How many Political scientists are there here on NS?
19-05-2005, 23:50
How many of you are currently studying, or are graduates of political science in university?
What is your ideology?
20-05-2005, 00:36
Alien Born
20-05-2005, 00:43
I am still finishing off my masters in Philosophy, but am seriously considering pol sci for a doctorate. Libertarian capitalist philosophy at the moment, but answered the non pol sci option to be truthful.
20-05-2005, 00:53
I'm currently doing pol sci as part of my degree in Australia. I'm an anti-conservative lefty.
20-05-2005, 00:56
16 voters and only two replies? For shame!
How about, let's ask how many engineers or engineering students are in NS?! It is always the Arts graduates that work at places like Burger King or McDonald's. If you want to a make a country great, look to the scientists, engineers and entreprenuers!
Remember folks, a nation is worth what a nation produces!
Alien Born
20-05-2005, 00:58
Well you did not exactly ask an open and inviting question. You simply asked what could be answered in the poll.
Oh, on another note. Ya know why there's so many anarchists/commies/socialists and other degerates on this forum? Because they can't be bothered getting a job!
20-05-2005, 00:59
I studied polsci for two years before realizing I better move to a field where I can eventually do something other than ask "do you want fries with that?". It was a very good decision. I dont regret studying political science, I learned a lot there and really loved the classes I took, but neither do I regret changing majors since it allowed me to be where I am now (much better off than I wouldve been otherwise).
Well you did not exactly ask an open and inviting question. You simply asked what could be answered in the poll.
Wouldn't adding options that aren't related to the topic in question defeat the purpose of the thread? Seems to me it would.
Alien Born
20-05-2005, 01:01
How about, let's ask how many engineers or engineering students are in NS?! It is always the Arts graduates that work at places like Burger King or McDonald's. If you want to a make a country great, look to the scientists, engineers and entreprenuers!
Remember folks, a nation is worth what a nation produces!
I could take offence at that. Where do philosophers fit in in your stereotyped scheme of how countries run?
A nation is worth what it produces if you are trying to sell it as a going concern, however any company has to include a goodwill value, which can be negative, in calculating its total worth. So a nation is worth what it produces plus or minus what people think of it. (Not so straightforward after all is it?)
20-05-2005, 01:02
How about, let's ask how many engineers or engineering students are in NS?! It is always the Arts graduates that work at places like Burger King or McDonald's. If you want to a make a country great, look to the scientists, engineers and entreprenuers!
Remember folks, a nation is worth what a nation produces!
That demands a joke.
What did the University of Georgia grad say to the Georgia Tech grad?
I don't know, what?
Do you want fries with that?
Here's a little poem from my university's engineering faculty...
The science graduate asks "why does it happen?"
The engineering graduate asks "how/why does it work?"
The commerce graduate asks "how much does/will it cost?"
The arts graduate asks either "You want fries with that?" or "Gimme your money or I'll slit your throat."
Alien Born
20-05-2005, 01:03
Wouldn't adding options that aren't related to the topic in question defeat the purpose of the thread? Seems to me it would.
I meant that he should of asked, in the first post, something like "Which particular authors in pol sci do you find helpful, and which ones suck?" or something like that.
20-05-2005, 01:04
I could take offence at that. Where do philosophers fit in in your stereotyped scheme of how countries run?
A nation is worth what it produces if you are trying to sell it as a going concern, however any company has to include a goodwill value, which can be negative, in calculating its total worth. So a nation is worth what it produces plus or minus what people think of it. (Not so straightforward after all is it?)
Where do philosophers fit? We don't have a philosophy department at work, yet we manage to eek out a reasonable profit.
I think it's one of those self-perpetuating disciplines that exist only for the purpose of looking down their noses at the rest of us.
I could take offence at that. Where do philosophers fit in in your stereotyped scheme of how countries run?
A nation is worth what it produces if you are trying to sell it as a going concern, however any company has to include a goodwill value, which can be negative, in calculating its total worth. So a nation is worth what it produces plus or minus what people think of it. (Not so straightforward after all is it?)
If a philosopher's philosophies aren't dangerous to national security or incite a liberal/communist uprising, then his place in the work would be in whatever philosophical research he's involved in. Provided that he can support himself and not leach off the State for welfare.
20-05-2005, 01:05
The arts graduate asks ... "Gimme your money or I'll slit your throat."
That must be the one getting the NEA endowment.
Where are you studying? What field?
Q: In my university's engineering faculty, White people are not a majority. Why's that?
A: Because White students are only concerned with taking each other up the arse!
The arts graduates are the ones the bitch about society and get pissed off with not being able to pay off their student loan.
20-05-2005, 01:08
Actually, a lot of arts graduates go on to lead the country. Have we even had one engineer president?
That must be the one getting the NEA endowment.
Where are you studying? What field?
I'm a civil engineering student in a NZ university. I am unfamiliar with your jargon. What's an NEA endowment?
Actually, a lot of arts graduates go on to lead the country. Have we even had one engineer president?
The engineers work behind the scenes. No president is complete without his assortment of supporters. Nations like Norway, Japan, Germany and the USA have higher proportions of engineers in the work force. The governments of China and Singapore have an engineering/science graduates majority. The current Chinese president was an mechanical engineering graduate, specializing in automated systems.
Any modern society is dependent on science, no matter what. They can even be considered a driving force of capitalism and progress. Here's a another anecdote for all your liberal, artistic brains, for the past century, the average life expectancy for the average American has increased by 40 years. Oly 3 years were the result of medical innovations, but the 37 or so were due to engineering improvements such as:
- Provision of clean water (civil engineering)
- Removal of waste (civil and environmental engineering)
- Upgrade of human living space (civil, mechanical, electrical, computer systems engineering)
- Upgrade of agriculture and food supplies (chemical, electrical engineering and food-related science)
(Source: Dr. Dan Turner, President of the American Society of Civil Engineers)
In the top 100 FTSE companies (UK), amongst the directors' first degrees, engineering ranks first at 16.4%, only to be trailed by science at 15%.
It probably because a majority of White people aren't good at math and science that they become the arts lackeys that fill up most univeristies.
