NationStates Jolt Archive

On Economic Discourse: The System vs. The Incompetent and The Criminal

29-05-2005, 04:43
This is a weird trend I keep running in to on the various economic threads: People will make a statement that is, essentially, "Capitalism is Bad because Person X made a stupid decision and suffered for it" or "Capitalism is Bad because Person X did something illegal, and benefitted from it."

I have seen someone state that their grandfather 'served their country', yet did not get a fair return, thus, capitalism is bad. WRONG. The military is KNOWN to be UNVIABLE economically. You will NOT get rich off of being a soldier unless you get -damn- high in ranks. You may as well complain about not being a billionaire because you did work in a soup kitchen or in the Peace Corps.

I've even seen someone state that there is something wrong with capitalism because their family has troubles while pulling in... get this... 120k a year. 120 fricking thousand. My family lives in big giant ass houses, on a few acres, with horses, a brand new shiny boat the size of a large pickup truck, while taking constant plane trips to Idaho to see family, while my parents foot the bill for my college stay and dorm, on LESS INCOME. If they can't figure out how to survive comfortably on 120k, the problem lies with THEM.

Unless you have like fifty kids, six-digit income is UPPER MIDDLE CLASS. If you can't manage it, that's YOUR fault, not capitalism's. I have family with MUCH lower income, in an EXTREMELY expensive area, who have a swarm of kids and animals, and do just fine, with a single construction worker's income.

And then there was someone complaining about wages...

I joined the local Carpenter's Union just a week ago. I've got the lowest income the Union will allow. I'm an apprentice. I make 14.44 an hour in pure income (There's about six dollars of other money I make per hour, but it goes to paying union dues and health and pension). My first paycheck is going to be around $800. I made $210 just yesterday. I made $84 the morning before that. Newbie. Apprentice. First job. Holiday Overtime is yummy.

And I get an AUTOMATIC pay raise every so many months. I get classes set up for me to improve every 300 hours of work I do.

And guess what: The local rental costs start around $350 a month.

It isn't that fricking hard to survive.

You just have to know what the hell you're doing.


And crime. People keep talking about the horrors of this and that, and using it as 'proof' as to capitalism's failures.

Enron is proof of the flaws of capitalism, et cetera.

This is essentially saying that, if someone sneaks in to the hospital, steals my to-be-transplanted heart-in-a-bucket... that Modern Medicine needs to be scrapped, and we should turn to something like Faith Healing or Crystals or something.

It does not fricking follow.

If anything, this all points to education and corruption problems. Capitalism isn't to blame for human suckitude.