NationStates Jolt Archive

Now They're Targeting Lexington!?

18-05-2005, 22:28
No more than a few days after I reported to you on the Westboro Baptist Church's plans to picket at a highschool graduation in Lowell and a Middle School in Dracut, that I learn from my local news that these sons of fucking bitches are coming to demonstrate at an elementary school in Lexington MA.

I'd like to repeat that: AN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL!

Apparently it all started when a father of one of the students complained and got violent over a book that featured gay characters in the school. Fred Phelps and the WBC must've heard about it. When the father learned that the WBC (which is THE most virulently anti-gay hate group in the US and is #1 on my list of "Stupid, Bigoted and Useless People") was going to demonstate in Lexington over his outbursts, he called them and asked them not to come. I wish you had thought about that EARLIER!

What did they say?

"Our orders come from God, not you."

You can expect me to be at Lexington, Dracut and Lowell in June...
18-05-2005, 23:00
I bump for the sake of Massachusetts!
18-05-2005, 23:02
I wish they would come up here to Vermont so all the liberal ex-hippies and such we have could turn their attempted hate-rally into an abject failure.
18-05-2005, 23:05
I wish they would come up here to Vermont so all the liberal ex-hippies and such we have could turn their attempted hate-rally into an abject failure.

*wants to witness something along these lines*
18-05-2005, 23:06
Meh, maybe they'll piss off enough people to produce the reverse effect.
18-05-2005, 23:11
This is insanity on a cracker. At perhaps one of our most consertive times in our modern history, the right is still trying to crush the left with the most heavist fist possible. Oh dear God, I wish the 2010's warrants some progressive liberal activism. Even better, the latter half of this decade.
18-05-2005, 23:13
This is insanity on a cracker. At perhaps one of our most consertive times in our modern history, the right is still trying to crush the left with the most heavist fist possible. Oh dear God, I wish the 2010's warrants some progressive liberal activism. Even better, the latter half of this decade.

...Which happens to be about 95% of the morons who do this shit.
The South Islands
18-05-2005, 23:16
Don't they have the right to protest and hold an opinion?
18-05-2005, 23:17
Don't they have the right to protest and hold an opinion?

Of course they do. However, this isn't about the protest. It's about their "goals", which is more conservative conformist crap.

All this over a book. Wow.
18-05-2005, 23:22

Their websites include and

They applaud 9/11 and that Tsunami in Thailand, hailing it as God's Hand striking down the 'incestuous fags'.

The South Islands
18-05-2005, 23:24

Their websites include and

They applaud 9/11 and that Tsunami in Thailand, hailing it as God's Hand striking down the 'incestuous fags'.

Who, pray tell, are "they"?
18-05-2005, 23:30
'They' are the WBC, the group called upon to picket the elementary school.

Once again, *sigh*