Ten Things the USA should do right now...
Objectivist Patriots
27-05-2005, 17:32
1) Leave the United Nations and cancel all relations with it.
2) Leave Iraq/Afghnastan/the Middle East in general and bring the troops home, less our Naval Fleet who will remain in defensive positions in the oceans around the US.
2) Close the borders with Canada and Mexico, station our regular troops on it. Send the Reserves and the National Gaurd units home, dammit. Stop all immigration, passport clearances and visas for Middle Eastern and Muslim visitors (US residents permitted to travel as usual). Period.
3) Stop all international welfare programs and military assistance. Israel and Egypt will have to do without. New Iraq will have to fend for itself. So will Afghanistan, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan and Europe.
4) Fund alternate fuel research with the savings we get from not having a globally-deployed military. Use the research findings to assist the Oil industry in the transition to an Alt-Fuel Industry.
5) Reduce oil purchasing by 50% over 10 years, be sure the new fuel is something we can produce in-country without outside influence!!! Like biodiesel!
6) Return the US Dollar to the gold standard, lower taxes and promote healthy economic growth to counteract the contraction of our economy from the oil industry changes and isolationist policies.
7) GET OUR FREAKING SPACE PROGRAM BACK IN ACTION, DAMMIT. We need a new frontier, the USA is a "frontier nation" who is doing poorly at settling down.
8) Utilize the Framer's way of thinking: "Beware entangling alliances" abroad. Stay out of international politics totally, take the economic hit and refuse to play ball with these globalists. Fair trade or no trade, Free Market or refuse to engage in commerce.
9) Make English the official language of our Nation, stop allowing cultural Balkanization. Outlaw Affirmative Action and other reverse-racist programs. Refuse to collect data on race, religion, sexual preference and so on. It is no one's business and should not be tracked by government!
10) Disband public schooling entirely. Move to a voucher program that allows students access to actual healthy learning environments that are selected by parents, not government.
Ahhh, to be king for a day. :) But this country does need to help itself, mostly by avoiding European and/or Liberal influence and also by getting the hell out of this retarded Global Cop/Welfare routine!
Then we need to force-redistribute the economic forces back to US-held commodities and operate on a principle of self-determinism no matter what the initial cost.
Just my opinions, but feel free to dog them or cheer them all you want! Discussion welcome. BTW, I already know what I suggest would probably cause a major global economic depression...
27-05-2005, 17:40
You know, that was done once before (minus the space program and letting citizens travel abroad for leisure) – It was called, "China."
The biggest, most powerful single country in the world just one day decided to close their doors and be China for Chinese, nobody was allowed to come in anymore, cause everybody else was backwards and needed too much help anyway.
China is still paying for the error of their decision; even to this day they have not recoverd... Those who forget history are bound to repeat it.
The Noble Men
27-05-2005, 17:44
2) Close the borders with Canada and Mexico, station our regular troops on it. Send the Reserves and the National Gaurd units home, dammit. Stop all immigration, passport clearances and visas for Middle Eastern and Muslim visitors (US residents permitted to travel as usual). Period.
9) Make English the official language of our Nation, stop allowing cultural Balkanization. Outlaw Affirmative Action and other reverse-racist programs. Refuse to collect data on race, religion, sexual preference and so on. It is no one's business and should not be tracked by government!
You suggest that Muslims should not be allowed to enter the U.S, yet you also suggest that racist movements should be outlawed and religion should not concern the government. Hmm...
Also, the general feeling of the post is that the U.S is greater than everyone else. It is not. Period.
27-05-2005, 17:47
You know, that was done once before (minus the space program and letting citizens travel abroad for leisure) – It was called, "China."
The biggest, most powerful single country in the world just one day decided to close their doors and be China for Chinese, nobody was allowed to come in anymore, cause everybody else was backwards and needed too much help anyway.
China is still paying for the error of their decision; even to this day they have not recoverd... Those who forget history are bound to repeat it.
This is one of the wisest posts I've seen all year. Good job!
27-05-2005, 17:49
If you think that isolation will bring strength to the USA, you are sadly mistaken. Our power doesn't stem just from what we are...it also comes from the quality of our relationships to other countries. Instead of closing ourselves off, we must reinvest ourselves in the pursuit of mending relationships with our allies. Unfortunately, the Bush Administration has cemented our reputation as gun-toting cowboys. Splendid.
I also take exception with your attack on liberalism. -I- happen to be liberal, and I am damn tired of being characterized as wanting to weaken the country. I live here too, and I am only looking to do what's right for the USA within the confines of my moral compass. You know what? It's the LIBERALS of society who take care of the less fortunate. It's the LIBERALS of society who demand equal justice under law. It's LIBERALS who demand that people should have the right to make their own choices in life...and who insist that they should not be penalized for making choices that others do not approve of.
I will agree with #7, and to a lesser extent #5. In 5# we don't need biodiesel. We need to completely restructure the economy around an energy source other than fossil fuels.
The Noble Men
27-05-2005, 17:49
This is one of the wisest posts I've seen all year. Good job!
I second that motion. Well done! Here, have a smilie :)
27-05-2005, 17:49
"Ten Things the USA should do right now... "
Only one thing wrong with your list: we don't live in a bubble!
27-05-2005, 17:50
6) Return the US Dollar to the gold standard, lower taxes and promote healthy economic growth to counteract the contraction of our economy from the oil industry changes and isolationist policies.
Bad idea, I had to read and watch Wizard of Oz once already, I don't want to have to read and see a modern day version of it.
The Noble Men
27-05-2005, 17:51
Hey, notice that Objectivist Patriots hasn't responded to his critics. Wonder why...
27-05-2005, 17:52
I have to disagree, in order for a free market to work we need immigration and international travel in and out of the US. The gold standard, are bleeding insane? We haven't enough gold to maintain it.
Objectivist Patriots
27-05-2005, 17:53
You suggest that Muslims should not be allowed to enter the U.S, yet you also suggest that racist movements should be outlawed and religion should not concern the government. Hmm...
Also, the general feeling of the post is that the U.S is greater than everyone else. It is not. Period.
Terrorism is so thoroughly suffused with the Muslim faith as to make the two virtually indistinguishable. We knowly admit that we cannot tell a terrorist from an innocent Muslim. We as a nation OWE NOTHING to non-citizens. They don't NEED to come here, we certainly won't be bothering them!
It is a non-violent defense against terrorism which directly and seriously threatens our national safety, or need I play the video of the twin towers again? The other alternative is to continue randomly killing people in the Middle East with our troops, which do you support?
Our troops won't be near Mecca and Medina, nor will we be favouring Israel any longer. Thus, I expect anti-U.S. sentiment to fall dramatically in the Muslim world within a few years. After we are sure the specter of terrorism is dead, we can re-evaluate the policies. Until then, it harms NO ONE.
The USA is not the greater, but it is UNIQUE. We cannot survive by doing things as Europeans; we must forge our own path. Lately, that path has been trying to tell other nations and peoples what to do at gunpoint and failing miserably.
I'm suggesting leaving everybody alone, but you have a problem with it???
Patriotic Socialists
27-05-2005, 17:54
1. The UN is a post-war organization that needs restructuring, not disbanding.
Each country should only be allowed to sit on one council/committee. Then we will see some real diplomacy.
2. Well, you make the bed, you lie in it. Don't just smoke your post-war cigarette and leave. Do something real, but I bet the US can't do it on their own. Their nation building efforts have been useless so far.
3. the borders are too big to think you can protect them totally, and it's a country of immigrants, and you want stop it? Just because you got here first, doesn't mean others shouldn't.
4. Too late dude. In fact, Ford licenses their Hybrids technology from Japan.
It's a Hummer or bust!
5. See #4
6. Better to promote manufacturing jobs, which other industried can feed off. Increase your import tax from China by about 200%.
7. What a waste of money. I can live without Velcro and non-stick frying pans thank you very much.
8. Where will that leave Wal-Mart and all the bozos who buy from there?
9. Affirmative Action could be a good thing, but the application of it sucks. You want to level the playing field, do it by average income, not anything else.
10. Remove the Political Correctness from public schools not the schools themselves. In the school environment, the pupil should have very basic rights (i.e. no physical contact), but should NEVER question the teacher's authority. It' all about respect and respect for authority.
How exactly would this "voucher system" for education work? Because, apart for the oil ones, its the only one that I'm not dismissing entirely.
27-05-2005, 17:57
Terrorism is so thoroughly suffused with the Muslim faith as to make the two virtually indistinguishable. We knowly admit that we cannot tell a terrorist from an innocent Muslim. We as a nation OWE NOTHING to non-citizens. They don't NEED to come here, we certainly won't be bothering them!
It is a non-violent defense against terrorism which directly and seriously threatens our national safety, or need I play the video of the twin towers again? The other alternative is to continue randomly killing people in the Middle East with our troops, which do you support?
Our troops won't be near Mecca and Medina, nor will we be favouring Israel any longer. Thus, I expect anti-U.S. sentiment to fall dramatically in the Muslim world within a few years. After we are sure the specter of terrorism is dead, we can re-evaluate the policies. Until then, it harms NO ONE.
The USA is not the greater, but it is UNIQUE. We cannot survive by doing things as Europeans; we must forge our own path. Lately, that path has been trying to tell other nations and peoples what to do at gunpoint and failing miserably.
I'm suggesting leaving everybody alone, but you have a problem with it???
Isolationism is worse than the disease! If anything we need globalisation.
Cannot think of a name
27-05-2005, 17:58
Hey, notice that Objectivist Patriots hasn't responded to his critics. Wonder why...
To be fair, a lot of these responses where posted within two minutes.
The only thing I agree with is the fossil fuel/biodeisel bit. The rest was nicely handled by the China post.
Objectivist Patriots
27-05-2005, 18:02
You know, that was done once before (minus the space program and letting citizens travel abroad for leisure) – It was called, "China."
China is still paying for the error of their decision; even to this day they have not recoverd... Those who forget history are bound to repeat it.
People will still be allowed to come in- assuming we can be sure they are not terrorists. Goods will still be exchanged, on a level playing field. Walmart can still import junk from Asia if the Asians can trade fairly. It's their choice, we are their biggest customer and they our biggest supplier. No more politics or threats of war over Kathy Lee's newest line of clothing! :)
But we are not China. I'm not going to begin to describe how "not china" we are, but the first two things that come to mind are 1) Not Third World Nation and 2) Not Really Total Isolation, just no more "Cowboy Gun-Nut" policies.
