NationStates Jolt Archive

Ban on violent video Games

29-05-2005, 17:58
Illinois lawmakers are trying to band violent video games. Its failed before and hopefully it will fail again, because violent video games arent the problem for the violence of america. Its not like there wasnt violence before video games. I beleive David Cross said it best when he said "And what were the violent video games Hitler and the rest of the nazi army played, i cant remember."
Pepe Dominguez
29-05-2005, 17:59
Damn. Sometimes I think I actually moved to the LESS liberal state when I went from Chicago to L.A... scary.
29-05-2005, 18:02
I beleive David Cross said it best when he said "And what were the violent video games Hitler and the rest of the nazi army played, i cant remember."

Economic Associates
29-05-2005, 18:03
I beleive David Cross said it best when he said "And what were the violent video games Hitler and the rest of the nazi army played, i cant remember."

Wolfenstein? sarcasm
29-05-2005, 18:03
They should ban football, as I am sure much violence has been derived from this.
29-05-2005, 18:06
I think there should be higher taxes and stricter age limits.

No ban is needed. Violence is commonplace in the American lifestyle.
The Elder Malaclypse
29-05-2005, 18:08
Computer games are just another way the government can control you.
Cabra West
29-05-2005, 18:09
I think by banning violent video games and/or movies, books, music, etc. you ar eonly fighting the symptoms, not the cause.
True, violence exited ever since mankind existed. The Inkas sacrifieced humans, the Romans had them fight to the death in the arena and had a great audience for it, the inquisition burned people at the stake and the public cheered, executions used to be public spectacles throughout the centuries and I really don't think we are more violent today than we were 200 or 500 or 5000 years ago. But we live in a different situation, we have different means to be violent with.
Evil British Monkeys
29-05-2005, 18:10
This wouldn't be such an issue if parents supervised their kids a tad more.
A Sound Mind
29-05-2005, 18:13
I believe our ancestors were brutal and violent before these games ever existed.People will continue to be agressive even if we DO ban these games.I think they can be anger management games,I for one can pretend to kill a few people I would love to eliminate in "real" life when I play the games. :mp5:
The Precursors
29-05-2005, 18:17
Wolfenstein? sarcasm
Well, if you can prove that hitler did some time travelling and could play Wolfenstein at the same time as he did his nasty things during the war than you have convinced me.
29-05-2005, 18:17
Illinois lawmakers are trying to band violent video games. Its failed before and hopefully it will fail again, because violent video games arent the problem for the violence of america. Its not like there wasnt violence before video games. I beleive David Cross said it best when he said "And what were the violent video games Hitler and the rest of the nazi army played, i cant remember."
Fighting the symptoms and ignoring the root of the problem. These laws are made by parents who are in denial that they've raised a generation of violent, disrespectful shitheads.

"It's can't be my fault. I'm not a bad parent, really! It's those damnd video games!"Educate your children to self-control, to the habit of holding passion and prejudice and evil tendencies subject to an upright and reasoning will, and you have done much to abolish misery from their future and crimes from society.

-Benjamin Franklin
29-05-2005, 18:21
Bah. People try to ban everything EXCEPT the true cause of violence problems. Enforcing the age limits would be nice(at least for M games. Seeing as they're CLEARLY intended for adults, kids shouldn't play them any more than they should watch R movies(well, without parental permission)), but my stance is that the parents need to pay more attention to what kids are playing(I seriously doubt that any mentally stable adult would be affected by violent games, hence my emphasis on the kid side of things although kids probably aren't as affected by this as we think they are), retailers need to explain to parents why the kids aren't allowed to buy M games themselves, the rating needs to be more noticable(it should be near the games title, IMO. People have to look at that area anyway...), and the video game section of any store should have people ready and waiting(other than the sales clerks) to explain what the ratings mean, what the sub ratings(ex. cartoon violence, suggestive themes, blood and gore, etc.) mean, and to say anything they know about the content of specific games.

Once people are satisfied with the measures taken(despite that fact that they won't change much), measures that WORK, such as banning guns, reducing poverty and poor education, and getting parents to get off their lazy asses, supervise their kids, and tell kids what the parent's opinion is of certain things rather than just shielding the kids from everything, will be put in place to actually reduce the violence.

But it's only a pipe dream right now...
29-05-2005, 18:31
I, being 14 years old, believe it dependes on the child and/or adults responsibility and Maturity to decide what things they should be allowed to play or watch. I myself watch R movies, TV-MA shows, and have 8-9 M rated games. None of them make me run to school and shoot people, hide away and do stuff, or attack women. When I buy an M rated game, my parents do not really care because it dosnt affect me mentally. I belive there is an over emphasis on preventing childrens acess to violent materials. Games have not increased crime or vilolence rates, I do believe, and I see no real reason to ban them.
The Noble Men
29-05-2005, 18:35
Parents rely on T.V and video games as the sole babysitter of their children. What gives them the right to complain when it backfires?

Besides, video games have always been violent. In space invaders you have to destroy everyone on screen. The graphics have just got better over time.

