NationStates Jolt Archive

NS Player Political Beliefs - Page 2

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09-08-2005, 06:38
The United Socialist States of Roccuya
Abortion: Pro
Affirmative Action: ?
Arms Trade: Yes, though restraint must be used, and the most powerful weapons/ technologies must be kept to oneself
Death Penalty: Against, unless a matter of treason
Drugs: Minor drugs (nicotine, alchohol and limited quantities of marjuana included), as well as medical prescriptions are allowed
Economic System: Planned Economy
Education: Free and compulsary to the age of 18
Electoral College in USA Elections: ?
Environmentalism: Only if it dosn't harm the economy much :)
Euthanasia: Pro
Evolution or Creation?: Evolution
FCC: ?
Gay Marriage: Pro (just don't go crazy)
Gun Control: Pro, Restricted to police and military
Immigration Policies: Allow anyone in, with background checks
Income Tax: High (50% or over)
Israel/Palestine: They are both wrong
Philosophy: The internationalle unites the human race
Political Party Affiliation: Communist (the REAL kind)
President Bush/American Policies: Against
Prostitution: Legalised brothels with licenses and regulations. Pimps and other street prostitues are outlawed
Religion: Secularised
Social Security: Maximum
The UN: An effective force for this world
Veganism/Vegetarianism: If they want... I'm sticking to meat
War in Iraq: Against
War on Terror: Only if justified
Sel Appa
19-08-2005, 02:13
The PArliamentary Republic of Sel Appa
Abortion: Pro-Choice up for first an second trimesters. Second trimesters should only be for emergencies such as threat to life.
Affirmative Action: Completely against. Forced freedom isn't freedom
Arms Trade: No comment.
Death Penalty: Fully against except for poaching of endanger species.
Drugs: Everything must be banned except for wine and beer, which must be strictly restricted to religious purposes.
Economic System: Socio-capitalism. Gov't owns utilities, mass transit, and some industry. Private-owned retail and some industry.
Education: Ages 6-16, university 18-22(One year off to prepare for university). High standards. Anyone below a 65 average should be expelled.
Electoral College in USA Elections: A load of bull.
Environmentalism: Strongly for.
Euthanasia: Against.
Evolution or Creation?: Evolution.
FCC: No comment.
Gay Marriage: Gays should be restricted to natural extinction. Seperated from normal people and live on their own until they die off. They may not adopt or reproduce(however that is even possible).
Gun Control: Strong restrictions on small arms, but loose on larger arms.
Immigration Policies: Close southern border and question who comes in.
Income Tax: Eliminate for $15k and below. Low for up $150k. High for $150k+
Israel/Palestine: Pro-Israel, but open-minded. Pro-Gaza withdrawl.
Political Party Affiliation: Democrats, Socialists, and Green.
President Bush/American Policies: Evil and oil-minded. Not fair to foreign nations. Should stop policing the world.
Prostitution: Fully against.
Religion: Atheist, but following loose Nature-worship. Trying to find/create a new religion.
Social Security: Raise retirement age to 65 and eliminate payments to rich people. focus on lower and middle class
The UN: Needs more strength. All member nations must listen to it. All nations should surrender a portion of their armies to UN control.
Veganism/Vegetarianism: Pointless, but I understand and think Vegetarians are good-hearted.
War in Iraq: Withdraw now.
War on Terror: Leave terrorism alone. Only fight them domestically.
19-08-2005, 02:31
The Republic of Valori
Abortion: Pro-Choice until the 3rd Trimester. At that point, the child is alive, and I believe it should be illegal.
Affirmative Action: Allowing people to become educated, Yes. Minorities getting jobs over Caucasians, when they do not deserve it (only to reach racial equality in numbers) No.
Arms Trade: Depends on the situation.
Death Penalty: Yes
Drugs: My beliefs mimic US law, although I believe marijuana should be allowed in controlled conditions.
Economic System: Mixed Market
Education: High Standards.
Electoral College in USA Elections: Yes
Environmentalism: Yes
Euthanasia: Yes
Evolution or Creation?: Creation happened, those involved evolved.
FCC: Neccessary, but too strict.
Gay Marriage: Civil Unions Yes, Marriage No.
Gun Control: To a Certain extent. Think Texas or North Carolina.
Immigration Policies: Anyone without Criminal Record should be allowed to become a citizen, however, illegal immigrants should be deported.
Income Tax: Under 15%
Israel/Palestine: Pro-Israel.
Philosophy: People should only be concerned with themselves, and those they affect. Otherwise, what people do in their own lives is none of our buissness.
Political Party Affiliation: Republican Party
President Bush/American Policies: Pro-Bush
Prostitution: Anti-Prostitution
Religion: Roman Catholic
Social Security: Perfect as is.
The UN: A Neccessary Evil.
Veganism/Vegetarianism: Everyone should have the choice to eat or not eat meat. More power to them.
War in Iraq: Pro.
War on Terror: Pro.
19-08-2005, 02:49
The republic of Coranthia.