20-05-2005, 01:14
I think it's one of those self-perpetuating disciplines that exist only for the purpose of looking down their noses at the rest of us.
Well, first I must say that this is one of the most blatantly anti-intellectual posts I've ever seen here. People study philosophy because it interests them; not because they believe themselves to be superior to you. Besides, the history of philosophy goes back thousands of years. It wasn't recently cooked up to make you feel inferior.
Oh, on another note. Ya know why there's so many anarchists/commies/socialists and other degerates on this forum? Because they can't be bothered getting a job!
Does this go for you too? Or are you exempted from being lazy purely by the virtue of being conservative?
Does this go for you too? Or are you exempted from being lazy purely by the virtue of being conservative?
Let's see how he answers this one ;).
My minor is in Political Philosophy.
As a rule, I consider Economics a Science and Politics an application of Philosophy... there's very little science to Politics (unless you include applied phycholinguistics and psychodynamics, but those are just tools of the political philosopher).
They just call it "Political Science" to make people think there is somthing objective about it.
20-05-2005, 01:18
I'm a civil engineering student in a NZ university. I am unfamiliar with your jargon. What's an NEA endowment?
That's our government dole for the arts. The National Endowment for the Arts funds artists that can't find other patrons. In turn we get to use them to provide landmarks for government buildings.
When you want to direct someone to a federal or state office, you get them in the general area then tell them to look for the most butt ugly piece of sculpture around. That marks the entrance to the government office.
My political arrangement wasn't on the list. I am a left-libertarian. Basically a guy who just doesn't care what others do as long as they leave me and the people I like be. Very few morals.
20-05-2005, 01:21
Well, first I must say that this is one of the most blatantly anti-intellectual posts I've ever seen here. People study philosophy because it interests them; not because they believe themselves to be superior to you. Besides, the history of philosophy goes back thousands of years. It wasn't recently cooked up to make you feel inferior.
I suspect that even Plato found some enjoyment in looking down his nose at Archimedes. What was it the Greeks said about the Romans? "No Roman ever lost his life contemplating a math problem"?
I'm sort of honored to be the most blatantly something. We physicists are usually a more mild bunch.
20-05-2005, 01:24
How about, let's ask how many engineers or engineering students are in NS?! It is always the Arts graduates that work at places like Burger King or McDonald's. If you want to a make a country great, look to the scientists, engineers and entreprenuers!
Remember folks, a nation is worth what a nation produces!
I`m an engineering student, and that doesn`t make me a capitalist fanatic or a psychotic technocrat. Left wing liberal ideenals ar´t only for artists or phylosophers...
A country devoted to production at the expense human spirit really isn´t the way to go... so bring in the anarchists/commies/socialists and the rest of their degerate friends
I'm sort of honored to be the most blatantly something. We physicists are usually a more mild bunch.
I admire the pure sciences more, since they make findings and the engineers apply that knowledge. Pure and applied sciences, they go together like horse and carriage.
20-05-2005, 01:29
My political arrangement wasn't on the list. I am a left-libertarian. Basically a guy who just doesn't care what others do as long as they leave me and the people I like be. Very few morals.
If you are a political scientist, you vote for the first option, liberal left.
I suspect that even Plato found some enjoyment in looking down his nose at Archimedes.
Good grounding for your argument. :rolleyes:
Where does it go now?
In fact, what was your point?
Left wing liberal ideenals ar´t only for artists or phylosophers...
... so bring in the anarchists/commies/socialists and the rest of their degerate friends
I'm aware of that, that's why the Nazis had conc. camps and they shovedi n the leftists and fags first. At least Jews don't dress like their opposite gender and f*ck each other up the arse! By the way I'm also very pro-Semitic and I only admire Hitler's nationalism (not racism). I may be horrified by the Holocaust, but the industrial efficiency of termination in the camps are simply amazing. Imagine, at least 1000 leftist scumbags made into fertilizer ash in a day... quite a solution.
Let's see how he answers this one ;).
Nobody is exempt from laziness, but White people are naturally lazy compared to Asians. White people are also more likely to be gay. LOL! Homosexualism is White man's disease.
Engineering, law and medicine are the most demanding degrees in my universities, some students of those faculties even camp in the buildings to complete their assignments and projects. The arts students and their easy-going 3-year degrees of partying and f*ckin', not to wonder a majority of them won't get worthwhile careers.
My best subject in high school (last year) was history. Why? Because it was easy!
20-05-2005, 01:34
At least Jews don't dress like their opposite gender and f*ck each other up the arse! By the way I'm also very pro-Semitic and I only admire Hitler's nationalism (not racism).
Dude, most Jews are liberal.
I really hope that implication that liberals are all transvestite and gay was a joke!
Nobody is exempt from laziness, but White people are naturally lazy compared to Asians. White people are also more likely to be gay. LOL!
So you're using your race to excuse your laziness?
20-05-2005, 01:36
In fact, what was your point?
I like that. Making me repeat myself. Obviously a philosophical trick. I just thought it lent some historical context to the idea that philosophers consider themselves superior to those of us that practice trades. The Greek vs Roman thing was supposed to show a cultural bias against practical people that started way, way back. And I thought it looked nice in print.
Dude, most Jews are liberal.
They don't feel sorry about bulldozing Palestinians! I admire their nationalism very much.
Alien Born
20-05-2005, 01:36
Where do philosophers fit? We don't have a philosophy department at work, yet we manage to eek out a reasonable profit.
Are you telling me that the company that employs you has no philosophy, or are you saying you wouldn't know a philosophy if it hit you square between the eyes?
I think it's one of those self-perpetuating disciplines that exist only for the purpose of looking down their noses at the rest of us.
Maybe we do, but that is not the purpose of philosophy any more than being overbearingly pompus is the purpose of studying engineering. The purpose of philosophy is to ask the questions that no one else dare ask. Sion recognised the danger in philosophy in post #16. I suggest you take Cogs advice "Think about it for a moment"
So you're using your race to excuse your laziness?
F*ck yeah. The last lazy Chinese man starved to death. The White man invented communism (Marx was White, since Jews are White), strikes, the 5-day working week and the 8-hour working day. So that they can have time to jack off to porn!