Age restrictions are pointless. No-one adheres to them, and they are far too patronising.
Economic Associates
29-05-2005, 18:37
Well, if you can prove that hitler did some time travelling and could play Wolfenstein at the same time as he did his nasty things during the war than you have convinced me.

You missed the other part in there. Try highlighting.
29-05-2005, 18:39
The funny thing about this whole thing is, if they do manage to ban violent video games, I'd think that all the pissed-off kids would start beating up other people and such, therefore increasing violence.
29-05-2005, 18:42
Well, if you can prove that hitler did some time travelling and could play Wolfenstein at the same time as he did his nasty things during the war than you have convinced me.

But why would Hitler get inspiration from killing Nazi's? :p
29-05-2005, 18:42
The funny thing about this whole thing is, if they do manage to ban violent video games, I'd think that all the pissed-off kids would start beating up other people and such, therefore increasing violence.
Again, the fault of parents who did a lousy job of raising said kids.
29-05-2005, 18:45
The funny thing about this whole thing is, if they do manage to ban violent video games, I'd think that all the pissed-off kids would start beating up other people and such, therefore increasing violence.

Or they'll start playing Mario again and get into drugs. :D
The Noble Men
29-05-2005, 18:46
Again, the fault of parents who did a lousy job of raising said kids.

Not really. Children behave like little shits because they are little shits. Most parents try to quash the shittiness of their kids, but some will always be shits, no matter what.
29-05-2005, 19:01
I have two kids of my own and perhaps I'm a bit over-protective but I don't let them play these types of games. After years of this upbringing they would'nt even play them if offered a controller and free reign. I, myself, do however, and really enjoy some of them. I have gotten into a fight in high school once but that was before I even owned a PStwo. Other than my one fight(I did not start that fight either) no amount of televised or computer generated violence has ever prompted me to a violent act.
Some of these games are really violent. Anyone ever played 'Manhunt' on playstation 2? To give you some insight on it's content I'll tell you the first weapon you get is a plastic bag. :eek: It moves foward from there to sticks, shards of glass, knives, hatchets, guns of all sorts, and finally a chainsaw.
But it's just a game. I know that. Most everyone does. People that blame games or violent movies/t.v. are just wishing for a solution to violence. As everyone here said already, you can't let machinery raise your kids. I doubt that, for the greater part, these kids are truly emulating what they see rather than really just trying to get attention that they really need.
29-05-2005, 19:04
Not really. Children behave like little shits because they are little shits. Most parents try to quash the shittiness of their kids, but some will always be shits, no matter what.

True, but these kids that you speak of. The "predetermined assholes" would commit acts of violence without any provocation by video games or T.V.
The Noble Men
29-05-2005, 19:07
True, but these kids that you speak of. The "predetermined assholes" would commit acts of violence without any provocation by video games or T.V.

That's pretty much what I was trying to say, only you said it better. Cheers.
Tuesday Heights
29-05-2005, 19:09
Didn't they just release a study that said video games actually helped increase intelligence among children? Funny they want to ban something like that... :rolleyes:
The Noble Men
29-05-2005, 19:11
Ban violent video games? Do that and there'll be no video games. Period. Also, think of the job losses; developers, packers, salespeople et cetera.
29-05-2005, 19:13
Illinois lawmakers are trying to band violent video games. Its failed before and hopefully it will fail again, because violent video games arent the problem for the violence of america. Its not like there wasnt violence before video games. I beleive David Cross said it best when he said "And what were the violent video games Hitler and the rest of the nazi army played, i cant remember."
I don't understand why people believe violent video games lead to real life violence. I think many people understand the difference between real life and a video game, which is one of the reasons why they enjoy violent video games. I personally would snap the neck of an innocent newborn child in a video game, not feel at all guilty, and instead, point and laugh. Would I do this in reality? Of course not. It's my way of channeling my anger and agression without actually causing any living person harm.
The Noble Men
29-05-2005, 19:16
I don't understand why people believe violent video games lead to real life violence. I think many people understand the difference between real life and a video game, which is one of the reasons why they enjoy violent video games. I personally would snap the neck of an innocent newborn child in a video game, not feel at all guilty, and instead, point and laugh. Would I do this in reality? Of course not. It's my way of channeling my anger and agression without actually causing any living person harm.

29-05-2005, 19:24
Agression is not the natural catharsis for anger, and often it increases the anger one feels, and if one uses agression in video games as a catharsis for anger, in can make them a more angry person. I do play violent video games and do not think they should be banned but I do believe parents need to watch what their children play and help teach them the difference between fantasy and reality. Children are affected by video games differently than adults. When a child plays a video game the same parts of the brain are working as when they really are in an violent situation or a fearful situation; adults on the otherhand do not have their brain functioning as emotionally, and thus it affects them less.

Stores should be required to check IDs for violent video games, just like theaters have to check ids for R rated films. Currently very few stores actually require their employees to not sell M or A games to children, I think some Best Buy stores are the only stores where an employee can get punished for not checking an ID. This way, if parents want their kids to have the video game they can choose to give it to them or not.
The Noble Men
29-05-2005, 19:30
I think some Best Buy stores are the only stores where an employee can get punished for not checking an ID. This way, if parents want their kids to have the video game they can choose to give it to them or not.

