Star Wars - Bush Administration crossover thread
Gaia Rodina
29-05-2005, 23:07
I'll start.
German Nightmare
29-05-2005, 23:58
Names changed:
The indications of his future regime were subtle at first. Bush's term as President ended during the rise of the Terrorists, but that crisis allowed him to extend his stay in office. Once the War on Terror erupted, the Senate's inability to efficiently wage war on scattered fronts forced him to enact executive decree after executive decree. He added amendments to the constitution funneling more power to him, effectively circumventing the bureaucracy of the Senate.
The public and the Senate willingly gave up their rights and freedoms in the name of security. Under Bush's guidance, the war would be won, and the Republic would be safe. The monstrous specter of Osama Bin Laden leading an assault ensured that few questioned Bush's growing authority.
Original Star Wars database entry:
The indications of his future regime were subtle at first. Palpatine's term as Chancellor ended during the rise of the Separatists, but that crisis allowed him to extend his stay in office. Once the Clone Wars erupted, the Senate's inability to efficiently wage war on scattered fronts forced him to enact executive decree after executive decree. He added amendments to the constitution funneling more power to him, effectively circumventing the bureaucracy of the Senate.
The public and the Senate willingly gave up their rights and freedoms in the name of security. Under Palpatine's guidance, the war would be won, and the Republic would be safe. The monstrous specter of General Grievous leading an assault ensured that few questioned Palpatine's growing authority.
Even SW III RotS has its political moments:
ANAKIN: Don't lecture me, Obi-Wan. I see through the lies of the Jedi. I do not fear the dark side as you do. I have brought peace, justice, freedom, and security to my new Empire.
OBI-WAN: Your new Empire?
ANAKIN: Don't make me kill you.
OBI-WAN: Anakin, my allegiance is to the Republic ... to democracy.
ANAKIN: If you're not with me, you're my enemy.
OBI-WAN: Only a Sith Lord deals in absolutes. I will do what I must.
(ignites his lightsaber)
ANAKIN: You will try.
ANAKIN ignites his lightsaber.
That totally reminded me of Bush's "You're either with us, or you're with the terrorists"
Edit: Apparently I'm not the only one who sees this striking resemblence:
Really looking forward to other posts ;)
That totally reminded me of Bush's "You're either with us, or you're with the terrorists"
Edit: Apparently I'm not the only one who sees this striking resemblence:
Really looking forward to other posts ;)
So were the people at (
And I still don't get how they think that its self contradictory for the Jedi's to think that absolutes are a bad thing.
30-05-2005, 00:26
man I think people read too much into things sometimes, I think, if anything, Lucas purposely avoided having Anakin say "If you're not with us, you're against us." in hopes of keeping his movie from being politicized
why can't people just enjoy the story for what it is?
30-05-2005, 00:39
man I think people read too much into things sometimes, I think, if anything, Lucas purposely avoided having Anakin say "If you're not with us, you're against us." in hopes of keeping his movie from being politicized
why can't people just enjoy the story for what it is?
True...movies now are being politically examined. I'm not sure if George Lucas intended this, but yeah, I agree with you...why can't people just enjoy the movie?
Oh and about the movie: I liked it! =P
German Nightmare
30-05-2005, 00:49
man I think people read too much into things sometimes, I think, if anything, Lucas purposely avoided having Anakin say "If you're not with us, you're against us." in hopes of keeping his movie from being politicized
why can't people just enjoy the story for what it is?
Oh, I did indeed enjoy the story. The whole story. It's just great:
Episode I.I
Episode II
The Clone Wars (I & II)
Episode III
Episode IV
Episode V
Episode VI
And, of course, the famous sequel books by Timothy Zahn. Plus the 10,000 stories that make up the S.W.E.U.
Still doesn't keep me from noticing resemblances - on the contrary, they give me a good chuckle!
True...movies now are being politically examined. I'm not sure if George Lucas intended this, but yeah, I agree with you...why can't people just enjoy the movie?