20-05-2005, 01:37
I'm aware of that, that's why the Nazis had conc. camps and they shovedi n the leftists and fags first. At least Jews don't dress like their opposite gender and f*ck each other up the arse! By the way I'm also very pro-Semitic and I only admire Hitler's nationalism (not racism). I may be horrified by the Holocaust, but the industrial efficiency of termination in the camps are simply amazing. Imagine, at least 1000 leftist scumbags made into fertilizer ash in a day... quite a solution.
just let me gess... you're american and you voted for george bush...
Dead center here. Right on top of Zooke
...No comment. It speaks for itself.
just let me gess... you're american and you voted for george bush...
Perhaps, but both Kerry and Bush are full of shite. I don't like Bush for screwing up the U.S. economy or for invading Iraq (and coming up with the lamest excuse), but Kerry would probably satisfy the thousands of fags queuing up outside every government office.
Yes, I am a moralist, but that doesn't make me a fundie who can't comprehend the fact that we came from evolution. In fact, fundies deserve to be gassed off too.
...No comment. It speaks for itself.
What the f*ck does '-snip-' suppose to mean?
Yes, I am a moralist, but that doesn't make me a fundie who can't comprehend the fact that we came from evolution. In fact, fundies deserve to be gassed off too.
Since when did the term "moralist" include people such as yourself?
20-05-2005, 01:42
Perhaps, but both Kerry and Bush are full of shite. I don't like Bush for screwing up the U.S. economy or for invading Iraq (and coming up with the lamest excuse), but Kerry would probably satisfy the thousands of fags queuing up outside every government office.
Yes, I am a moralist, but that doesn't make me a fundie who can't comprehend the fact that we came from evolution. In fact, fundies deserve to be gassed off too.
you talk like a fundie to me....
What the f*ck does '-snip-' suppose to mean?
Lemme get this straight --- You've been here since 2003, and you don't know what a -snip- is?
Alien Born
20-05-2005, 01:46
Nobody is exempt from laziness, but White people are naturally lazy compared to Asians. White people are also more likely to be gay. LOL!
Engineering, law and medicine are the most demanding degrees in my universities, some students of those faculties even camp in the buildings to complete their assignments and projects. The arts students and their easy-going 3-year degrees of partying and f*ckin', not wonder a majority of them won't get worthwhile careers.
My best subject in high school (last year) was history. Why? Because it was easy!
My best subjects were Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics: Pure, Applied and Statistics. Why, because all they require is a little logic, and no understanding.
I went to work in the sciences, boring as hell. I have a degree in philosophy and computing, so am I an arty farty type or a bespectacled nerd? Drop the stereotypes, they get insulting and constitute flamming. If you have something constructive to say about Political science (Political Philosophy although I consider this to be different) then say it. You have made your point that you are arrogant enough to consider only the subjects you chose to do worthwhile, now try to make the effort to actually think about something for once. (It may hurt until you get used to it.)
Since when did the term "moralist" include people such as yourself?
I don't believe in sex before marriage, I think gays are victims of some disease, I support corporal punishment and the death penalty. All I'm lacking is a crucifix.
I'm not Christian because Jesus tries to ride the dragon (Christianity isn't having great successes in China). I may not want to join in the White man's faith, but I do hold strong views towards morals.
A moralistic society is a productive and disciplined society. Most modern Western societies are a huge mash of Woodstock and a gay parade. I'm not surpised that the increasing liberalization and destruction of traditional values in Western society will result in its downfall. I can't say muich about Asia either, since they follow the White man's (dangerous) ways now.
20-05-2005, 01:49
I like that. Making me repeat myself. Obviously a philosophical trick. I just thought it lent some historical context to the idea that philosophers consider themselves superior to those of us that practice trades. The Greek vs Roman thing was supposed to show a cultural bias against practical people that started way, way back. And I thought it looked nice in print.
Even if that was ever true, it doesn't apply today. I know philosophy students and graduates; none of them are elitists.
They don't feel sorry about bulldozing Palestinians! I admire their nationalism very much.
I said Jews, not right-wing Israelis. Most right-wing Israelis are Jews, but most Jews are not right-wing Israelis.
F*ck yeah. The last lazy Chinese man starved to death. The White man invented communism (Marx was White, since Jews are White), strikes, the 5-day working week and the 8-hour working day. So that they can have time to jack off to porn!
Funny, I thought you were anti-communist.
My best subjects were Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics: Pure, Applied and Statistics. Why, because all they require is a little logic, and no understanding.
I went to work in the sciences, boring as hell. I have a degree in philosophy and computing, so am I an arty farty type or a bespectacled nerd? Drop the stereotypes, they get insulting and constitute flamming. If you have something constructive to say about Political science (Political Philosophy although I consider this to be different) then say it. You have made your point that you are arrogant enough to consider only the subjects you chose to do worthwhile, now try to make the effort to actually think about something for once. (It may hurt until you get used to it.)
Seriously, what's there to do with a political science major, besides an obscure job of political commentary? Hardly any politicians have that as a starting degree.
Some computing students conjoint their degree with philosophy because they think it helps with programming logic.
Oh yeah, I remember you now... Ehh.
Dragons Bay
20-05-2005, 01:50
Will be! Nearly...
International relations at LSE, if I meet the offer. :'(
Funny, I thought you were anti-communist.
I'm fanatically anti-communist. Don't get me started on the Mainland, they're just a bunch of capitalists that have taken over a communist party.
I admire Israel because the country and people are great. Their undying nationalism should be a model for the downtrodden Chinese to follow.
you talk like a fundie to me....
Fundies don't support Bush? Bush tried to gather their support with his tightening of the reins on sexual issues. I don't know if fundies vote? Their horse drawn buggies might break down on the way to the nearest polling booth!
Ya see, I make fun of religious fanatics too.
20-05-2005, 01:55
I don't believe in sex before marriage, I think gays are victims of some disease, I support corporal punishment and the death penalty. All I'm lacking is a crucifix.
I'm not Christian because Jesus tries to ride the dragon (Christianity isn't having great successes in China). I may not want to join in the White man's faith, but I do hold strong views towards morals.
