Schultaria Prime
20-05-2005, 02:25
Back in January I began a small thread to discuss a pointed and somewhat tenuous topic concerning the "shame" of certain national decisions throughout history, but certain events during the early third of the year prevented me from pursuing the topic past a few posts. While the debate was better than I expected, I do apologize for not continuing the thread; this time around I'll be taking a more "hands off" approach to the debate, only posing questions or bumping the topic if the arguments don't seem to pick up any momentum. In addition to reviving the topic, the title has been altered from "The Shame of Nations" to "Human Controversy" to represent that in less than respectable events often came from cultural groups rather than states.
The reason this thread has been given the above title is by no means an oversight; in this and future discussions, topics of contention will be introduced from a wide variety of nations and ethnic backgrounds. In the study of history the tendency is to identify issues of particular savagery or callousness and isolate it as culturally specific, thus forming irrational stereotyping. Once enough of these threads have been established hopefully a larger majority of us can come to agreement that no matter what culture we come from, we all have our fair share of black marks in the history of humanity.
Therefore I present the first topic of discussion...
"Is the concept and practice of Manifest Destiny a controversy that should be actively addressed in the United States of America, or is it merely a chapter in the greater history of a nation seeking to expand with unfortunate circumstances? Could this controversy be considered a national black mark to the culture of the period? If so, how and why is it such a malfeasance, and what can be done to countermand the historical damage?"
The topic at hand is a double edged sword and was intentionally chosen for the sake of argument. Remember, this is a discussion thread to not only argue the topic, but to gain an insightful perspective into the realization that no culture is without flaw or blemish. To keep the thread clean, here are some ground rules.
Although popular in many circles, it would be prudent and downright civil of every poster here to refrain from personal attacks. Personal attacks merely show a limited imagination and/or poor discussion skills on behalf of the perpetrator.
-Yes I do know that personal attacks are against forum rules. However, I do not believe that has that ever stopped anyone from utilizing them in a debate format. (Nor will it probably ever while we still have names to call each other and a language in which to properly perform the action.) Granted I'm stating the obvious, but since the moderation staff has enough to worry about against people who can do more grievous harm to this site than simple character assassination I wish to state it for those who would have no sense to follow it otherwise.
If you do post, please try to provide some evidence in the form of critical dates or events to support your opinions. While it might take longer than simply stating your position on the argument and keeping your peace, it helps to improve the overall quality of the discussion.
Please try to keep the topic within the frame of the question. If you are attempting to support or refute another poster's argument, please quote the section of the argument in your post as to eliminate confusion on behalf of other readers. Posts demeaning other cultures or cultural practices in this topic should be considered no better than personal attacks for the sake of argument, so please refrain from committing such acts.
Keep an open mind about what you post and whom you post to. After all, this is only one of hundreds of potential black marks throughout the course of human history. There are as many opinions about this topic as there are people currently living on the planet, so make sure to keep that in mind. In discussing historical human actions there is no such thing as a "right" answer, but there are reasonably educated guesses.
Thank you for your time. I now leave the floor open to debate
The reason this thread has been given the above title is by no means an oversight; in this and future discussions, topics of contention will be introduced from a wide variety of nations and ethnic backgrounds. In the study of history the tendency is to identify issues of particular savagery or callousness and isolate it as culturally specific, thus forming irrational stereotyping. Once enough of these threads have been established hopefully a larger majority of us can come to agreement that no matter what culture we come from, we all have our fair share of black marks in the history of humanity.
Therefore I present the first topic of discussion...
"Is the concept and practice of Manifest Destiny a controversy that should be actively addressed in the United States of America, or is it merely a chapter in the greater history of a nation seeking to expand with unfortunate circumstances? Could this controversy be considered a national black mark to the culture of the period? If so, how and why is it such a malfeasance, and what can be done to countermand the historical damage?"
The topic at hand is a double edged sword and was intentionally chosen for the sake of argument. Remember, this is a discussion thread to not only argue the topic, but to gain an insightful perspective into the realization that no culture is without flaw or blemish. To keep the thread clean, here are some ground rules.
Although popular in many circles, it would be prudent and downright civil of every poster here to refrain from personal attacks. Personal attacks merely show a limited imagination and/or poor discussion skills on behalf of the perpetrator.
-Yes I do know that personal attacks are against forum rules. However, I do not believe that has that ever stopped anyone from utilizing them in a debate format. (Nor will it probably ever while we still have names to call each other and a language in which to properly perform the action.) Granted I'm stating the obvious, but since the moderation staff has enough to worry about against people who can do more grievous harm to this site than simple character assassination I wish to state it for those who would have no sense to follow it otherwise.
If you do post, please try to provide some evidence in the form of critical dates or events to support your opinions. While it might take longer than simply stating your position on the argument and keeping your peace, it helps to improve the overall quality of the discussion.
Please try to keep the topic within the frame of the question. If you are attempting to support or refute another poster's argument, please quote the section of the argument in your post as to eliminate confusion on behalf of other readers. Posts demeaning other cultures or cultural practices in this topic should be considered no better than personal attacks for the sake of argument, so please refrain from committing such acts.
Keep an open mind about what you post and whom you post to. After all, this is only one of hundreds of potential black marks throughout the course of human history. There are as many opinions about this topic as there are people currently living on the planet, so make sure to keep that in mind. In discussing historical human actions there is no such thing as a "right" answer, but there are reasonably educated guesses.
Thank you for your time. I now leave the floor open to debate