27-05-2005, 18:05
Our standard of living would immediately plummet due to the fact that international market linkages are a huge part of our wealth-generating mechanism. The cost to our people would not be "initial." It would be harmful and long-lasting. It's possible to be self-determinant in an international world. To just shut the doors and plug your ears, figuratively speaking, is folly.
And last time I checked, English is still the official language. I have yet to go to a ballgame and hear "La Bandera de Estrellas" instead of the "Star Spangled Banner." ¿Puede usted ver/por la luz temprana del amanecer? ;)
I think one thing that everybody's missing is that China's trade surplus will only hurt China in the long run. Market economies are the most healthy when their exports of goods, services, and general capital equal their inflows. Otherwise, as the trade surplus booms and grows, the more the world will owe them. But of course, if it gets to the point where the world will no longer be able to repay the difference, the Chinese will have spun their wheels for naught.
The Alma Mater
27-05-2005, 18:05
8) Utilize the Framer's way of thinking: "Beware entangling alliances" abroad. Stay out of international politics totally, take the economic hit and refuse to play ball with these globalists. Fair trade or no trade, Free Market or refuse to engage in commerce.
The USA would not survive that - quite a significant number of US industries (like supermarketchains) are owned by foreign companies or get a lot of their profit from international branches. Making the US a country with no outside commercial ties will take a few decades and LOTS of government actions restricting freedoms and forbidding the free market.
10) Disband public schooling entirely. Move to a voucher program that allows students access to actual healthy learning environments that are selected by parents, not government.
I would argue for the opposite: exterminate private schools, especially those founded on religious principles. In return give significant and objective attention to the ideas of various religions as well as a way to find more information; so people can make an informed decision for themselves when they are.. lets say.. 16.
27-05-2005, 18:08
People will still be allowed to come in- assuming we can be sure they are not terrorists. Goods will still be exchanged, on a level playing field. Walmart can still import junk from Asia if the Asians can trade fairly. It's their choice, we are their biggest customer and they our biggest supplier. No more politics or threats of war over Kathy Lee's newest line of clothing! :)
But we are not China. I'm not going to begin to describe how "not china" we are, but the first two things that come to mind are 1) Not Third World Nation and 2) Not Really Total Isolation, just no more "Cowboy Gun-Nut" policies.
We'll be economically fucked.
27-05-2005, 18:09
I agree with bits of this. Certainly the fossil fuel bit. Biodiesel and Ethanol are stopgaps, but until we get fuelcells up and running, it would be great to see worldwide. The US needs to start building things itself. And the space program needs to start up again. The future is out there, not here. This planet is crap, freedom cannot exist on this planet anymore. Mars, here we come!
And please, the next person to use "cowboy" as an insult gets smacked. I am a cowboy. Meaning, I raise cattle. Don't confuse me with warmongering idiots. Fuck me, why couldn't Bush have been from Wisconsin?
27-05-2005, 18:13
And please, the next person to use "cowboy" as an insult gets smacked. I am a cowboy. Meaning, I raise cattle. Don't confuse me with warmongering idiots. Fuck me, why couldn't Bush have been from Wisconsin?
Here here, man! It's about time someone finally called people out on the whole 'cowboy as insult' bit. Everytime someone says 'Bush is just some kind of cowboy,' I always shoot back 'No. He's no cowboy. The difference between Bush and cowboys is that cowboys had a code of ethics.'
27-05-2005, 18:14
You know, that was done once before (minus the space program) – It was called, "America" (circa 1930s pre-Pearl Harbor.)
One of the biggest, most powerful countries in the world just one day decided to close their doors and be America for the Americans, no more interaction with Europe, because they were too war-like.
3000 lives later, and America thinks it's learned its lesson. It retreats into its shell, and the Twin Towers happens. Even today, America hasn't recovered... those who forget history are bound to repeat it.
Objectivist Patriots
27-05-2005, 18:15
Our power doesn't stem just from what we are...it also comes from the quality of our relationships to other countries.
I also take exception with your attack on liberalism. It's the LIBERALS of society who take care of the less fortunate. It's the LIBERALS of society who demand equal justice under law. It's LIBERALS who demand that people should have the right to make their own choices in life...and who insist that they should not be penalized for making choices that others do not approve of.
I will agree with #7, and to a lesser extent #5. In 5# we don't need biodiesel. We need to completely restructure the economy around an energy source other than fossil fuels.
On your first point- Yes, our relationship needs to begin with the understanding that the USA isn't going to march soldiers all over the place for or against other nation's interests. Diplomacy is fine, but it needs to be about economics, not weapons and wars. We are too aggressive, I agree. Unless we are attacked, why involve our military? We have gone 4 years with no serious continental terror attacks, let's continue with that trend.
One your second point- You can't take moral high ground with me. I'm a Libertarian. We agree on every social issue but one- Who is in charge of people. I say that the people are in charge of themselves, you would put a government agency in charge of it.
Liberalism isn't pro-America, just like Neo-Cons aren't pro-America. Both groups want to tear this country apart- both are succeeding without serious opposition from the other team.
Lastly- Biodiesel is not a fossil fuel. It's made from soybeans. Look into it, it is cool stuff.
Diamond Realms
27-05-2005, 18:17
1) Leave the United Nations and cancel all relations with it.
Wouldn't mind that one, as the US government doesn't care about it, anyway. The UN would stand much better without the USA.
27-05-2005, 18:19
Wouldn't mind that one, as the US government doesn't care about it, anyway. The UN would stand much better without the USA.
I do believe you'd miss the huge sums of money we pour into the organisation.
27-05-2005, 18:20
1) Leave the United Nations and cancel all relations with it.
2) Leave Iraq/Afghnastan/the Middle East in general and bring the troops home, less our Naval Fleet who will remain in defensive positions in the oceans around the US.
2) Close the borders with Canada and Mexico, station our regular troops on it. Send the Reserves and the National Gaurd units home, dammit. Stop all immigration, passport clearances and visas for Middle Eastern and Muslim visitors (US residents permitted to travel as usual). Period.
3) Stop all international welfare programs and military assistance. Israel and Egypt will have to do without. New Iraq will have to fend for itself. So will Afghanistan, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan and Europe.
4) Fund alternate fuel research with the savings we get from not having a globally-deployed military. Use the research findings to assist the Oil industry in the transition to an Alt-Fuel Industry.
5) Reduce oil purchasing by 50% over 10 years, be sure the new fuel is something we can produce in-country without outside influence!!! Like biodiesel!
6) Return the US Dollar to the gold standard, lower taxes and promote healthy economic growth to counteract the contraction of our economy from the oil industry changes and isolationist policies.
7) GET OUR FREAKING SPACE PROGRAM BACK IN ACTION, DAMMIT. We need a new frontier, the USA is a "frontier nation" who is doing poorly at settling down.
8) Utilize the Framer's way of thinking: "Beware entangling alliances" abroad. Stay out of international politics totally, take the economic hit and refuse to play ball with these globalists. Fair trade or no trade, Free Market or refuse to engage in commerce.
9) Make English the official language of our Nation, stop allowing cultural Balkanization. Outlaw Affirmative Action and other reverse-racist programs. Refuse to collect data on race, religion, sexual preference and so on. It is no one's business and should not be tracked by government!
10) Disband public schooling entirely. Move to a voucher program that allows students access to actual healthy learning environments that are selected by parents, not government.
Ahhh, to be king for a day. :) But this country does need to help itself, mostly by avoiding European and/or Liberal influence and also by getting the hell out of this retarded Global Cop/Welfare routine!
Then we need to force-redistribute the economic forces back to US-held commodities and operate on a principle of self-determinism no matter what the initial cost.
Just my opinions, but feel free to dog them or cheer them all you want! Discussion welcome. BTW, I already know what I suggest would probably cause a major global economic depression...
Thank you, God, that I don't live in this person's reality.
27-05-2005, 18:20
3. the borders are too big to think you can protect them totally, and it's a country of immigrants, and you want stop it? Just because you got here first, doesn't mean others shouldn't.
Yeah, stupid thread maker. The whole point of your country is for immagrants to build a new life.
And please, the next person to use "cowboy" as an insult gets smacked. I am a cowboy. Meaning, I raise cattle. Don't confuse me with warmongering idiots. Fuck me, why couldn't Bush have been from Wisconsin?
Hear hear!
And whoever said about religious private schools being closed - you aren't being forced to send your children to them, so ignore them.
27-05-2005, 18:20
If you think that isolation will bring strength to the USA, you are sadly mistaken. Our power doesn't stem just from what we are...it also comes from the quality of our relationships to other countries. Instead of closing ourselves off, we must reinvest ourselves in the pursuit of mending relationships with our allies. Unfortunately, the Bush Administration has cemented our reputation as gun-toting cowboys. Splendid.
I also take exception with your attack on liberalism. -I- happen to be liberal, and I am damn tired of being characterized as wanting to weaken the country. I live here too, and I am only looking to do what's right for the USA within the confines of my moral compass. You know what? It's the LIBERALS of society who take care of the less fortunate. It's the LIBERALS of society who demand equal justice under law. It's LIBERALS who demand that people should have the right to make their own choices in life...and who insist that they should not be penalized for making choices that others do not approve of.
I will agree with #7, and to a lesser extent #5. In 5# we don't need biodiesel. We need to completely restructure the economy around an energy source other than fossil fuels.
It's the LIBERALS in this country who want to limit people's ability to own guns, to keep their own money, to run their byusinesses how they see fit...
i won't even touch the rest... too much BS.
You think that you help the little man, but you also allow unions to go on strike, which hurts the businesses the little man works for, which ends up in the little man you thinhk you protect getting fired.
or you tax their businesses too much and they end up getting fired on account of that.
you HATE the rich and legislate against them rudely, going deeper and deeper into their pocketbooks, yet you have forgotten one thing:
you CANNOT help the poor by bringing down the rich.
Objectivist Patriots
27-05-2005, 18:21
Hey, notice that Objectivist Patriots hasn't responded to his critics. Wonder why...
This is amusing, because I have to believe you are simply unaware of the timeline here- This response is occuring on the same day... How fast need I reply to please you, Master Noble???
"1) Leave the United Nations and cancel all relations with it."
The UN is better than WWIII...