Not really. In Britain, I have been stopped from buying games - at Asda (think: Wal-Mart) and GAME, two popular outlets for games - without parental permission. My friend, who looks 12 years old (he's 15) has been asked for ID at HMV (very popular store) and was stopped from buying a game from Virgin Megastores (similar to HMV).
29-05-2005, 19:39
Not really. In Britain, I have been stopped from buying games - at Asda (think: Wal-Mart) and GAME, two popular outlets for games - without parental permission. My friend, who looks 12 years old (he's 15) has been asked for ID at HMV (very popular store) and was stopped from buying a game from Virgin Megastores (similar to HMV).

Sorry, I inappropriately overgeneralized my experiences. I have only boughten video games in the US and in Spain, and have never been carded.
The Zanzibar Sasquatch
29-05-2005, 19:40
"And what were the violent video games Hitler and the rest of the nazi army played, i cant remember."

I thought this was about violence not war or genocide. War is completely difernet to violence, as war is led by political views and a lust for power. If the German WWII army can be seen as violent in this context then so can every other soldier in every other army. Also Hitler was not violent, he was a genocidal maniac who was also war mongering, but he didnt go around mugging people.

Computer games are being blamed for causing violent crime, not people joining the army (but certain games might also have that affect).

However I dont think computer games are responsible for crime, it is usualy from children being brought up in broken, violent familys where the children were either beaten way to much, or allowed to do whatever they want aslong as it doesnt annoy the parents, and these parents now have computer games to blame their complete failure on.

I wasnt agreeing with the point, its just the quote is so far out of context I can read any more posts where people are agreeing with the quote just because it is funny, or because it supports their views.
29-05-2005, 19:40
You know, I die a little inside every time this is brought up.

It's not the video games.


They don't have to allow them to play the games, they could simply say "no."

So there. :headbang:
29-05-2005, 19:43
I thought this was about violence not war or genocide. War is completely difernet to violence, as war is led by political views and a lust for power. If the German WWII army can be seen as violent in this context then so can every other soldier in every other army. Also Hitler was not violent, he was a genocidal maniac who was also war mongering, but he didnt go around mugging people.

Computer games are being blamed for causing violent crime, not people joining the army (but certain games might also have that affect).

However I dont think computer games are responsible for crime, it is usualy from children being brought up in broken, violent familys where the children were either beaten way to much, or allowed to do whatever they want aslong as it doesnt annoy the parents, and these parents now have computer games to blame their complete failure on.

I wasnt agreeing with the point, its just the quote is so far out of context I can read any more posts where people are agreeing with the quote just because it is funny, or because it supports their views.
War does tend to be violent. :rolleyes:
29-05-2005, 19:44
You know, I die a little inside every time this is brought up.

It's not the video games.


They don't have to allow them to play the games, they could simply say "no."

So there. :headbang:
That may be true, but if you don't express your view in a rational way, you discredit yourself and all others who agree with you.
29-05-2005, 19:44
Didn't they just release a study that said video games actually helped increase intelligence among children? Funny they want to ban something like that... :rolleyes:
It's true, its all just a conspiracy to make their offspring dumber than they are so when everyone eventually turns to cannibalism, they won't realise their parents are eating their livers already :p !

But really, it depends on the maturity of the person, as someone (sorry can't remember name) said earlier, I was playing non-cartoony violent games when I was 10, and I ain't some violent psycho serial killer. In fact, games with violdence has actally taught me many useful things (mainly military or shoot-em-ups), such as the correct way to fire a handgun, weapons safety, how to break someone's neck (which I could have worked out myself at the same age), how to treat gun shot wounds and lots of other stuff that could save my or some one elses life. Well, OK, some aren't actually all that useful or life saving, but I think most people will get the idea. And I am not being sarcastic or anything about this.
The Zanzibar Sasquatch
29-05-2005, 19:48
War does tend to be violent. :rolleyes:

But this ban isnt trying to prevent wars, its trying to prevent violent crime.
The Noble Men
29-05-2005, 19:49
I think what many of us (who are against this suggested legislation) are trying to say is that video games are being used as a...

The Noble Men
29-05-2005, 19:50
But this ban isnt trying to prevent wars, its trying to prevent violent crime.

But it wont.
Desperate Measures
29-05-2005, 19:50
This reminds me of the first time I played Pong. Oh, glory! And they never did find Grandmama's head.
29-05-2005, 19:54
Both sides of the debate have their merit, but, if we are to make any progress in reigning in youth violence, we must work to find outlets for the tendancy. sports is a good start, for today's soccer moms are training tomorrows soccer hooligans. and a good riot would do much to improve the US' credibility in the international soccer community.
another interesting thing to note is society's handling of a certain personality type, the Vikings called it berserk, and they pretty much owned northern europe for a while. Modern america's respose is to put these individuals on medication and hope it goes away.

personally, I agree with the statement, if you outlaw guns, only outlaws will be armed.
banning violent games will only increase real violence, I know catharsis has been disproven in children, but, damn, it feels so good laying waste to the Natzi scum, I can almost forget what jerks my coworkers are.

