Which state off the list is best for you?
Out of the states listed, which do you think is the best for you?
Well, I guess I would have to choose. . .hey wait a damn minute!
Well, damn! How come Louisiana's not on the list? Fine, I'll choose the state I'm stuck livin' in right now: Alabama.
I chose North Carolina, because most of the cities are progressive and people most of the time mind their own business unless you want their opinion.
21-05-2005, 00:40
Well, damn! How come Louisiana's not on the list? Fine, I'll choose the state I'm stuck livin' in right now: Alabama.
Because I chose off the top of my head.
Missouri. What's up with the hick states?
Missouri. What's up with the hick states?
Because I wanted to only give bad choices for a board with lots of liberals and see what they would pick. I thought it would be interesting.
Because I wanted to only give bad choices for a board with lots of liberals and see what they would pick. I thought it would be interesting.
I had to pick Missouri, because it's the least "hickish".
21-05-2005, 00:49
ill take the mountains of tennessee
Secluded Islands
21-05-2005, 00:50
since im from kentucky, ill pick that one...
Cannot think of a name
21-05-2005, 01:04
eek. I don't even think there is a state I want to visit on that list...
(sorry to those who live in those states. I'm sure they are just lovely...)
eek. I don't even think there is a state I want to visit on that list...
(sorry to those who live in those states. I'm sure they are just lovely...)
No, they're not. :D N'Orleans, Louisiana is cool, though.
No, they're not. :D N'Orleans, Louisiana is cool, though.
New Orleans (and the area surrounding it) is the only good thing about Louisiana. Over all, it's what I call a "garbage state".
New Orleans (and the area surrounding it) is the only good thing about Louisiana. Over all, it's what I call a "garbage state".
N'Orleans is the coolest place in the South besides Flordia vacation spots, and Florida doesn't count, anyway.
Voodoo Shops+Beignets (sp?) at Cafe du Monde+Mardi Gras=Optimal long weekend vacation spot for the family.
We're an odd family.
21-05-2005, 01:22
eek. I don't even think there is a state I want to visit on that list...
(sorry to those who live in those states. I'm sure they are just lovely...)
how can that be? i think you need to broaden your horizons.
Cannot think of a name
21-05-2005, 01:24
No, they're not. :D N'Orleans, Louisiana is cool, though.
Damn, forgot about New Orleans. I tend to consider that an 'unassociated city.' Just 'cause. I guess now I have a choice on the list...
EDIT: Wait, Louisiana isn't on that list...I retract nothing, nothing I say!
Cannot think of a name
21-05-2005, 01:26
how can that be? i think you need to broaden your horizons.
It's a big planet and I'm a small, very poor man. I only can cover so much territory unless someone is going to pay me to travel. Which I'm not against...
It's a big planet and I'm a small, very poor man. I only can cover so much territory unless someone is going to pay me to travel. Which I'm not against...
But, to these states? Surely, you can think of better ones!
Old Mans Land
21-05-2005, 01:27
I picked Kentucky because of KFC, i'm actually from Canada.
Cannot think of a name
21-05-2005, 01:32
But, to these states? Surely, you can think of better ones!
That's kinda what I'm saying-there are a bunch of places all over this earth that are way ahead of these states in my "Want to visit list" that it's not even worth considering visiting these because I would never get to them.
Though I'm begining to suspect that you may have read my original post incorrectly.
That's kinda what I'm saying-there are a bunch of places all over this earth that are way ahead of these states in my "Want to visit list" that it's not even worth considering visiting these because I would never get to them.
Though I'm begining to suspect that you may have read my original post incorrectly.
Yeah, I took it the wrong way :p. I see what you mean, though. I'd do the same.
*never wants to visit the "Deep South"*
Cannot think of a name
21-05-2005, 01:37
Yeah, I took it the wrong way :p. I see what you mean, though. I'd do the same.
*never wants to visit the "Deep South"*
No kidding. I've seen Easy Rider, I know what they do to my kind...;)
21-05-2005, 01:39
Hey! Wait! Mississippi isn't that bad! Why they didn't even say a thing when my Black Girlfriend and I wandered around!
They sure did stare though.
Damned looky-loos.
No kidding. I've seen Easy Rider, I know what they do to my kind...;)
I haven't, and I know what most of us would do to any kind other than our own. :eek:
Alabama is not a good place for anyone who isn't a white, heterosexual, male, upper middle class, conservative Christian.
Hey! Wait! Mississippi isn't that bad! Why they didn't even say a thing when my Black Girlfriend and I wandered around!
They sure did stare though.
Damned looky-loos.
My mom's from 'Sippi. It is bad.