"2) Leave Iraq/Afghnastan/the Middle East in general and bring the troops home, less our Naval Fleet who will remain in defensive positions in the oceans around the US."
I wouldn't be opposed to this, maybe not so radical, but at least a moderate withdrawal.
"2) Close the borders with Canada and Mexico, station our regular troops on it. Send the Reserves and the National Gaurd units home, dammit. Stop all immigration, passport clearances and visas for Middle Eastern and Muslim visitors (US residents permitted to travel as usual). Period."
Why the hell would you want to do that? It restricts liberty, hurts the economy, and just isn't worth it.
"3) Stop all international welfare programs and military assistance. Israel and Egypt will have to do without. New Iraq will have to fend for itself. So will Afghanistan, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan and Europe."
We might want to hold onto South Korea and Taiwan, and we definitely need to let Japan have the military that we've been banning them from having for so long. Seriously, we don't ALLOW Japan to have a military.
"4) Fund alternate fuel research with the savings we get from not having a globally-deployed military. Use the research findings to assist the Oil industry in the transition to an Alt-Fuel Industry."
Ah, the market'll do it when the people want it. No reason to force them to.
"5) Reduce oil purchasing by 50% over 10 years, be sure the new fuel is something we can produce in-country without outside influence!!! Like biodiesel!"
No good reason for such a radical change.
"6) Return the US Dollar to the gold standard, lower taxes and promote healthy economic growth to counteract the contraction of our economy from the oil industry changes and isolationist policies."
Let the US dollar do what it will, lower taxes, leave the economy alone, and abolish all of these idiotic tarriffs from people who know nothing about economics.
"7) GET OUR FREAKING SPACE PROGRAM BACK IN ACTION, DAMMIT. We need a new frontier, the USA is a "frontier nation" who is doing poorly at settling down."
The manned space program is funded far more than it's worth. We need to move the majority of funding to the more useful unmanned program. Maybe one day we'll get to mars. That's where we need to concentrate our funding in the manned space program, not how some bean plant grows in zero gravity.
"8) Utilize the Framer's way of thinking: "Beware entangling alliances" abroad. Stay out of international politics totally, take the economic hit and refuse to play ball with these globalists. Fair trade or no trade, Free Market or refuse to engage in commerce."
Abolish all tarriffs, remove these artificial, pointless lines in the sand called borders, let people have liberty, and get rid of idiotic protectionists.
"9) Make English the official language of our Nation, stop allowing cultural Balkanization. Outlaw Affirmative Action and other reverse-racist programs. Refuse to collect data on race, religion, sexual preference and so on. It is no one's business and should not be tracked by government!"
Let the people adopt the culture and language that they want. Liberty is more important than anything.
"10) Disband public schooling entirely. Move to a voucher program that allows students access to actual healthy learning environments that are selected by parents, not government."
I believe in a hybrid system, but public schools would be unused in 15 years under such a program. We should also allow more homeschooling.
The Alma Mater
27-05-2005, 18:25
Wouldn't mind that one, as the US government doesn't care about it, anyway. The UN would stand much better without the USA.
As the worlds first military power and the worlds second economic power involvement of the USA in the UN is necessary. Unless it completely retreats into itself and ignores the rest of the world of course.
About the whole closing the borders with Canada and Mexico. Quebec (one province) has over 170 LOCAL ROADS that serve both Canadians and Americans that cross the border. Several of Albreta's largest farmers also happen to be very big business in the border states, to the tune of thousands of hectares of land. Closing the border would hurt the US more than they know (see American meat packers) as it would fuel local industry in other countries and thus remove American jobs.
27-05-2005, 18:26
"7) GET OUR FREAKING SPACE PROGRAM BACK IN ACTION, DAMMIT. We need a new frontier, the USA is a "frontier nation" who is doing poorly at settling down."
The manned space program is funded far more than it's worth. We need to move the majority of funding to the more useful unmanned program. Maybe one day we'll get to mars. That's where we need to concentrate our funding in the manned space program, not how some bean plant grows in zero gravity.
Thanks to Bush's promises with regard to manned flights to Mars, important basic safety checks are being scrapped to boost up the programme - something that workers at NASA are quitting over.
As the worlds first military power and the worlds second economic power involvement of the USA in the UN is necessary. Unless it completely retreats into itself and ignores the rest of the world of course.
You are joking! The USA the first Military power? Britain's Navy had conquered a Third of the World, and the Spanish were making good headway before your country was a twinkle in the scope of Columbus! *ROFLMAO*
Diamond Realms
27-05-2005, 18:27
I do believe you'd miss the huge sums of money we pour into the organisation.
Nope. Rather lose that, than have the USA oppress it. Besides, there are lots of other wealthy nations on this planet. Compared to GDP, the US ranks far down on the list, when it comes to donating to the less fortunate peoples of the world. I'm confident that whatever money-gap a resignation of the US would leave behind, would be filled by others.
Riptide Monzarc
27-05-2005, 18:31
Don't confuse me with warmongering idiots. Fuck me, why couldn't Bush have been from Wisconsin?
If I am not mistaken, Bush is from Massachussettes like any Blue-Blooded Bush.
Cabra West
27-05-2005, 18:32
Thanks to Bush's promises with regard to manned flights to Mars, important basic safety checks are being scrapped to boost up the programme - something that workers at NASA are quitting over.
Why on earth does Bush want to send a manned flight to Mars???
It's completely pointless, with all the robotic probes being sent there at the moment both by NASA and ESA, it's ridiculously expensive, it's stupidly timeconsuming and I personally doubt that it will be practicable during Bush's term. If that's really the last term he's going to do ;)
27-05-2005, 18:33
What on earth does Bush want to send a manned flight to Mars???
It's completely pointless, with all the robotic probes being sent there at the moment both by NASA and ESA, it's ridiculously expensive, it's stupidly timeconsuming and I personally doubt that it will be practicable during Bush's term. If that's really the last term he's going to do
You know, that's exactly what was said in New Scientist. Stupid Shrub.
Objectivist Patriots
27-05-2005, 18:36
Thank you, God, that I don't live in this person's reality.
I sure wish I could come live in yours!
In my reality, the world has gone insane. We are the most hated nation and I keep thinking to myself, "Where did we go wrong? Why aren't we JUST?"
I ask myself where we went wrong and the answer keeps coming up- Entangling Alliances.
We are hated because we try to help where it is not wanted and/or needed. So we should stop. Totally. Both with money and with troops.
But this just seems to anger everybody more. I have to wonder why...
27-05-2005, 18:37
Why on earth does Bush want to send a manned flight to Mars???
It's completely pointless, with all the robotic probes being sent there at the moment both by NASA and ESA, it's ridiculously expensive, it's stupidly timeconsuming and I personally doubt that it will be practicable during Bush's term. If that's really the last term he's going to do ;)
It doesn't make sense, really, except for the excitement the space-version single combat would create for Americans.
Read The Right Stuff
27-05-2005, 18:37
As the worlds first military power and the worlds second economic power involvement of the USA in the UN is necessary. Unless it completely retreats into itself and ignores the rest of the world of course.
Unless you count the EU as a country, the US economy is still almost double the #2 economy in the world.
(2003 GDP (PPP) millions of dollars)
World 51,656,251
1 United States 10,871,095
2 China 6,435,838
3 Japan 3,582,515
4 India 3,096,239
5 Germany 2,279,134
6 France 1,632,119
7 United Kingdom 1,606,853
8 Italy 1,559,321
9 Brazil 1,371,655
10 Russia 1,318,827
11 Canada 963,550
12 Mexico 934,553
13 Spain 915,072
14 South Korea 858,028
15 Indonesia 721,583
27-05-2005, 18:39
I say screw Iraq, we should have left after we got what were looking for,then Iraq could have its civil war and who ever wins sets up its own government dictaror, oppressor or what ever,
Then the US could be come Neutal and we could then finaly focuse on the real problems in this country, but with Bush "Adminastrion"in charge(i have nothing aginst the presidant, just the idiots around him) in the white house well we wont see anything like that in a while.
27-05-2005, 18:39
I sure wish I could come live in yours!
In my reality, the world has gone insane. We are the most hated nation and I keep thinking to myself, "Where did we go wrong? Why aren't we JUST?"
I ask myself where we went wrong and the answer keeps coming up- Entangling Alliances.
We are hated because we try to help where it is not wanted and/or needed. So we should stop. Totally. Both with money and with troops.
But this just seems to anger everybody more. I have to wonder why...
Have you ever travelled out of the country?
If so, you should know better than to take cable news and posts here as gospel. ;)
Cabra West
27-05-2005, 18:39
1) Leave the United Nations and cancel all relations with it.
2) Leave Iraq/Afghnastan/the Middle East in general and bring the troops home, less our Naval Fleet who will remain in defensive positions in the oceans around the US.
You know what? You just go ahead and do that. If you promiss sincerely that this is the last time the international community has to clean up the mess left behind by the United States because they run headlong into a situation they don't understand.
btw, you forgot to mention that you would have to withdraw from the NATO as well. You will do that, won't you? :D
Melkor Unchained
27-05-2005, 18:40
1) Leave the United Nations and cancel all relations with it.
2) Leave Iraq/Afghnastan/the Middle East in general and bring the troops home, less our Naval Fleet who will remain in defensive positions in the oceans around the US.
2) Close the borders with Canada and Mexico, station our regular troops on it. Send the Reserves and the National Gaurd units home, dammit. Stop all immigration, passport clearances and visas for Middle Eastern and Muslim visitors (US residents permitted to travel as usual). Period.
3) Stop all international welfare programs and military assistance. Israel and Egypt will have to do without. New Iraq will have to fend for itself. So will Afghanistan, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan and Europe.
4) Fund alternate fuel research with the savings we get from not having a globally-deployed military. Use the research findings to assist the Oil industry in the transition to an Alt-Fuel Industry.
5) Reduce oil purchasing by 50% over 10 years, be sure the new fuel is something we can produce in-country without outside influence!!! Like biodiesel!
6) Return the US Dollar to the gold standard, lower taxes and promote healthy economic growth to counteract the contraction of our economy from the oil industry changes and isolationist policies.
7) GET OUR FREAKING SPACE PROGRAM BACK IN ACTION, DAMMIT. We need a new frontier, the USA is a "frontier nation" who is doing poorly at settling down.