A moralistic society is a productive and disciplined society. Most modern Western societies are a huge mash of Woodstock and a gay parade. I'm not surpised that the increasing liberalization and destruction of traditional values in Western society will result in its downfall. I can't say muich about Asia either, since they follow the White man's (dangerous) ways now.
How about blaming the right wing neo-liberal greed for the society's downfall..? this obsessive economic policies are destroy the third world countries (I doubt that you care about that) and gradually eroding western countries midle-classes. a doubt tha a bunch of gay's and some kids at a rock concert could take a society to its end.
I'm fanatically anti-communist. Don't get me started on the Mainland, they're just a bunch of capitalists that have taken over a communist party.
I admire Israel because the country and people are great. Their undying nationalism should be a model for the downtrodden Chinese to follow.
Yeah, because we all know that Nationalism leads to peace :rolleyes:.
20-05-2005, 01:56
I'm a US Conservative, but I didn't vote in the poll because the choice designated for conservatives was "Authoritarian Right"....I am a right winger but the "authoritarian" part of it turned me off.
Alien Born
20-05-2005, 01:58
Seriouslt, what's there to do with a political science major, besides an obscure job of political commentary? Hardly any politicians have that as a starting degree.
Some computing students conjoint their degree with philosophy because they think it helps with programming logic.
All companies function within a political realm. There are many jobs in management and management consultancy for political scientists. There is also journalism, and the inevitable teaching. As a last resort a political scientist might enter politicsa, but it is not what they have been trained for. (Most politicians seem to be lawyers - hum any connection between persuading juries and persuading vvoters?)
As for the computer scientists going into philosophy to help their logic, they will just sink without trace most of the time (Those that did that where I studied gave up on the philosophical logic, too difficult to grasp for most of them). I was referring to a twin major degree, not just a couple of options.
So, am I a waste of space or a valuable member of society, or perhaps both at the same time in some kind of academic superposition?
Lemme get this straight --- You've been here since 2003, and you don't know what a -snip- is?
Correction, I've been RP'ing since 2003. I only frequent this general dung heap when there's nothing good to blow up.
20-05-2005, 01:59
I'm a US Conservative, but I didn't vote in the poll because the choice designated for conservatives was "Authoritarian Right"....I am a right winger but the "authoritarian" part of it turned me off.
It's not meant as an insult. I'm using the Political Compass lexicon.
I'm a US Conservative, but I didn't vote in the poll because the choice designated for conservatives was "Authoritarian Right"....I am a right winger but the "authoritarian" part of it turned me off.
I'm authoritarian right, but Bush's economic and foreign policies make him a wanker.
20-05-2005, 02:02
I'm authoritarian right, but Bush's economic and foreign policies make him a wanker.
I bet Reagan is your idol...
20-05-2005, 02:02
Former Pol Sci student here. I wish I could have voted 'objective (hopefully)' in your poll. I couldn't, so I didn't vote. Scientists here tend to remain as non-partisan as possible.
All companies function within a political realm. There are many jobs in management and management consultancy for political scientists.
If it's a technological or manufacuring company, they let the engineers take the lead. Without them, the primary function of producing such products would destroy their fundamental aspect of money making. They have the commerce graduates to analyze correct paths of maximized profits. Some of those specializing in media or journalism must help to promote the company, but look to the core, it's the engineers!
I bet Reagan is your idol...
Reagan's amogst the U.S. presidents I admire, including Clinton, Roosevelt, Nixon and Jimmy Carter. Amongst Chinese leaders, I admire Deng, Chiang, Hu and the first emperors of the Qin and Han dynasties. Notice that Mao's a bastard I hate.
I could be back here in a couple of hours, I need to have lunch and kill off a few math problems.
50 years ago in America, it used to be "My country, right or wrong." These days with the MTV generation it's more like "I am loose!"
Homosexualism is a White man's disease. You don't see millions of fags queuing up outside government offices in a non-Western country.
Yeah, because we all know that Nationalism leads to peace :rolleyes:.
Peace at the expense of your wife being raped by an invading race and having your children being roasted before you? Nationalism all the way! Some races are great because they are nationalistic.
20-05-2005, 02:46
I'm studying Poli Sci. Doing well in it too :)
When you want to direct someone to a federal or state office, you get them in the general area then tell them to look for the most butt ugly piece of sculpture around. That marks the entrance to the government office.
You can sh*t in a tub and have that displayed in an art museum. The arts must be regulated to serve the State. Works produced must have nationalistic overtones to empower the population!
How about blaming the right wing neo-liberal greed for the society's downfall..? this obsessive economic policies are destroy the third world countries (I doubt that you care about that) and gradually eroding western countries midle-classes. a doubt tha a bunch of gay's and some kids at a rock concert could take a society to its end.
A little greed is a driving force for success. If the Thrid World ain't gonna stand up then they never will. It shows how capable their people really are. The Western values have been eroding since the 1950s.
If you are a political scientist, you vote for the first option, liberal left.
Um, but I'm not with PETA, those darned environmental nazis, those people that wanna keep violence out of movies (Tipper Gore), I am for gun ownership, I am for letting people read whatever they want be it hate literature or otherwise, and I don't want the government trying to help me all the time.
I also don't want the right nosing in my personal life, telling the TV people what I should be allowed to watch, telling me who I should pray to, or trying to tell people that gays can't adopt and shit like that.
Libertarian left..... Not left liberal, not libertarian right, not conservative.... Minarchist libertarian left.
Damn. Now why am I so wanting to see some groups being gassed or shot?
20-05-2005, 03:09
If you are a political scientist, you vote for the first option, liberal left.
I'm studying Political Science but I'm not liberal left thank you. However, I'm still a political Scientist because I'm studying politics. Your an idiot if you can only classify poli scis as Liberal Left.
I'm studying Political Science but I'm not liberal left thank you. However, I'm still a political Scientist because I'm studying politics. Your an idiot if you can only classify poli scis as Liberal Left.
Thank you! I am minoring in Poli-sci, and I can't believe how everyone thinks we are all Greens and Democrats! I vote Libertarian most of the time thank you very much!
Your an idiot if you can only classify poli scis as Liberal Left.
I never classed them as liberals or leftists. Although, stereotypically arts students are more liberal.