The <republic> of <Coranthia>
Abortion: Pro-life
Affirmative Action: ?
Arms Trade: If the world was perfect I would be against...
Death Penalty: Against
Drugs: Ban on all mind altering and inhibitng drugs.(Not including those for medicine)
Economic System: Free trade.
Education: Basic trade skills aprentishp further education availble through colleges.
Electoral College in USA Elections: For. People in genral are bad.
Environmentalism: Working for an alternative to oil is one of my primary concerns.
Euthanasia: Anti
Evolution or Creation?: Creationism
FCC: For. There is art and then there is Fuck shit bitch ass you get the point
Gay Marriage: Agaisnt. Not really religous more becuase it's shown to be bad for the society
Gun Control: Licsense requierd.
Immigration Policies: A wall around my country but who ever wants in legally can come through and leave a paper trail.
Income Tax: Flat 5% no matter what!
Israel/Palestine: They can both go fuck themselves.
Philosophy: treat life as it is sacred.
Political Party Affiliation: Conservative mostly.
President Bush/American Policies: He's doing the best he can. He's in office in a shitty time really.
Prostitution: Ilegal but not cracked down on unless std's become epidemic.
Religion: Founded on judeo chritain beliefs but ther is no state church.
Social Security: Given to those who trully need it. And only 6 months of unemplyoment. For life.
The UN: Not doing it's job. But if it worked it would be good.
Veganism/Vegetarianism: Huh? Meat is tasty.
War in Iraq: We need to finish what we start.
War on Terror: More like war on Iran.
Lotus Puppy
19-08-2005, 02:57
Lotus Puppy

Abortion: Strongly Pro Life
Affirmative Action: Against
Arms Trade: For
Death Penalty: Only in worst case scenarios
Drugs: Keep it as they are
Economic System: Laissez-faire capitalism
Education:Complete privatization. I believe it'd improve education and more
Electoral College in USA Elections: Has its strenghts and weaknesses. I don't know
Environmentalism: Hell no
Epistomology: Rationalist.
EU: Love it. I'm sad to see that it is going.
Euthanasia: Pro-Choice. Just don't pull the plug on me.
Evolution or Creation?: I don't care one bit.
Christian Fundementalism: Ultimatly bad for everyone involved, including Christianity. Nice idea, but life is about more than fundementals. It's about building on them.
FCC: Abolish it.
Gay Marriage: Iffy. We need to look further into this issue.
Gun Control: Free trade of hand guns and semi-automatics, and nothing else.
Immigration Policies: Open Boorders, but screening for criminals should be done
Human outlook: mostly optimistic. I abhor group-think. There's a lack of morality in every society, too, as there always was. But we can overcome, as we have overcome our environment and tyranny. Someone just needs to point the way.
Income Tax: Flat tax
Israel/Palestine: The two groups need to cool down, where they will realize just how pointless it is to blow eachother up
Philosophy: All humans are entitled to their own minds, and must use them to succeed. Society will benefit as a result, but must only interfere in the creation and protection of a free mind.
Political Party Affiliation: Republican. They aren't angels, but the Democrats are much worse.
President Bush/American Policies: Generally good. Foreign policy is a work of art, though more Dali than Da Vinci. Domestic policy mixed: some good, some bad. Probably one of the better presidents we've had.
Prostitution: Why not legalize it? The filth still exists, anyhow.
Religion: Roman Catholic, considering Lutheranism. I must be a decendent of Martin Luther.
Social Security: No
The UN: Okay. Flawed and corrupt, but it excels at its most important function as a world forum./
Veganism/Vegetarianism: Do what you like.
War in Iraq: Part of the War on Terror as far as I'm concerned.
War on Terror: A necessity. These people are ideaological zealots like Hitler and Stalin, only more desparate. Kill the zealots off, then reform the societies that bred these thugs.
Call to power
19-08-2005, 03:30
The Empire of Call to power

