NationStates Jolt Archive

Star Wars Episodes I-VI

Aronian States
20-05-2005, 16:43
Which is your favorite?
20-05-2005, 16:46
Five, hands down.

Now, admittedly, Episode III was actually more entertaining, but Ep. 5 is a better movie, for various reasons.
20-05-2005, 16:48
Havn't seen Episode III yet, but the best one so far is Episode VI hands down.
20-05-2005, 16:49
ESB, easy.
Old Havana
20-05-2005, 16:58
Episode III is great but it's purely action. Episode I is great with the dialogue, prequel introduction, and Qui-Gon. Episode V is just well so revealing and impacting.
Secluded Islands
20-05-2005, 16:59
i liked return of the jedi
20-05-2005, 17:04
I love all the "old" ones, but especially "the return of the Jedi".
I just hate the fact that George Lucas changed the ending... now instead of an elderly Anakin Skywalker, we can see Hayden Christiansen *beurk*
Old Havana
20-05-2005, 17:06
Hayden's hot.
20-05-2005, 17:08
i liked return of the jedi
Now there's a straightforward answer!

No, seriously, I like RotJ the best, since it proves that (almost) everybody has something good inside them, and because of Ackbar! He rules!
Although I haven't seen episode 3 yet, but I hear it's great.
Anubis two
20-05-2005, 17:14
Both ESB and RotJ were the best, though I preferred ESB more.
Yay for AT-Ats :gundge:
20-05-2005, 17:22
The Empire Strikes Back will always eudure as my favorite. Hoth, Luke facing his father for the first time, Han & Leias' love hate relationship. Han frozen in carbonite. Come on. How could you do better then that.
20-05-2005, 17:25
Hayden's hot.
Maybe...but he's a shit actor.

And I don't have a fave...but EPs I and II make me cringe.
Anubis two
20-05-2005, 17:26
The Empire Strikes Back will always eudure as my favorite. Hoth, Luke facing his father for the first time, Han & Leias' love hate relationship. Han frozen in carbonite. Come on. How could you do better then that.

Very hard to find any arguement to that, and I'm not going to argue since I agree :D
20-05-2005, 17:38
In order:

Mythotic Kelkia
20-05-2005, 17:50
Episode VI: Return of the Jedi, because of the amazing powerful conclusion it brings. And all of them, from best to worst:

20-05-2005, 18:59
1. Return of the Jedi
2. Revenge of the Sith
3. The Empire Strikes Back
4. A New Hope
5. Attack of the Clones
6. The Phantom Menace
Legless Pirates
20-05-2005, 19:03
"All Jedi had was a bunch of muppets"
20-05-2005, 19:05
"All Jedi had was a bunch of muppets"

Or some militant teddy bears with a passion for heights and an varied methods for destroying AT-STs....
20-05-2005, 19:08
The Empire strikes back is the best one because it's got the bad guys winning. Then they go and spoil it all with episode 6 which has the rebels winning in the most implausible scenario ever. It just seems a big cop-out. Not only that but you have the "supposed" death of Boba Fett (those of us aware of the expanded universe know differently, however), one of the best characters ever. It also has Ewoks, the most annoying creatures since Gungans.

Empire strikes back:
Boba Fett winning
Darth Vader cutting off Skywalkers hand
The Imperials giving the rebels what for on Hoth
Han Solo being frozen
C3-PO being blasted into bits


Boba Fett being swallowed by a Sarlacc
The Death Star being destroyed AGAIN
Emperor Palpatine being killed
Darth Vader being "redeemed"

What's to like?
20-05-2005, 19:10
Here's my list from best to worst.

1) A New Hope
2) Revenge of The Sith
3) Empire Strikes Back
4) Return of The Jedi
5) Attack of The Clones
6) The Phantom Menace

BTW, does anyone else miss the Ewok celebration song at the end of Return of The Jedi, or am I the only one? I hate the new Yanni music sounding ending.

I put A New Hope in first place because NOTHING beats the Death Star trench part. Also, the humor isn't forced like it started to be during Return of The Jedi.
Ancient Valyria
20-05-2005, 19:11
"All Jedi had was a bunch of muppets":D clerks rulz
20-05-2005, 19:12
The Empire strikes back is the best one because it's got the bad guys winning. Then they go and spoil it all with episode 6 which has the rebels winning in the most implausible scenario ever. It just seems a big cop-out. Not only that but you have the "supposed" death of Boba Fett (those of us aware of the expanded universe know differently, however), one of the best characters ever. It also has Ewoks, the most annoying creatures since Gungans.

Empire strikes back:
Boba Fett winning
Darth Vader cutting off Skywalkers hand
The Imperials giving the rebels what for on Hoth
Han Solo being frozen
C3-PO being blasted into bits


Boba Fett being swallowed by a Sarlacc
The Death Star being destroyed AGAIN
Emperor Palpatine being killed
Darth Vader being "redeemed"

What's to like?Supposedly, you're supposed to be happy that the good guys won out in the end. Really though, the bad guys are always more complex and more interesting. And I feel some common ground with them ;)

I haven't watched a single episode of Star Wars.

