutch)
Jupiler (belgium)
San Miguel (spanish)
Demented Hamsters
31-05-2005, 16:15
That is so good on a hot summer's day.
Monteith's Summer Ale (with Rata honey) is also bloody nice on a hot day, as is Mac's Corriander and Orange Pilsner.
Demented Hamsters
31-05-2005, 16:16
Hoegaarden White, without a doubt.
Ohh...now I'm worried. I really like that particular drop as well. Does that mean you're getting more Liberal, or I'm going more Conservative?
Whispering Legs
31-05-2005, 16:18
Ohh...now I'm worried. I really like that particular drop as well. Does that mean you're getting more Liberal, or I'm going more Conservative?
I'm a fan of white beer, and any wheat beer (I like a lot of German cristalweizen).
Not that I don't like my doppelbock when I can get it...
The belgian whites have a subtlety all their own.
Ancient Valyria
31-05-2005, 16:59
Primus Haacht
Leffe (Dark, Blond or Tripple)
The United Empire
31-05-2005, 17:03
Yeah, I drink doppelbock for the taste... :rolleyes:
I'll let you in on a little secret, if you want to get drunk, drink vodka....straight. If you want a good tasting beer, that gives you a nice buzz, drink a Molson product.....or, you can try and be trendy and find some micro brewer in Germany, force yourself to drink extra strong, skunk smelling, warm beer and claim it as good....so as to convince everyone, A) you're Macho and b) you're some kind of beer connoisseur.
I'll let you in on a little secret, if you want to get drunk, drink vodka....straight. If you want a good tasting beer, that gives you a nice buzz, drink a Molson product.....or, you can try and be trendy and find some micro brewer in Germany, force yourself to drink extra strong, skunk smelling, warm beer and claim it as good....so as to convince everyone, A) you're Macho and b) you're some kind of beer connoisseur.
I'll let you in on another secret ... actually try a beer not from Canada before commenting on them. :p
Whispering Legs
31-05-2005, 19:41
I'll let you in on a little secret, if you want to get drunk, drink vodka....straight. If you want a good tasting beer, that gives you a nice buzz, drink a Molson product.....or, you can try and be trendy and find some micro brewer in Germany, force yourself to drink extra strong, skunk smelling, warm beer and claim it as good....so as to convince everyone, A) you're Macho and b) you're some kind of beer connoisseur.
A fine doppelbock tastes great - and after six or so, you're well on the way.
And unlike vodka, it doesn't taste like lighter fluid.
The United Empire
31-05-2005, 20:25
I'll let you in on another secret ... actually try a beer not from Canada before commenting on them. :p
I have, Ontario has one of the best selections of beer world wide, that's a fact. I've gone into The Beer Store and loaded up on every different beer I could get my hands on from as many countries. I don't remember specefic brands but I had some beer from Holland I rahher liked and scotland too...I just remember beer from Germany being disgusting. For my money, Canadian is the best tasting.
...Dammit, now I have to go home and drink.
Whispering Legs
31-05-2005, 20:29
I have, Ontario has one of the best selections of beer world wide, that's a fact. I've gone into The Beer Store and loaded up on every different beer I could get my hands on from as many countries. I don't remember specefic brands but I had some beer from Holland I rahher liked and scotland too...I just remember beer from Germany being disgusting. For my money, Canadian is the best tasting.
...Dammit, now I have to go home and drink.
German beer, like most good beer, has to be sampled fresh. It doesn't ship well.
You need to go to Germany and Belgium, and see what you've been missing. You might not come back.
31-05-2005, 20:46
OMG Guinness sucks, I'm not sure it's a beer at all.
31-05-2005, 20:48
Stout, porter and Everard's Original: pride of Leicestershire!
OMG Guinness sucks, I'm not sure it's a pisswater at all.
you messed up ... if you like heineken, you're obviously not talking about beer, so I fixed your quote :p
01-06-2005, 16:31
Excellent work. Don't forget the fine selection of the transients, Natty Ice.
Yeah, seriously dude. Heineken? Urgh.
I do support your stance on guiness though. The export stuff anyway.
The Neo-Americas
01-06-2005, 16:55
personally, Im not ever going to touch that stuff. Though scientifically, I've heard once a weeks barley contents are quite healthy (so long as its organic)
But barely anyone does for that purpose, and abuse it for whatever reason, in short, beer is a fools drink.
Natty Ice.
Why not just go drink some gasoline? It'll do the same damage, and probably taste a bit better ;) Cheaper too.