20-05-2005, 03:32
It's funny because I was discussing majors with my philosophy teacher today; she was telling me that it was very common for science majors to minor in philosophy. I am currently a pre-med major with a lot of friends going into science fields and most of them are very liberal. My brother is almost as liberal as I am and he is majoring in nuclear engineering currently. In fact, all of the people I know in the arts program are libertarian right. Stereotyping has never helped further an argument and it should be avoided.
The Cat-Tribe
20-05-2005, 03:36
I am still finishing off my masters in Philosophy, but am seriously considering pol sci for a doctorate. Libertarian capitalist philosophy at the moment, but answered the non pol sci option to be truthful.
No wonder you cleaned my clock the other day. :D
The Cat-Tribe
20-05-2005, 03:38
I have a B.S. in political science & philosophy.
But that was over 10 years ago.
It's funny because I was discussing majors with my philosophy teacher today; she was telling me that it was very common for science majors to minor in philosophy. I am currently a pre-med major with a lot of friends going into science fields and most of them are very liberal. My brother is almost as liberal as I am and he is majoring in nuclear engineering currently. In fact, all of the people I know in the arts program are libertarian right. Stereotyping has never helped further an argument and it should be avoided.
Liberal, libertarian, I don't give a sh*t. If they don't believe in morals or capitalism, they're oppsosite of conservative.
I have a B.S. in political science & philosophy.
But that was over 10 years ago.
B.S. standing for bullshit? LOL
Liberal, libertarian, I don't give a sh*t. If they don't believe in morals or capitalism, they're oppsosite of conservative.
Um, but libertarians DO believe in Capitalism. Just some of us have less morals or different morals from the right.
New Shiron
20-05-2005, 03:47
BA in History, with minors in Political Science and Anthropology in 1987 and since then I have been working for state and local governments in Social Services and Policy Analysis. At times it seems like its been forever (chuckle)
I am very much a Centrist (moderate Republican who will vote for the Democrat or Republican candidate who is the least excessively liberal or conservative).
Um, but libertarians DO believe in Capitalism. Just some of us have less morals or different morals from the right.
No morals, no respectable country. It's simple as that.
No morals, no respectable country. It's simple as that.
What part of "less" or "different" means "no morals"? I just feel that my morals are my own most of the time, and people shouldn't be forced to follow them.
The Cat-Tribe
20-05-2005, 03:59
B.S. standing for bullshit? LOL
Bachelor of Science.
Being the advocate of engineering, you might have known that.
Of course, since I got my Juris Doctorate, most of my colleagues are engineers and scientists who realized they could make more money as lawyers.
Go figure.
20-05-2005, 04:00
Im a polly sci major at Kent State which is a major leftist college
My fav political science books was The Prince,(espically when he writes that you shouldn't trust mercenaries God knows that Bush loves to use mercenaries in Afganstan and Iraq), The communist manifesto kind of sucks Marx just whines about the current state of industry...
As for Ideology wise im libertarian Right, lets let natural selection take its course and get government out of our bedrooms and out of our wallets
though gays and abortion are little concern to me so i mostly vote Republican
And as mentioned above the world follows the laws of natural selection...
If it wasn't white man that enslaved would of been africans enslaving white men. Try watching planet of the apes
Indians would have invaded Europe in search of gold if they had the technology
If the tides were turn Iraq would be invaded us claiming that we have WMD. Word peace is a f'ing joke. War and exploitation will always take place because that is the nature of has already conquered all of natures beast so now it hunts itself.
So to put this in context of the argument that its neo conservatives that ruining the world with their greed...
If we placed tougher laws on business and made things more "fair" for 3rd world countries, some other country (CHINA!!!) would move in to undercut us and steal our business.
Ohhh and this is not to mention socialist security, welfare and all these other great society programs that as tightened our budget, in fact the walstreet journel reported that it was the expensive Medicaid and Medicare programs that is keeping the economy from rebounding faster...thanks a lot liberals
The Cat-Tribe
20-05-2005, 04:05
Liberal, libertarian, I don't give a sh*t. If they don't believe in morals or capitalism, they're oppsosite of conservative.
Perhaps you should take a break from studying concrete or thermodynamics and read a little politcal science.
Neither your average liberal nor libertarian is anti-capitalist.
Libertarians tend to be fiercely free market.
The meaning of "liberal" varies wildly around the world, but almost nowhere does it mean anti-capitalist. US liberals are pro-capitalism, they just believe in more government intervention and regulation than conservatives and libertarians.
As for morals, we believe in many of the same ones you do. On others we differ.
Or are liberty, equality, compassion, peace, cooperation, charity, justice, trust, and hope no longer virtues?
Alien Born
20-05-2005, 04:10
Of course, since I got my Juris Doctorate, most of my colleagues are engineers and scientists who realized they could make more money as lawyers.
Go figure.
In that case my MA in History and Philosophy of science and current tMA philosophy studies (amazing what living in two countries requires at times) should not have made any difference in our discussion. You are just as well trained as I am. :)
Alien Born
20-05-2005, 04:13
Im a polly sci major at Kent State which is a major leftist college
My fav political science books was The Prince,(espically when he writes that you shouldn't trust mercenaries God knows that Bush loves to use mercenaries in Afganstan and Iraq), The communist manifesto kind of sucks Marx just whines about the current state of industry...
As for Ideology wise im libertarian Right, lets let natural selection take its course and get government out of our bedrooms and out of our wallets
though gays and abortion are little concern to me so i mostly vote Republican
I would of thought with that line of political thought (pretty much the same as mine, by the way) that good old A Smith would have been a better fit for you than Machiavelli
20-05-2005, 04:15
How many of you are currently studying, or are graduates of political science in university?
What is your ideology?
I had a concurrent major in political science in undergraduate school. Does that count? :)
20-05-2005, 04:36
I would of thought with that line of political thought (pretty much the same as mine, by the way) that good old A Smith would have been a better fit for you than Machiavelli
actually i never read Adam Smith so maybe your right
My political thought class read. The trail of Socartes, City of God, The Prince, The social contract, On Liberty, Communist Manifesto, Bowling alone
and thats it
Bachelor of Science.
Being the advocate of engineering, you might have known that.