Of course, I also think the whole animal testing issue would disappear pretty fast if scientists were permitted to use protesters as research subjects.
The Noble Men
29-05-2005, 19:57
Of course, I also think the whole animal testing issue would disappear pretty fast if scientists were permitted to use protesters as research subjects.

Sounds like something Gartref would say. And doesn't seem to bear much relevance to the topic at hand.
29-05-2005, 20:00
Violent video games are such an easy scapegoat. Video games do not cause violent urges. It's the other way around.
29-05-2005, 20:02
But this ban isnt trying to prevent wars, its trying to prevent violent crime.
I think the quote was meant to point out that one can easily be hateful and violent without playing violent games.
29-05-2005, 20:03
If they ban violent video games, they must ban all other violet media. INCLUDING THE NEWS! Where do you think the video games get there ideas. I have never had trouble playing the games because I know they are not real, but the news makes me sick, because these are real people being killed.
29-05-2005, 20:03
Sounds like something Gartref would say. And doesn't seem to bear much relevance to the topic at hand.
it mainly establishes the sort of mentality I bring to the discussion.
29-05-2005, 20:03
I'm in support of a movement to keep really violent games(M-rated violence) out of the hands of the really young(like 5 year olds) and the mentally unstable(crazy people). I know some people will try to stop my cause by saying that kindergarteners need to learn how to shoot police officers and innocent civillians while robbing the corpses of their money. Those people should figure out a plausible reason for a 5 year old to know how to shoot law inforcement before they complain. That 17+ means years, not months. Who will aid my cause? Notice how 6 year olds can still play Grand Theft Auto under my proposal.
Fuzzy Dice the 873rd
29-05-2005, 20:03
Violent video games don't make bad kids. Poor parenting makes bad kids. Violent games are just a scapegoat. If anything, violent games make me less violent in real life. It's better to kill fake things in a game, then go out into the world and go after real people.
29-05-2005, 20:05
I'm in support of a movement to keep really violent games(M-rated violence) out of the hands of the really young(like 5 year olds) and the mentally unstable(crazy people).

The first group of people is reasonable, but why worry about mentally unstable people getting their hands on violent video games? Do you think it'll make them even more unstable?
29-05-2005, 20:05
I think it's illegal to ban violent video games. They should get the ACLU, the Libertarian Party, and other pro-freedom groups involved to get rid of this idea once and for all.
29-05-2005, 20:06
The first group of people is reasonable, but why worry about mentally unstable people getting their hands on violent video games? Do you think it'll make them even more unstable?
I think she/he believes that "mentally unstable" people and anyone 5 years or younger has a problem serparating virtual reality from our "actual" reality.
The Noble Men
29-05-2005, 20:07
The problem is that how do you define "violent" video games.

Final Fantasy has more killings than Half-Life, yet is considered less violent.

Custers' Revenge on the Atari 2600 has more sex than GTA, yet is considered less sexual.

Civilization has more racism... et cetera. Where do we stop?
The Zanzibar Sasquatch
29-05-2005, 20:09
Violent video games are such an easy scapegoat. Video games do not cause violent urges. It's the other way around.

You mean violent urges cause video games ;) ? But back on topic this is all to help people who want to shield their children from real life. If a child is easily led by influence, they would easily be led by their parents, And the parents who have the biggest problems are the ones who have no time for their children due to drugs etc or are the ones who shield their children from life just to get out of the "birds and the bees" talk.
29-05-2005, 20:09
I think she/he believes that "mentally unstable" people and anyone 5 years or younger has a problem serparating virtual reality from our "actual" reality.

Makes sense. If they can't draw the line between reality and virtual reality, it'd probably be best to keep things like violent video games away from them.
29-05-2005, 20:12
Makes sense. If they can't draw the line between reality and virtual reality, it'd probably be best to keep things like violent video games away from them.
I don't totally agree, though. Obviously it depends on the form of mental illness if the patient can separate reality from fiction. Not only that, I think it should be a parent's decision if a child of any age can play any video game.
29-05-2005, 20:13
Do I have your support? BTW, the mentally unstable can be of any age. They just can't be very sane and be very confused about the concept of reality. Do you want a 25 year old running people over until "Mission complete" appears out of nowhere and starts floating? I thought so. It was bad enough when one of them started jumping on turtles after playing a Mario game. She also tried to shoot flames by grabbing a flower. It was funny and scary st the same time. Lol.
29-05-2005, 20:16
Obviously it depends on the form of mental illness if the patient can separate reality from fiction.

Of course. It depends on an individual's ability to seperate reality from fiction. Because of this, it'd be silly to make any laws banning video games for anybody considered mentally unstable. The government should keep out of it.
29-05-2005, 20:17
Of course it depends on an individual's ability to seperate reality from fiction. Because of this, it'd be silly to make any laws banning video games for anybody considered mentally unstable. The government should keep out of it.
Yes, exactly. :fluffle:
The Noble Men
29-05-2005, 20:18
Obviously it depends on the form of mental illness if the patient can separate reality from fiction.

