The End of Star Wars (rant)
18-05-2005, 09:36
Its almost over. We can finally look forward to a future without new Star Wars. Nearly 30 years ago George Lucas unleashed upon the world the movie that would forever change the face of cinema by proving that story is meaningless and special effects is everything. The good vs evil, bad guys wear black, Bushesque cowboy show that was Star Wars will finally be over. Let us celebrate the end of this era and hope that this time the release and simultaneous demise of Star Wars beckons a new era of cinema where story once again does matter and special effects are once again only icing on a well made cake.
18-05-2005, 09:43
Its almost over. We can finally look forward to a future without new Star Wars. Nearly 30 years ago George Lucas unleashed upon the world the movie that would forever change the face of cinema by proving that story is meaningless and special effects is everything. The good vs evil, bad guys wear black, Bushesque cowboy show that was Star Wars will finally be over. Let us celebrate the end of this era and hope that this time the release and simultaneous demise of Star Wars beckons a new era of cinema where story once again does matter and special effects are once again only icing on a well made cake.
I hope you dont go see it.
Admittedly this recent trilogy, thus far, has been a stinker, but the first three are ranked mong some of the best films of all time, and rightly so.
You, however, have already decided your not going to like it, so..theres no point in you seeing the film.
I,on the other hand, am willing to let the film try to entertain me.
The Imperial Navy
18-05-2005, 09:51
So you havent herd then. Lucas is making a new, live action version TV version of Star Wars. Aparrently it will be ready in 2007, and be about after the Empire.
He plans to make the 1st series, then step aside and let writers take care of the rest.
Patra Caesar
18-05-2005, 09:55
Actually, as I understand it the origional Star Wars movies were the middle three of nine books so there may yet be another three movies. ;)
18-05-2005, 09:57
Actually, as I understand it the origional Star Wars movies were the middle three of nine books so there may yet be another three movies. ;)
No, on a recent 20/20 interview, Lucas announced he has no intention of persuing the three last episodes.
These movies have consumed his life, and he wants to do other things.
He has no plans to allow anyone else to do them.
After he dies, whoever sells the movie rights, (his children, his widow) will make an enormous sum from them Im sure.
Bet on it.
Bet on it.
What, exactly, are the Vegas odds against such a sale taking place?
18-05-2005, 10:00
If he was any kind of a man he'd spin that Troops short off into a series.
18-05-2005, 10:00
So you havent herd then. Lucas is making a new, live action version TV version of Star Wars. Aparrently it will be ready in 2007, and be about after the Empire.
He plans to make the 1st series, then step aside and let writers take care of the rest.
That wont have a big impact. Young Indiana Jones didnt. TV is different
18-05-2005, 10:03
What, exactly, are the Vegas odds against such a sale taking place?
Well, I'd say its a sure thing.
George kicks it....A big name movie company offers Lucas' wife say.....100 million dollars for the complete rights to it?
Thats an awful lot of money.
18-05-2005, 10:06
I never cared much for the overly simpalized black and white of the Star Wars universe. I prefer complexity, like from Fullmetal Alchemist, Brazil and the Trial.....
Still the first two movies were great cinametic masterpieces and should be recognized as such. Before they became the status quo brand, they were new and helped bring forth new ideas... Empire in particular is a class act, being a greek tragidy...
Unfortunatly the same thing that happened to Planet of the Apes happened to Star Wars, it went on for too long, it prevented itself from becoming a classic, after all how would 2001 seem if they made two sequals and three prequals?... Such things happen alot these days when studios value redundent ideas which have been proven to bring in cash over new material. Don't hope for Star Wars to end, Hope for the culture of America's film industry to change...
The Imperial Navy
18-05-2005, 10:12
That wont have a big impact. Young Indiana Jones didnt. TV is different
Times change. And remember that SW has a much, much bigger fanbase. I hear they also plan to offer appearences to the original cast.
18-05-2005, 10:14
Times change. And remember that SW has a much, much bigger fanbase. I hear they also plan to offer appearences to the original cast.
Im sure Luke Hamill and likely Carrie Fisher, and even Billy Dee Williams will do way Harrison Ford will.
Im betting that the series wont even be about Luke and Leia, so much as other Jedi, or new characters.
18-05-2005, 10:17
Amestria']I never cared much for the overly simpalized black and white of the Star Wars universe. I prefer complexity, like from Fullmetal Alchemist, Brazil and the Trial.....
Unfortunatly the same thing that happened to Planet of the Apes happened to Star Wars, it went on for too long, it prevented itself from becoming a classic, after all how would 2001 seem if they made two sequals and three prequals?... Such things happen alot these days when studios value redundent ideas which have been proven to bring in cash over new material. Don't hope for Star Wars to end, Hope for the culture of America's film industry to change...
Star Wars isn't just black and white. How many of the characters are entirely evil or entirely good? Not many. They all have different sides. And I would have to say that the movies did indeed become classic (at least the original trilogy; I myself am not fond of the recent two).
BTW, there is a sequel to 2001. 2010. But since Kubrik didn't direct it it didn't really measure up to the first movie. Two more sequels, 2061 and 3001, exist in book form.
Very few movies that are produced today are good. In fact, the majority of them focus on expensive special effects and stupid Hollywood clichés. (I recently saw National Treasure on DVD, for example. It was so bad I nearly demanded money back despite the fact that I borrowed it from a friend.) I am looking forward to this last Star Wars movie as a light in the darkness that is cinema today. I hope I won't be disappointed (like I was with the previous two).
Oh, and you can't compare Hollywood movies to anime. Hollywood doesn't stand a chance. ;)
We can finally look forward to a future without new Star Wars
Better not tell him about the re-release of episode 4 in 2007 with 3D effects...
18-05-2005, 10:21
Oh, and you can't compare Hollywood movies to anime. Hollywood doesn't stand a chance. ;)
I would love to see a live action version of Patlabor 2. My fave anime movie of all time...even beyond Ghost in the Shell and its sequel.
Well, I'd say its a sure thing.
Hehe...exactly my point.
If the odds of such a sale not happening are 500 million to 1, then I can cash in major if the sale never occurs (I assume there would be some sort of time frame), and if it does, I'm only out $1.
Jal-Sen Katmec
18-05-2005, 10:25
Admittedly this recent trilogy, thus far, has been a stinker, but the first three are ranked mong some of the best films of all time, and rightly so.
I,on the other hand, am willing to let the film try to entertain me.
Episode II was a REAL stinker (script-wise; the special effects are always "groundbreaking," no doubt about that), but Episode I was magnificent! What was wrong with it?
By the way, Episode III is probably going to be the best on of all six.
18-05-2005, 10:25
Star Wars isn't just black and white. How many of the characters are entirely evil or entirely good?