I was only making a f*ckin' joke. Of course I knew that, although many countries classify philosophy and politics under a degree of the arts.
Perhaps you should take a break from studying concrete or thermodynamics and read a little politcal science.
Neither your average liberal nor libertarian is anti-capitalist.
Libertarians tend to be fiercely free market.
The meaning of "liberal" varies wildly around the world, but almost nowhere does it mean anti-capitalist. US liberals are pro-capitalism, they just believe in more government intervention and regulation than conservatives and libertarians.
As for morals, we believe in many of the same ones you do. On others we differ.
Or are liberty, equality, compassion, peace, cooperation, charity, justice, trust, and hope no longer virtues?
Trust me, engineering may be my passion, but studying the social sciences is more of an effortless talent. I have genes passed from great grandfather who was formerly a leading intellectual in KMT-era history and a museum curator (he was killed by the communists during the '60s). From my reading of hisotry, I conclude that politics are nothing more than clever lies. Social history is nothing more than politics of the past, viewed in retrospect.
Unlike the sciences, which I do put an effort into studying for, my brains memorizes historical and political facts with greater ease. My essay skills are by no means poor. I still hold a very strong interest in history (particularly 1930-1950s). I am particularly interested in Nazi Germany and WWII (this was probably spawned out off my political beliefs and interests in the military). My keen interest in history and politics is rather unique, compared to the average person of my age.
However, as much as I love history, I cannot build a career out off that which can support my future family. The average civil engineer never run out off opportunities as the population grows and living spaces dwindle. I live in a rather under-industrialized Western country, so there are other engineering opportunities too.
I am aware that the meaning of liberal is very wide ranging. However, due to my extreme patriotism and sometimes ultranationalism, I have viewed the historical examples of curbing excessive civil liberties for the good of the state as valuable. The primary reason why I admire Hitler is because what accomplished with Germany, in 5 years the Chinese could not accomplish in 50 or even 100 years! Being somewhat revisionist towards Hitler, I see some logic to his madness. However, I am very opposed to anti-Semitism.
My virtues, my virtues are based on traditional Chinese values. My exposure to authoritarian right-wing beliefs have included militant nationalism, patriotism, etc. into my beliefs. Having a key interest in science has ensured that my stance towards religions is one of tolerance but suspicion.
New Shiron
20-05-2005, 07:26
actually i never read Adam Smith so maybe your right
My political thought class read. The trail of Socartes, City of God, The Prince, The social contract, On Liberty, Communist Manifesto, Bowling alone
and thats it
Adam Smith is good, but I like John Stewart Mill better... and all Political Science Majors should read Hunter S. Thompson's "Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail 1972"
20-05-2005, 07:39
Once again this is a thread that has nothing to do with the original topic....
You guys are just agruing over whos undergraduate degree or profession is "better" - what a bunch of wankers
I am actually a political Science Major and I think there should have been a none of the above response to that poll - i dont label myself or really worry what other people label me - i look at the issue and think about it before making a decision
Elite Shock Troops
20-05-2005, 07:58
I'm currently doing pol sci as part of my degree in Australia. I'm an anti-conservative lefty.
Ah, the idiot category, nice choice.
20-05-2005, 08:12
Are you enjoying your democracy and human rights? Guess who gave you that (tip: it wasn't the engineers).
20-05-2005, 08:15
I'll be entering college this fall, double majoring in Philosophy and Political Science. Should be fun; maybe I'll finally find an ideology I can bring myself to agree with.
Ah, the idiot category, nice choice.
Very well said. Bravo!
I'm only in second year in a University in Ireland. Also doing history!
Are you enjoying your democracy and human rights? Guess who gave you that (tip: it wasn't the engineers).
There's too much human rights and democracy makes this country's politicians argue all day and no progress get's made (don't get me started on NZ politics), if you want to see the pinnacle of an efficient and productive society, look at Singapore. There may not be democracy, but at least Asians don't bitch. White men invented democracy so that they can make bitching a national sport!
Let me ask you, are you enjoying your water supply and electricity, not to mention other innovations? I rather live in a good dictatorship than a bad democracy! Look at many African countries, they struggle to fund for a f*ckin' election, while their people are deprived of supplies of food, education, clean water and electricity. If democracy goes nowhere, is it important?
20-05-2005, 11:58
Bachelor of Science.
Being the advocate of engineering, you might have known that.
Of course, since I got my Juris Doctorate, most of my colleagues are engineers and scientists who realized they could make more money as lawyers.
Go figure.
How well do engineers and scientists make the switch to law? Maybe a practice in patent law?
I agree about the money, but the soul-selling is something I don't think I could get used to.
[edit] I couldn't do some of the things I see salesmen do at work, either, but I guess lawyers and salesmen are cut from pretty similar cloth.
How many of you are currently studying, or are graduates of political science in university?
What is your ideology?
I have done some Poli-sci coursework (mostly for kicks). Though my two degrees are only composed of an MSc of Electronics Engineering, and (of all things) a B.Th.
20-05-2005, 15:05
I have done some Poli-sci coursework (mostly for kicks). Though my two degrees are only composed of an MSc of Electronics Engineering, and (of all things) a B.Th.
What does political science course work consist of? Is it mostly political history, ethics, dogma?
20-05-2005, 16:48
I never classed them as liberals or leftists. Although, stereotypically arts students are more liberal.
Actually, I think it is a Batchaler of Science degree not a batchalor of arts degree.
20-05-2005, 16:49
Thank you! I am minoring in Poli-sci, and I can't believe how everyone thinks we are all Greens and Democrats! I vote Libertarian most of the time thank you very much!
Your Welcome :)
I can't believe that either. Me personal, I'm a republican.
The Cat-Tribe
20-05-2005, 17:00
Trust me, engineering may be my passion, but studying the social sciences is more of an effortless talent. I have genes passed from great grandfather who was formerly a leading intellectual in KMT-era history and a museum curator (he was killed by the communists during the '60s). From my reading of hisotry, I conclude that politics are nothing more than clever lies. Social history is nothing more than politics of the past, viewed in retrospect.