~Czardas, Supreme Ruler of the Universe
20-05-2005, 19:12
Star Wars is awesome as long as Lucas gets help writing. He sure can't do it himself...:-/
20-05-2005, 19:13
My list:

Revenge of the Sith
Empire Strikes Back
Return of the Jedi
Attack of the Clones
A New Hope
The Phantom Menace
Anubis two
20-05-2005, 19:17
In terms of a list:
Empire Strikes back
Return of the Jedi
Revenge of the Sith (hopefully)
A New Hope
Phantom Menace (only because of the Story, stuff Ja Ja in a trash compactor and don't let R2 turn it off this time)
Attack of the Clones
20-05-2005, 19:20
BTW, does anyone else miss the Ewok celebration song at the end of Return of The Jedi, or am I the only one? I hate the new Yanni music sounding ending.

I put A New Hope in first place because NOTHING beats the Death Star trench part. Also, the humor isn't forced like it started to be during Return of The Jedi.

I missed the song, too! The new song + Hayden's cameo ruin everything!
(I know, I'm probably the only female being here who can't stand this guy)
20-05-2005, 19:23
Supposedly, you're supposed to be happy that the good guys won out in the end. Really though, the bad guys are always more complex and more interesting. And I feel some common ground with them ;)

I haven't watched a single episode of Star Wars.

~Czardas, Supreme Ruler of the Universe

I wouldn't mind the rebels winning if they actually had.... a clue. Any style.
All they want to do is overthrow the "evil" emperor. HE NEVER DOES ANYTHING EVIL! so he builds a big gun to keep the systems in line with fear. if they don't rebel, they won't get vaped. What do the terrorists do? destroy it! He ends the theocracy of the jedi and replaces it with science and knowledge. That's a good thing. But oh no, a half nuts 800 year old seer whose vision is clouded by the faintest whiff of a supposed "dark side" is in a better position to dictate to the republic than a guy with his finger on the pulse. D'oh... Not only that, but the Emperors powerful armed forces keep the Empire nice and safe from any "outside context scenarios", ala the Yuhzann Vong (mis-spelled, but I make a stab at it.) Without it, as soon as the empire falls and the new "republics" defense fleet consists of converted pleasure cruisers donated by the Mon Calamari.... they turn up and who goes crawling to the imperial remnant for help? Han Solo.

So who was really good for the galaxy? The rebels, whose lack of infrastructure and planning left them open to strife, turmoil, and intergalactic invasion? or the Emperor, whose sage guidance would have deftly crushed any interlopers.

(this is my finest hour. I'm so proud of myself :D)
Anubis two
20-05-2005, 19:27
Yeah, Palpatine really knew what he was doing, though he could have made a slight ammendment to it, he could have trained up a few more sith, a couple of force lightning wielding sith could really come in handy at some point, even if he doesn't need them.
20-05-2005, 19:50
Yeah, Palpatine really knew what he was doing, though he could have made a slight ammendment to it, he could have trained up a few more sith, a couple of force lightning wielding sith could really come in handy at some point, even if he doesn't need them. According to the expanded universe, particularly with the Timothy Zahn novels, the Emperor DID train up a bunch of half-sith, called "The Emperor's Hands". They had powers, but none of them would ever be strong enough to challange him. One of them was Mara Jade, who went on to marry Luke Skywalker. I don't know if they had kids because I lost interest in the novels when I turned 14.

Also, Empire Strikes Back is purely the greatest. I like the Revenge of the Sith alright, but come on, it's still not a patch on the first three. Example,

Yoda: Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter.

Vader/Anakin: Nnnnnnnnnooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

Also, for fans of ROTJ, you have to admit that half of that movie was utterly stupid, and the Vader/Palpaltine/Luke scene was smashed off-balance by furry muppets and hideously awful Jabba the Hutt scenes.
Anubis two
20-05-2005, 19:54
One good think about this place, you learn something new every now and again, haven't read the books myself, for one I've never seen them anywhere and I keep forgetting about going online :p
20-05-2005, 19:57
According to the expanded universe, particularly with the Timothy Zahn novels, the Emperor DID train up a bunch of half-sith, called "The Emperor's Hands". They had powers, but none of them would ever be strong enough to challange him. One of them was Mara Jade, who went on to marry Luke Skywalker. I don't know if they had kids because I lost interest in the novels when I turned 14.