Oh and about the movie: I liked it! =P
Well Lucas says that he was influenced by a recuring theme in politics. It currently tents to be recuring. If you really want to see people stretch to politicize a movie take a look back at what people were saying about the disaster flick "The Day After Tommorow."
30-05-2005, 01:28
'nuff said
The Plutonian Empire
30-05-2005, 01:36
'nuff said
30-05-2005, 01:56
'nuff said
Hahaha, I'm Catholic, but they both have such a striking resemblance. =D
30-05-2005, 01:58
Oh God, this thread is absurd.......-_-
Does anyone know who Lucas voted for?
The Nazz
30-05-2005, 02:02
why can't people just enjoy the story for what it is?
They can't enjoy the story because the story sucks. There hasn't been any dramatic tension in the series since Jedi, and the prequel trilogy was perhaps the worst storytelling decision since, oh, ever.
The Evil Amzadi
30-05-2005, 02:12
They can't enjoy the story because the story sucks. There hasn't been any dramatic tension in the series since Jedi, and the prequel trilogy was perhaps the worst storytelling decision since, oh, ever.
to you maybe but a lot of people would disagree, myself for one
Or this.
They can't enjoy the story because the story sucks. There hasn't been any dramatic tension in the series since Jedi, and the prequel trilogy was perhaps the worst storytelling decision since, oh, ever.
Episode I was really shitty, and had no plot, Episode II was decent at best, but Lucas really delivered with Episode III. I just watched my Special Edition DVD of RoTJ, and the part at the end where you saw Anakin Skywalker as a ghost has been replaced. It now shows Hayden Christensen as a ghost. That pissed me off. </random rant>
Or this.
:p I'm a Republican, and I found those funny. Old, but still funny.
The Nazz
30-05-2005, 02:23
Episode I was really shitty, and had no plot, Episode II was decent at best, but Lucas really delivered with Episode III. I just watched my Special Edition DVD of RoTJ, and the part at the end where you saw Anakin Skywalker as a ghost has been replaced. It now shows Hayden Christensen as a ghost. That pissed me off. </random rant>
My gripe with the entire prequel trilogy is that it's all backstory, and backstory isn't interesting on its own--there's got to be some tension that makes the backstory relevant, and in this case, we already know what the story is, namely the seduction and redemption of Anakin Skywalker. So where's the tension? All the prequel could tell us was how, and that's hardly enough when we already know the what.
Sel Appa
30-05-2005, 02:42
Quite curious. I thought about that a few years ago.
My gripe with the entire prequel trilogy is that it's all backstory, and backstory isn't interesting on its own--there's got to be some tension that makes the backstory relevant, and in this case, we already know what the story is, namely the seduction and redemption of Anakin Skywalker. So where's the tension? All the prequel could tell us was how, and that's hardly enough when we already know the what.
That's true. Good point. There really was no tension. There was no "shocker" as in Episode V. It needed that, but still, I feel as though Lucas redeemed himself for Episodes I and II with Episode III.
Evil jay
30-05-2005, 03:01
Or this.
this is as stupid as as fahrenheit 911. lets just make up a lot of stupid stuff and blame bush for it. yaaaaa. itll all work out ok because stupid people will believe it. yaaaa
the mysterious shadow they call evil jay
My gripe with the entire prequel trilogy is that it's all backstory, and backstory isn't interesting on its own--there's got to be some tension that makes the backstory relevant, and in this case, we already know what the story is, namely the seduction and redemption of Anakin Skywalker. So where's the tension? All the prequel could tell us was how, and that's hardly enough when we already know the what.
I think it was good...but you are right. Everyone did know what had to happen, but noone knew HOW it happened...It is kinda like going to see something about Pearl Harbor or Titanic (I hated both of those by the way). You know the bombs fall, or the ship sinks. Yet, you want to see how it happens and how people react.
Alien Born
30-05-2005, 05:54
My 8 year old son loved the prequels. You see he has not seen episodes IV, V and VI yet. To him it is all new.
Remember people, there are new Star Wars fans being born all the time. Just because you know the final endings does not mean that they will.