*never wants to visit the "Deep South"*
Tennessee, Kentucky, West Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina and Missouri are not part of the Deep South. The deep south includes Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi, Arkansas, part of Texas, South Carolina, and Louisiana.
Tennessee, Kentucky, West Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina and Missouri are not part of the Deep South. The deep south includes Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi, Arkansas, part of Texas, South Carolina, and Louisiana.
*Giggles at own Southerness* But I don't think Florida counts. It's politics aren't conservative enough.
21-05-2005, 01:44
It's a big planet and I'm a small, very poor man. I only can cover so much territory unless someone is going to pay me to travel. Which I'm not against...
if only i could remember where you live.....
Cannot think of a name
21-05-2005, 01:48
if only i could remember where you live.....
Northern California. Which, incidently is where they film if they want to portray 'the rest of the country.' (for example, the opening establish shot of American Beauty was filmed in Sacramento)
Northern California. Which, incidently is where they film if they want to portray 'the rest of the country.' (for example, the opening establish shot of American Beauty was filmed in Sacramento)
Heh. I wanna live in California. Or Australia.
21-05-2005, 01:58
Northern California. Which, incidently is where they film if they want to portray 'the rest of the country.' (for example, the opening establish shot of American Beauty was filmed in Sacramento)
yeah there are times when they establish a shot of .....minnesota... that is obviously no where near minnesota, must be northern california
ok ill forgive you for not knowing that those are some of the coolest states in the country. does this mean you would never bother to go to an eastern vacation unless its in NYC, DC or miami?
21-05-2005, 02:00
None, I would hate to live anywhere in the USA which in my opinion is one of the worst countries in the world.
yeah there are times when they establish a shot of .....minnesota... that is obviously no where near minnesota, must be northern california
Ah yes. Reminds me of Halloween, how Dr. Loomis is supposed to be in Haddonfield, Illinois and there are mountains in the background.
21-05-2005, 02:14
None, I would hate to live anywhere in the USA which in my opinion is one of the worst countries in the world.
you have obviously never been to the shenendoah valley. a place that beautiful can be forgiven any amount of bad politics
Cannot think of a name
21-05-2005, 03:27
yeah there are times when they establish a shot of .....minnesota... that is obviously no where near minnesota, must be northern california
ok ill forgive you for not knowing that those are some of the coolest states in the country. does this mean you would never bother to go to an eastern vacation unless its in NYC, DC or miami?
Probably. Though truth be told, since I drive '67 VW Bus I harbor the fantasy of driving back and forth across the country on as many backroads as I can find. But it's really a fantasy.
I don't like that practice of filming here and pretending it's elsewhere because it robs both places of their identity.
Robot ninja pirates
21-05-2005, 03:37
New Orleans (and the area surrounding it) is the only good thing about Louisiana. Over all, it's what I call a "garbage state".
They are all, really. Even in my home state of New York, if you go 50-60 miles North it turns into total hicksville.
Actually I don't think New Jersey has any rural areas, but all the other states are mostly open area.
I choose Missouri, because it has St. Louis.
Colorado! Beutiful scenery and excellent skiing!
I had to pick Missouri, because it's the least "hickish".
Virginia is "Hickish" ?
First time I've heard that...
I wasn't aware that a state which had the:
First integrated school system.
First elected black govenor.
First Constitution.
Birthplace of most US Presidents of any other state (George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, William Henry Harrison, John Tyler, Zachary Taylor and Woodrow Wilson)
First State with an enumerated bill of rights (prior to even the US Constitution).
If that constitutes being "hickish"; sign me up.
Suicidal Librarians
21-05-2005, 20:17
Where are all the Midwestern states?!
Virginia is "Hickish" ?
Yes, I think so. It had a law against fornication still on the books until last month! They just said gays and lesbians could not be given anything in a will.
They have 2 of the scariest fundamentalists around in that state. Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson. Senator Allen is by far one of the most terrifying people in Congress.
They were going to pass a law against people wearing pants so that their underwear was visible, until the International news got wind of it.
Sure, Northern VA is liberal, and some of the cities are centrist, but most of VA is very rural, and it's VERY hickish there. I should know, as I lived in rural parts of VA for 19 years.
The problem I actually have with Virginia the most is actually because of a liberal thing. They are home to PETA, whom I loathe.
Yes, I think so. It had a law against fornication still on the books until last month! They just said gays and lesbians could not be given anything in a will.
Yeah, but that is part of a fundamental aspect of the Virginia legislature... No law specifically lapses... they stay on the books... (Hell, we still have on-the-book laws against "fighting words" used to prevent duels")... The law hasn't been enforced in decades.
They have 2 of the scariest fundamentalists around in that state. Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson. Senator Allen is by far one of the most terrifying people in Congress.
