Favourite SW fight?
26-05-2005, 01:22
(possible spoilers!)
Somewhat.... different from my usual threads. But never mind.
In the entire SW series, what is your favourite battle? This doesn't need to be soley a lightsabre duel, so fights such as Hoth are acceptable. Personally, my favourite fight is at the end of Return of the Jedi, where Luke and Vader clash for the last time. The sheer power of that scene is incredible. The way the music plays, and the atmosphere... it just feels so hate filled. The lightsabre combat is a far purer, simpler combat, which I definitely approve of. All of this intense acrobatic choreography got boring after a while because it tended to lack substance. So... what do you lot like? Poll coming soon, but feel free to say in the meantime.
I prefer the Luke/Vadar fight in Empire Strikes Back myself. I just love it when Vader say, "No, Luke. I Am your Father."
26-05-2005, 01:41
That's good and all... perhaps it's because I've seen that section so often that it's lost what made it so good to me. I'd have benefitted if that little bit wasn't revealed to me BEFORE I seen the movie.... it's like the whole twist of it. I just like TESB because it's the only ones with the good guys winning.
Cannot think of a name
26-05-2005, 01:45
I prefer the Luke/Vadar fight in Empire Strikes Back myself. I just love it when Vader say, "No, Luke. I Am your Father."
It's a close second to me, though I really consider it part II of the same fight. Ultimately though, it's all about that finale. "If you will not be turned to the Dark Side, perhaps she will." And with Palpatine standing along side grining...damn. Oh, and Palpatine revealing that Luke has led his entire rebelion into a trap and having that play out right outside the window? Oh man.
I wish the Vader/Kenobi fight at the end of III had been as passionate. It was good, but not as operatic as the one in Jedi.
Lunatic Goofballs
26-05-2005, 01:47
R2-D2 vs. the super battle droids. :)
German Nightmare
26-05-2005, 01:47
Has anyone ever noticed that the Jedi only succeed against their Sith counterparts (Obi-Wan vs. Maul and Luke vs. Vader) when they are fighting not exactly according to the Jedi-way? Just look at their faces - they don't look too relaxed and self-centered if you asked me... Yoda is pretty much the only Jedi who can keep his calm and still make a whitty remark in the meantime!
Santa Barbara
26-05-2005, 01:51
I was torn between the two Luke versus Vader fights. Both are good. I voted the last one, since it's basically the culmination of the whole original trilogy.
26-05-2005, 01:56
R2-D2 vs. the super battle droids. :)
I nearly spat my tea out. THAT ROCKED. Although why do I think that you'd fit exactly like Grievous? He just spun the lightsabres and walked forward.
"I'm going to spin these lightsabres. And if you get chopped up, it's your OWN FAULT."
CToaN, that's all part of it. But I'm much more of a music person. And what is playing just as Luke strikes Vader, again, and again, and again, the emperors theme in this high pitched brass... it's fantastic. That's what gives me the tingles.
EDIT: also, the Anakin V obi-wan fight, although very good, it did lack a certain something. Once again, I feel Lucas went the way of SFX over substance. Now it was a grand scene, don't get me wrong, but the base simplicity of the Vader/Luke fights allows the emotion to be transferred that much more smoothly. I tended to be somewhat distracted by the lightsabres. He had a tendancy to focus in too much on them so that you could barely see the fight itself, just the flashy lights.
Battle of Yavin 4 for me. Love the Death Star trench sequence. I can only imagine what people thought of that battle back in '77.
Lunatic Goofballs
26-05-2005, 01:59
I nearly spat my tea out. THAT ROCKED. Although why do I think that you'd fit exactly like Grievous? He just spun the lightsabres and walked forward.
"I'm going to spin these lightsabres. And if you get chopped up, it's your OWN FAULT."
CToaN, that's all part of it. But I'm much more of a music person. And what is playing just as Luke strikes Vader, again, and again, and again, the emperors theme in this high pitched brass... it's fantastic. That's what gives me the tingles.
I'm more likely to jump on people. I've always been a pouncing/tackling kind of fighter.
I've always liked R2-D2, because he has always demonstraded that courage and wits can win against superior numbers. That really culminated with that fight with the super battle droids. R2-D2 rocks. :)
Annastrianna d Maril
26-05-2005, 02:00
Hard choice...I went with Obi-Wan vs Grievous, b/c that was a thing of unparalleled beauty...but I wanted to go with Yoda vs Palpatine, and in third was the Yoda/Dooku, followed by the Qui-Gon--Obi-Wan/Maul battle. Maul's lightsaber ROCKED!