But how many mental hospitals have X-boxes and PS2s lying around?
29-05-2005, 20:19
I just thought of something hillarious.

"Pacman should be banned. It features violence against ghosts and dots!"

Ehhh...that was kinda lame, I know.
29-05-2005, 20:20
I just thought of something hillarious.

"Pacman should be banned. It features violence against ghosts and dots!"
And so should Frogger. After all, it features cruelty to animals!
The Noble Men
29-05-2005, 20:21
I just thought of something hillarious.

"Pacman should be banned. It features violence against ghosts and dots!"

Ehhh...that was kinda lame, I know.

Space Invaders contains racial discrimination between two species.
29-05-2005, 20:24
Space Invaders contains racial discrimination between two species.

I guess we better ban that, too!
29-05-2005, 20:26
Resident evil should be banned.

29-05-2005, 20:26
I guess we better ban that, too!
There's also Animal Crossing, which features the main character hitting people on the head with a shovel! :eek: ;)
29-05-2005, 20:27
Computer games are just another way the government can control you.
Oh I have done some game development … I don’t remember the government telling us content nor putting “hidden” messages or controlls in anything
29-05-2005, 20:28
What can we find wrong about Pong?
29-05-2005, 20:30
What can we find wrong about Pong?
Violence against an inanimate object.
The Noble Men
29-05-2005, 20:31
What can we find wrong about Pong?

It puts tennis umpires out of a job.
29-05-2005, 20:42
Wolfenstein? sarcasm
HAHA I loved that game:D
The Noble Men
29-05-2005, 20:44
HAHA I loved that game:D

Who doesn't?
29-05-2005, 20:52
Computer games are just another way the government can control you.

Oh yes, I'm sure somewhere deep down halo has an alternative meaning, like the masterchief is G.W. and the covenant are the Iraqis it all makes perfect sense!!!
New Alexi
29-05-2005, 20:59
Yes, it seems to me that violent video games aren't the problem but the people playing the violent video games. Some very bizarre kids actually think the games are real in a sense and wish they could do the things in the game. The games aren't the problem, it's the way people think about the games. As long as they stay games the players should be fine.
The Noble Men
29-05-2005, 20:59
Oh yes, I'm sure somewhere deep down halo has an alternative meaning, like the masterchief is G.W. and the covenant are the Iraqis it all makes perfect sense!!!

No, the alternative meaning is about the Second Coming of Christ!

You are Jesus, smiting the legions of Satan (covenant). Remember; Halo=Angel.
Don't ask how I found this. Just don't. (
Diamond Realms
29-05-2005, 21:16
Games usually help me release anger, rather than create it.

Windows, on the other hand...
29-05-2005, 21:20
They should ban football, as I am sure much violence has been derived from this.

And homosexual tendencies. *grope* *grab* *slap* put it in the tight end!
29-05-2005, 21:22
What can we find wrong about Pong?

It promotes domestic violence?
*throws rock at wife on opposite side of room*
The Noble Men
29-05-2005, 21:23
It promotes domestic violence?
*throws rock at wife on opposite side of room*

29-05-2005, 21:32
Who are these people that support these bans? I've honest to god never met a single person in my entire life who actually thinks violent video games are the cause of violence in children.
The Great Sixth Reich
29-05-2005, 21:35
Let's look at the facts about why these lawmakers are full of crap and don't have common sense to tell video games are NOT the problem:

Some good quotes from there:

Vastag, B. (2004). “Does Video Game Violence Sow Aggression?” Journal of the American Medical Association.

In a summary of research, researcher, Brian Vastag, details the results of major studies and their findings. His conclusion is that:
Consensus is lacking on whether video games with violent content fuel behavior in children and adolescents... If video games do increase violent tendencies outside the laboratory, the explosion of gaming over the past decade — from $3.2 billion in sales in 1995 to $7 billion in 2003, according to industry figures — would suggest a parallel trend in youth violence. Instead, youth violence has been decreasing.

■ Many of the games which include violent content and are sold in the United States — and some with far more violence — are also sold in foreign markets. But the incidence of violent crime in these non-U.S. markets is considerably lower than in the United States. This suggests that the cause of violent crime lies elsewhere.
■ Violent crime, particularly among the young, has decreased dramatically during since the early 1990s while video games have increased steadily in popularity and use.

From Gerard Jones’ book Killing Monsters (2002):
Certainly video games haven’t had any significant impact on real-world crime. “The research on video games and crime is compelling to read,” said Helen Smith, forensic psychologist, youth violence specialist, and author of The Scarred Heart. “But it just doesn’t hold up. Kids have been getting less violent since those games came out. That includes gun violence and every other sort of violence that might be inspired by a video game.” (p.167)

Cumberbatch, G. (2001). “Video Violence: Villain or Victim?” Video Standards Council, U.K.