Abortion: it should always be the mothers choice no matter what stage

Affirmative Action: everyone should be equal

Arms Trade: it's good (so long as its under our control)

Death Penalty: for extreme cases where there is no chance of curing

Drugs: legalize non to weak-addictive drugs

Economic System: planned

Education: most subjects taught up to 13 at which point careers and classes are chosen

Electoral College in USA Elections:?

Environmentalism: focused around eco-friendly technology's nature being protected only in parks and greenbelts

Euthanasia: with the doctor/s support yes

Evolution or Creation?: evolution

FCC: yes

Gay Marriage: Against as homosexuality should be discouraged

Gun Control: no guns

Immigration Policies: skilled workers and high grade students only

Income Tax: higher for the rich but not too high lower for the poor

Israel/Palestine: Israel has existed too long to have illegitimate land ownership though a vote should take place to withdraw from the Gaza strip

Philosophy: the human race comes first

Political Party Affiliation: technocratic

President Bush/American Policies: they are the best at what they do so they should know what is best for us

Prostitution: Illegal

Religion: atheist

Social Security: for all except those who refuse to work outside medical reasons

The UN: good to have a neutral world power

Veganism/Vegetarianism: allow it but not one myself

War in Iraq: we need the oil and a pro west nation other than Israel in the middle east