26-05-2005, 02:05
I'm more likely to jump on people. I've always been a pouncing/tackling kind of fighter.
I've always liked R2-D2, because he has always demonstraded that courage and wits can win against superior numbers. That really culminated with that fight with the super battle droids. R2-D2 rocks. :)
They tried to emulate R2-D2 in the KOTOR series with T3-M4. But they failed for one reason. They made him a vaguely different looking R2-D2, and he doesn't have his own character. They both have the shock arm and put it to good use, though.
The R2 scene demonstrates something that made the entire movie better though. The humour. it wasn't so horribly forced like it was in episode one and two. It had a far better flow to it. Even Anakin not wanting to kill Dooku because Jedi should not kill "unarmed" opponents. That one sneaked in under radar to a lot of people, who I asked, and didn't even notice it. :D
Stupendous Badassness
26-05-2005, 02:56
The fight between Palpatine and Windu in E3 is definitely the best. You have Windu being basically a huge badass, Palpatine looking almost horrifying but then really a contemptible freak when beaten (but ever so sneaky), and then of course Anakin's betrayal at the end. I think that one is hands down the best in all of Star Wars.
26-05-2005, 03:02
R2D2 v. Yoda.
That fight was awesome.
Yoda has some mad stick skills.
26-05-2005, 03:06
The battle for Hoth has always been my favorite since I saw it in the theatre when I was a kid. For me, nothing has ever exceeded what the walkers did to the rebels.
Lunatic Goofballs
26-05-2005, 03:44
R2D2 v. Yoda.
That fight was awesome.
Yoda has some mad stick skills.
New Sernpidel
26-05-2005, 04:43
You missed the best one: The space battle of the Second Death Star.
Wow...when i first saw that in the theatre, it was uber awesome, with all those ships, all the fighters, wow... Imho, it's better than the space battle at the beginning of Ep 3
Greater Yubari
26-05-2005, 05:07
If you go by lightsaber fights, then the only good one is Darth Maul vs the two Jedi, and only because the guy who played Maul is a real martial artist. All other saber fights (especially in the prequels) are just laughable. The footwork, the handling of the weapons, gawd, Tom Cruise did better in Last Samurai (and I hate Tom Cruise).
Regular battles, I still absolutely love the battle of Hoth, the ATATs, Veers, yep, it kicks ass.
26-05-2005, 05:24
Very, very close, between them all - I went with the final climax of the original trilogy, Vader vs. Luke. I think that just about any of them have possible claims, though, just some of them are unfortunate enough to be in crappy movies (PhM and AoC).
26-05-2005, 05:27
The one with the lightsabers
26-05-2005, 05:36
wow. how very descriptive of you, Sir Crapholistan. :rolleyes:
Evil Arch Conservative
26-05-2005, 05:37
Luke vs. Vader in The Empire Strikes Back has to be the best fight in Star Wars. A close second would be the battle at the second death star at the end of Return of the Jedi. I remember my eyebrows shooting up when the Millennium Falcon managed to manuver through the death star the way it did.
26-05-2005, 05:38
Yeah the lightsaber fights are all great but as more movies come out the fights get faster and more about looking cool than about "using the force" like they were in the original trilogy. I like the Luke v. Vader scene at the end of ROTJ because it's a nice mix of the verbal acting and displays of conflicts in and between characters and flashy lightsabers that make the movies so cool.
26-05-2005, 07:29
In RotS, when Yoda enters Emperor Palpatine's chamber to confront him. The Imperial Guards stationed at the door move to bar his entry and without blinking or breaking stride Yoda sends them crumpled into the corners by flicking his wrist. The shortest and most satisfying flexing of the Force I can recall.
I have to say that teh battle for endor, particularly the space batle was treh best
the best battles are always the space battles...