They are either in the light side or the dark side. Thats as black and white as you could possibly get. Of course there is a little light in the dark side and a little dark in the light side (thats why there are dots of the opposing color in each side of the yin and yang). This does not change the fact that the very premise of Lucas' Star Wars universe is that there is a good and an evil side and you can categorize people into either one based on their actions.
Very few movies that are produced today are good. In fact, the majority of them focus on expensive special effects and stupid Hollywood clichés.
Thats the trend started by Star Wars. Very thin plot but big special effects. Thats precisely the shift George Lucas is credited with causing in the movie industry.
Good movies do come out occasionally but most of what Hollywood puts out is crap thats big on special effects. You pretty much have to stick to independent or foreign films to get anything worthwhile these days, thanks to the trend started by Star Wars.
18-05-2005, 10:29
Thats the trend started by Star Wars. Very thin plot but big special effects. Thats precisely the shift George Lucas is credited with causing in the movie industry.
Point is, when Star Wars came out it was the opposite, films with winding plots, all based on realism. Lucas did something different then. Escapism. It was never meant to be complicated. It was a simple plot, but that was the point. It was meant to be a saga, a legend. If you don't like it fine, but those kind of stories have always existed, Lucas just wrote one with aspects of many of the old legends, a few 'borrowed' ideas, brought special effects into the mix and made a difference.
Jal-Sen Katmec
18-05-2005, 10:31
[QUOTE=LazyHippies]They are either in the light side or the dark side. Thats as black and white as you could possibly get.QUOTE]
If you're evil, you'll do evil things; if you're good, you'll do good things. Simple. There is no question that people are both good and bad, but we know from life that they do both things. But Evil is evil and Good is good; this isn't really a question -- the universe is like that. Only time we need ask a question is when the time comes to claim that a certain action is good or bad, THEN we are making a subjective statement based on certain assumptions, but we can be sure that a person is either more good than bad, or more bad than good....
18-05-2005, 10:33
Episode II was a REAL stinker (script-wise; the special effects are always "groundbreaking," no doubt about that), but Episode I was magnificent! What was wrong with it?
By the way, Episode III is probably going to be the best on of all six.
What was wrong with Episode 1?
I'll tell you..
It exactly followed the scrpt of epeisode 4.
We start with a space chase...end up on tatooine...find our young hero, who starts becoming a Jedi.
Young man and Jedis fight bad guys....death star blows up.
Everyone celebrates.
What else?
Jar Jar Binks sucked ass, and was so annoying.
"Mesa gonna ruin movie now, okie day?"
Darth Maul ruled, and was cast aside like trash.
An excellent villian, wasted.
Episode two was bad as well, but at least better than the previous film.
It was a turd sandwich......really cool in the beginning, shit in the middle, and really cool at the end.
The love story between anakin and Padme was stooooopid.
What on earth she could have seen in a whiny murdering asshole like Anakin I cant imagine.
The guys mom gets killed by Tuskens, and he goes and wipes out the entire villiage, men women and children, and she says "There there..pat will be fine."
Screw that..get away from me you mass murdering Jedi asshole!!
Jal-Sen Katmec
18-05-2005, 10:35
Example: I perform an action. That action leans more toward the "Dark Side" or the "Light Side"; it has a tendancy toward good or evil (or else it is perfectly neutral, which is highly unlikely, considering the nature of the human psyche). The only thing we need to ask is, "which direction does it lean toward?" Obviously it leans in a certain direction. . . .
18-05-2005, 10:38
Example: I perform an action. That action leans more toward the "Dark Side" or the "Light Side"; it has a tendancy toward good or evil (or else it is perfectly neutral, which is highly unlikely, considering the nature of the human psyche). The only thing we need to ask is, "which direction does it lean toward?" Obviously it leans in a certain direction. . . .
Hmm..Soo...Vader, for instance, in Return of the Jedi, would you say he is a evil man, or a good one?
Jal-Sen Katmec
18-05-2005, 10:38
No, it didn't follow the script of Episode IV. You could reasonably say what you said about every one of them. "Chase sequence, stuff blows up, etc." Not that every single movie begins with a ship speeding toward a planet. . . . And it didn't start off on Tatooine, it started on Naboo. I'd be very angry if Lucas hadn't mentioned Tatooine in Episode I, and Anakin (who was from Tatooine) had to come in some time.
As to the thing with Padme, why shouldn't she forgive him? Tuskens are cold-blooded monsters!
18-05-2005, 10:40
They are either in the light side or the dark side. Thats as black and white as you could possibly get. Of course there is a little light in the dark side and a little dark in the light side (thats why there are dots of the opposing color in each side of the yin and yang). This does not change the fact that the very premise of Lucas' Star Wars universe is that there is a good and an evil side and you can categorize people into either one based on their actions.
The idea of the Force is believed to be based largely on Taoism, which specifically states that all things have good and evil, light and dark within, even itself. Thus the light and dark side. The two sides exist as tools with the person deciding which one to use. The characters themselves are multi-faceted; Anakin was a good person who turned to the dark side because of hatred. Luke very nearly succumbed to the same fate because of his own rage, etc. It displays rather well that one isn't inherently good or evil, but is defined by his or her actions.
Thats the trend started by Star Wars. Very thin plot but big special effects. Thats precisely the shift George Lucas is credited with causing in the movie industry.
Good movies do come out occasionally but most of what Hollywood puts out is crap thats big on special effects. You pretty much have to stick to independent or foreign films to get anything worthwhile these days, thanks to the trend started by Star Wars.
Placing the whole blame on the Star Wars movies is rather simplistic. Crappy movies existed before Star Wars, and there are good special effect flicks after them. You can't generalize nearly 30 years of an entire industry based on one movie trilogy.
18-05-2005, 10:40
Point is, when Star Wars came out it was the opposite, films with winding plots, all based on realism.
Not at all. Before Star Wars we had two different King Kong movies (one of them actually released the same year as star wars), Planet of the Apes, The Jungle Book. There were many movies that could hardly be labelled realist or winding plots. Star Wars was not even the best movie released that year, Rocky was.
18-05-2005, 10:46
No, it didn't follow the script of Episode IV. You could reasonably say what you said about every one of them. "Chase sequence, stuff blows up, etc." Not that every single movie begins with a ship speeding toward a planet. . . . And it didn't start off on Tatooine, it started on Naboo. I'd be very angry if Lucas hadn't mentioned Tatooine in Episode I, and Anakin (who was from Tatooine) had to come in some time.
As to the thing with Padme, why shouldn't she forgive him? Tuskens are cold-blooded monsters!
It went to Tatooine within minutes.
At the end, they blew up the Trade federation mothership, wich deativated the droideka army.It might as well have been the Death Star.
As for the Tuskens, aee they really "Mindless Monsters" like Anakin says?
Funny...they have tribal societies, can use tools like guns and weapons, care for thier young, and carry them on thier backs in papoose-like pouches...
and even keep pets.
Thats not mindless.
Skywalker was a JEDI...Jedi dont murder entire villiages of innocents.