Unlike the sciences, which I do put an effort into studying for, my brains memorizes historical and political facts with greater ease. My essay skills are by no means poor. I still hold a very strong interest in history (particularly 1930-1950s). I am particularly interested in Nazi Germany and WWII (this was probably spawned out off my political beliefs and interests in the military). My keen interest in history and politics is rather unique, compared to the average person of my age.
However, as much as I love history, I cannot build a career out off that which can support my future family. The average civil engineer never run out off opportunities as the population grows and living spaces dwindle. I live in a rather under-industrialized Western country, so there are other engineering opportunities too.
I am aware that the meaning of liberal is very wide ranging. However, due to my extreme patriotism and sometimes ultranationalism, I have viewed the historical examples of curbing excessive civil liberties for the good of the state as valuable. The primary reason why I admire Hitler is because what accomplished with Germany, in 5 years the Chinese could not accomplish in 50 or even 100 years! Being somewhat revisionist towards Hitler, I see some logic to his madness. However, I am very opposed to anti-Semitism.
My virtues, my virtues are based on traditional Chinese values. My exposure to authoritarian right-wing beliefs have included militant nationalism, patriotism, etc. into my beliefs. Having a key interest in science has ensured that my stance towards religions is one of tolerance but suspicion.
Bully for you.
Any insult to your field of study was unintentional. (Unlike your words towards mine.) My spouse happens to have a degree in civil engineering and she worked in that field prior to pursuing further degrees and a career she found more suitable for herself.
As I said, I have many colleagues that are engineers and some of my closest friends in college were engineering students. My father-in-law, mother-in-law, and late-step-father-in-law are all civil engineers.
My father happens to be a nuclear physicist.
So, I don't look down my nose at science or engineering. I was trying to suggest you do the same.
Although I would vehemently disagree with them, I did not challenge your values or political views.
What I did challenge was your assertion that liberals and libertarians are anti-capitalist and have no values. You simply did not respond to the subject of my post.
I hope this means that, although you disagree strongly with liberals and libertarians, you will stop making ridiculous, dismissive assertions like "they all hate capitalism and have no values."
What does political science course work consist of? Is it mostly political history, ethics, dogma?
Depends on the type of degree you want, to some extent... Since the major can either be a B.A. or a B.S.... Typical core consists of most of the typical history work consistent with a Liberal Arts degree + Public Law, Comparitive Politics, and Theory. (B.S. requires Public Affairs, Budgeting Microeconomics and Accounting Administration, plus some statistical work, like Criminology, Criminal Justice, or Sociology.)... I have no desire for any degree work in Poli-Sci... I'm going for an M.Div on my next persuit.
The Cat-Tribe
20-05-2005, 17:26
How well do engineers and scientists make the switch to law? Maybe a practice in patent law?
Quite well, I think. As well as those with different backgrounds.
As I practice primarily patent law, my colleagues with engineering and science backgrounds also primarily practice patent law.
However, I am litigator and handle many other kinds of cases as do many of my colleagues.
I also know lawyers with a wide-range of different practices that have engineering or science backgrounds.
I agree about the money, but the soul-selling is something I don't think I could get used to.
[edit] I couldn't do some of the things I see salesmen do at work, either, but I guess lawyers and salesmen are cut from pretty similar cloth.
They pay good money for your soul. :D
Actually, the "soul-selling" is a rather false concept. At the outset, it really only even makes sense when you are (a) talking about litigation (is drafting a will or a patent "soul-selling") and (b) only certain kinds of litigation.
Most of the time you are simply working for a client. There is no moral issue involved. Engineers and scientists generally work for an employer and/or contractors. One could easily apply the "soul-selling" label to many such circumstances.
I'm sure you are thinking of representing the "wrong" side in certain types of cases or working as a defense attorney. You've shown yourself to be smart and well-informed enough to be able to understand why many would not find this to be wrong (but rather very right). I won't argue the point.
20-05-2005, 18:11
The "soul-selling" comment was, indeed, directed at the TV lawyers.
After going through the patent process a couple times, I really have to hand it to our in-house counsel. He is sharp. I might have been able to get the same results with one of those do-it-yourself kits, but at the cost of my time. Cost to benefit analysis really makes it worthwile to hire a pro from time to time.
My barber is an old Russian guy. We were talking about some dity projects we were doing. He told me there is "an old Russian saying" that says if you want something done right, "Pay for it!".
I thought about law school a couple years ago, when the telecom industry was falling apart. Then I realized that part-time school and full-time work just don't mix. Plus, I don't think I want to try keeping up with kids like you that have time to study properly. I did that in post-grad and it was hard, even as a full-time student.
The Cat-Tribe
20-05-2005, 19:35
The "soul-selling" comment was, indeed, directed at the TV lawyers.
After going through the patent process a couple times, I really have to hand it to our in-house counsel. He is sharp. I might have been able to get the same results with one of those do-it-yourself kits, but at the cost of my time. Cost to benefit analysis really makes it worthwile to hire a pro from time to time.
My barber is an old Russian guy. We were talking about some dity projects we were doing. He told me there is "an old Russian saying" that says if you want something done right, "Pay for it!".
I thought about law school a couple years ago, when the telecom industry was falling apart. Then I realized that part-time school and full-time work just don't mix. Plus, I don't think I want to try keeping up with kids like you that have time to study properly. I did that in post-grad and it was hard, even as a full-time student.
Just for the record. I'm not a kid nor was I when I went to law school.
I worked at least part-time most of the time I was going to college and during all but my first two semesters in law school. Not cushy jobs. During college, I worked as a warehouseman, an appliance deliveryman, a janitor, etc.
No offense, but I don't like people making assumptions.
20-05-2005, 20:29
Just for the record. I'm not a kid nor was I when I went to law school.
I worked at least part-time most of the time I was going to college and during all but my first two semesters in law school. Not cushy jobs. During college, I worked as a warehouseman, an appliance deliveryman, a janitor, etc.
No offense, but I don't like people making assumptions.
Apology sent. Sorry for the incorrect generalization.
I still can't keep up with those 20somethings that inhabit graduate schools without a lot of extra work. They just must have more of those brain cells I spent Friday nights killing off.
21-05-2005, 04:06
I'm studying Political Science but I'm not liberal left thank you. However, I'm still a political Scientist because I'm studying politics. Your an idiot if you can only classify poli scis as Liberal Left.