War on Terror: vital for civilizations survival
Der Drache
19-08-2005, 04:30
Der Drache
Abortion: should be illegal except when the life of the mother is at risk
Affirmative Action: Instead of dealing with real issues such as racism and an inbalance in school funding our goverment has decided to focus on a quick fix, as it so often does. Affirmative action has shown little success while at the same time has caused bitter resentment from those who feel they have not been given a fair shot at jobs/education because they are of the majority race.
Arms Trade: Against the proliferation of weapons
Death Penalty: Against. I am not that strongly morally repulsed by it. It's barbaric, and it wasts time and money as well.
Drugs: Illegal drugs should remain illegal unless they have legitamate medical use, in which case they should be treated like every other controled substance.
Economic System: capitalism
Education: important and needs drastic reform, but I won't get into that.
Electoral College in USA Elections: a popular vote is better.
Environmentalism: The environment is important and should be protected even at the costs of short term economic gain. Global warming exhists and no one seemed to have doubted this before Bush denied it's existance.
Euthanasia: illegal, its too difficult to be certain its informed consent
Evolution or Creation?: God creates life using evolution.
FCC: Don't really care about this issue.
Gay Marriage: Christian churches should not marry gays as doing so would be in direct contradiction to the Bible, the state can do what it wishes for it is not bound by Christian morals.
Gun Control: I support stronger gun control
Immigration Policies: I think the legal immigration process should be simpler and more open. At the same time I think we need to crack down on illegal immigration.
Income Tax: I like the idea of replacing it with sales tax, but I can see problems with that system as well
Israel/Palestine: Both sides kill civilians so neither can claim to be taking the moral high ground. I wish I had any idea how to settle the dispute.
Philosophy: I won't get into that at the moment
Political Party Affiliation: Republican (moderate)
President Bush/American Policies: I still think Bush is slightly better then Kerry. I agree with the administration's stance on many domestic issues. I dissagree with it on the Patriot Act and on foreign policy.
Prostitution: should remain illegal. Sexually transmited diseases is one good reason.
Religion: Christianity (evangelical)
Social Security: I don't think Bush's reforms will help much, but I don't think they are unlikely to do much harm either. It's certainly a more risky approach.
The UN: Not as effective as it could be, but its at least nice to try to get international aggrement on how to address world problems.
War in Iraq: If the war is about saving people from an evil dictator as the administration claims, then how does it look when we both kill and indirectly cause the deaths of countless civillians
War on Terror: It's important to fight terrorism and legislation that makes our country more secure is necessary. This should not come at the expense of civil liberties. Fighting terrorism is not an excuse for Hellish detention camps and other attrocities.
26-08-2005, 23:01
The Union of Tinis
(views of the player)
Abortion: Legal, safe, and rare. People who oppose abortion usually don't relize that if its illegal, it will still happen, but won't be safe. I'll never push any one to ever have an aborition unless their life is in danger from the pregnancy, and even then, only if they ask my opinion. As for making it rare, it has been shown that a healthy, well educated, affluent, and generally non-impovrished population has fewer abortions because people are smart enough to know about birth control (methods and practices) as well as able to afford such things like birth control pills.
Affirmative Action: I'm mixed on this. Quotas are bad, but insuring that there is diversity in all areas of life makes us stronger as a nation. It challenges us to know our fellow citizens and to reflect on who we are. As for those who claim its reverse discrimination, in some ways it is, some ways it isn't. In situations when employers or admissions people are racisit (and they are getting very good at hiding their feelings in this day and age), then it works to cancel out this affect. When these same people are not racist, it may or not be a discrimintory practice. But our society is still to divided to take the chances of letting racists control the mechanims, there are still to many of them.
Arms Trade: Don't sell weapons to terrorists, or retards who could become terrorists tomorrow. Simple yes? And don't sell weapons to countries that routinely make their citizens disapear, gass ethnic groups, or are generally horrible dictatorships.
Death Penalty: Only for treason that resulted in the loss of life or for the crime of genocide or attempted genocide.
Drugs: Legalization of drugs is a pandoras box. Some claim that making pot and the like legal will reduce use, but this backwards logic is simply that. Sure today there are many people who use it, but that's not because of the law, its because of a society that makes youths want to rebell or escape in such a way that drug use is one of the few options they have. Have less stupid parents, less controlling parents, and less ignoring parents, and kids won't be becoming the junkies of tomorrow. And besides, being high all the time can't be good for democracy. There's enough distractions out there that being an informed citizen is difficult enough.
Economic System: Mixed. Free enterprise, but don't let them get away with murder or screwing everyone. THere are safe and friendly ways to make the big bucks. And having parallel industries in the government actively competeing for customers keeps prices down and pushes the private companies to push for inovation. How else are you going to beat a non profit than to have a cheaper way to make your product?
Education: Pro education. Pro free education. And pro intelligent education. Vouchers steal money from public schools. It is frightening the current push by some portions of America for enrollement in private religious schools. Reminds me of a number of middle eastern countries known for intollerance and terrorist connections...
Electoral College in USA Elections: The electoral college is a relic of the 18th and 19th centuries. I'm surprised they didn't dump it in the 50s. In a two candidate race it is possible to win with less than 40% of the vote if you get the right states.