True, and I'm from Virginia Beach... But we also have Senator John Warner, and our present Govenor Mark Warner.... As well as notables such as L. Douglas Wilder (former Govenor, and now first elected mayor of Richmond).
They were going to pass a law against people wearing pants so that their underwear was visible, until the International news got wind of it.
Sure, Northern VA is liberal, and some of the cities are centrist, but most of VA is very rural, and it's VERY hickish there. I should know, as I lived in rural parts of VA for 19 years.
I was born here (Portsmouth Naval Hospital), and lived here till I joined the navy in 1991, then was stationed here (1993-1997), and have remained since (now living near Richmond). Overall I've loved this state, most of hte people, and its history.
The problem I actually have with Virginia the most is actually because of a liberal thing. They are home to PETA, whom I loathe.
Grew up near Virginia, and yes, I know PETA is HQ'ed here...Don't like 'em either.
21-05-2005, 21:58
I grew up in Massachusetts, lived in Florida, Oklahoma, Illinois, Maine, North Carolina, Louisiana, Texas, and Oklahoma. I will retire in four years, three monts, and twenty days and move to Alabama. :)
The Downmarching Void
21-05-2005, 22:49
If I limit myself to the list, its Missouri, despite its name being so close to MISERY. I'm from Canada, only been in 3 of the states listed. Viriginia isn't hickish, but the goddamn gun nut contingent there scares the bejeesus out of me just going to the corber store (US gun laws ae comepletely insane, IMHO) I choose Missouri because I liked the Zoo in Kansas City and I met some really nice folks there. (As opposed to Virginia and Western Virginia, where I met nice folks, but didn't encounter such a beautiful zoo....I'm not kidding)
Worst state I've been to in the US is Wyoming. Its emptyness is frightening. Nevermind The Downmarching Void, Wyoming IS the void. Once again though, I met some nice folks there (I can happily say that about everywhere I've been except Ferney, B.C. What an evil bunch of hicks!) The nicest state I've been to is also the creepiest and most insane. Nevada. Hate the cities there. Gambling is retarded and the hoes are f'ugly, the poeple are old and loud, the buildings are a frightening testament to the American Insecurty Complex. But its got Burning Man, where I've had some of the best times of my life (and 1 of the worst, too). The people in the small towns were friendly and helpful, the climate is awesome and the scenery is wonderful. California is fun, but the Plastic People Quotient is just WAY to high for my tastes.
Berlin, Munich, Amsterdam, London and Paris each on their own have pretty much the entire continental USA beat, hands down though. And Montreal is just so much better than any other city in North America.
If I limit myself to the list, its Missouri, despite its name being so cloe to MISERY. I'm from Canada, only been in 3 of the staes listed. Viriginia isn't hickish, but the goddamn gun nut contingent there scaresa the bejeesus out of me just going to the corber store (US gun laws ae comepletely insane, IMHO) I choose Missouri because I liked the Zoo in Kansas City and I met some really nice folks there. (As opposed to Virginia and Western Virginia, where I met nice folks, but didn't encounter such a beautiful zoo....I'm not kidding)
Well, unfortuneately, both VA and Maryland have some nut-job lobying groups housed there.... Of no surprise.... We're both bordering D.C. Most of the Washington officials live in either Maryland or Virginia, as well as the professional bureucrats and lobbyists.
German Nightmare
21-05-2005, 23:36
I spent a year in NC and had a blast at highschool, so I definitely have to pick NC.
Kaintuck. They went Union in the civil war and so avoided the stain of treason forever branded upon confederate states. :p Also they are not the "Show Me" state. Blue grass beats Show me any day of the week.
Alien Born
21-05-2005, 23:40
Rio Grande do Sul.
What a UScentric poll. Other countries have states you know.
Rio Grande do Sul.
What a UScentric poll. Other countries have states you know.
Why not make one for Brazil? Create something Brazilcentric.
Alien Born
21-05-2005, 23:48
Why not make one for Brazil? Create something Brazilcentric.
Two wrongs don't make a right. Is that a good enough reason?
Two wrongs don't make a right. Is that a good enough reason?
No. Just look at this formula I got from The Big Book Of Science and Math
W= wrong
R= right
seen, it is a scientific fact!
The Downmarching Void
21-05-2005, 23:52
Well, unfortuneately, both VA and Maryland have some nut-job lobying groups housed there.... Of no surprise.... We're both bordering D.C. Most of the Washington officials live in either Maryland or Virginia, as well as the professional bureucrats and lobbyists.
Yeah, I suppose I should expect such things IN Virginia, rather than be surprised by them.
21-05-2005, 23:55
Missouri. What's up with the hick states?
And just when I was starting to like you, Potaria! Sigh. :rolleyes: