Orbital Pwnage.
Eastern Coast America
19-05-2005, 01:12
So, the Army has asked for a grant to put one of these thingies into space. Opinions?
Sounds good, anything and everything in and for space. Except for advertising. . .evil advertising. Then again, if it puts more stuff in space maybe a giant Papsi sign blinking from the moon would be worth it.
19-05-2005, 01:35
And to think .... just 30 years ago, this kind of thing was the stuff of James Bond mega-villains.
If it works as well as "Star Wars," I don't think the world will have anything to worry about.
19-05-2005, 01:41
There's something really odd about the hypervelocity rods.
I mean .... surely there's a more efficient way of driving stakes into the ground.
What kind of ID10T would BUILD something like that and then point it at their own planet!
... oh, wait, humanity already has a tendancy to do things like this and call it a good idea.
Just what we need though, a space arms race. If it gets up in orbit by 2027 though, I'm leaving Japan.
*wanders off whistling Konyawa Hurricane*
19-05-2005, 01:46
What kind of ID10T would BUILD something like that and then point it at their own planet!
Well, duh .... Americans!
Lunatic Goofballs
19-05-2005, 01:47
I really need to figure out some sort of orbital pie gun. *rubs chin thoughtfully*
There's something really odd about the hypervelocity rods.
I mean .... surely there's a more efficient way of driving stakes into the ground.
If you wanted to stake a tent, yes. ;) Actually I read a paper talking about an idea like this, the kentic force released from one of those things smacking into the ground from orbit would be close to, or exceed, the scale of the bombs used on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, without the messy radiation.
The paper in question was using larger rods, with a higher orbit plain meaning more V than the proposed design, but it's still scary at the force that would be released (look at the damge meteors cause, and they usually weigh less and are smaller).
Obligatory gay greek themed porn film quip.
Obligatory gay greek themed porn film quip.
Ah, the old thread on this subject had some very nice ones.
19-05-2005, 01:56
So, the Army has asked for a grant to put one of these thingies into space. Opinions?
19-05-2005, 01:57
Heh - the "rods from God"
19-05-2005, 02:03
I'm thinking of moving to Japan to join a motorcycle gang.
19-05-2005, 02:50
What kind of ID10T would BUILD something like that and then point it at their own planet!
*Fall in a deep depression*
Armandian Cheese
19-05-2005, 02:53
MWA! HA! My evil plans for world domination will soon be complete...The Army has already built me my evil superweapon which I can use to hold the world ransom...
MWA! HA! My evil plans for world domination will soon be complete...The Army has already built me my evil superweapon which I can use to hold the world ransom...
You're not fit to be an evil genius if you make "mwaha" into two separate words.
The Lightning Star
19-05-2005, 02:59
You're not fit to be an evil genius if you make "mwaha" into two separate words.
You're not fit to be an evil genius if you just say "mwaha". This is how it goes:
Well, errr... you get the idea.
First one - the other two make it pointless, really.
Second one - It's an orbital railgun. "rods from god" indeed. I've been thinking about upgrading my orbtial laser cannon station with a Magnetic Acceleration Cannon for a while, but haven't gotten around to it yet.
Third one - They're a bit behind, my OLCS system already has this capaility and is going to get railguns mounted soon. Not to mention the small AI-controlled fighters for local defense, in lieu of actual point-defense lasers.
You're not fit to be an evil genius if you just say "mwaha". This is how it goes:
Well, errr... you get the idea.
Thanks for unintentionally (or intentionally) helping to prove my point!
None of you are fit to be evil geniuses if you plan to standardize the evil laugh. A naturally chaotic group regulating something like that? Ridiculous. It's all based on individual style and technique, so go with the evil laugh that complements your plans and methods best.
None of you are fit to be evil geniuses if you plan to standardize the evil laugh. A naturally chaotic group regulating something like that? Ridiculous. It's all based on individual style and technique, so go with the evil laugh that complements your plans and methods best.
How dare you go against the grain of the time-tested Evil Genius template!
*throws an Ikea chair at you*
How dare you go against the grain of the time-tested Evil Genius template!
*throws an Ikea chair at you*
*watches as a very finely focused blast from his orbital laser cannon takes the chair down mid-flight*
Sure, I could have just taken it out with the hand-held lasers I carry with me, but where's the fun in that?
*watches as a very finely focused blast from his orbital laser cannon takes the chair down mid-flight*
Sure, I could have just taken it out with the hand-held lasers I carry with me, but where's the fun in that?
Honestly? I'm not quite sure.
Whispering Legs
19-05-2005, 17:45
If it works as well as "Star Wars," I don't think the world will have anything to worry about.
The rods concept was proven in an experiment in the early 1980s. So it will work.
The laser system is scheduled to be operational aboard an aircraft this year - and from a technical standpoint, it already works.
Keep laughing.
19-05-2005, 17:47
And to think .... just 30 years ago, this kind of thing was the stuff of James Bond mega-villains.
Speaking of "mega-villans," how are you, K? :D
Carnivorous Lickers
19-05-2005, 18:00
There's something really odd about the hypervelocity rods.
I mean .... surely there's a more efficient way of driving stakes into the ground.
Yeah-and can we recycle them after they've been deployed? Are there salvage rights to this material?
("This product is made from no less than 50% post military usage")
Carnivorous Lickers
19-05-2005, 18:02
I like the idea. I'd love it if the US deployed the system first and no other country is capable of ever doing it.
19-05-2005, 18:16
Second one - It's an orbital railgun. "rods from god" indeed. I've been thinking about upgrading my orbtial laser cannon station with a Magnetic Acceleration Cannon for a while, but haven't gotten around to it yet.
The way it's descibed, it looks more like they're dropping heavy things on people from orbit, kind of like a man made meteorite.
Whispering Legs
19-05-2005, 18:22
The way it's descibed, it looks more like they're dropping heavy things on people from orbit, kind of like a man made meteorite.
It's not a railgun.
You put several tons of rods in low earth orbit.
The rods each have a small retro-rocket to make it possible to begin a de-orbit on command.
The rods are made of tungsten, and have a guidance system similar to that of the Pershing II warhead (which is tried and true, and capable of hitting a coffee can).
Striking at over 25 times the speed of sound, there isn't a bunker or armored vehicle or ship that can withstand the impact - the energy level is on a par with a small nuclear weapon.
Carnivorous Lickers
19-05-2005, 18:50
The rods are made of tungsten, and have a guidance system similar to that of the Pershing II warhead (which is tried and true, and capable of hitting a coffee can).
"Its these cans!!! He's trying to kills these cans!!!"
(The Jerk)
Whispering Legs
19-05-2005, 18:56
"Its these cans!!! He's trying to kills these cans!!!"
(The Jerk)
I thought it was, "DIE GAS PUMPER!"
There's a great video of a Pershing II launch from Ft. Sill, Oklahoma. The missile goes downrange to White Sands, where there's a shack with a coffee can next to it.
You get to see the image the missile wants to home in on - a satellite photo of the shack and can from orbit.
The warhead comes into the video frame and hits the coffee can - for a split second, they freeze the image, and you see the cone touching the can dead center.
The Pershing had a special nosecone made of radar transparent ceramic with an Inconel tip. The warhead would compare what it saw below with a pre-stored satellite image of the target, and would steer all the way to the ground. It was extremely accurate - so accurate that even today, no nuclear warhead comes close. The Pk of a Pershing II was so high, that it was thought that no target could survive a hit.
It would be an extremely direct hit with a nuke.
Carnivorous Lickers
19-05-2005, 19:38
I thought it was, "DIE GAS PUMPER!"
You may be right. Maybe one is the edited version. I dont have it on tape or dvd to check. Either way-very funny.
Carnivorous Lickers
19-05-2005, 19:40
There's a great video of a Pershing II launch from Ft. Sill, Oklahoma. The missile goes downrange to White Sands, where there's a shack with a coffee can next to it.
You get to see the image the missile wants to home in on - a satellite photo of the shack and can from orbit.
The warhead comes into the video frame and hits the coffee can - for a split second, they freeze the image, and you see the cone touching the can dead center.
The Pershing had a special nosecone made of radar transparent ceramic with an Inconel tip. The warhead would compare what it saw below with a pre-stored satellite image of the target, and would steer all the way to the ground. It was extremely accurate - so accurate that even today, no nuclear warhead comes close. The Pk of a Pershing II was so high, that it was thought that no target could survive a hit.
It would be an extremely direct hit with a nuke.
It sounds like we could target an individual with that, if they would hold still.
Whispering Legs
19-05-2005, 19:43
It sounds like we could target an individual with that, if they would hold still.
I have this mental picture of Kim Jong-il, stepping out onto a balcony...
It's not a railgun.
You put several tons of rods in low earth orbit.
The rods each have a small retro-rocket to make it possible to begin a de-orbit on command.
The rods are made of tungsten, and have a guidance system similar to that of the Pershing II warhead (which is tried and true, and capable of hitting a coffee can).
Striking at over 25 times the speed of sound, there isn't a bunker or armored vehicle or ship that can withstand the impact - the energy level is on a par with a small nuclear weapon.
Oh, thanks then. I assumed that a magnetic system would be used for propulstion, but I can see why sabots would work better in terms of accuracy. But a warning? Hurt the coffee, and there will be a massive rebellion which no amount of "Rods from God" can cure :D
*runs off to add some of those to the station instead of a Railgun*
Whispering Legs
19-05-2005, 19:50
Oh, thanks then. I assumed that a magnetic system would be used for propulstion, but I can see why sabots would work better in terms of accuracy. But a warning? Hurt the coffee, and there will be a massive rebellion which no amount of "Rods from God" can cure :D
*runs off to add some of those to the station instead of a Railgun*
It's gravity doing the work. You spent all that chemical energy putting it up there, and a gentle push to start the fall is all you need.
No warning necessary. They fall to earth within 8 minutes, and start falling as soon as you give the command.
They will be supersonic on arrival, so you won't hear them coming. Depending on what they use for a nosecose, you might not even see anything coming.
Unless you have a radar that tracks objects from space down to the ground (most radar does not), you won't see them coming on radar.
No warning necessary. They fall to earth within 8 minutes, and start falling as soon as you give the command.
The warning was to the guys putting it there - don't hurt the coffee, or else.
Carnivorous Lickers
19-05-2005, 20:06
I have this mental picture of Kim Jong-il, stepping out onto a balcony...
...wondering why his aide asked him to hold a Maxwell House can while he trots off to "find the filters"...
Whispering Legs
19-05-2005, 20:08
...wondering why his aide asked him to hold a Maxwell House can while he trots off to "find the filters"...
I think I'll like the Space Based Laser better.
One second, he's on the podium, giving a speech to his assembled generals, and the next second, there's a brilliant flash and the sudden appearance of smoking footprints.
No one else is touched - just wondering what the crowd's reaction would be.
Carnivorous Lickers
19-05-2005, 20:12
I think I'll like the Space Based Laser better.
One second, he's on the podium, giving a speech to his assembled generals, and the next second, there's a brilliant flash and the sudden appearance of smoking footprints.
No one else is touched - just wondering what the crowd's reaction would be.
They'd believe he was called back to the high and glorious mountaintop he was born on. Then they would go back to looking for their next meal.