Padme has been around them sicne she was a young girl, she would know this.
That alone would be a HUGE warning bell.
Becoming attracted to a mass murderer isnt a smart thing to do.
18-05-2005, 10:49
Placing the whole blame on the Star Wars movies is rather simplistic. Crappy movies existed before Star Wars, and there are good special effect flicks after them. You can't generalize nearly 30 years of an entire industry based on one movie trilogy.
There are movies that are seminal. They are unique and have a resounding impact in the industry. The Godfather proved that yes, people will sit through 3 hours if its worth it. Star Wars proved you dont need a plot just lots of expensive effects.
18-05-2005, 10:52
There are movies that are seminal. They are unique and have a resounding impact in the industry. The Godfather proved that yes, people will sit through 3 hours if its worth it. Star Wars proved you dont need a plot just lots of expensive effects.
If you dont think Star Wars had a plot, you dont have any idea of what a plot is.
Episode II was a REAL stinker (script-wise; the special effects are always "groundbreaking," no doubt about that), but Episode I was magnificent! What was wrong with it?
By the way, Episode III is probably going to be the best on of all six.
I heard III bombed because it didn't do everything fans want it to: apparently (no spoilers, don't worry) the film doesn't give a lot of the missing story, although it supposedly drops exactly where IV takes up.
Rumor has it that the characters aren't given enough real "depth..." as in they go from light to dark (in Anakin's case) without a real... transition.
Meh, hopefully my sources are wrong, but they sounded pretty convincing that it left the sneak viewers... felling short-handed. :(
German Nightmare
18-05-2005, 11:01
I sense much fear in you.
Fear is the path to the dark side... fear leads to anger... anger leads to hate.. hate leads to suffering.
Funky Beat
18-05-2005, 11:05
The "rant" in brackets really drew my interest in this thread... I see how people can not like the most recent movies... but the first 3 are classic works of cinema.
Burn the Ewoks! Burn the Ewoks! Burn!
Commie Catholics
18-05-2005, 11:07
The "rant" in brackets really drew my interest in this thread... I see how people can not like the most recent movies... but the first 3 are classic works of cinema.
Burn the Ewoks! Burn the Ewoks! Burn!
Burn the Ewoks? The Ewoks are what made that movie great.
18-05-2005, 11:11
Burn the Ewoks? The Ewoks are what made that movie great.
Is that sarcasm?
Are you saying that the Empire being brought low by fucking teddy bears, was fine and dandy with you?
18-05-2005, 11:12
Not at all. Before Star Wars we had two different King Kong movies (one of them actually released the same year as star wars), Planet of the Apes, The Jungle Book. There were many movies that could hardly be labelled realist or winding plots. Star Wars was not even the best movie released that year, Rocky was.
Planet of the Apes was 1968
The King Kong movie you referred to was 1976 not 1977.
Jungle Book was 1967.
So only one was released near Star Wars, and that was a remake.
There was nothing really new. Sci-Fi wasn't a large genre at all. The point still stands that Star Wars brought escapism to the masses in a way that had never been done before. And, in my mind, in a decent format.
I admit maybe i generalized too much with the realism thing, but still that was the major trend at the time.
18-05-2005, 11:43
Planet of the Apes was 1968
The King Kong movie you referred to was 1976 not 1977.
Jungle Book was 1967.
So only one was released near Star Wars, and that was a remake.
There was nothing really new. Sci-Fi wasn't a large genre at all. The point still stands that Star Wars brought escapism to the masses in a way that had never been done before. And, in my mind, in a decent format.
I admit maybe i generalized too much with the realism thing, but still that was the major trend at the time.
Actually your point falls apart by your own admission. Notice your claim remains "in a way that had never been done before" yet you admit to several examples of how it had been done.
Here are other escapist movies from just that year:
The Hobbit
Herbie Goes to Monte Carlo
Kentucky Fried Movie
Oh, God!
The Rescuers
Saturday Night Fever
Sinbad and The Eye of the Tiger
Smoky and the Bandit
18-05-2005, 12:23
Actually your point falls apart by your own admission. Notice your claim remains "in a way that had never been done before" yet you admit to several examples of how it had been done.
Here are other escapist movies from just that year:
The Hobbit
Herbie Goes to Monte Carlo
Kentucky Fried Movie
Oh, God!
The Rescuers
Saturday Night Fever
Sinbad and The Eye of the Tiger
Smoky and the Bandit
And were any as big as Star Wars? No.
Why? Because it was a new take on the old 'hero quest' tale. It had all the right characters that were needed. The special effects complimented the movie rather than ruined it (like Ep:1 and Ep:2 in my opinion). Sci-Fi was not a big genre so that also helped it. The score was brilliant and its didn't use very very famous actors, sure they were known, but they weren't too big. The plot was simple, but it was a decent plot.
As for my claim that "never been done before" it stands in the fact that in terms of sci-fi movies, success like that had never occured on that scale before.
But still, your accusation that its all special effects and nothing else is a little harsh.
Legless Pirates
18-05-2005, 12:25
Kentucky Fried Movie is awesome
18-05-2005, 12:31
Kentucky Fried Movie is awesome
Very true :D
Frencham states
18-05-2005, 12:37
Well i'm about to go and line up to see Ep3 and hopefully it will be worth it even if it just for the atmosphere that is created from people that have already been in line for 12 hours and the movie is not being shown here for another 2 1/2. If it turns out to be not quite as good as Ep4 so be it, if it is better than 1 or 2 it is a bonus.
18-05-2005, 12:53
As for my claim that "never been done before" it stands in the fact that in terms of sci-fi movies, success like that had never occured on that scale before.
Thats your brand new claim, not your original claim. Success on that scale had never been achieved before in any genre at all. It was the highest grossing movie ever (and continues to be if Im not mistaken). However it wasnt first to bring sci fi to the masses. There is a great tradition of sci fi movies predating Star Wars. The true pioneers in the genre are Buck Rogers and Flash Gordon. There are countless other popular titles including The Day the Earth Stood Still, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, to name just two of the more popular ones. Hollywood has a great tradition of sci-fi going back to the beginnings of Hollywood. The only revolutionary thing about Star Was was its special effects and incredible success at the box office (despite being trashed by critics).
Your original claim is gone because you edited the post but your previous claim to that one was that:
The point still stands that Star Wars brought escapism to the masses in a way that had never been done before.
You started out with one point, changed it a little when it disproven, then changed it a whole lot when that new point was disproven. Do you care to change it again?
18-05-2005, 13:00
Success on that scale had never been achieved before in any genre at all. It was the highest grossing movie ever (and continues to be if Im not mistaken).
Titanic is the highest grossing movie ever. Just an FYI. (Source:
18-05-2005, 13:24
Thats your brand new claim, not your original claim
:rolleyes: i qualified it not changed it ;)
Look, shall i scrap all my previous arguements? I may as well as their crap. Your never going to accept that Star Wars isn't as bad as you think it is, you claim it has a thin plot, is nothing but special effects. Fair enough. I think otherwise. Its not the greatest movie ever, but its still a damed good one.