Environmentalism: Groups like ELF and PETA give enviromentalists a bad name, along with being really retarded and counter productive in their own right. But I'm pro enviromental protection, enviromental stewardship, as well as being pro enviromental regulation. The enviroment doesn't stop at your states boarder, its a national issue... or really, and international issue.
Euthanasia: Don't like it, as I don't like abortion, but I'll be okay if its legal.
Evolution or Creation?: Evolution. Intelligent design is a psudo-science attack on evolution to destroy its credibility. You can believe what ever the hell you want, but evolution is the only theory of history that has scientific merit and is thus the only one that should be taught in government funded schools. Creationism is religion, and that's your own business if you believe it. And if you want creationisim in the class room, who's creation story will it be? The flying spageti monster? Something about a world tree? Or perhaps a great spirit created us all.
FCC: The FCC won't let me be, or let me be me... Good at regulating frequencies, interference laws, and the like; craptastic at being our nanny. Parents should be smart enough to monitor what their kids watch. If the parents don't like the stuff that's on, they can deal with it. And its scarry that we can have people shot in the head on broadcast television but partial nudity on obsucre cable is a no-no.
Gay Marriage: Should be legal, but really, what the hell is the government doing regulating marriage anyway? It should be up to the church or the religion weather or not a couple shall be wed. Would you like the Scientologists telling you what to wear? Or the Buddists what to eat? Didn't think so. So why do we let one religious coalition control this issue?
Gun Control: Waiting periods on all purchases in order to perform background checks are good. As is bans on weapons that are meant for war (such as that big ass rifle they've had on 60 minutes, rocket launchers, and Celine Dion). And regulations to make sure guns are as safe to the user as any other product on the market are also good (don't want them exploding in your hand do we?) Any thing beyond that I'll leave to the states.
Immigration Policies: Immigration is what made America America. Change keeps us fresh. We should be open to more immigration. And if you don't like illegal immagrints comeing here, well perhaps we should be less like ass holes to their home governments and negotiate fair trade deals instead of free trade deals. If the US and Mexico had similar minimum wage laws, there wouldn't be a problem.
Income Tax: Progressive income taxes allow the government to tax only what a person can afford to be taxed. When some one making less than $10,000 a year has to spend all their money for housing, food, and fuel, there's not much left over to give the government 25% tax. But the guy that makes $10,000,000 a year isn't want for the basic necessities of life, thus he can afford to pay more.
Israel/Palestine: They're both fairly retarded. That's what happens when you get hard line extremists in controll of two closely placed factions for so long, they get stuck and can't get out of their circle of violence. So either they need to move to different halfs of the planet (unlikely), or become less retarded (also unlikely).
Philosophy: Progressive, leaning liberal on policy. The best policy is the one that benefits the most or that benefits the most in the future. Aka compromise and sacrifice is alright now if it means tomorrow is better for all involved.
Political Party Affiliation: Democrat
President Bush/American Policies: Visit if you want someone to list what problems I have with Bush. American Policies are a mixed bag, some are good, some are bad. It all depends on what they are.
Prostitution: I'm mixed on this. At this time I'm against it for large scale psycological reasons. Aka, its better to have society where sex is free and loving than a society were sex is cold and monetary.
Religion: seperation of church and state keeps the government flexible and religion pure. Mix them and you suddenly have money changers in the temple, and people dissapearing because they wore an offensive word on their shirt.
Social Security: Tis an area where I'm technically conservative... as in I want to conserve what Social security has brought us. But to do that, some reform in necissary, but its not about changing how medicare works, but by changing the pay roll tax. Yes, the pay roll tax should actually be a flat tax as opposed to a regressive tax which it is now. If you make a million bucks a month, then your taxes will go up, everyone else won't notice a thing. But social security will be a hell of a lot more solvent than the current scheme. Tis easy no? And less risky to.
The UN: Some reform is needed, but no one has yet come up with an intelligent and comprehensive plan that enacts good reform. All I've seen are attempts to dismantle it. Some ideas are the removal of veto power from the security council's core memebers, forcing the representatives to the UN to be elected positions in all member nations, and to give it more teath (aka a standing international military to go in and do the peace keeping, not just governments volunteering)
Veganism/Vegetarianism: Not for me. But if you want to, fine. I don't care. I like my meat.
War in Iraq: A mistake, a crime, and a failure. Does any one remember how the UN inspectors actually returned to Iraq a couple weeks before we invaded? Aka, Saddam was moving towards cooperation. And btw, its not critics of the war that are to blame (as many 'conservatives' seem to think). Guys blowing them selves up in Bagdad probably never heard of Micheal Moore or Tim Robbins. The peopel that messed it up are the ones who are in controll of the situation. Aka, the military planners and the Bush administration. Didn't we get a promise about always having an exit strategy back in 2000?
War on Terror: Is meant to create fear in the hearts of little old laddies and spur patriotisim in no nothing suburbanities. It won't be finished when Bin Laden's head is presented on a platter in the 08 republican convention and it wont be helped by having a retarted foreign policy. If we are going to win this thing, we have to remove the seeds and the roots of the problem, not simply cutting off the heads of the dandylion.

