NationStates Jolt Archive

The US Will Resume Selling Wild Horses

20-05-2005, 09:44
A concern to horse lovers, ranchers and may be of intrest to others.

The Federal Bureau of Land Management will announce thursday it is resuming sales of wild horses with protections to prevent the animals from being sent to slaughter, the agency's director said wednesday.

The agency suspended the sales last month after discovering that 41 animals rounded up from Western rangeland had been sold to an illinois slaughterhouse and processed for meat.

In addition, Ford Motor Co. will pay to transport up to 2,000 horses to indian reservations and locations run by non-profit organizations. The company will also oversee a
Save the Mustangs" fundraising drive to help groups that adopt the horses pay for their care.

Wild horses are "a beautiful symbol of the Wild West" and an "Icon" for Ford, said John Harmon, a spokesman for the company whose Mustang sports car has been a flagship brand since 1964.

The government's management of wild horses and burros has long been an emotional issue. The herds have no natural predators, so they can double in size every five years. Wild horses hurt ranchers by competing with cattle for grass on federal rangeland. Animal rights groups, such as the Alliance of Wild Horse Advocates, have pushed for greater protection of the 32,000 horses. The horses
numbered 2 million a century ago.

In 1971, congress recognized wild horses and burros as living symbols of the historic and pioneer spirit of the West" and passed legislation to protect and manage them. Since then, the Bureau of Land Management ( BLM) has conducted regular roundups. More than 200,000 animals have been adopted by people after demonstrating they provided humane treatment for a year.

In December, Congress for the first time authorized selling the horses and burros if they are more than 10 years old or have been unsuccessfully put up for adoption three times.

Congress is weighing reversing the law. The House of Representatives could vote on the measure as early as today.

The BLM has sold about 1,000 horses since December. It has 22,500 horses and burros in holding facilities; about a third of them are eligible for sale.

Last month, the BLM found that 41 horses in two separate transactions had been sent to the slaughterhouse despite requirements that the animals be treated humanely.

BLM Director Kathleen Clarke said the agency will now impose tougher requirements on buyers, who will have to sign a bill of sale promising not to sell the animals to anyone who intends to process them for commercial products. The document also notifies buyers they could face criminal penalties.

We are very committed to assuring that the animals affected are placed in good homes that will provide humane, long-term care," Clarke said.

Last month, Ford paid to save 52 horses about to be slaughtered. Those horses were transferred to a sanctuary in South Dakota. Ford launched its program at the urging of actress Stefanie Powers, a longtime animal-rights activist. "Nothing more symbolizes the move West to us as a nation," Powers said.
Pepe Dominguez
20-05-2005, 10:30
My God. The poor children.
20-05-2005, 11:15
Assuming the slaughtering is done within the same guidelines as beef, etc, what is wrong with selling them for meat?
20-05-2005, 12:03
I am amazed that the ranchers, who use FEDERAL grassland to feed their animals, always have so much to say about the species that are simply wild using "their' grazing areas.

How bout -- keep as many cattle as you can feed on your own land rather than going nuts about the species who aren't there for your profit?
20-05-2005, 13:06
What about all those Bison the US government wiped out to kill off the native Indians?
Pepe Dominguez
20-05-2005, 13:24
What about all those Bison the US government wiped out to kill off the native Indians?

They're back, tens of thousands of them now. They're returning to their former glory, slowly. The indians, not so much.
20-05-2005, 13:30
They're back, tens of thousands of them now. They're returning to their former glory, slowly. The indians, not so much.

The Indians are running Casinos and ripping off millions from dumb gamblers. :)

Australia has a wild camel problem ... but camel meat isn't the most trendy fad at the moment. :)
20-05-2005, 13:48
i heard the head of the redbud souix band on the radio on this topic. (what? y'all dont listen to "native america talking" on npr??)

what he said had happened is that they thought they were getting young trainable horses closer to 5 years old. (yes the blm has horses of this age). they wanted them for programs teaching young people horse skills.

what they GOT were from a program that sold old unadoptable horses in a lot. these were horses that had been up for adoption at least 3 times with no takers. they received them with full ownership for something like $1/ horse.

so when they realized that the horses were no good for their purposes they traded them out for more suitable animals and the blm horses ended up at the slaughterhouse.

what happened with the rest of the horses from this program i dont know. it wasnt covered on this show or i had to get out of the car.