FYI Star Wars is the highest grossing franchise. Highest grossing film is Titanic.
In other words, I consider myself beaten, but not wrong. :D
18-05-2005, 13:45
Bet those words have never been uttered on NS before :D
San haiti
18-05-2005, 14:43
I would love to see a live action version of Patlabor 2. My fave anime movie of all time...even beyond Ghost in the Shell and its sequel.
Patalbor 2: so...much...talking. For a movie about giant robots they spent an awful lot of time talking rather than blowing stuff up. I felt like i had read a book rather than watched a movie by the time that finished (i watched it subbed).
18-05-2005, 14:58
i hope this one is better than the last 2 movies. i think it will be considering that it is the last one and lucas won't want to piss fans off with a bad ending.
but after this, the future of star wars will be in video games and i'm hoping for a knights of the old republic 3!
18-05-2005, 14:59
Patalbor 2: so...much...talking. For a movie about giant robots they spent an awful lot of time talking rather than blowing stuff up. I felt like i had read a book rather than watched a movie by the time that finished (i watched it subbed).
Nah, its a movie about the people who pilot the robots. And its got story line. :eek: Hence why I like it. I'm not a big fan of anime, but this one was really good. The sound track was also brilliant.
18-05-2005, 15:20
The first 3 movies were golden for their time. Older gen folk still talk about the first time they saw The Spaceship during the opening of A New Hope. The holy trinity along with Star Trek defined what was Sci-fi for that generation. Yes yu have your Planet of the Apes, Flash Gordon (which was only made tolerable by Queen providing the soundtrack), but no one today does something like try to make the church of the Apes. There was however the Church of Jedi and it was offically reconized for 1 year.
Unfortunatly, the last two flicks in My opinion are not so much Star Wars 1 & 2, but rather Space Balls 2 &3
Lots of talk about thin plot in the first two movies - I don't get that. The first movie had a straightforward plot, but NOT the same as thin. And it had great character development, something that adventure/ action movies still struggle with today.
Second movie had a GREAT plot - two separate themes that inevitably come together, more character development, and a hell of an ending cliffhanger...
Granted, from The Muppets Take The Death Star on, the movies have had bad plots. But NOT the first 2.
18-05-2005, 16:09
I heard III bombed because it didn't do everything fans want it to: apparently (no spoilers, don't worry) the film doesn't give a lot of the missing story, although it supposedly drops exactly where IV takes up.
First of all, Episode III comes out tonight at 1205 AM. I know. I'm going to the midnight show :p
Second, it did have spoilers. Most of them though required a Hyperspace membership to I have such a membership and have been following it closely since I first got it when it was brand new.
Third, kinda hard when Luke is 18 in episode IV! I'll let you figure that one out :p
Rumor has it that the characters aren't given enough real "depth..." as in they go from light to dark (in Anakin's case) without a real... transition.
BS!!! I can say that too. Read the book and you'll understand what I mean. Besides, you saw part of his transition in Episode II!
Meh, hopefully my sources are wrong, but they sounded pretty convincing that it left the sneak viewers... felling short-handed. :(
Your sources are wrong.
18-05-2005, 16:11
There are no, and have never been any, plans for Episodes 7-9. GL said so himself.
Episode II rocks....but you have to grow into it. Watch it a few times, and you'll appreciate it more....but whatever you do, try to pretend JarJar doesn't exist. He's the biggest travesty in filmmaking history :( :( :( :(
First of all, Episode III comes out tonight at 1205 AM. I know. I'm going to the midnight show :p
I know, I am referring to a few close "contacts" who've seen it.
Second, it did have spoilers. Most of them though required a Hyperspace membership to I have such a membership and have been following it closely since I first got it when it was brand new.
I meant my post wasn't going to have spoilers.
Third, kinda hard when Luke is 18 in episode IV! I'll let you figure that one out :p
Already, uh, know. ;)
BS!!! I can say that too. Read the book and you'll understand what I mean. Besides, you saw part of his transition in Episode II!
I mean the movie, not the book. I am referring to the lack of depth in the MOVIE....
Your sources are wrong.
Good. :D
Aronian States
18-05-2005, 16:28
18-05-2005, 16:33
I know, I am referring to a few close "contacts" who've seen it.
They probably wouldn't know a good movie if the dark side hit them! :p
I meant my post wasn't going to have spoilers.
Hehe! I know plenty of spoilers. :D Heck, I even seen them film part of the movie and watched Anakin and Obi Wan practice their lightsaber duel :P
Already, uh, know. ;)
Good! :D
I mean the movie, not the book. I am referring to the lack of depth in the MOVIE....
From what I'm seeing, they're still wrong. LOL
Good. :D
18-05-2005, 16:36
BS!!! I can say that too. Read the book and you'll understand what I mean. Besides, you saw part of his transition in Episode II!
Was that before or after the part where Anakin was performing a Jedi hand-trick while having a wet dream about his mother? (Better?)
18-05-2005, 16:46
Was that before or after the part where he was performing a Jedi hand-trick while having a wet dream about his mother?
Upper Dobbs Town
18-05-2005, 16:59
Admittedly this recent trilogy, thus far, has been a stinker, but the first three are ranked mong some of the best films of all time, and rightly so.
...Not 'best of all time', rather, 'highest-grossing'.
Not at all the same thing.
Not even close.
18-05-2005, 17:01
...Not 'best of all time', rather, 'highest-grossing'.
Not at all the same thing.
Not even close.
He stated "AMONG the best of all time" and he is right about that.
Upper Dobbs Town
18-05-2005, 17:47
He stated "AMONG the best of all time" and he is right about that.
No, he is wrong about that. Except insofar as any film could potentially be described as being "AMONG" the best films of all time. Like "Rush Hour 2", "Meatballs", or "Dude, Where's My Car?". Any of these turkeys could safely be described as being "AMONG" the best films of all time, particularly if found on the same shelf of a video-store alongside some of the actual greats.
Not one of the Star Wars films deserves to be ranked alongside "Taxi Driver", "Midnight Cowboy", "Chinatown", "Citizen Kane", "North By Northwest", "Blow-Up", or "Duck Soup" - in just precisely the same way that Britney Spears' record, "...Baby One More Time" does not deserve to be ranked alongside The Velvet Underground's "The Velvet Underground & Nico", Bruce Springsteen's "Nebraska", The Ramone's "Rocket To Russia", or the 13th Floor Elevator's "Easter Everywhere".
Britney Spears may have sold a whole lotta albums, but it's eminently disposable crap and you know it. So sales don't mean squat. Star Wars may have been successful at putting bums on seats and selling bric-a-brac, but it did absolutely NOTHING to advance quality story-telling in the medium of film, rather it aided and abetted the systematic retardation of film at the tail end of the 20th century...