In a broad critique of media violence research in an effort to determine harmful effects, Dr. Guy Cumberbatch determined:

The real puzzle is that anyone looking at the research evidence in this field could draw any conclusions about the pattern let alone argue with such confidence and even passion that it demonstrates the harm of violence on television, in film and in video games. While tests of statistical significance are a vital tool of the social sciences, they seem to have been more often used in this field as instruments of torture on the data until it confesses something which could justify a publication in a scientific journal. If one conclusion is possible, it is that the jury is not still out. It’s never been in. Media violence has been subjected to lynch mob mentality with almost any evidence used to prove guilt.
The Noble Men
29-05-2005, 21:42
From Gerard Jones’ book Killing Monsters (2002):
Certainly video games haven’t had any significant impact on real-world crime. “The research on video games and crime is compelling to read,” said Helen Smith, forensic psychologist, youth violence specialist, and author of The Scarred Heart. “But it just doesn’t hold up. Kids have been getting less violent since those games came out. That includes gun violence and every other sort of violence that might be inspired by a video game.” (p.167)

I know. The number of kids casting Magic Missile has went down recently. :)
29-05-2005, 21:42
I think it's illegal to ban violent video games. They should get the ACLU, the Libertarian Party, and other pro-freedom groups involved to get rid of this idea once and for all.

Isn't the ACLU one of the groups advocating the ban?

In any event, this dumb idea of banning violent video games will never work. We are merely seeing the last breaths of the 20th century generation and their cultural/political views. Soon enough these scheissekoffs will die out and the generations currently growing up right now will inherit the world.

I really do fear the day, though, when the US gets a Secretary of State who sp34|<s l33t and a male President who cosplays Sailor Moon.....
The Noble Men
29-05-2005, 21:44
Isn't the ACLU one of the groups advocating the ban?

In any event, this dumb idea of banning violent video games will never work. We are merely seeing the last breaths of the 20th century generation and their cultural/political views. Soon enough these scheissekoffs will die out and the generations currently growing up right now will inherit the world.

I really do fear the day, though, when the US gets a Secretary of State who sp34|<s l33t and a male President who cosplays Sailor Moon.....

What does scheissekoffs mean?
29-05-2005, 21:46
if they dare bring that ban to britain, i shall personally shave my head, drug their driver while he's taking a piss, dress in his cloths and nail em with a piano wire.

disclaimer: hitman 3 had no effect on me whatsoever
The Great Sixth Reich
29-05-2005, 21:47
What does scheissekoffs mean?

Scheisse = Shit
Kopf = Head

It's a mispelling, but you understand what it means. ;)
The Great Sixth Reich
29-05-2005, 21:50
I know. The number of kids casting Magic Missile has went down recently. :)

They meant fist fights, vandalism, and those kind of things! Not magic attacks! ;)
The Noble Men
29-05-2005, 21:50
if they dare bring that ban to britain, i shall personally shave my head, drug their driver while he's taking a piss, dress in his cloths and nail em with a piano wire.

disclaimer: hitman 3 had no effect on me whatsoever

I don't think they can. Both Rockstar Games and Eidos are based here, not to mention the people who sell games, and they'd be particularly affected, causing too many job losses for the Government to justify.
Anarchic Conceptions
29-05-2005, 22:01
What does scheissekoffs mean?

The Great Sixth Reich
29-05-2005, 22:02
I don't think they can. Both Rockstar Games and Eidos are based here, not to mention the people who sell games, and they'd be particularly affected, causing too many job losses for the Government to justify.

Rockstar Games is based in New York. ;)

But the UK is against any ban anyway:

Cumberbatch, G. (2001). “Video Violence: Villain or Victim?” Video Standards Council, U.K.

In a broad critique of media violence research in an effort to determine harmful effects, Dr. Guy Cumberbatch determined:

The real puzzle is that anyone looking at the research evidence in this field could draw any conclusions about the pattern let alone argue with such confidence and even passion that it demonstrates the harm of violence on television, in film and in video games. While tests of statistical significance are a vital tool of the social sciences, they seem to have been more often used in this field as instruments of torture on the data until it confesses something which could justify a publication in a scientific journal. If one conclusion is possible, it is that the jury is not still out. It’s never been in. Media violence has been subjected to lynch mob mentality with almost any evidence used to prove guilt.
Club House
29-05-2005, 22:07
This wouldn't be such an issue if parents supervised their kids a tad more.
it's a non-issue in the first place. the rating system currently in place makes it illegal to buy violent video games if your under 18. the whole basis behind their argument is to protect the children but why are they allowed to say how parents can raise their kids. their the only ones who can buy the violent video games for their kids.
The Noble Men
29-05-2005, 22:09
Rockstar Games is based in New York.

No, it isn't. It's from Edinburgh:

From PC EXTREME isuue 26:
In picturesque Edinburgh you'll find Rockstar, creators of the controversial but award-winning series of Grand Theft Auto games. These guys defined their own genre of games and continue to innovate.