8) Utilize the Framer's way of thinking: "Beware entangling alliances" abroad. Stay out of international politics totally, take the economic hit and refuse to play ball with these globalists. Fair trade or no trade, Free Market or refuse to engage in commerce.
9) Make English the official language of our Nation, stop allowing cultural Balkanization. Outlaw Affirmative Action and other reverse-racist programs. Refuse to collect data on race, religion, sexual preference and so on. It is no one's business and should not be tracked by government!
10) Disband public schooling entirely. Move to a voucher program that allows students access to actual healthy learning environments that are selected by parents, not government.
Ahhh, to be king for a day. :) But this country does need to help itself, mostly by avoiding European and/or Liberal influence and also by getting the hell out of this retarded Global Cop/Welfare routine!
Then we need to force-redistribute the economic forces back to US-held commodities and operate on a principle of self-determinism no matter what the initial cost.
Just my opinions, but feel free to dog them or cheer them all you want! Discussion welcome. BTW, I already know what I suggest would probably cause a major global economic depression...
Testify, brotha! Not too sure about the gold standard, but everything else is right on the money. I feel obligated to point out, however, that you forgeot "legalize drugs."
I would, after all, enjoy the freedom to control the contents of my mind.
The Alma Mater
27-05-2005, 18:42
You are joking! The USA the first Military power? Britain's Navy had conquered a Third of the World, and the Spanish were making good headway before your country was a twinkle in the scope of Columbus! *ROFLMAO*
First as in "most powerful today". Not historically - because then the Arabs, Egyptians and the Chinese easily beat everything Europe had - including Rome which also beats Britain heads down ;)
And I'm not an US citizen :P
Unless you count the EU as a country, the US economy is still almost double the #2 economy in the world.
Note I said power, not country ;) And as such I do count the EU as a unit, yes.
Cabra West
27-05-2005, 18:45
I say screw Iraq, we should have left after we got what were looking for,then Iraq could have its civil war and who ever wins sets up its own government dictaror, oppressor or what ever,
Then the US could be come Neutal and we could then finaly focuse on the real problems in this country, but with Bush "Adminastrion"in charge(i have nothing aginst the presidant, just the idiots around him) in the white house well we wont see anything like that in a while.
So you haven't noticed yet? That was actually one of the first thoughts generally discussed here. Why does he want to start a war on a country that he can control without one? Why does he stage such an act insulting and offending former allies? Why does he play the cowboy against the rest of the world?
Simple, it's the perfect distraction. If he didn't have this war going, the US press would fry him for being the incapable boneheaded undiplomatic politician that he is. This way, he can be sure to be presented in a positive light without actually having to do to much. Nothing like a war to bring out unified patriotism and unquestioning obedience in a population...
Objectivist Patriots
27-05-2005, 18:46
How exactly would this "voucher system" for education work? Because, apart for the oil ones, its the only one that I'm not dismissing entirely.
Umm, I dunno. How about "All children's parents issued a voucher worth X dollars, amount to be set by the appropriate State Agency, funding to be accomplished as it is now through taxation for schooling."
The voucher alone will get you into a school of your choice, assuming they want you. Schools may choose to offer more expensive programs (as they do now at private schools) but may not reject a student whose parents lack additional funding, all schools must be willing to offer basic standardized curriculum for the pre-set rate. It will be to their PROFIT to offer better than that, though. No student, no money. Simple economics/competition with a built-in safety net. The poor get edjumekated as well.
Needs tuning, but that's basically how it runs now here in my homes State... Works great. Created "charter schools" that compete for these vouchers, unlike the public schools which are funded by the majority of the tax money and operate at a loss of both money and education.
27-05-2005, 18:47
Anybody actually understand that going back to the gold standard would automatically recall most of the money currently in circulation, basically end credit cards, and destroy the economy?
The US has been weaned itself off of gold from FDR's administration straight down to Nixon, who cut the final tie. And it did it for a reason: a modern economy cannot be based around one form of value.
27-05-2005, 18:52
i partly agree with sending the troops home. American troops had no damn business being there in the first place. in my eyes nothing has improved in Iraq whats so ever. But to block of other countries is assidiane and stupid
Objectivist Patriots
27-05-2005, 18:54
Testify, brotha! Not too sure about the gold standard, but everything else is right on the money. I feel obligated to point out, however, that you forgeot "legalize drugs."
I would, after all, enjoy the freedom to control the contents of my mind.
I only suggest a gold standard so our currency doesn't become "oil standard". If that happens, the Peak Oil Crisis will ruin its value.
Legalize Drugs happens after we extricate ourselves from the international mess. That is an internal issue we struggle about (stupidly, I might add), the post was more for those abroad... But we agree! :)
My mind is drugged rarely, but I do so appreciate the opportunity when it arises. LOL.
Aligned Planets
27-05-2005, 18:56
1) Leave the United Nations and cancel all relations with it.
2) Leave Iraq/Afghnastan/the Middle East in general and bring the troops home, less our Naval Fleet who will remain in defensive positions in the oceans around the US.
2) Close the borders with Canada and Mexico, station our regular troops on it. Send the Reserves and the National Gaurd units home, dammit. Stop all immigration, passport clearances and visas for Middle Eastern and Muslim visitors (US residents permitted to travel as usual). Period.
3) Stop all international welfare programs and military assistance. Israel and Egypt will have to do without. New Iraq will have to fend for itself. So will Afghanistan, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan and Europe.
4) Fund alternate fuel research with the savings we get from not having a globally-deployed military. Use the research findings to assist the Oil industry in the transition to an Alt-Fuel Industry.
5) Reduce oil purchasing by 50% over 10 years, be sure the new fuel is something we can produce in-country without outside influence!!! Like biodiesel!
6) Return the US Dollar to the gold standard, lower taxes and promote healthy economic growth to counteract the contraction of our economy from the oil industry changes and isolationist policies.
7) GET OUR FREAKING SPACE PROGRAM BACK IN ACTION, DAMMIT. We need a new frontier, the USA is a "frontier nation" who is doing poorly at settling down.
8) Utilize the Framer's way of thinking: "Beware entangling alliances" abroad. Stay out of international politics totally, take the economic hit and refuse to play ball with these globalists. Fair trade or no trade, Free Market or refuse to engage in commerce.
9) Make English the official language of our Nation, stop allowing cultural Balkanization. Outlaw Affirmative Action and other reverse-racist programs. Refuse to collect data on race, religion, sexual preference and so on. It is no one's business and should not be tracked by government!
10) Disband public schooling entirely. Move to a voucher program that allows students access to actual healthy learning environments that are selected by parents, not government.
Ahhh, to be king for a day. :) But this country does need to help itself, mostly by avoiding European and/or Liberal influence and also by getting the hell out of this retarded Global Cop/Welfare routine!
Then we need to force-redistribute the economic forces back to US-held commodities and operate on a principle of self-determinism no matter what the initial cost.
Just my opinions, but feel free to dog them or cheer them all you want! Discussion welcome. BTW, I already know what I suggest would probably cause a major global economic depression...
Read the Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood.
Seems to be very similar to what you are suggesting. Gilead forever!
27-05-2005, 18:56
1. Draw up a plan for a measured but complete withdrawal from the Middle East in general. The war on Terror can only go so far, after that it's the job of people in the Muslim world to get their own act together in terms of democracy and violence, and find a solution to it's concerns that everyone can live with.
2. The war in Iraq had some justification and ambiguity associated with it. There is no ambiguity in my mind about the detainees in Guantanamo. Charge them, or release them. Jeez, after a while they aren't even good as potential informants, because all their information is dated, but that's besides the point. Every human being on the planet, even an "enemy combatant" has a right to due process. Kick them back to their respective countries; it's their problem anyway.
3. I agree with the efforts to reduce the reliance on fossil fuels. I think our best bet with that is fusion power and fuel cells.
4. Our borders need to be grand central in the war on terror. We need to find ways for the people in other countries to do business with us, while at the same time keeping out the terrorists and other criminals. There are no easy solutions here, but I do agree that illegal immigration needs to stop.
5. Repeal, or at least overhaul Roe vs. Wade. This act of arbitrary inunction by the courts into a debate that should very much be in the respective legislatures of the states is despicable. I think that 100 years from now someone will look at us and say "what a pack of idiots" regardless of who's right (if anyone is), but our societal ethical constuct has simply not evolved far enough to have a decent answer to the issue of abortion. Let democracy decide.
6. No one on either side of the Gay/Lesbian debate has even stopped to try to communicate with the other side. No, opposing gay marriage does not mean you "hate" gays, nor does supporting it make you a "heathen." Both "h" words are thrown around way too often. I think that gays should be allowed to have their relationships recognized (although not necessarily in marriage). And people need to stop caring about what happens to two consenting adults in the privacy of the home. It's none of their business.
27-05-2005, 18:57
i partly agree with sending the troops home. American troops had no damn business being there in the first place. in my eyes nothing has improved in Iraq whats so ever. But to block of other countries is assidiane and stupid
Well, Saddam is deposed... so unless you were a fan, that's definitely an upgrade.
Objectivist Patriots
27-05-2005, 18:57
You know what? You just go ahead and do that. If you promiss sincerely that this is the last time the international community has to clean up the mess left behind by the United States because they run headlong into a situation they don't understand.
btw, you forgot to mention that you would have to withdraw from the NATO as well. You will do that, won't you? :D
Sure, let's drop the NATO thing. The USA doesn't need allies in a war, we've made that ABUNDANTLY clear. Besides, I'm fairly anti-war. Not because I abhor violence, but only because it serves no logical purpose in the current world we live in.
The messes we make are mostly at home, which is the other side of this issue. The USA is split down the middle here, we are not a nation unified anymore.
Also from the Founders:
"We must hang together, or we most surely shall hang seperately."
We've got to find AMERICA again. It got lost back when the USSR broke up, I think.
27-05-2005, 19:00
11) Press that little red button under the desk in the Oval Office. That's right - that one there... Go on, George, you know you want to.
Objectivist Patriots
27-05-2005, 19:00
Read the Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood.
Seems to be very similar to what you are suggesting. Gilead forever!
Great book. Very amusing. I'm not a Christian, though. Or a Conservative.
I've just listened to the words of our fellow humans in the world abroad and decided that a severe depression following from this isolationism is better than following either the NEO-CON/BUSH or UN/GLOBALIST models everyone else here touts...
