Who is the most amazing world leader of all time?
H N Fiddlebottoms VIII
26-05-2005, 04:49
So, which world leader impresses you the most? Personally, I can hardly make up my mind.
Is it Niyazov of Turkmenistan? The man who is funding his efforts to build an ice palace in the desert (an actual fucking desert) and is funding his efforts by closing down all the hospitals.
Is it Kim Jong Il? I don't really need to say that much more about him.
Or maybe it is Andrew Jackson? That whole trail of tears thing, what a card!
Or maybe closer to home (assuming that my theory that all the other posters on NS are secretly living in some sort of undergournd complex located in Spokane, Washington is correct) where James West has claimed that he has never masturbated in office. If only we could all make such claims.
Or maybe I am just too lazy, perhaps the greatest leader is yet to be found.
Anyways, I am tired of typing, so whatever. I need to go eat a sandwich with my dog, if you know what I mean and I certainly don't.
Pepe Dominguez
26-05-2005, 04:51
Andrew Jackson.
Ol' Hickory > All.
The Motor City Madmen
26-05-2005, 05:01
Johnny Waddisky: The only politician to never lie, ever!!!
Soviet Narco State
26-05-2005, 05:43
Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong Il's father was actually not too bad of a leader. North Korea's economy did way better than South Korea's for the first 20 years or so before General Park siezed power and started making South Korea the economic powerhouse that it is today. There was once a time when NK was considered one of the success stories of third world development. Of course Kim Jong has shown more interest in collecting expensive liquors and movie memorobilia than running the country, unfortunantly for Koreans.
The Macabees
26-05-2005, 05:48
Adolf Hitler, and no not because I'm a fascist neo-Nazi.
I have to give Adolf Hitler for taking control of a nation desperate for attention and rebuilding it within six years ['33 to '39] and then within six more years ['39 to '45] ensuring its total destruction.
I mean, that takes skills, like it or not.
Aligned Planets
26-05-2005, 06:07
Margaret Thatcher
Adolf Hitler, and no not because I'm a fascist neo-Nazi.
I have to give Adolf Hitler for taking control of a nation desperate for attention and rebuilding it within six years ['33 to '39] and then within six more years ['39 to '45] ensuring its total destruction.
I mean, that takes skills, like it or not.
It's all manipulation. I can do the same thing to many of my friends in school. But I really don't want to be a loner and lose two dozen friends :)
Andrew Jackson, hands down. The guy trashed the White House on his Inaugural party! Who the hell does that? Except my future self of course...
The Nazz
26-05-2005, 06:11
I kind of like what Chris Rock said about Bush during the Oscars--something along the lines of "there's a movie making a hundred million dollars telling everyone how bad you screwed up, you've taken a surplus and run it into a seventy trillion dollar deficit (an exaggeration I know, but he is a comic), you go to war over weapons that aren't there and you still get your job back." I don't like the guy, and he's almost certainly the worst two-termer in US history, and in the running for overall, but he did manage to pull that off somehow, and he deserves props for it.
26-05-2005, 06:38
Niyazov!!! Gotta love his public holidays: Melon day, Horse day and day of Neutrality zero! also his thirty foot shoe, and renaming bread after his mother rock
Niyazov Rocks
Pepe Dominguez
26-05-2005, 08:20
Andrew Jackson, hands down. The guy trashed the White House on his Inaugural party! Who the hell does that? Except my future self of course...
Hell yeah, and he had a massive cheese wheel there, like 50 feet in diameter, and everyone was invited. That's how I'd do it. Also, Jackson killed like 5 guys in duels, and took a bullet to the chest himself. One of the guys he killed got it in the groin, too.
Also, he won one of the mose lopsided military victories in history in New Orleans, demolished the Creek Indians who had conspired with the British in 1812, and he was a farmer to boot. Jackson's A-#1.
26-05-2005, 08:31
Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong Il's father was actually not too bad of a leader. North Korea's economy did way better than South Korea's for the first 20 years or so before General Park siezed power and started making South Korea the economic powerhouse that it is today. There was once a time when NK was considered one of the success stories of third world development. Of course Kim Jong has shown more interest in collecting expensive liquors and movie memorobilia than running the country, unfortunantly for Koreans.
Of course, this pertains to the fact that the NKs happened to have received the industrial complexes that the Japanese built, while the ROKs got an agricultural society...
And NK was part of the second world, not the third world. Third world is actually a reference to the nations that were non-aligned during the cold war. First world was the western democracies, second world was the communists.