Unless there's 2 Rockstars.
The Great Sixth Reich
29-05-2005, 22:15
No, it isn't. It's from Edinburgh:

Unless there's 2 Rockstars.

Yes, there are two Rockstars. Rockstar Games (publisher of GTA and has a yellow background on their trademark) and Rockstar North (developer of GTA and has a blue background on their trademark). Rockstar North is headquared in Edinburgh. But Rockstar Games are in San Diego (Midnight Club 3) and Vancouver (Making the upcoming game: Bulley). But, their headquartered at 575 Broadway, New York, New York, 10012.
29-05-2005, 22:22
Do I have your support? BTW, the mentally unstable can be of any age. They just can't be very sane and be very confused about the concept of reality. Do you want a 25 year old running people over until "Mission complete" appears out of nowhere and starts floating? I thought so. It was bad enough when one of them started jumping on turtles after playing a Mario game. She also tried to shoot flames by grabbing a flower. It was funny and scary st the same time. Lol.

Just how do you propose to enforce such a thing as banning the mentally unstable? While I agree that they may not be suitable candidates for playing the most violent video games, I find it puzzling as to how we can tell the difference between these people and normal folks. Most mentally unstable people go to great lengths to cover their defects to the rest of society. That's why, when folks are interviewed by the press because their neighbor went on a shooting spree, they often respond that they didn't see it coming.

Do you propose we have everyone take mental apptitude tests that they must pass before they are given the right to purchase such games? Or would you prefer they walk around with a scarlet letter on their arms? Noone really knows who may be the next cop killer, rapist, or serial killer.

I think that someone may copy the content of a violent video game in real life. So what? The act itself was their decision. They would've done something violent anyway regardless of mental capacity.
The Noble Men
29-05-2005, 22:22
Yes, there are two Rockstars. Rockstar Games (publisher of GTA) and Rockstar North (developer of GTA). Rockstar North is headquared in Edinburgh. Rockstar Games are also in San Diego (Midnight Club 3) and Vancouver (Bulley). [b]But[/b, their headquartered at 575 Broadway, New York, New York, 10012.

*Quickly looks at PCX*

Whoops, you're right. Apologies.

What's the difference between developing and publishing?
29-05-2005, 22:25
By banning these games they aren't doing anything. Don't they realize people will find ways to get them? Even if they download them illegally. Its like drugs, people all over have them even though they're illegal. Getting the games will be much easier, as you can just get someone to upload it on their computer for you and sending it to you.
The Great Sixth Reich
29-05-2005, 22:25
*Quickly looks at PCX*

Whoops, you're right. Apologies.

What's the difference between developing and publishing?

That always used to confuse me, too. Developers are the people who actually make the game. Publishers are the people who market, test, hype-up, and promote the game. But the publisher is always pushing the developer around (they have a say in almost everything), and pressures them to release the game at a time they choose.
29-05-2005, 22:26
*Quickly looks at PCX*

Whoops, you're right. Apologies.

What's the difference between developing and publishing?


Developing is a process which takes place before publishing.
The Noble Men
29-05-2005, 22:31
That always used to confuse me, too. Developers are the people who actually make the game. Publishers are the people who market, test, hype-up, and promote the game. But the publisher is always pushing the developer around (they have a say in almost everything), and pressures them to release the game at a time they choose.

From what I can tell, the publisher also takes the credit. Example: Sierra.
The Noble Men
29-05-2005, 22:35
To get back on track;

Does anyone at all support a ban? Anyone?
City 451
29-05-2005, 22:47
Does anyone at all support a ban?I still think they should ban Manhunt and its ilk. Anybody caught playing it should be rehabilitated with Thief I, II or III (I don't care that it was named Deadly Shadows, it will always be Thief III in my heart), Deus Ex (either of 'em) or, if their attention span doesn't allow that, Splinter Cell until they weep with joy. Failing that, they should be beaten to death with a box filled with The Longest Journey, Sacrifice and Giants (I hold no delusions of anybody else wanting to play these).

Also, I declare that ID should make a game that doesn't have diabolical entities in it.

I think PA summed up this whole debate nicely here (
The Noble Men
29-05-2005, 22:53
I still think they should ban Manhunt and its ilk.

29-05-2005, 22:54
I still think they should ban Manhunt and its ilk. Anybody caught playing it should be rehabilitated with Thief I, II or III (I don't care that it was named Deadly Shadows, it will always be Thief III in my heart), Deus Ex (either of 'em) or, if their attention span doesn't allow that, Splinter Cell until they weep with joy. Failing that, they should be beaten to death with a box filled with The Longest Journey, Sacrifice and Giants (I hold no delusions of anybody else wanting to play these).

Also, I declare that ID should make a game that doesn't have diabolical entities in it.

I think PA summed up this whole debate nicely here (

Are you serious or kidding? Why ban a game if you don't like it's contents? There's tons of games and crap on T.V. and movies and even people I don't like. But banning them is no real solution. I can save myself from all of the above mentioned by simply ignoring them. I change the channel, I don't spend cash on stuff I'm not personally interested in, and I avoid folks I don't like. This stuff is pretty simple. I have no right to deny someone else their pursuits or to make it illegal for them to do so without concrete evidence that said pursuits are harmful to the public at large.