Melkor Unchained
27-05-2005, 19:01
Sure, let's drop the NATO thing. The USA doesn't need allies in a war, we've made that ABUNDANTLY clear. Besides, I'm fairly anti-war. Not because I abhor violence, but only because it serves no logical purpose in the current world we live in.
The messes we make are mostly at home, which is the other side of this issue. The USA is split down the middle here, we are not a nation unified anymore.
Also from the Founders:
"We must hang together, or we most surely shall hang seperately."
We've got to find AMERICA again. It got lost back when the USSR broke up, I think.
The thing a lot of people forget to realize about the United States is we have attained something that no other civilization in the history of Earth has ever acheived.
We can end it all. Whether we'd do it or not is a different story, but you can't deny the fact that if we were really up against the wall with a knife to our nuts, we could pretty much erradicate all life on the planet. Withdrawing from all international alliances and relying only on trade to better our own ends without meddling in their business wouldn't be as dangerous as you might think. I'm sure anyone who'd ever contemplate serious military action against the US has already thought about this.
27-05-2005, 19:01
First as in "most powerful today". Not historically - because then the Arabs, Egyptians and the Chinese easily beat everything Europe had - including Rome which also beats Britain heads down
And I'm not an US citizen :P
Ah. I thought that the person meant 'first' as in 'came first'. I've had Americans tell me, with a straight face, that the USA was the very first ever Democracy.
nor does supporting it make you a "heathen." Both "h" words are thrown around way too often heathen merly means 'one who lives on the heath' - as in a bumpkin, basically.
*Farmer lass, and proud of it!*
I'm sure anyone who'd ever contemplate serious military action against the US has already thought about this. That, I'm afraid, is true. America will destroy the world if it thinks to do so - I'm supprised that they can sleep at night.
Ugh, Isolationism.
Every nation that has ever tried isolationism has failed, horribly.
China tried it, and went from greatest nation in the world to backwater, backwards, and poor.
Japan tried it, and found itself forced open by the US, and lagging behind badly militarily. It's recovery was dramatic and frankly a masterpiece of turnaround, but that's another story.
The US tried it, and found itself in a little thing called the Great Depression. Oh, and then Japan took it's revenge and forced the US open by attacking Pearl Habor.
Isolationism doesn't work.
27-05-2005, 19:04
1) Leave the United Nations and cancel all relations with it.
2) Leave Iraq/Afghnastan/the Middle East in general and bring the troops home, less our Naval Fleet who will remain in defensive positions in the oceans around the US.
2) Close the borders with Canada and Mexico, station our regular troops on it. Send the Reserves and the National Gaurd units home, dammit. Stop all immigration, passport clearances and visas for Middle Eastern and Muslim visitors (US residents permitted to travel as usual). Period.
3) Stop all international welfare programs and military assistance. Israel and Egypt will have to do without. New Iraq will have to fend for itself. So will Afghanistan, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan and Europe.
4) Fund alternate fuel research with the savings we get from not having a globally-deployed military. Use the research findings to assist the Oil industry in the transition to an Alt-Fuel Industry.
5) Reduce oil purchasing by 50% over 10 years, be sure the new fuel is something we can produce in-country without outside influence!!! Like biodiesel!
6) Return the US Dollar to the gold standard, lower taxes and promote healthy economic growth to counteract the contraction of our economy from the oil industry changes and isolationist policies.
7) GET OUR FREAKING SPACE PROGRAM BACK IN ACTION, DAMMIT. We need a new frontier, the USA is a "frontier nation" who is doing poorly at settling down.
8) Utilize the Framer's way of thinking: "Beware entangling alliances" abroad. Stay out of international politics totally, take the economic hit and refuse to play ball with these globalists. Fair trade or no trade, Free Market or refuse to engage in commerce.
9) Make English the official language of our Nation, stop allowing cultural Balkanization. Outlaw Affirmative Action and other reverse-racist programs. Refuse to collect data on race, religion, sexual preference and so on. It is no one's business and should not be tracked by government!
10) Disband public schooling entirely. Move to a voucher program that allows students access to actual healthy learning environments that are selected by parents, not government.
Ahhh, to be king for a day. :) But this country does need to help itself, mostly by avoiding European and/or Liberal influence and also by getting the hell out of this retarded Global Cop/Welfare routine!
Then we need to force-redistribute the economic forces back to US-held commodities and operate on a principle of self-determinism no matter what the initial cost.
Just my opinions, but feel free to dog them or cheer them all you want! Discussion welcome. BTW, I already know what I suggest would probably cause a major global economic depression...
WOW! Finally, someone I agree with 100%! :D
27-05-2005, 19:05
Ugh, Isolationism.
Every nation that has ever tried isolationism has failed, horribly.
China tried it, and went from greatest nation in the world to backwater, backwards, and poor.
Japan tried it, and found itself forced open by the US, and lagging behind badly militarily. It's recovery was dramatic and frankly a masterpiece of turnaround, but that's another story.
The US tried it, and found itself in a little thing called the Great Depression. Oh, and then Japan took it's revenge and forced the US open by attacking Pearl Habor.
Isolationism doesn't work.
There's an extremely fine line between isolationism and non-interventionism. The thread starter never advocated breaking off diplomatic relations or trade with the rest of the world, now did he?
8) Utilize the Framer's way of thinking: "Beware entangling alliances" abroad. Stay out of international politics totally, take the economic hit and refuse to play ball with these globalists. Fair trade or no trade, Free Market or refuse to engage in commerce.
I believe he did.
27-05-2005, 19:06
I think he did, you know...
EDIT: To the person above the one that was agreeing with someone.
Psychotic Mongooses
27-05-2005, 19:10
11) Press that little red button under the desk in the Oval Office. That's right - that one there... Go on, George, you know you want to.
Don't.... you don't know if he'll confuse California with Iran :D
..Although, having seen some of the crap coming out of Hollywood recently, i dunno... :p
I feel compelled to warn you isolationists.
Inaction is death.
If one ignores and cares not for the troubles outside ones nation, then how would one prepare for inevitable future confrontation? It would be like committing oneself to an arm wrestle without possessing any limbs.
Objectivist Patriots
27-05-2005, 19:13
1. Draw up a plan for a measured but complete withdrawal from the Middle East in general. The war on Terror can only go so far, after that it's the job of people in the Muslim world to get their own act together in terms of democracy and violence, and find a solution to it's concerns that everyone can live with.
2. The detainees in Guantanamo: Charge them, or release them.
3. Reduce the reliance on fossil fuels.
4. Our borders need to be grand central in the war on terror.
5. Repeal, or at least overhaul Roe vs. Wade.
6. No one on either side of the Gay/Lesbian debate has even stopped to try to communicate with the other side.
Excellent. A moderate's post. Thanks for the insightful thoughts.
1) Thank you for recognizing that the so-called Peaceful Muslims must bear ultimate responsibility for stopping terrorism and saving the good face and name of their religion...
2) I am a bit more extreme in this- Although I agree detainment is not the answer. Of course, ultimately, we shouldn't even be over there. But detainment is stupid. I'm just afraid we might release one who nukes us later.
3) Yep. But nobody wants to endanger our economy TODAY to protect the economy TOMORROW. Short-sighted, really. We can't switch over our infrastructure in a few weeks if the oil runs out or Peak Oil occurs...
4) Thanks. You hit the nail on the head, I agree.
5) When in doubt, grant the people the Right. I won't abort a baby myself, but who am I to decide for others? I think it is sick, but without a quorum I say it isn't government's business. I guess I don't feel strongly enough about it to say, "no." I just say, "no for me, YOU do what you want."
6) Like abortion, I say this isn't government's arena. Marraige shouldn't be coming from the government at all! Churches and Gay Bath-Houses can all marry people or whatever, then everybody can apply for Life-Partner Status, whether they are gay/straight or just two people who are looking for a tax break on their house and don't mind living near each other non-sexually.
Objectivist Patriots
27-05-2005, 19:15
There's an extremely fine line between isolationism and non-interventionism. The thread starter never advocated breaking off diplomatic relations or trade with the rest of the world, now did he?
Somebody read my post and their knee didn't start jerking against their keyboard !!!
Diplomacy is fine, I just don't like the UN. Trade is fine, just not when we are getting screwed on the deal. Common sense, I think.
Somebody read my post and their knee didn't start jerking against their keyboard !!!
Diplomacy is fine, I just don't like the UN. Trade is fine, just not when we are getting screwed on the deal. Common sense, I think.
8) Utilize the Framer's way of thinking: "Beware entangling alliances" abroad. Stay out of international politics totally, take the economic hit and refuse to play ball with these globalists. Fair trade or no trade, Free Market or refuse to engage in commerce.
Now you're just contridicting yourself.
27-05-2005, 19:18
5) When in doubt, grant the people the Right. I won't abort a baby myself, but who am I to decide for others? I think it is sick, but without a quorum I say it isn't government's business. I guess I don't feel strongly enough about it to say, "no." I just say, "no for me, YOU do what you want." Ditto.
Objectivist Patriots
27-05-2005, 19:18
Ah. I thought that the person meant 'first' as in 'came first'. I've had Americans tell me, with a straight face, that the USA was the very first ever Democracy.
That, I'm afraid, is true. America will destroy the world if it thinks to do so - I'm supprised that they can sleep at night.
Hehe. Americans are mostly uneducated thanks to public schooling. We are not a Democracy at all, but rather a Republic. Everyone forgets that. And there IS a CRITICAL difference.
27-05-2005, 19:19
Somebody read my post and their knee didn't start jerking against their keyboard !!!
Diplomacy is fine, I just don't like the UN. Trade is fine, just not when we are getting screwed on the deal. Common sense, I think.
Man, if it were up to me, you'd be sitting in the chair in the Oval Office right now! :)
Actually, technically we're a Democratic Republic.
27-05-2005, 19:19
Hehe. Americans are mostly uneducated thanks to public schooling. We are not a Democracy at all, but rather a Republic. Everyone forgets that. And there IS a CRITICAL difference.
Couldn't have said it better myself. Hats off to you, my friend.
27-05-2005, 19:21
Haha! At least here in the British Isles we have double-decent* education.
*As opposed to half-decent.
27-05-2005, 19:21
Terrorism is so thoroughly suffused with the Muslim faith as to make the two virtually indistinguishable. We knowly admit that we cannot tell a terrorist from an innocent Muslim. We as a nation OWE NOTHING to non-citizens. They don't NEED to come here, we certainly won't be bothering them!