26-05-2005, 07:54
You may say the space battles are the best, but they are unable to contain the one element that makes every great battle scene in lots of movies so gripping - the use of cunning, tactics, and discipline by the underdogs to win or hold out against unbeatable odds. Like in LOTR TTT or ROTK (or even when Aragorn fights the ringwraiths in TFOR), or in the Last Samurai's last battle, or in Kingdom of Heaven defending Jerusalem or the charge at Kerak, they all are prime examples of battles fought by a "good" side that holds an extreme lower hand, and yet still manages to hold their own against all odds. For this, I maintain that the ground battles of SW ep 5 and 6 are the best, first Hoth, cause the Speeder trick on the ATATs is ALWAYS enjoyable to watch, and the one on Endor, cause of the little (crap what were they called, Jawa sized furry dudes?) guys' humorous bumbling and the killer traps they set. Space batle incredibly impressive, but mostly due to SFX, which is where the three prequels go overboard and completely kill their batle scenes. Oh, and about FIGHT scenes specifically, If you're looking for total badassitude, Vader throwing every loose thing and some mounted ones, too at Luke right in the middle of the fight is just awesome, and the whole cutting off his own son's hand and such, very good, but the fight in ROTJ was indeed the pinnacle. the hand favor returned (boy that sounds wrong), Jedi vs. Sith straight up no hold barred, and the drama was well mixed with action. I agree with all you people who said the final fight in ROTS lacked that certain special something, because it did. All three movies did, but I can't place a finger on it. I guess it's because Lucas didn't make them with the other three back in the 70's. That's my rambling essay for today.
26-05-2005, 08:05
It's got to be Yavin IV. I never much liked the lightsaber battles myself. I don't watch over-the-top effects movies for what is basically a sword fight.
My favorite battle has to be over Endor between the rebel and imperial fleets near the Second Death Star. I can't ever forget the first time I saw it and Lando says "TIE fighters coming in!", and you see a massive swarm of TIEs through the Falcon's window. Great stuff.
For a lightsaber fight, you just can't beat Vader vs Luke in Empire Strikes Back. I just love how, when Luke finally manages to land a glancing blow, Vader just goes off, and three quick moves later, Luke's hand is gone and Vader has won the fight.
lol...nobody gets pissed off like Vader. :D
26-05-2005, 09:01
...and the one on Endor, cause of the little (crap what were they called, Jawa sized furry dudes?) guys' humorous bumbling and the killer traps they set...
Yeah gotta love those ewoks. the ways they throw those rocks they're so cool and..
..what?! I'm kidding! don't hurt me!!
There all great battles - but you left one of the best off the list - Battle on Geonosis Ep II
Findecano Calaelen
26-05-2005, 09:33
R2D2 v. Yoda.
That fight was awesome.
Yoda has some mad stick skills.
Bravo :D
There all great battles - but you left one of the best off the list - Battle on Geonosis Ep II
Oh, goodness...it's all over you. I'm terribly sorry.
26-05-2005, 15:08
R2D2 v. Yoda.
That fight was awesome.
Yoda has some mad stick skills.
how about TESB: Cloud City - Chewie vs Lando? was a close thing, could have gone either way. I reckon Lando was just lulling wookieboy into a false sense of security, you know with the choking and almost losing consciousness
26-05-2005, 16:53
If you go by lightsaber fights, then the only good one is Darth Maul vs the two Jedi, and only because the guy who played Maul is a real martial artist. All other saber fights (especially in the prequels) are just laughable. The footwork, the handling of the weapons, gawd, Tom Cruise did better in Last Samurai (and I hate Tom Cruise).
Regular battles, I still absolutely love the battle of Hoth, the ATATs, Veers, yep, it kicks ass.
That's my least favourite of all the fights, actually. The single most boring of all the conflicts. All it was was a contest of just how fast they could jump and cartwheel... there was no emotion there, even when obi-wan severs him in half, it wasn't like when Luke cut Vaders hand off in RoTJ. I didn't care about Qui-gon or Obi-wan.
Pure Metal
26-05-2005, 16:58
In the entire SW series, what is your favourite battle?
definatley Luke vs Vader on the Death star in RotJ - its just soooo good, particularly when Vader brings balance to the force and chucks the Emperor to his death down that pit thing, destroying himself in the process. it may not be the most visually exciting fight in SW, but its so brilliantly tragic and humanistic...
26-05-2005, 17:29
R2D2 v. Yoda.
That fight was awesome.
Yoda has some mad stick skills.
You call those "mad stick skills"? Go watch RotJ. Han completely pwns Boba Fett with that gaff-stick thing. Now those were some mad stick skills.
For that matter, I like the whole Sand Barge scene.