HaHa!! I was cruising through and saw this post and I had to chuckle.
There is nothing scientific about your brand of politics. They are more like chemistry, all smoke and mirrors, or should I say toxic and deadly?
Well, if you keep "studying", there may be hope for you yet!! :rolleyes:
Why can't you say you're a monarchist?!
Why can't you say you're a monarchist?!
I'm a mock artist.
Sorry, I feel like making strange, bizzare, totally random posts right now. I think I'll stop. Probably...
21-05-2005, 14:34
HaHa!! I was cruising through and saw this post and I had to chuckle.
There is nothing scientific about your brand of politics. They are more like chemistry, all smoke and mirrors, or should I say toxic and deadly?
Well, if you keep "studying", there may be hope for you yet!! :rolleyes:
I had to laugh CH! Thanks for making me smile. I really did need to smile.
As for your second paragraph, you really need to get out more. Nice Ad homin though. As for my politics, my professors in the political science department that I have had so far have told me that I am politically well versed and I know what I'm talking about. Be advised that these professors are D-E-M-O-C-R-A-T-S! My first semister at the same university was Liberal. He and I got along terrifically.
Don't make assumptions about people you don't know Canuckheaven.
Pure Metal
21-05-2005, 14:53
How many of you are currently studying, or are graduates of political science in university?
What is your ideology?
currently studying Politics, including a module on political science simply called 'Government'
does that count? i'm anarcho-communist/liberal as you may know;) (cos i'm mouthy about it :D)
22-05-2005, 00:09
I had to laugh CH! Thanks for making me smile. I really did need to smile.
As for your second paragraph, you really need to get out more. Nice Ad homin though. As for my politics, my professors in the political science department that I have had so far have told me that I am politically well versed and I know what I'm talking about. Be advised that these professors are D-E-M-O-C-R-A-T-S! My first semister at the same university was Liberal. He and I got along terrifically.
Don't make assumptions about people you don't know Canuckheaven.
Oh, I am not making any assumptions at all. You forget that I have read many of your posts over the past year.
So if you pass, will you get a doctorate in Spinology? :eek:
22-05-2005, 00:58
Oh, I am not making any assumptions at all. You forget that I have read many of your posts over the past year.
So if you pass, will you get a doctorate in Spinology? :eek:
Nope. I'm going for a doctorate in Political Science. Might even get one in History of my gf will be ok with that.
BTW CH, my gf is *gasp* a liberal.
22-05-2005, 13:46
Former Pol Sci student here. I wish I could have voted 'objective (hopefully)' in your poll. I couldn't, so I didn't vote. Scientists here tend to remain as non-partisan as possible.
How do you mean objective. Just because you profess an ideology, it doesn't mean that you are an uncompromising dogmatic robot that never reconsiders their opinions.
Homosexualism is a White man's disease. You don't see millions of fags queuing up outside government offices in a non-Western country.
Homosexuals are found in all races and even non-human species.
You don't even see them queuing up outside government offices in any Western country. :)
The arts must be regulated to serve the State. Works produced must have nationalistic overtones to empower the population!
I really hope you are not serious. That really didn't work out well for Japan when they did it in the 1930s.
Um, but I'm not with PETA, those darned environmental nazis, those people that wanna keep violence out of movies (Tipper Gore), I am for gun ownership, I am for letting people read whatever they want be it hate literature or otherwise, and I don't want the government trying to help me all the time.
I also don't want the right nosing in my personal life, telling the TV people what I should be allowed to watch, telling me who I should pray to, or trying to tell people that gays can't adopt and shit like that.
Libertarian left..... Not left liberal, not libertarian right, not conservative.... Minarchist libertarian left.
For God's sake, just because you share a general political are with others doesn't mean you have to agree with all of their opinions. You don't have to be a member of PETA or pro-censorship to be on the liberal left; in fact, such people are a minority on the liberal/libertarian left. You must understand that I can't put every imaginable ideology on the poll; there are a maximum of 10 options.
I'm studying Political Science but I'm not liberal left thank you. However, I'm still a political Scientist because I'm studying politics. Your an idiot if you can only classify poli scis as Liberal Left.
Sorry I wasn't saying that, tho i understand how you misread it. I would have just said to him, "vote liberal left", but I had to say "if you're a political scientist" because I only want political scientists to vote in this poll.
Thank you! I am minoring in Poli-sci, and I can't believe how everyone thinks we are all Greens and Democrats! I vote Libertarian most of the time thank you very much!
Then vote Libertarian Right (capitalists).
I never classed them as liberals or leftists. Although, stereotypically arts students are more liberal.
The stereotype is true. It's because we like to have freedom of expression. :)
Liberal, libertarian, I don't give a sh*t. If they don't believe in morals or capitalism, they're oppsosite of conservative.
Many socialists are against capitalism because of their strong morals. Not that I agree with them but that's how it is.
22-05-2005, 14:18
If it wasn't white man that enslaved would of been africans enslaving white men. Try watching planet of the apes
That was alarmingly racist, but I'll let it be. Fact is, Africans did enslave may thousands of white Europeans while whites from the Americas were enslaving Africans (most of whom were gladly sold by African gangsters to these white exploiters).
Indians would have invaded Europe in search of gold if they had the technology
What? Have you got anything that makes you think this? If it's any help, it's true that Turkey has tried to invade Europe several times over the past 600 years.
If the tides were turn Iraq would be invaded us claiming that we have WMD.
This is the most ridiculous statement of all. Saddam had very little power since 1991. There was no way any of his weapons could ever have struck the USA.
I had a concurrent major in political science in undergraduate school. Does that count?
I don't know. I'll leave that up to you.
I'm only in second year in a University in Ireland. Also doing history!
Ah, the infamous History & Political Science student. Trinity, is it?
22-05-2005, 14:38
Sorry I wasn't saying that, tho i understand how you misread it. I would have just said to him, "vote liberal left", but I had to say "if you're a political scientist" because I only want political scientists to vote in this poll.
My apologies if I misread it and thank you for clearifying your position. Much appreciated :)
Studying Politics at university...anarcho-communist.