I do have the right to monitor what my kids do in their spare time. I make this effort every day. It is MY responsibilty to do so because I(and my wife) created them. The real issue here is that 'busy' parents think that they should not have to pay this sort of attention to their own kids. They are dead wrong. I'm plenty capable, as is any adult that has kids, of accomplishing close supervision of my own children. The last people on earth I want to have deciding whats best for my kids is the government.
The Noble Men
29-05-2005, 22:56
Are you serious or kidding. Why ban a game if you don't like it's contents? There's tons of games and crap on T.V. and movies and even people I don't like. But banning them is no real solution. I can save myself from all of the above mentioned by simply ignoring them. I change the channel, i don't spend cash on stuff I'm not personally interested in, and I avoid folks I don't like. This stuff is pretty simple. I have no right to deny someone else their pursuits or to make it illegal for them to do so without concrete evidence that said pursuits are harmful to the public at large.

The Great Sixth Reich
29-05-2005, 22:59
I'll hastefully third that. Even though Manhunt is the freakyist game of all time, it should still be allowed to be played by the few people who enjoy them. ;)
The Noble Men
29-05-2005, 23:05
I'll hastefully third that. Even though Manhunt is the freakyist game of all time, it should still be allowed to be played by the few people who enjoy them. ;)

Too true. If we started banning games just because of some Catholic moaning, we can say goodbye to rock music and rap. And then goodbye to fun.
29-05-2005, 23:10
Too true. If we started banning games just because of some Catholic moaning, we can say goodbye to rock music and rap. And then goodbye to fun.
Actually, goodbye to almost all music. There is very little music which could be considered truly "pure" by the views of the strictest Christians. We'd be left with... what? Christian gospel? *Shudders.*
The Noble Men
29-05-2005, 23:14
Actually, goodbye to almost all music. There is very little music which could be considered truly "pure" by the views of the strictest Christians. We'd be left with... what? Christian gospel? *Shudders.*

*Hides under bed*

(whisper) Please don't say such things it makes the monsters appear.
Club House
29-05-2005, 23:59
Didn't they just release a study that said video games actually helped increase intelligence among children? Funny they want to ban something like that... :rolleyes:
and new studies have shown increase in hand eye coordination too.
The Great Sixth Reich
30-05-2005, 00:05
and new studies have shown increase in hand eye coordination too.

Old studies. I heard that six years ago!
City 451
30-05-2005, 12:09
Are you serious or kidding?I'm Kidding. I should have made that clearer. I'm embarrassed now.

But in all seriousness, Manhunt and to a lesser extent GTA and its sequels annoy me because they deliberately seek to inflame groups that don't know any better. They might as well troll the Daily Mail forums. With Rockstar it especially hurts as with their talent they could easily make a game that doesn't rely on shock tactics to sell (which none of their games need to anyway). Does anyone remember Carmageddon?

Exactly. By using the same sales-pitch, Rockstar has reduced one of the most playable games of all time to that level.

The real issue here is that 'busy' parents think that they should not have to pay this sort of attention to their own kids [...] The last people on earth I want to have deciding whats best for my kids is the government.I agree, but from another perspective. My parents threw up their hands and left it to the staff of special schools (no, not dedicated schools, a foundation school with a special room for special people...). They're rather lucky I think that, despite all of this, raining down my vengence from the clock tower is a terrible thing.
30-05-2005, 12:35
Actually I find the majority of M or Adult Only rated games have that because they have strong sexual content (see the game Singles flirt up your life), or Use of Drugs. A game with Blood, Language and Violence can get away with a Teen rating. So to me it seems we're stuck again with, the human body = BAD. Guns, blood, violence.. still bad, but not as bad as a breast.

But why is an eight year old buying a game rated T for teen, okay but the line is drawn when a sixteen year old tries to buy a game for adults only. I honestly think a sixteen year old could handle whatever they see a bit better then a eight year old running around with a machine gun.

Regardless I don't think video games are even the problem. But if it helps lawmakers sleep better at night and stops them from putting up silly bans. Why don't they just stiffen the rules a bit so they make more sense?

Speaking of sense, sorry if don't make much of it.. it's late/early.. and I need sleep.
30-05-2005, 12:55
Would it really matter if they were banned? You'd just have kids buying them in back alleys from random strangers but hey whatever makes them safe.
30-05-2005, 13:14
Illinois lawmakers are trying to band violent video games. Its failed before and hopefully it will fail again, because violent video games arent the problem for the violence of america. Its not like there wasnt violence before video games. I beleive David Cross said it best when he said "And what were the violent video games Hitler and the rest of the nazi army played, i cant remember."

If you did, well there would be not much of video games industry. Most games I play involve killing things.
The Noble Men
30-05-2005, 14:48
Would it really matter if they were banned? You'd just have kids buying them in back alleys from random strangers but hey whatever makes them safe.

Don't forget file-sharing.