01-06-2005, 21:15
But the Natty has more alcohol to it. :p As for price, come on, for 5.99 for a pack, or $.69 per 16oz bottle at my local gas station, it's a steal. No wonder why so many bums drink it. Besides, my beirut games I play are usually hosted with it.
Anyone here tasted Le Leffe before? Dark or Blonde, it's definately my favorite.
Ancient Valyria
01-06-2005, 22:55
Anyone here tasted Le Leffe before? Dark or Blonde, it's definately my favorite.
it's great, but it's JUST called "LEFFE"!! no "LE" :mad:
The Nazz
01-06-2005, 23:02
you messed up ... if you like heineken, you're obviously not talking about beer, so I fixed your quote :p
Little story to tell about Heineken. The Heineken you get in the US doesn't taste like it does in Europe. The reason is the green glass bottle--it doesn't keep light out as well as the brown bottles do, and light is anathema to beer. Once it gets to the US, it's been exposed often enough that the taste is affected--it's skunky. But in the US, that's the trademark Heineken taste.
So when Heineken introduced their keg can, they got complaints at first--the beer tasted different than the bottled version, and the American consumer wanted the taste they were used to. So Heineken, in order to placate their customers, began irradiating their canned beer before they sent it to the US. They spoil it before they can it now, and most US beer people are too dumb to realize it.
There's a reason why any beer in a green glass bottle tastes an awful lot like Heineken--they're not copying the recipe. They're just spoiling the same way.
Marmite Toast
01-06-2005, 23:03
Beer sucks.
01-06-2005, 23:09
Coopers Sparkling Ale.
New Fubaria
02-06-2005, 01:33
Beer sucks.
Blasphemer! Heretic! :p
02-06-2005, 01:57
Beer sucks.
Little story to tell about Heineken. The Heineken you get in the US doesn't taste like it does in Europe. The reason is the green glass bottle--it doesn't keep light out as well as the brown bottles do, and light is anathema to beer. Once it gets to the US, it's been exposed often enough that the taste is affected--it's skunky. But in the US, that's the trademark Heineken taste.
So when Heineken introduced their keg can, they got complaints at first--the beer tasted different than the bottled version, and the American consumer wanted the taste they were used to. So Heineken, in order to placate their customers, began irradiating their canned beer before they sent it to the US. They spoil it before they can it now, and most US beer people are too dumb to realize it.
There's a reason why any beer in a green glass bottle tastes an awful lot like Heineken--they're not copying the recipe. They're just spoiling the same way.
OK ... great story ... now let me tell you one ... I'm from the north of Belgium, so close even that I could be in Holland in an hour by bike ... If I were to go there and get a Heineken, in Holland, from a keg ... it would still taste like piss. That's because in Belgium, I have more great beers to choose from than I can ever drink.
BTW, anyone mentioned Barbãr yet?
OK ... great story ... now let me tell you one ... I'm from the north of Belgium, so close even that I could be in Holland in an hour by bike ... If I were to go there and get a Heineken, in Holland, from a keg ... it would still taste like piss. That's because in Belgium, I have more great beers to choose from than I can ever drink.
BTW, anyone mentioned Barbãr yet?
Remind me to go to Belgium when I travel.
And, no, I haven't seen any mention of Barbar (sorry, dunno how to add those accent marks), aside from yours.
yeah, should've guessed, I'm usually the one that brings up barbãr in this kind of threads :D
http://www.brasserielefebvre.be/produits.php?pro=barbar&lang=en :D
Besides, my beirut games I play are usually hosted with it.
We usually go with bud light. Any beer that has the word "light" or "lite" is not beer. Its iced piss with alcohol.
However, I suggest a brewka or brewquilla (a beer with a shot of vodka or tequilla. Good stuff if you want to get drunk fast. We use brewkas as a chaser for shots. I swear we aren't alcoholics.)
The Vampire Vat
02-06-2005, 06:14
I like Beck
02-06-2005, 17:08
One thing is not to use Montezuma tequila in beirut. Man, that stuff smells and tastes like paint thinner. You can almost feel your esophagus dissolving. Who the hell goes to a thread about great tasting beer and says "beer sucks?"
Ancient Valyria
02-06-2005, 18:05
Who the hell goes to a thread about great tasting beer and says "beer sucks?"
fucktards? :D
17-08-2005, 20:02
1. Killian's Irish Red
2. Guinness
I wouldn't know, I don't drink.