The Nazz
30-05-2005, 06:03
I think it was good...but you are right. Everyone did know what had to happen, but noone knew HOW it happened...It is kinda like going to see something about Pearl Harbor or Titanic (I hated both of those by the way). You know the bombs fall, or the ship sinks. Yet, you want to see how it happens and how people react.
If Lucas had been a better storyteller, or more importantly, if he could write dialogue worth a damn, then he might have been able to save it. I've said this before--Lucas was a victim of his own success. When he made Star Wars and Empire, he was still beholden to the studio system for financing. Once he started on Jedi, however, he had his own setup in northern California, and he didn't have to answer to anyone, not on content, not on anything, and so the films started to slip in quality. There was no one to tell him "Dude, stop it--this sucks." And so we got first the Ewoks, then Jar Jar, and then Hayden Christiansen whose idea of emoting seems to be to alternate between glowering and pouting.
It could have worked, and I suppose that's what kills me, but it would have had to been done by a far more able storyteller than Lucas to really soar.
30-05-2005, 06:19
this is as stupid as as fahrenheit 911. lets just make up a lot of stupid stuff and blame bush for it. yaaaaa. itll all work out ok because stupid people will believe it. yaaaa
the mysterious shadow they call evil jay
Sense of humour-Please get one. NOW!
30-05-2005, 06:33
What I don't get about Obi-Wan's statement "Only Sith deal in absolutes" is the fact that the Jedi deal with them, yet the Sith are subjective in their beliefs. Jedi claim that there is a fairly broad line between traversing the Light Side and the Dark Side. Palpatine said "Good is simply a point of view." That does not say "absolute". That says "subjective". Of course, Palpatine was a manipulative ass, so what do I know? :P
Sense of humour-Please get one. NOW!
Oh, he certainly has one. A sort of Andy Kaufmanesque absurdist sense of humor. To claim that those who criticize the Bush administration are the ones who are making stuff up and preying on the stupidity of the voting public at large... it has to be a joke.
30-05-2005, 08:37
My 8 year old son loved the prequels. You see he has not seen episodes IV, V and VI yet. To him it is all new.
Remember people, there are new Star Wars fans being born all the time. Just because you know the final endings does not mean that they will.
Unfortunately, it would seem that Lucas wants them to be watched in the sequence IV, V, VI, I, II, III.
Otherwise, he wouldn't have gone to such lengths to ensure that all the things that are actual revelations in the original trilogy (the most pertinent being 'I am your father') are obvious in episodes I-III, thus removing any impact when they are revealed in IV-VI.
Greater Yubari
30-05-2005, 08:42
That's all humbug. Everyone knows that Lucas is Palpatine. Old greedy, moneygrabbing capitalistic bastard...
Stupendous Badassness
30-05-2005, 18:07
Well, this thread has gotten slightly off topic, but I thought I'd weigh in anyways. I find the comparison of Bush to Palpatine to be completely absurd. Mostly because none of the stuff that happened in E3 has happened in real life, nor is it likely to. Is Bush fanatical and secretive like Palpatine? To a degree (although I think Cheney is a better fit there). But there is no equivalent of the Empire, and anyone who thinks so is just plain dumb. The fact that people can even suggest this comparison is proof that it isn't true. The Emperor quashed dissent and had all political rivals eliminated. Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, as well as all those simpering celebs in Hollywood, are still shooting their mouths off as loud as ever. So Bush, or more precisely the Bush administration, is nowhere near Palpatine. And all of this is silliness.
30-05-2005, 18:58
. I just watched my Special Edition DVD of RoTJ, and the part at the end where you saw Anakin Skywalker as a ghost has been replaced. It now shows Hayden Christensen as a ghost. That pissed me off. </random rant>
I felt exactly the same way! Lucas ruined the end ! Also because I can't stand Christensen... :mad:
German Nightmare
30-05-2005, 19:59
And why in the world did Lucas make Greedo shoot first - and miss!!!
Han Solo lost coolness by that...