But it/they certainly are among the highest-grossing films of all time, that can't be denied, and I do not. I agree whole-heartedly with the original poster on this thread, however. Perhaps now we can get back to the notion of substance over style. Though somehow, I doubt that.
Bums on seats, laddy, bums on seats.
18-05-2005, 17:56
No, he is wrong about that. Except insofar as any film could potentially be described as being "AMONG" the best films of all time. Like "Rush Hour 2", "Meatballs", or "Dude, Where's My Car?". Any of these turkeys could safely be described as being "AMONG" the best films of all time, particularly if found on the shelf of a video-store.
So? What does that have to do with the Price of Rice in China? Doesn't it belong to a personal Opinion?
Not one of the Star Wars films deserves to be ranked alongside "Taxi Driver", "Midnight Cowboy", "Chinatown", "Citizen Kane", "North By Northwest", "Blow-Up", or "Duck Soup" - in just precisely the same way that Britney Spears' record, "...Baby One More Time" does not deserve to be ranked alongside The Velvet Underground's "The Velvet Underground & Nico", Bruce Springsteen's "Nebraska", The Ramone's "Rocket To Russia", or the 13th Floor Elevator's "Easter Everywhere".
That is your own personal Opinion. I happen to disagree with your opinion. I do believe that it is one of the best SERIES OF FILMS of all time. How many of those films actually have not 2 not three or four but SIX films? Ok, I'll admit that the Episode I wasn't the best nor should be rated as such. Episode II was better, much better and could have a case as being rated as such. My personal opinion is that Star Wars is among the best set of films of all time.
Britney Spears may have sold a whole lotta albums, but it's eminently disposable crap and you know it. So sales don't mean squat. Star Wars may have been successful at putting bums on seats and selling bric-a-brac, but it did absolutely NOTHING to advance quality story-telling in the medium of film, rather it aided and abetted the systematic retardation of film at the tail end of the 20th century...
I don't listen to Britney Spears so I wouldn't know a thing about her. I do know Star Wars however, and to me it is one of the best films ever created. Think about this. They invented technology for the film. Technology that is used in film industry today. They are still creating new technology for the film industry. That alone makes these films unique. It sure as heck did do alot in advancing quality story-telling in film. It also bucked the trend of its day when it First came out. Everyone rates it as among the best films ever. You may disagree with that and I don't really care but that is a fact.
But it/they certainly are among the highest-grossing films of all time, that can't be denied, and I do not. I agree whole-heartedly with the original poster on this thread, however. Perhaps now we can get back to the notion of substance over style. Though somehow, I doubt that.
Again. Your opinion laddy. My opinion is the exact opposite.
Bums on seats, laddy, bums on seats.
Then by nature, it doesn't matter. You just destroyed your arguements since most of the best films were also high grossing too. Thanks for destroying your arguement with this last line.
Old Dobbs Town
18-05-2005, 18:01
I destroyed nothing. Your analysis is simplistic, over-wrought, and fails to hit the target.
Re-read, re-think, re-state.
18-05-2005, 18:05
I destroyed nothing. Your analysis is simplistic, over-wrought, and fails to hit the target.
Re-read, re-think, re-state.
Oh it very much does since all movies are geared to put butts in the seats. Therefore, you did destroy your own arguements. I don't care if you like Star Wars or not. However, it is one of the best series of films ever to come out. Most people agree on that.
By your own admission though, "Butts in the seats" is what every movie wants. Every good film is high grossing. So by your own admission, none of these films then deserve the title, among the best film ever.
Old Dobbs Town
18-05-2005, 18:19
Every good film is high grossing.
No, you're wrong again. Most good films go unnoticed. And more to my point, high-grossing films are just that...high-grossing films.
Not 'good' in any sense other than that they are 'good' as part of an overall marketing strategy for useless bric-a-brac and fizzy beverages.
As far as 'best series of films', well - just how large a pool of competitors does 'Star Wars' face there? 'Star Wars' vs. 'Legally Blonde'? 'Star Wars' vs. the 'Ernest' films? 'Star Wars' vs. 'Friday the 13th'?
Give me a break. You're fishing in a barrel, and a leaky barrel at that...
18-05-2005, 19:25
It is my opinion that you don't like Star Wars. Fine. I don't honestly care. However, Star Wars IS AMONG the best films of all time.
That is the opinion of many people and not just the people on this forum too. No matter how vehemently you spout that it isn't is just going to further people's resolve that it is.
I suggest a truce on this because it really is a matter of opinion.
IImperIIum of man
18-05-2005, 22:25 been a scifi fan for over 20 years, and *gasp* i actually enjoyed the pre-quals. sure the original trilogy are classics, and aside from certain annoying characters like jarjar the pre-quals help tp flesh out the greater starwars universe. especially given that most of the action in the original 3 movies takes place in backwater locations like hoth, degobah, endor etc..
there is also the fact that peoples attitudes and views change over time. lucas is still a great film maker and he has the guts to do it all his own way.
i understood what he was trying to get at with showing us the "glorious" old republic the rebels were trying to re-establish.
as far as it's influence. starwars is a fantasy story in space with it's villians and bad guys and like many hollywood movies it is made to ENTERTAIN not to revolutionize real world social issues. it did in fact change the direction of scifi and because of that we have other masterpieces like JMS's babylon 5 series(chock full of plot i might add) and books like david webers honor harrington series.
18-05-2005, 22:37
What was wrong with it?
By the way, Episode III is probably going to be the best on of all six.
Two words: Jar-jar Binks.
Another word: Metaclorians (sp)
As for III being the best...highly unlikely.
Shadowstorm Imperium
18-05-2005, 22:42
I don't see why people complain about movies they don't like. If I don't like a movie, I just don't watch it again. And if I think I won't like it, I don't watch it in the first place.
Shadowstorm Imperium
18-05-2005, 22:43
Two words: Jar-jar Binks.
Another word: Metaclorians (sp)
As for III being the best...highly unlikely.
18-05-2005, 22:44
Point is, when Star Wars came out it was the opposite, films with winding plots, all based on realism. Lucas did something different then. Escapism. It was never meant to be complicated. It was a simple plot, but that was the point. It was meant to be a saga, a legend. If you don't like it fine, but those kind of stories have always existed, Lucas just wrote one with aspects of many of the old legends, a few 'borrowed' ideas, brought special effects into the mix and made a difference.
Exactly. Lucas worked closely with Joseph Campbell in order to give his story a truly mythic feel. I just wish that with these three prequels, he'd stayed in the role of producer and given it over to some promising young director and competent screenplay writers. Lucas admitted in an interview that he's no good at dialogue, hence the really wooden dialogue between Anakin an Amidala in Ep II. (Christ, that kid that plays Anakin made Al Gore look lively by comparison.)
