NationStates Jolt Archive

Benefits of NA

Sanctum Imperialis
30-05-2005, 02:49
I think since I started here almost a month ago I can say I am now more politicaly aware of the world. I look at things different and from what I learned here I apply it to what I have seen on T.V. or in the news. Not only the politics but everything else that is discussed her.

To bad others where not so eager to learn and to listen. The world might be alot better than it is right now. Though for some of you here it might be more scarey.

Any one else have other benefits of coming here?
Nova Roma
30-05-2005, 02:50
30-05-2005, 02:51
No. I knew how the world was full of lying, evil politicians who only work for their own benefit before i came.
Sanctum Imperialis
30-05-2005, 02:51
Hehehe I was about to change that but someone else beat me to it.

It should be NS :D
Nova Roma
30-05-2005, 02:53
I figured, but I wasn't sure if you meant NS or North America! Needless to say, this forum in particular hasn't really affected my political standing or beliefs, however, others have.
Sanctum Imperialis
30-05-2005, 03:00
I figured, but I wasn't sure if you meant NS or North America! Needless to say, this forum in particular hasn't really affected my political standing or beliefs, however, others have.

Like what other forums? I aminterested now and wanting to know more.