26-05-2005, 17:48
definatley Luke vs Vader on the Death star in RotJ - its just soooo good, particularly when Vader brings balance to the force and chucks the Emperor to his death down that pit thing, destroying himself in the process. it may not be the most visually exciting fight in SW, but its so brilliantly tragic and humanistic...
Exactly why I love it. though I always interpreted the "bringing balance to the force" scene somewhat differently. Think about it.
At the time of Anakin Skywalker, there were, apparently, no Sith remaining, or so few that they were inconsequential. They were tracking down a single Sith Lord plus apprentice. There used to be thousands of Sithlings running about, shooting at the jedi and being generally evil, and now there were 2. The Jedi, on the other hand, there were hundreds, if not thousands in their order. The force was out of balance, right in the hands of the jedi. Anakin was to bring "balance" to the force, by lowering the jedi, and elevating the Sith. And he done just that.
26-05-2005, 17:49
You call those "mad stick skills"? Go watch RotJ. Han completely pwns Boba Fett with that gaff-stick thing. Now those were some mad stick skills.
For that matter, I like the whole Sand Barge scene.
Poor Boba Fett. That jet pack of his seems to cause more trouble than it's worth. Still, least he beats that Sarlacc down from the inside.
26-05-2005, 20:27
Exactly why I love it. though I always interpreted the "bringing balance to the force" scene somewhat differently. Think about it.
At the time of Anakin Skywalker, there were, apparently, no Sith remaining, or so few that they were inconsequential. They were tracking down a single Sith Lord plus apprentice. There used to be thousands of Sithlings running about, shooting at the jedi and being generally evil, and now there were 2. The Jedi, on the other hand, there were hundreds, if not thousands in their order. The force was out of balance, right in the hands of the jedi. Anakin was to bring "balance" to the force, by lowering the jedi, and elevating the Sith. And he done just that.
I think in Jedi terminology "balance to the force" means "wiping out those Sith and ensuring we (the Jedi) are the only force-weilding paramilitary organization left". They got what the deserved, buncha baby-stealers.
The fight against darth maul was the most stylish one IMHO, but the Luke vs Vader fight in RotJ gets my vote too.
The atmosphere was just perfect...the fate of the galaxy was decided there, and Luke's whole fighting style had changed. In the previous battles he was rather agile (compared to the other old trilogy movies, the battles in new ones are faster of course), but when he fought fueled by anger he turned into a rather slow but unstoppable behemoth.
Yoda vs. Palpatine
what could be greater than the two most powerful masters battling it out?
Pure Metal
26-05-2005, 21:18
Exactly why I love it. though I always interpreted the "bringing balance to the force" scene somewhat differently. Think about it.
At the time of Anakin Skywalker, there were, apparently, no Sith remaining, or so few that they were inconsequential. They were tracking down a single Sith Lord plus apprentice. There used to be thousands of Sithlings running about, shooting at the jedi and being generally evil, and now there were 2. The Jedi, on the other hand, there were hundreds, if not thousands in their order. The force was out of balance, right in the hands of the jedi. Anakin was to bring "balance" to the force, by lowering the jedi, and elevating the Sith. And he done just that.
he did more than that: he brought balance by destroying both the Jedi AND the Sith - as someone on here said the other day, Luke is a Sith/Jedi hybrid; not completely Jedi, having started too late and not finished his training, and slightly Sith, using his emotions as a source of power.
hence, no more Jedi, no more Sith, just a balanced hybrid.
Robot ninja pirates
26-05-2005, 21:25
Anakin vs. Obi-Wan, but in episode IV. The old man vs. the cripple.
Science and arts
26-05-2005, 21:25
Well balance to the force would just be an equal amount of jedi and sith, constantly fighting like they used to.
If you look at all the new books and games that's exactly what's happening.
As for the fight, technically the anakin Vs. Obi-wan fight was just better then the darth maul fight, but Yoda Vs. Palpatine is the best, simply because palpatine is just a truly brillian character. Yoda is too.
27-05-2005, 02:44
Luke, Leia, Han, Chewbacca, C3PO, and R2D2 vs Boba, Jabba, and his cronies in RotJ. That was the turning point. That was when Luke stopped being a weenie. The original team went from the brink of death to causing total destruction among some high profile allies of the empire.
27-05-2005, 02:47
Yoda vs. Dooku