I'm still pissed at Lucas for the change of the Cantina scene in Star Wars between Han Solo and Greedo. Dammit, Solo shot first, under the table. That's the way he was. Don't dumb it down for a new audience. I saw that film for the first time at the age of 8. I don't think the fact that Solo wasn't a pure-white cowboy hat kinda guy scarred me... :rolleyes:
18-05-2005, 22:45
Whatever. The Force is supposed to be mystical and miraculous. If you explain it away with pseudo-science, it becomes mundane.
Shadowstorm Imperium
18-05-2005, 22:51
Whatever. The Force is supposed to be mystical and miraculous. If you explain it away with pseudo-science, it becomes mundane.
"Whatever"? I thought you put "(sp)" because you wanted to know.
I can see your point, but it's hardly a large part of the movies, and the Force is still mostly unexplained. Just ignore it.
Its almost over. We can finally look forward to a future without new Star Wars. Nearly 30 years ago George Lucas unleashed upon the world the movie that would forever change the face of cinema by proving that story is meaningless and special effects is everything. The good vs evil, bad guys wear black, Bushesque cowboy show that was Star Wars will finally be over. Let us celebrate the end of this era and hope that this time the release and simultaneous demise of Star Wars beckons a new era of cinema where story once again does matter and special effects are once again only icing on a well made cake.
You silly little poster! There are still at least 3 more movies scheduled! They're about Leia's jedi training. I wonder who they'll get to play Leia? Natilie (sp?) Portman who plays Padme in eps 1, 2 & 3?
Shadowstorm Imperium
18-05-2005, 23:08
You silly little poster! There are still at least 3 more movies scheduled! They're about Leia's jedi training. I wonder who they'll get to play Leia? Natilie (sp?) Portman who plays Padme in eps 1, 2 & 3?
George Lucas said he's not making any more movies.
George Lucas said he's not making any more movies.
That's not what I heard...
Shadowstorm Imperium
18-05-2005, 23:21
That's not what I heard...
Well this is what I heard:
I said this is not necessarily the last of the "Star Wars" movies. Although Lucas has absolutely said he is finished with the series, it is inconceivable to me that 20th Century-Fox will willingly abandon the franchise, especially as Lucas has hinted that parts VII, VIII and IX exist at least in his mind. There will be enormous pressure for them to be made, if not by him, then by his deputies.
18-05-2005, 23:29
Well, I just saw Episode III at the Loews Kips Bay on 2nd Avenue in New York at a screening for Random House. It is truly amazing. I won't reveal anything other than that you probably won't see special effects as good for five to ten years. The opening scene is breathtaking. Other than special effects, it's also great. Better than the most recent two movies, and definitely as good as any in the original trilogy.
18-05-2005, 23:29
Shadow is right. 7, 8, and 9 won't be made.
The Tempral Providence
18-05-2005, 23:33
Many reviews are saying that episode 3 redeems the new trilogy to the originals glory. If so this will be the greatest movie ever made.
New British Glory
18-05-2005, 23:48
A friend of mine has not yet seen the orginals and so I have shown him Episodes I and II (we are going to see III on Friday) and then he will watch the orginals afterwards. He didn't like Episode I (and I dont blame him) but he actually quite liked Episode II.
The Star Wars trilogy is not going to be one of those films that makes you think - there is no real indepth analysis of themes or characters and it doesn't raise any controversial issues. Its storyline is not complex or thought provoking. It also polarises good and evil to a very large extent. However that is the beauty of Star Wars - its simplicity. Simple doesn't not mean bad or stupid - it just means a film you can enjoy.
However the Empire Strikes Back is different in this sense as it is perhaps more than 'simple'. It is quite a dark and in some ways depressing story and it avoids the usual cliche of the villians winning. It also tries to complicate the plot albeit rather unsuccessfully. If Lucas pulls off another ESB with this new film, then he will have done very well indeed.
And admit it, who actually saw Darth Vader being Lue's father? I mean it is the mother of all plot twists!
18-05-2005, 23:52
I completely forgot about 7, 8 and 9 until last year. I think that I prefer the continuation of the story as outlined by the novels for the most part. The characters are allowed to grow old and age and change-something that I know would not happen if those films were made. Currently right now, Hans and Leia have grown children. Luke is older and had almost singlehandedly redefined what the Jedi are and aren't through trial and error.
I had felt that if they were going to reprise the characters from Star Wars (I don't hold to the stupid numbering system-Star Wars is just Star Wars to me, not 'Episode IV.') it should be cast with the originals-wrinkles, grey hair, beer guts and all.
Well this is what I heard:
Note: I said this is not necessarily the last of the "Star Wars" movies. Although Lucas has absolutely said he is finished with the series, it is inconceivable to me that 20th Century-Fox will willingly abandon the franchise, especially as Lucas has hinted that parts VII, VIII and IX exist at least in his mind. There will be enormous pressure for them to be made, if not by him, then by his deputies.
So, Lucas is out. Whatever.
It's over? Thank blessed sweet Mcgillicuddy! Now they can finally make that Space 1999 Triology!!!!
Shadowstorm Imperium
18-05-2005, 23:59
So, Lucas is out. Whatever.
If you're not interested in what I have to say, just don't reply. No need to post "whatever". I was just backing up my claims:
George Lucas said he's not making any more movies.
That's not what I heard...
General Mike
18-05-2005, 23:59
Lucas said he was only going to do the story about Vader, so there'll be no Episodes VII-IX (unless Vader magically returns from the grave pissed off and out for revenge or something stupid like that).
If you're not interested in what I have to say, just don't reply. No need to post "whatever". I was just backing up my claims:
I like the word "whatever". I was using to indicate I never cared much for Lucas anyway. He can burn in Jedi hell for all I care. I didn't mean to offend you.
Robot ninja pirates
19-05-2005, 00:05
proving that story is meaningless and special effects is everything.
You really need to watch the first ones again. The floating car was done by rubbing vaseline on the camera lens so the wheels couldn't be seen. Not exactly state of the art.
19-05-2005, 00:07
"Whatever"? I thought you put "(sp)" because you wanted to know.
I can see your point, but it's hardly a large part of the movies, and the Force is still mostly unexplained. Just ignore it.
No, I just put it in there so people were aware that I knew I had misspelled it.
I'd like to ignore it, but since they decided to make it a part of the movie, it's now part of the Star Wars universe in my brain.
Shadowstorm Imperium
19-05-2005, 00:08
I like the word "whatever". I was using to indicate I never cared much for Lucas anyway. He can burn in Jedi hell for all I care. I didn't mean to offend you.
Nah, I'm not offended, just a case of guessing the wrong tone of voice - there isn't really a way to communicate that kind of thing in text (unless you write in lojban perhaps).
Shadowstorm Imperium
19-05-2005, 00:10
No, I just put it in there so people were aware that I knew I had misspelled it.
I'd like to ignore it, but since they decided to make it a part of the movie, it's now part of the Star Wars universe in my brain.