I can't remember having read that Luke ever married, and especially not to Mara Jade.. are you sure about this ?(because it would mean that my collection is not complete ;) )
I know that he was once in love, with Callista, but it only went on for two books, until she decided to leave him.
20-05-2005, 20:14
I can't remember having read that Luke ever married, and especially not to Mara Jade.. are you sure about this ?(because it would mean that my collection is not complete ) Yes, it most definately happens. Timothy Zahn wrote a follow-up to his earlier trilogy with "Spectre of the Past" and another one whose title I can't remember. Anyway, the point is, he asked her to marry him, and she agreed. It was pretty obvious it was gonna happen anyway. There was always a good deal of sexual tension and chemistry between the two of them, I'm personally just surprised it took them so long to get around to it.

I also hear that in a later novel (don't read if you don't want to have your dreams shattered): Chewbacca DIES!!! HE DIES!!!! WTF?!!!! He gets exploded!!!!
20-05-2005, 20:18
Ok, then I'll have to run to next bookshop and immediately buy whatever I missed.. ;) And I always thought that my collection was complete.. *gg*
I read all the books when I was about 14-15, so it's not that surprising actually that I forgot some books...
New Sernpidel
20-05-2005, 20:25
Yes luke was married, and yes it was to Mara Jade. They do have a son, in one of the novels in the New Jedi Order series, named Ben Skywalker

ESB is definately the best cuz of the evilness, and the other OT's fall behind it. All 3 OT's are better than the prequils, because they actually have a plot.

In My order:

ANH (For the First Death Star battle, best space battle overall)
TPM (sucks imho)
20-05-2005, 20:36
(Heh, one of the few ventures I make outside the II forum...)

Well, at first, I saw the remastered versions of the 4-6. (The ones that were simply cleaned up, without anything added or changed.)

At that point, my favorite one was The Empire Strikes Back. I watched that one a few time over. Just yesterday though, I saw Revenge of the Sith, and now, I can't really decide. It seems that my favs are the ones where the bad guys prevail.

I'm not about to put them in any order because I feel that they are all pretty good and none, except those two stand out for me.
20-05-2005, 21:13
From a writers view Episode 3 is the climax of the entire Star Wars seris, where TPM is the intro and AoTC is the narritive hook and all SW after Ep3 is the result

So being the climax of course it would be one of the better Star Wars

Heres my fav in order

20-05-2005, 21:23
When I saw "A New Hope" in the theater when it first came out, the scroll said it was "Episode I". I have an old copy on VHS which also says it's "Episode I".

Funny, that.
21-05-2005, 04:30
Yes luke was married, and yes it was to Mara Jade. They do have a son, in one of the novels in the New Jedi Order series, named Ben Skywalker Wow, I wonder how powerful he would be? Is he as Uber as Anakin Organa Solo? I was always sure he was gonna kick some major ass he when grew up.
Eastern Coast America
21-05-2005, 04:33
Anakin = Emo gone twisted.
21-05-2005, 04:38
I`ve just seen Ep. 3, and i have to say its my favorite.

*plans to spend his day watching all the movies in the series again*
Tuesday Heights
21-05-2005, 04:46
Episode III won my heart over as my favorite Star Wars movie.
New Sernpidel
21-05-2005, 04:50
Wow, I wonder how powerful he would be? Is he as Uber as Anakin Organa Solo? I was always sure he was gonna kick some major ass he when grew up.

Anakin Organa Solo was Uber when he fought, but then... (spoiler) he got overrun by Yuzzhan Vong on a commando mission and died a glorious death At the end of the series Ben's only like a year old, so if we're gonna see him fight it'll be down the road somewhere...
21-05-2005, 05:30
Empire Strikes Back: An all around good film, and one of the few in Star Wars that seem realisitic ( much as a film can be)

Return of the Jedi: Cool first half of the film, pretty effects, and a cool space scene and Father vs Son motif. Crippled in the second half by the happenings on the Endor Planet, the frigging Ewoks, and the magical disappearance of the Imperial fleet after the Death Star gets blown up.

Revenge of the Sith: Pretty effects, lousy dialogue. Different from the other sequels in that it has more pretty effects and less lousy dialogue.

A New Hope: Introduces us to the best character in all of Star Wars, Han Solo. Note that this assumes that Solo did shoot first.

The Phantom Menace: Pretty effects. One halfway decent sith, plus a cool lightsaber fight. Crippled by Jar Jar and whoever that child actor is, and the fact that the actors essentially had to deliver their lines without vomiting until after the scene.

Attack of the Clones: Prettier effects than TPM. (Almost) no Jar Jar. Crippled by replacing Darth Maul vs Obi Wan with Count Dooku (wtf?) vs Yoda (who starred previously as the killer bunny of The Quest for the Holy Grail). Also crippled by George Lucas writing the script. The only halfway decent bad guy we see is Fett, who thinks it's a good idea to engage precognative swordsmen with indestructable swords with pistols, rather than with a perfectly good shotgun.
21-05-2005, 05:33
Empire Strikes Back.

easily the best film, and probably the greatest Cliff hanger of all time.