This is probably the most bigotted, idiotic, uninformed statement made in a LONG time. Most Muslims denounce the acts of terrorism. The Terrorists of which you speak are extremists, who are in the VAST minority. Ever speak to a Muslim? Probably not. If you did, you'd find that they dislike the Terrorists just as much as we do. Just because there are Muslim terrorist does not make Muslims terrorists. Infact, the Koran denounces such acts in and of itself, and actually supports peace. Muslim Terrorists twist the Koran to fit their own beliefs.
And I suppose there aren't any other kinds of terrorists? Well, in Ireland, there is the IRA(I think that's the name) who use terrorist tactics. Of course, we tend to forget that. There are various other terrorist organizations throughout the world of various cultures.
And your ancestors didn't NEED to come here either. Don't say that people can't come here because they don't need to come here. America is made up of people from all over the world. How old is your American ancestry? 50 years? 100 years? Your ancestry doesn't go as far back as you'd like to believe I suspect. I can trace my ancestry to coming here in the 1920's from Italy, 1880's Scottland, 1900's Norway-Sweden-Finland, and very small traces of Native American(Chippewa). You're ancestors probably didn't come from here. America is a nation of Immigrants. By cutting off our borders, we destroy something that makes our nation great.
Objectivist Patriots
27-05-2005, 19:22
Now you're just contridicting yourself.
If we send a diplomat to France and they send one here, that is fine. That is diplomacy.
But if we make a sweetheart special trade arrangement with France that screws our Argentinian allies in the Bananna market or somesuch, that is entangling alliances and politicking.
We need Embassies and diplomats so we an spy and be spied upon, but we don't have to tie our futures to other nations or play ball with losers who want a free ride on our backs.
6) Return the US Dollar to the gold standard, lower taxes and promote healthy economic growth to counteract the contraction of our economy from the oil industry changes and isolationist policies.
How does does moving to the gold standard counteract isolationist policies, anyone who does economics to a high level will tell you that fixing your currency to the gold standard is being isolationist seeing as virtually noone else does it. Flexible exchange rates are a good thing, its the only way America's massive trade deficit will reduce.
Stay out of international politics totally
Sure sounds like cutting off diplomacy totally to me.
The Alma Mater
27-05-2005, 19:28
And I suppose there aren't any other kinds of terrorists? Well, in Ireland, there is the IRA(I think that's the name) who use terrorist tactics. Of course, we tend to forget that. There are various other terrorist organizations throughout the world of various cultures.
Oh yes. The IRA and the Spanish ETA were important terrorist threats long before 9/11. And the IRA got (and still gets) most of its funds from the US. Both have mostly Christian followers. Protestant versus Catholic is an issue though...
However, those are domestic threats, and not international ones. Most of the international terrorism nowadays indeed has Muslem involvement - but what most people do not know is that international terrorism is an insignificant problem; with only 625 deaths in 2003. The 'domestic' violence in Darfour and Iraq results in much, much, MUCH more victims, as do diseases like AIDS.
But combating that is not as "hip" as "fighting international terror".
27-05-2005, 19:29
Sure sounds like cutting off diplomacy totally to me.
Not really. It just means staying out of wars, conflicts, et. al. that are of no significance or concern to us.
Objectivist Patriots
27-05-2005, 19:35
Ever speak to a Muslim? Probably not.
And I suppose there aren't any other kinds of terrorists? There are various other terrorist organizations throughout the world of various cultures.
By cutting off our borders, we destroy something that makes our nation great.
I have a good friend who is an Egyptian immigrant and a faithful servant of Allah. He advocates closing the borders to keep his family safe. He agrees with me that most Muslims bear anti-American sentiments and that most are not actively working to prevent terrorism. "Inshallah", or "Allah Wills It So" is a major tenet of the faith. You can thank our love of Israel for the collective antipathy with Muslims.
Other terrorists don't aim to destroy our Nation. If an IRA guy comes here, it is to buy guns, not take out thousands of innocents.
No, we normalize our degrading cultural conflict. Back in the "good ole days" people came here to BECOME AMERICANS. Now they come here to become anti-American Citizens and vote out our freedoms, language, wealth and traditions. Have you ever heard of the Reconquista??? Look it up. Modern Immigrants don't have any intention of joining our culture, only Balkanizing it. No thanks, stay in your own countries.
You speak of how we don't really know our ancestry, that is an excellent point! We don't remember where or when our families got here because it is irrelevant- WE ARE AMERICANS NOW. If it matters to you, I'm half Indian (native american). Half my ancestors got here long before "whitey". :)
Objectivist Patriots
27-05-2005, 19:42
How does does moving to the gold standard counteract isolationist policies, anyone who does economics to a high level will tell you that fixing your currency to the gold standard is being isolationist seeing as virtually noone else does it. Flexible exchange rates are a good thing, its the only way America's massive trade deficit will reduce.
How alse do we protect that currency in a major depression, which my other points would cause?
[QUOTE=Objectivist Patriots]No, we normalize our degrading cultural conflict. Back in the "good ole days" people came here to BECOME AMERICANS. Now they come here to become anti-American Citizens and vote out our freedoms, language, wealth and traditions. Have you ever heard of the Reconquista??? Look it up. QUOTE]
Firstly, I think you're insane. Secondly, what has the Reconquista got to do with anything? The reconquest of southern Spain by the Catholic Kings in 1492, which led to the subsequent expulsion of Jews in 1492, and Muslims in 1609 has absolutely nothing to do with American isolationism. Unless, in some kind of warped way, you're trying to describe the woeful collapse of multiculturalism that currently exists in the States and would disappear if what you suggest was put into practise. After 1492, the cultural economy of Spain collapsed and didn't recover until the 1940s - are you advocating that the same thing should happen in America? Again - I think you're insane. Plus, radical Muslims don't hate America because of Israel. They hate America because of its pluralist values. What you're suggesting bows down directly to what they want - a closed society.
Objectivist Patriots
27-05-2005, 19:56
Firstly, I think you're insane. Secondly, what has the Reconquista got to do with anything? The reconquest of southern Spain by the Catholic Kings in 1492, which led to the subsequent expulsion of Jews in 1492, and Muslims in 1609 has absolutely nothing to do with American isolationism. Unless, in some kind of warped way, you're trying to describe the woeful collapse of multiculturalism that currently exists in the States and would disappear if what you suggest was put into practise. After 1492, the cultural economy of Spain collapsed and didn't recover until the 1940s - are you advocating that the same thing should happen in America? Again - I think you're insane. Plus, radical Muslims don't hate America because of Israel. They hate America because of its pluralist values. What you're suggesting bows down directly to what they want - a closed society.
The Mexican Immigrant's Reconquista, sir. Not the other one.
You might think I am insane, but you obviously haven't visited the American Southwest recently, have you? We have a right to defend our way of life from those who would destroy it.
Why doesn't Canada's cultural protection laws engender such vitriol from you people? Or France's?
How is it that every other Nation on the Earth is allowed to control its borders (usually with violence), but the USA must be an open sore and take all comers???
Robot ninja pirates
27-05-2005, 19:58
It's the LIBERALS in this country who want to limit people's ability to own guns, to keep their own money, to run their byusinesses how they see fit...
i won't even touch the rest... too much BS.
You think that you help the little man, but you also allow unions to go on strike, which hurts the businesses the little man works for, which ends up in the little man you thinhk you protect getting fired.
or you tax their businesses too much and they end up getting fired on account of that.
you HATE the rich and legislate against them rudely, going deeper and deeper into their pocketbooks, yet you have forgotten one thing:
you CANNOT help the poor by bringing down the rich.
The liberal ideas have been slandered beyond belief in this country, to a point where they are seen as a group of crooks in disguise trying to enslave us, while the Republicans are seen as the party of the every man.
Let me remind you what the two sides of the political coin stand for, not what Bill O'Reilly says they stand for. The liberals are the party of progression, throughout history, the liberals have been the ones backing every radiacal change which later became mainstream. It was liberal thinking which first proposed equality between races, and then between the sexes. During the early 20th century, when humongous corporations were running rampant, spreading corruption in the government, and creating trusts which jacked up their prices, it was a liberal who enforced anti-trust and anti-monopoly laws. Liberals made up minimum wage, laws which increased working standards (don't talk about hurting the little men, before liberal labor laws people worked 14 hours a day in dangerous and unsafe factories for what is today 2 dollars an hour. Would you like corporations to have this kind of power?).
Medicare- liberal.
Creation of public works- liberal
anti-segregation laws- liberal
free public education- liberal (before this, most people were confined to a life of poverty and illiteracy)
And most importantly- liberals wrote the constitution. Every single one of them. A time when people got executed for inciting dissent everywhere in the world (still happens in some places), free speech was put into practice. Democracy, was exhumed after almost 2000 years and once again put into practice. Freedom of religion, another radical idea, was used.
And then there were the conservatives. There were always conservatives, people constantly saying "Let's go back 40 years, it was better then". Well in 40 years gay marriage will be ordinary, there will still be graduated income tax, and every action by this current group of evangelical reactionaries will be undone. There will be a new set of issues which the liberals are trying to enforce, and there will be conservatives trying to undo them.
Conservatives are rich people. Guess why they're always whining about the "unfair taxes" the rich receive. The top bracket in this country is a paltry 33% (about). It applies to people who make in the hundreds of millions per year. I don't 30-40 million off of that will really hurt them, yet they have to have their money. They have to light their cigars with hundred dollar bills. The Republican party is not the party of the common man, it is rich people who try to dupe everyone else into thinking they are there to help, that they care about average people. The Liberal party has and always be the party of the common man, despite what the right wing may try to paint them as, and the conservatives will always be a few Elite trying to keep their gross power.
Small business owners are not being stopped from running their business, as you say they are; the only people being regulated are those with the power to run rampant, those who need to be regulated. There were times when big businesses were unregulated, and they did abuse their power.
Democrats are not going to take away your guns like dictators, as republicans want you to think.
Wow, that was a long rant. I kind of went off on a tangent there, but it's obvious you have no idea what you're talking about.
About the thread itself, I can't really say anything that hasn't been said already. Except for 1 or 2 points, it was just a dumb idea. Isolationism was tried, and it caused disaster. And 99.9% of the people living are descended from immigrints. If you're thinking like that, then we should go back to Europe and put the Native Americans back in power.
Psychotic Mongooses
27-05-2005, 20:16
The Mexican Immigrant's Reconquista, sir. Not the other one.
How is it that every other Nation on the Earth is allowed to control its borders (usually with violence), but the USA must be an open sore and take all comers???
Could you breifly explain the 'Mexican Immigrant's Reconquista' and what its relevance has to do with the topic please?
'Nations' don't control their borders- states do.
Europe has open borders too- their has been immigration into here from the former Warsaw Bloc and other places. They take up jobs, add to the economy and help build up the country- just like the Irish, Poles, Italians, Jews et al, did for the US. Mulitculturalism adds to society- it doesn't detract from it. Fear and inevitable xenophobia stem from such isolationist banter.
Eternal Green Rain
27-05-2005, 20:25
It's a brilliant plan. I love it.
I hope you are the next president.
Oh and I live in the UK.
Your end of the sea saw goes down.
Europe goes up.
Love it, love it, love it. :D
27-05-2005, 20:29
How alse do we protect that currency in a major depression, which my other points would cause?
There are many reasons why the gold standard is no longer in use.
First, the quantity of gold is static. There is a definate amount of gold. If we need more money, we will have to print more. However, the problem with this is is that since the quantity of gold does not increase, the value of the dollar will drop DRASTICALLY. With the gold standard in place, inflation will grow to massive amounts.
Also, gold is valued only if somebody says that is valued. If the rest of the world were to say that gold has no value, then all of our gold is useless. The value of the dollar will be nothing.
Next, the rest of the world is slowly coming off of the gold standard. This means that people are no longer recognizing the value of gold as a monetary unit. Once again, if nobody else recognizes it, then it loses it's value. The American dollar is now useless.
Remember, we do not live in a vaccuum. Your understanding of economics is... interesting.
Also, I recall you stating that you did not want us to go on an "oil" standard. We are not gonig onto this, nor will we ever. Right now the American dollar is based on the "Faith" system. Basically, it has value because people say it does. This value changes as to what people are willing to sell at. Economics is a very sticky and complicated issue.
Sanctum Imperialis
27-05-2005, 20:44
The thread starter I believe is one of the worst people I have seen on this Forum. His bigotted and narrow views is what is hurting the US now, not saving it. How long can mosst Americans live in ignorance? I think the public schooling is a form of propaganda. Keep the masses uninformed and uneducated will make them easier to control. The rich are becoming the new aristocracy. The government is fractured and broken. It works against itself more than it does any good. Major companies are the new powers, the new gods.
Any true follower of Allah would know that such acts go against the teachings. You can twist the meanings within the bible (aka Crusades) to start wars just as you could twist the Quran.
Closing off the US would not only hurt it, but the rest of the world would effect it. There are no true Americans. Those that where here first no longer have a place to call their own but lived in fenced reservations. America is built on the blood and sweat of others. It has profitted from war and the fall of countless governments.
Closing the borders would show the US is cowardly. Unable to finish what it starts and to weak to carry through with all its hot headed bluster. But neither is the rest of the world perfect or better than the US. Globalization and internationalism should be next not isolation. Do you think with all the money the US would supposedly have be used to the benefit of others? Absolutely not. Look at the history of the US. The money would go the rich and the powerful to make themselves more so.
27-05-2005, 20:53
Ahhh, to be king for a day. :) But this country does need to help itself, mostly by avoiding European and/or Liberal influence
Congrats. You told everyone they should ignore your ideas and not implement them. Why? Those are some of the most liberal ideas I have seen.
27-05-2005, 21:10
Congrats. You told everyone they should ignore your ideas and not implement them. Why? Those are some of the most liberal ideas I have seen.
Actually, most of those are way off the spectrum. Very, very extreme ideas. Even "liberals" would not accept much of those as good ideas.
27-05-2005, 21:17
I never said they were good ideas, just that they are the most liberal I have seen. Considering his opinion that liberals should not be allowed to make policy, we can honor his beliefs by not allowing any of those to come to pass. It's a case of using his own "logic" against him.
28-05-2005, 00:15
1) Leave the United Nations and cancel all relations with it.
2) Leave Iraq/Afghnastan/the Middle East in general and bring the troops home, less our Naval Fleet who will remain in defensive positions in the oceans around the US.
2) Close the borders with Canada and Mexico, station our regular troops on it. Send the Reserves and the National Gaurd units home, dammit. Stop all immigration, passport clearances and visas for Middle Eastern and Muslim visitors (US residents permitted to travel as usual). Period.
False. That is worded wrongly. Southern and northern boarders needs to be guarded heavily with military along non-trade routes where illegals and contra-ban cross. We can't close the boarder. You saying that had to make me declare this as false. Trade is important to our economy with our neighbors. Legal immigration should proceed as normal. The requirements have little problems.
3) Stop all international welfare programs and military assistance. Israel and Egypt will have to do without. New Iraq will have to fend for itself. So will Afghanistan, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan and Europe.
4) Fund alternate fuel research with the savings we get from not having a globally-deployed military. Use the research findings to assist the Oil industry in the transition to an Alt-Fuel Industry.
5) Reduce oil purchasing by 50% over 10 years, be sure the new fuel is something we can produce in-country without outside influence!!! Like biodiesel!
6) Return the US Dollar to the gold standard, lower taxes and promote healthy economic growth to counteract the contraction of our economy from the oil industry changes and isolationist policies.
False. We can NOT go back to the gold standard. Foriegn investors that have government bonds would take all our gold. We have to stay on our credit standard.
7) GET OUR FREAKING SPACE PROGRAM BACK IN ACTION, DAMMIT. We need a new frontier, the USA is a "frontier nation" who is doing poorly at settling down.
8) Utilize the Framer's way of thinking: "Beware entangling alliances" abroad. Stay out of international politics totally, take the economic hit and refuse to play ball with these globalists. Fair trade or no trade, Free Market or refuse to engage in commerce.
True. YOU ARE A REAL PATRIOT, SIR. George Washington would be proud.
9) Make English the official language of our Nation, stop allowing cultural Balkanization. Outlaw Affirmative Action and other reverse-racist programs. Refuse to collect data on race, religion, sexual preference and so on. It is no one's business and should not be tracked by government!
False. Due to the need to be flexible, we should simply promote stronger english intergration with our citizens. Simply make it harder for people to continue for generations without knowing english. Our diversity however is good, as long as politically it is hard to hold real offices if you can not speak to a majority of the populace.
10) Disband public schooling entirely. Move to a voucher program that allows students access to actual healthy learning environments that are selected by parents, not government.
False. What must be done is intergrate a hybrid school system of bootcamp/college/school elements to discipline kids and teach them. The lack of discipline that is falling on teachers and administrations is what is hurting us. Give the disciplining responsibilities to drill instructors and students will calm down when they are forced to boot camp situations for poor behavior. We also MUST intergrate a new curriculum designed to teach students to be more aware of Constitutioal Republic principles and how to understand government better.
Ahhh, to be king for a day. :) But this country does need to help itself, mostly by avoiding European and/or Liberal influence and also by getting the hell out of this retarded Global Cop/Welfare routine!
False. Right wing or left wing policies are both hurting us. We need to go back to classical liberalism and paleo-conservative thinking. Civil liberties and respect for the republic institution is more important than getting in these little "dem vs repub" fights.
Then we need to force-redistribute the economic forces back to US-held commodities and operate on a principle of self-determinism no matter what the initial cost.
True. Also self determinism and self RELIANCE on the home economy. "Buy American" type thinking would help us.
Just my opinions, but feel free to dog them or cheer them all you want! Discussion welcome. BTW, I already know what I suggest would probably cause a major global economic depression...
Well, we are long overdue to help ourselves. We are getting WAY to much flak for being as we are now. We NEED to change. And we need better leadership that will inact most of your ideas that have valid reasoning.
28-05-2005, 00:55
1) Leave the United Nations and cancel all relations with it.
better to let the UN belittle itself to death. Funding is cheap, abject idiocy is priceless. You guys dont even want to know the UN's policy on bidding for contracts. I was exposed by my uncle who sells them condoms that they dstribute to Africa. Did you know that the it isnt based on the lowest bidder system? Everyone gets a part of the contract, even the highest bidder. My uncle is laughing to the bank, along with all the other bidders. I wont even get into the details..given that every bidder knew other and that it took place in a small room in NYC, oddly, I was just sent to confirm the numbers that the UN guy read off...even though this is when my uncle was supposed to find out the numbers(somehow he already knew..like everyone else in the room) Everyone there was just confirming, even though this was supposed to be when the allotments/bid/contrat winners were read out.
2) Leave Iraq/Afghnastan/the Middle East in general and bring the troops home, less our Naval Fleet who will remain in defensive positions in the oceans around the US.
I agree sort of. Let them sort out their own issues.
2) Close the borders with Canada and Mexico, station our regular troops on it. Send the Reserves and the National Gaurd units home, dammit. Stop all immigration, passport clearances and visas for Middle Eastern and Muslim visitors (US residents permitted to travel as usual). Period.
Oh Please. This country was founded by people who are willing to work hard to make a better life for themselves and their families. What we need to do is create a system where hardworking people can become part of of our society. At the same time we need to crack down on abusers who come here for medical treatment or because of they have kids here they will be eligable for free healthcare/welfare. Reward the hard workers(legal or otherwise) beat down hard on the welfare queens and abusers.
3) Stop all international welfare programs and military assistance. Israel and Egypt will have to do without. New Iraq will have to fend for itself. So will Afghanistan, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan and Europe.
No opinion.. foreign aid is relatively cheap. On the other hand, lets see how far eygypt or SA goes without US assistance. I am thinking a popular uprising happening pretty soon.
4) Fund alternate fuel research with the savings we get from not having a globally-deployed military. Use the research findings to assist the Oil industry in the transition to an Alt-Fuel Industry.[//quote]
get a grip.
Alt energy has been studied an funded for decades. And it will continued to be studied and funded. At some stage it will becaome economically viable.
[QUOTE=Objectivist Patriots]
5) Reduce oil purchasing by 50% over 10 years, be sure the new fuel is something we can produce in-country without outside influence!!! Like biodiesel!
grow up. understand the energy situation in the world. Surely even you understand the coal situation in the Us and the UK... Oh? you dont ? google it, then before you go off on a self riaghteous rant.