You have a star wars universe in your brain?
I can sympathise with you though, that kind of thing is annoying, but I tend to forget about it (nothing I can do about it).
19-05-2005, 00:14
You have a star wars universe in your brain?
I can sympathise with you though, that kind of thing is annoying, but I tend to forget about it (nothing I can do about it).
If I find a particular novel or movie engaging and rich enough in imagery, yes, it ends up being a permanent fixture in my head. Sure, I can turn it off when I'm not thinking about it, but since this thread is about Star Wars, guess what gets called back into the forefront of my memory?
It would be the same way if, say, Peter Jackson had made all the orcs in The Lord of the Rings trilogy have purple skin, for no particular reason...
19-05-2005, 00:35
It's over? Thank blessed sweet Mcgillicuddy! Now they can finally make that Space 1999 Triology!!!!
Ohhhh, that was a super-big bellylaugh you gave me with that one. Ye Gods!
Who would you cast as Commander Keonig?
Ohhhh, that was a super-big bellylaugh you gave me with that one. Ye Gods!
Who would you cast as Commander Keonig?
Keanu Reeves, his range of acting ability is just enough to pull off a brilliant Commander Keonig.
19-05-2005, 00:43
This just keps getting better...
This just keps getting better...
It has been so long since I saw the show, I mean 20/25 years. What was the name of the gal who could shapechange? She had those funny eyebrows.
Anyway, she could be played by George Clooney. He has the face and the right eyebrows.
The idea of the Force is believed to be based largely on Taoism, which specifically states that all things have good and evil, light and dark within, even itself. Thus the light and dark side. The two sides exist as tools with the person deciding which one to use.
Taoism doesn't really include the concepts of good and evil.
The Supreme/Ultimate embodies many opposing concepts. Male and Female. Hot and cold. Passive and agressive. However, good and evil are never mentioned in the Tao Te Ching.
In the Tao te Ching Lao Tzu basicly says that virtue is a steaming crock of sh-- and that one should do what is best given the circumstances rather than relying on inflexable morality.
19-05-2005, 03:16
It has been so long since I saw the show, I mean 20/25 years. What was the name of the gal who could shapechange? She had those funny eyebrows.
Anyway, she could be played by George Clooney. He has the face and the right eyebrows.
Would you believe I actually have one episode on VHS?
(Dragon's Domain, the least awful of all the episodes, IMO.)
The shape-shifting alien with the beaded eyebrows and sexy sideburns was named Maya, last of her species (the Psychons, from the not-so interestingly named planet (which looked suspiciously like every other not-so intersting planet on the show) Psychon.
Remember when she shape-shifted to become oxygen-producing vegetation in order to keep her crewmates from suffocating? Hee hee hee.
Ohhhh, that was so silly.
Hey how about reviving the earlier Gerry Anderson series, 'UFO'? (I actually have both seasons of that on DVD. I'm such a sucker...)
That wont have a big impact. Young Indiana Jones didnt. TV is different[/QUOTE]
That's not all true, Stargate was a moderately good movie, but the show Stargate SG-1 is one of the best shows in the sci fi genre.
19-05-2005, 03:55
That's not all true, Stargate was a moderately good movie, but the show Stargate SG-1 is one of the best shows in the sci fi genre.
But has had absolutely no impact on television in general
19-05-2005, 14:10
But has had absolutely no impact on television in general
I have to agree's an excellent show, but until it's mentioned on the Simpsons (the universal benchmark) it can't be considered to have had an impact :p :p
19-05-2005, 18:52
What was wrong with Episode 1?
I'll tell you..
It exactly followed the scrpt of epeisode 4.
We start with a space chase...end up on tatooine...find our young hero, who starts becoming a Jedi.
Young man and Jedis fight bad guys....death star blows up.
Everyone celebrates.
What else?
Jar Jar Binks sucked ass, and was so annoying.
"Mesa gonna ruin movie now, okie day?"
Darth Maul ruled, and was cast aside like trash.
An excellent villian, wasted.
Episode two was bad as well, but at least better than the previous film.
It was a turd sandwich......really cool in the beginning, shit in the middle, and really cool at the end.
The love story between anakin and Padme was stooooopid.
What on earth she could have seen in a whiny murdering asshole like Anakin I cant imagine.
The guys mom gets killed by Tuskens, and he goes and wipes out the entire villiage, men women and children, and she says "There there..pat will be fine."
Screw that..get away from me you mass murdering Jedi asshole!!
Best. Post. Ever.
19-05-2005, 18:55
That wont have a big impact. Young Indiana Jones didnt. TV is different
That's not all true, Stargate was a moderately good movie, but the show Stargate SG-1 is one of the best shows in the sci fi genre.
"Impact" is different from "quality". Young Indiana Jones Chronicles was an excellent series, but it was quickly forgotten. And Stargate...
19-05-2005, 19:53
"Impact" is different from "quality". Young Indiana Jones Chronicles was an excellent series, but it was quickly forgotten. And Stargate...
"Cheesey" and "Hookie" come to mind when Stargate is mentioned. The show has some truely bad effects and makeup. The storylines are pretty good but its the bad acting and effects that I can't forget.
Bring back Farscape!! Much better than Stargate.
19-05-2005, 21:46
Bring back Farscape!! Much better than Stargate.
20-05-2005, 02:57
"Cheesey" and "Hookie" come to mind when Stargate is mentioned. The show has some truely bad effects and makeup. The storylines are pretty good but its the bad acting and effects that I can't forget.
Lol, that's why I didn't want to comment on Stargate. It's pretty standard stuff, though admittedly I have only seen the first few episodes, but after the pilot wasn't really interested.
20-05-2005, 04:38
Its almost over. We can finally look forward to a future without new Star Wars. Nearly 30 years ago George Lucas unleashed upon the world the movie that would forever change the face of cinema by proving that story is meaningless and special effects is everything.
Don't be silly. It's not as if decent story-driven films don't exist, unless you missed out on Schindler's List, The Shawshank Redeption, et al.
There are two types of film; interesting stories, and visual spectaculars. There's room in the world for both. I don't really care what Star Wars is about, I just like looking at the pretty pictures. That's what it's for, stop taking it so seriously.
20-05-2005, 17:01
Besides Lazyhippies,
Rumor on the vine has it that there maybe a Star Wars TV Series. :D
Ain't over yet my friend :)
Its almost over. We can finally look forward to a future without new Star Wars. Nearly 30 years ago George Lucas unleashed upon the world the movie that would forever change the face of cinema by proving that story is meaningless and special effects is everything. The good vs evil, bad guys wear black, Bushesque cowboy show that was Star Wars will finally be over. Let us celebrate the end of this era and hope that this time the release and simultaneous demise of Star Wars beckons a new era of cinema where story once again does matter and special effects are once again only icing on a well made cake.
