Cyrian space
19-05-2005, 22:51
Okay, let's apply scientific concepts and terminology to abstract ideas!
First off: Murpheys law
As the amount of difficulty any event would cause in your life increases, the probability of that event occuring approaches one. Thus, it is more likely to rain if you did not bring an umbrella, because it would inconvenience you more.
Illich Jackal
20-05-2005, 00:50
Okay, let's apply scientific concepts and terminology to abstract ideas!
First off: Murpheys law
As the amount of difficulty any event would cause in your life increases, the probability of that event occuring approaches one. Thus, it is more likely to rain if you did not bring an umbrella, because it would inconvenience you more.
I'll add my work on Murpheys theory:
With E an event, we define a vectorfunction P(E), that expresses the objective problems this event causes in an infinite-dimensional problemvectorspace. With this problemvector P(E), we associate a difficultyvector D that expresses the subjective difficulty this problemvector causes for the person. this is done by a transformation A. We then have D=AP(E)
With every person p, we can associate a function E(t) that associates with each time t a single E(t) in the eventspace, we call E(t) the eventfunction. we then look at the associated problemfunction P(E(t)).
A is now a function of the person, which in turn is a function of the time (persons change over time).
We get: D(p(t),E(t)) = A(p(t))P(E(t)) (1)
We built the difficultyvectorspace so that the scalar N(p(t),E(t)) = Transpone(D(p(t),E(t)))*D(p(t),E(t)) expresses the total difficulty the event causes for that person.
substitution of (1):
N(p(t),E(t)) = transpone(P(E(t)))*transpone(A(p(t)))*A(p(t))*P(E(t))
the probability of E(t) is Pr(E(t)).
Murpheys law is now expressed as:
d(Pr(E(t)))/d(N(p(t),E(t))) > 0
lim(Pr(E(t)),N(p(t),E(t)) -> infinity) = 1
with N(p(t),E(t)) = transpone(P(E(t)))*transpone(A(p(t)))*A(p(t))*P(E(t))