6) Return the US Dollar to the gold standard, lower taxes and promote healthy economic growth to counteract the contraction of our economy from the oil industry changes and isolationist policies.
I disagree, especially because you didnt make the baseline gold standard argument with regards to oil prices.
That being said, I disagree....sort of.. I will get back to you on this one.
7) GET OUR FREAKING SPACE PROGRAM BACK IN ACTION, DAMMIT. We need a new frontier, the USA is a "frontier nation" who is doing poorly at settling down.
Hey buddy, have you been in a coma?
Star wars.. real, and happening
G.W. .... we are going to MARS
Planets being discovered...this is size news.
grow up, pay attention.
8) Utilize the Framer's way of thinking: "Beware entangling alliances" abroad. Stay out of international politics totally, take the economic hit and refuse to play ball with these globalists. Fair trade or no trade, Free Market or refuse to engage in commerce.
no arguments
9) Make English the official language of our Nation, stop allowing cultural Balkanization. Outlaw Affirmative Action and other reverse-racist programs. Refuse to collect data on race, religion, sexual preference and so on. It is no one's business and should not be tracked by government!
No official language. We are what we are if we want spanish or english or swahili, that is our choice.
10) Disband public schooling entirely. Move to a voucher program that allows students access to actual healthy learning environments that are selected by parents, not government.
I so want to agree with this. I will settle for vouchers though
28-05-2005, 01:01
You sound like a southern california Republican. ;)
You should know that I disagree with most of what you are proposing.
28-05-2005, 01:24
Could you breifly explain the 'Mexican Immigrant's Reconquista' and what its relevance has to do with the topic please?
'Nations' don't control their borders- states do.
Europe has open borders too- their has been immigration into here from the former Warsaw Bloc and other places. They take up jobs, add to the economy and help build up the country- just like the Irish, Poles, Italians, Jews et al, did for the US. Mulitculturalism adds to society- it doesn't detract from it. Fear and inevitable xenophobia stem from such isolationist banter.
I'm hispanic and a Tejano who lives in south Texas. Mexico is 40 minutes away from my town. I can tell Objective Patriot is thinking as an American citizen loyal to his republic. The truth is, illegal mexicans are economic refugees and really don't care about this republic. They are only concerned about surviving, making some money, and hopefully going back. The truth of the matter is, that they end up staying here with Americanized kids, still don't care about the Constitutional Republic, and have little loyalties to American citizens because their loyalties end up with their "raza" or ethnicity. They are still sore about Mexico losing half of its land in a legitimate war due to that nut Santa Anna and his obsession with the Republic of Texas.
So whether you care about them or not, they don't care about "the white man" or in otherwords they don't care about the Constitutional Republic we have. They want money, they spend it, and they send another percentage of it back to Mexico and their relatives where it ends up working its way to the rich elite in Mexico who own everything.
The government of Mexico (outside of President Fox) is corrupt as hell and ONLY is concerned about having an open boarder with the US because it makes THEIR pockets richer.
And aside of illegal immigrants, contra-ban and drugs cross over here as easily as illegals cross. So either close the boarder, or stop acting like you want to fight a war on terrorism. Because any terrorist can have any thing sent to the US with the right price.
Psychotic Mongooses
28-05-2005, 01:43
I'm hispanic and a Tejano who lives in south Texas. Mexico is 40 minutes away from my town. I can tell Objective Patriot is thinking as an American citizen loyal to his republic. The truth is, illegal mexicans are economic refugees and really don't care about this republic. They are only concerned about surviving, making some money, and hopefully going back. The truth of the matter is, that they end up staying here with Americanized kids, still don't care about the Constitutional Republic, and have little loyalties to American citizens because their loyalties end up with their "raza" or ethnicity. They are still sore about Mexico losing half of its land in a legitimate war due to that nut Santa Anna and his obsession with the Republic of Texas.
So whether you care about them or not, they don't care about "the white man" or in otherwords they don't care about the Constitutional Republic we have. They want money, they spend it, and they send another percentage of it back to Mexico and their relatives where it ends up working its way to the rich elite in Mexico who own everything.
The government of Mexico (outside of President Fox) is corrupt as hell and ONLY is concerned about having an open boarder with the US because it makes THEIR pockets richer.
And aside of illegal immigrants, contra-ban and drugs cross over here as easily as illegals cross. So either close the boarder, or stop acting like you want to fight a war on terrorism. Because any terrorist can have any thing sent to the US with the right price.
Well thank you for explaining the 'Reconquista' to us not in the know.
By the by, what you are describing appear to be economic migrants. Wow, Europe has never had them before :rolleyes: Who cares if they don't care about the 'Constitutional republic' or have any loyalties to American citizens- millions of tourists spend money throughout the US every year without 'loyalty' or a bother in the world for your 'Constitutional republic', that adds to the economy and the society as well. Because they don't have loyalty to the states should they be told they can't come in?
Normally, economic migrants take up the shitty menial jobs that locals are too good to do themselves- i've seen it over here as well- as your country was built on them also. So don't disparage them so easily.
Armandian Cheese
28-05-2005, 01:49
Cutting down illegal immigration is obvious, and must be done. But the rest is far too isolationist. We need to interact with the world, in this global day and age.
How is it that every other Nation on the Earth is allowed to control its borders (usually with violence), but the USA must be an open sore and take all comers???
Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles.
From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
“"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!"” cries she
With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
That's why.
Having researched my own family history, and read what my forefathers had to go through when they came here, Americans only in name, not in treatment for a few generations. Being engaged to a Japanese woman who is making the hardest decidion on whether to leave her homeland and come to mine, nowing damn well the previous treatment of Japanese-Americans...
You should be ashamed to claim the name American if you cannot respect those who have came and are still coming now, and what they have to go through.
The Grand States
28-05-2005, 01:59
But we are not China. I'm not going to begin to describe how "not china" we are, but the first two things that come to mind are 1) Not Third World Nation and 2) Not Really Total Isolation, just no more "Cowboy Gun-Nut" policies.
This is a thouroughly incorrect statemnent, China has never been a third-world nation, when these erms were coined it was a second world nation, WITH THE USSR. Even if you used the term third world to justify "developing" CHina has for millenia been one of the most powerful economic forces in the world
Eastern Coast America
28-05-2005, 02:03
I can't decide whether or not your liberal or conservative. Actually, it seems very far fetched.
Well, I agree with some of the stuff you listed. Such as bringing everybody home. I don't agree with you pulling out all the project countries (Taiwan and Israel), retreating from the UN, and ESPECIALLY NOT PUBLIC EDUCATION. From what I can see, you are basically turning the US into it's own self sufficent country. Sorry, but stuff like that usually collapses.
28-05-2005, 02:15
Ten Things The US [Federal] government should do:
1. End welfare (corporate, individual and political -- let private charities, communities, family and friends help bridge the gap)
2. Give workers the *option* to put payroll deductions into Individual Retirement Accounts(or into Social Security)
3. End the War on Drugs and let the states decide on the issue
4. Limit the role of the FCC to protecting frequencies from interference rather than censoring speech
5. Engage in trade with all nations (apply equal revenue tariffs to all countries)
6. Privatize the Food & Drug Administration
7. Eliminate the Department of Education and return education to the local level
8. End all taxation except for revenue-tariffs and excise taxes.
9. Eliminate "sovereign immunity" so corporations and governments can be held liable for the damage they do to the environment
10. Privatize NASA.
28-05-2005, 02:34
I can't decide whether or not your liberal or conservative. Actually, it seems very far fetched.
Well, I agree with some of the stuff you listed. Such as bringing everybody home. I don't agree with you pulling out all the project countries (Taiwan and Israel), retreating from the UN, and ESPECIALLY NOT PUBLIC EDUCATION. From what I can see, you are basically turning the US into it's own self sufficent country. Sorry, but stuff like that usually collapses.
If you are talking about the OP, he's definately conservative.
28-05-2005, 02:36
If you are talking about the OP, he's definately conservative.
If I'm remembering his other posts corectly, he's a libertarian/classic liberal.
Utter Serendipity
28-05-2005, 02:59
Isolationism is the one thing a democratic society should never do. The US has only profited and grown because of its nurturing of a more cohesive and cooperative world community. There I would have to disagree.
I certainly agree on the space program however. Many, many advances in manufacturing, plastics, and agriculture have been started as scientific endevors on shuttle missions. To give up on space research is stupid. Computers may give us a lot of data about how things may operate in space, but without actual testing, it is only conjecture.
Browbeating the oil industry is silly. Of course, one day things will be different, oil is finite. Realize that it is the blood of the world economy, and nothing is about to change it until we run out of it. Systematic advances on how to replace the oil problem have been hashed out for a very long time, so it's not as though America and other nations are going to be out of power when it runs dry. When the bell strikes midnight on oil production, there will be systems in place. Oil is still good though, because it's cheap power, requiring little advancement in R&D and will continue to drive the world economy for quite some time.
I heavily agree with making English the official American language.
Enough already! Have a good weekend
2) Close the borders with Canada and Mexico, station our regular troops on it. Send the Reserves and the National Gaurd units home, dammit. Stop all immigration, passport clearances and visas for Middle Eastern and Muslim visitors (US residents permitted to travel as usual). Period.
6) Return the US Dollar to the gold standard, lower taxes and promote healthy economic growth to counteract the contraction of our economy from the oil industry changes and isolationist policies.
7) GET OUR FREAKING SPACE PROGRAM BACK IN ACTION, DAMMIT. We need a new frontier, the USA is a "frontier nation" who is doing poorly at settling down.
8) Utilize the Framer's way of thinking: "Beware entangling alliances" abroad. Stay out of international politics totally, take the economic hit and refuse to play ball with these globalists. Fair trade or no trade, Free Market or refuse to engage in commerce.
You are aware the economy would collapse right?
Currant Thyme
28-05-2005, 03:24
As a stupid person, you are obviously after everyone's attention. That or you're just plain ignorant, arrogant, and racist. Go to some other country. No normal American would be proud to call you an American right now.
No official language. We are what we are if we want spanish or english or swahili, that is our choice.
making english the official langauge of the US does not mean that others could not be spoken, it would mean that the various Governments would no longer have to issue paperwork in many different langauges (gets kind of expensive) and would no longer have to provide an interpreter when someone who only speaks swahili come up to trial
Imigration should not be stopped, but we need to control our borders much more strongly