You might realize, he originally wanted nine movies... and the last three could get made, seeing as he's rich as sin right now...
Just warning you, stranger things have happened.
New British Glory
21-05-2005, 01:09
I saw the film this afternoon. To be fair to it, it was alright and was better than the last two. But compared to the previous three? God no.
There was actually about 10 minutes of non-action: the rest was a typical all shooting, all sword fighting, all special effects Hollywood movie. Star Wars was effectively reduced to the level of Troy, Kingdom of Heaven and other so-so blockbusters.
Was there any attempt at describing the complex character changes which Anakin must have done to become the Sith Lord? No alas - instead Lucas glued on some badly conceived nonsense about Obi Wan having an affair with Padme and Anakin not being trusted by the Jedis. But then again, I sincerly doubt that Hayden Christian's acting would have been capable of portraying any real indepth attempts to explain the transforming psychology of Anakin. Neither would his co-star, Natalie Portman been able to support him in this role. Both were dire in their roles and about as passionate as planks of rotting wood.
The reason why no indepth character exploration was made is perhaps my biggest criticism of RotS - the fact that the focus of the action never remained in one place for more than 5 minutes. It was constantly switching and so not one single actor got enough screen time. For example take the final battle between Anakin and Obi-Wan: it should have been the most dramatic of all battles but it was constantly inter-cut with the so-so battle between Yoda and the Emperor and therefore lost most of its dramatic appeal. The same can be said of location - they did not stay in one place long enough for us to get a feel for the new worlds like we did for Hoth, Endor, Tatooine and Dagobah in the orginals. The plot was constantly flitting around and so left the audience with no real insight into any of the many planets visited. That meant the backgrounds felt tacked on, simply to show off Lucas' mastery of the blue screen rather than grant the audience the sensation of seeing an alien world. Such was the role of the Wookies - tacked onto the film as an excuse to show the audience Chewbacca and to appease those who always felt annoyed by the Ewoks in RotJ.
The acting, as mentioned, was of a dire standard. Hayden Christian, Natalie Portman and Samuel L. Jackson were poor, bringing no emotion or plausibilty to the role. Ian McDiarmd as the Emperor was the one bright spot - he managed to inject a degree of slimyness into his role and one can possibly understand how such a man could corrupt an entire galaxy to his will. Christopher Lee is woefully under used as is the new villain General Grievous, who alas is shoved in to provide Obi Wan with about 2 minutes of impressive duelling. And talking of Obi Wan, Ewan McGregor did quite well although his potential was never really reached. C-3PO is also underused, limited to the occasion "Dear oh dear". R2-D2 is better used in the first third.
The violence of the film trully earned its 12 rating: indeed I have seen better 15s in terms of violence. You actually see Anakin get burnt to a crisp by the lava and so many limbs get sliced off it is impossible to count. Even Yoda takes part in the decapiting violence. Cool? Yes. Necessary? no. A good film does not need huge violence to portray its message.
No I am not saying it wasnt entertaining. The opening space battle was highly enjoyable as were some of the lightsaber fights. The Emperor was also a joy to watch. The special effects were of a high quality and there was indeed a certain thrill at the end to see the story come full circle. The nostalgia value of seeing Vader again on the big screen was also quite good.
But compared to the orginal trilogy, it cannot hold its ground. It has a chance against Episode IV but the other two are simply in a class of their own. Dark RotS certainly was but as dark as the moody tradegy portrayed in TESB? No and certainly not as poignant. It lacked the humour of the orginals and the overall acting talent to make the story remotely plausible. It is my opinion that it is because of the directing of Lucas himself. The last two of the orginal series (V and VI) were directed by others and in my opinion it is that which made them superior films. Lucas is simply too obsessed with the special effects to direct with any degree of competence - had he done, he might have realised that the acting was poor, his script could have been written better by a 10 year old and that his screenplay was all over the place.
So from me its a 2 out of 5 for this film. Entertaing for the two and a bit hours I watched it but it will have any profound effect on my thinking? I do hope not otherwise I might start slicing people's heads off with a bread knife while making my own lightsaber noises.
Jal-Sen Katmec
21-05-2005, 07:35
Hayden Christensen has no acting ability whatsoever.
Perhaps it's just my imagination, but it seemed as though Ewan McGregor was trying to achieve a vocal quality slightly different from the one expressed in "The Phantom Menace" and "Attack of the Clones." It annoyed me, as did the high-pitched, mouse-like sounds of virtually all the droids, nothing like the more entertaining and less laughable voices of OOM-9 and the average battle droid that we all know and love; but on to deeper things. . . .
I don't know of any implication about an affair with Padme, but McGregor's acting was indeed outstanding, as was Ian McDiarmid's, who was absolutely brilliant.
As for the script, I don't see how it was so bad. As a matter of fact, it was very good, I thought (except for only two or three lines). It was much better than the script for Episode II. . . . And what's wrong with relying on special effects? Granted, they shouldn't be overdone, but they exist for the purpose of telling a story. They support the story and help bring it to the audience's minds as reasonable, plausible, mind-blowing, or thought-provoking (or all of the above, like Episode III). Nothing wrong with special effects and I admire Lucas for his bold use of them.
The film was actually better than "A New Hope" and did more than give "The Empire Strikes Back" a run for its money. "Return of the Jedi" doesn't even enter into it.
The thing with the Wookies was pointless, made no sense, and had no business in the movie, although it was nice to see Chewie on the big screen.
And let me remind you that the switching from battle sequence to battle sequence is a common experience in all Star Wars films and doesn't necessarily detract from the film's quality. Personally, I have an affinity for lightsabers, so I would rather have seen more of Anakin vs. Obi-Wan than Palpatine vs. Yoda, but as a disinterested observer, Palpatine vs. Yoda was great fun. You really can't stay with one aspect of a movie or story for too long (long enough for the audience to get a grasp), or else it will become stale and old. Seriously, could you have survived watching them fight, surrounded by lava, for more than five to ten minute intervals? I couldn't. We need to flash back and forth.
Mace Windu displayed unspeakably "poor" acting indeed.
All in all, I think this is one of the best of all the Star Wars films. And you speak of Episode I as though it wasn't stunning and really good. Episode II was the one that sucked.......
21-05-2005, 11:36
Bring back Farscape!! Much better than Stargate.
I agree in that Farscape was one of the better TV SciFi programs.
Stargate SG1 and Stargate Atlantis are just awful... I mean WHY DOES EVERY PLANET SPEAK SOME FORM OF ENGLISH WHEN EARTH DEVELOPED THOUSANDS OF LANGUAGES! The typical plots are so simple that they reduce the brain at times to pain... No cliche goes unexplored... The bad guys also suck, I mean are those glowing eyes and deep voices supposed to be scary?
However I don't think they should bring back Farscape, but instead should create something new. Currently theres also the reimageneing of Battlestar Glactica, which explores many complex philisopical and theological ideas. It is intresting to watch...