And that is all there is today.
05-09-2005, 15:56
The <Free Land> of <Sunstate>
Abortion: Pro-choice until 3rd trimester. Information should be readily available about all options. Abortion presented as a last resort. As Sunstate is a member of the UN, sex education classes are given in school, thus lowering the number of unplanned teen pregnancies. Abortion clinics should be run by the state, of an extremely high standard, and abortions should be illegal and not carried out when the baby is alive and capable of concious thought.
Affirmative Action: People should be judged as people, not as a race or statistical numbers. Pushing for a minority to have more jobs then the race of people that makes up a majority is racism in itself: you're still judging people by face value, by the colour of their skin, not as the people they are.
Arms Trade: I want nothing to do with it. Frankly, I have better things to do with my time than supply terrorists and poor countries that should be spending their money on health and education with weapons to cause death and destruction.
Death Penalty: Never an answer, another death does not undo what has been done, and it is possible this person will never understand the enormity of what it is they have done and shall die in ignorance. Sentenced to counselling in a controlled environment, and depending on the progress made, possibly for life, with the view to reforming this person who deserved the death penalty into a rationalising, aware human being. Given that considering the offender's state of mind this may not be possible, nursing in a controlled environment is advised. Sunstate does not believe in wasting a life, no matter how worthless others may consider that life to be. All facilities to be run by trained professionals and of an extremely high standard.
Drugs: Legalised but only in privacy of own home. Public consumption prohibited. As long as they've made their choice and it's not affecting anybody else...
Economic System: Fair trade, free trade, markets and small private businesses encouraged... just as long as everyone's got enough money, is happy and nothing's damaging the Environment :D
Education: Education run by the state.... GOOD education. Good facilities, supplies and aspiring teachers to be tested not only on their knowledge, but also their communication skills. Practical subjects, giving students lots of options out of which can easily be chosen the specific subjects tailored tto prepare the student for exactly which career path they choose to follow after school. Career advice, help looking for and applying for jobs and universities. Certificates and diplomas accepted worldwide for a system with a high achievement rate that is on a common international level with the rest of the world.
Electoral College in USA Elections: ... :confused:
Environmentalism: Man has caused enough destuction to the pattern of life on this planet. It's time we tried to do something about it, but we have to work together. A national problem is a global problem. Every seemingly little thing blows up into huge global proportions: hedgerows being replaced by fences, or rainforests being felled and carted off to make pretty teak furniture, so the wildlife that once lived there now has nothing to eat and nowhere to go;boggy turf being stripped off the hillsides; the white coat of the Siberian tiger being paraded on the catwalk in front of photographers in Milan.
And so, on a global scale: animals are dying of starvation, some migrating into areas populated by humans, causing many problems for the inhabitants; rare plant species and the animals that eat them become extinct;maybe as thousands will pick up a magazine with the picture of a woman wearing the latest fashion, the pelt of a once beautiful animal, many more will be killed until extinction of the species.
It is the duty of the goverment to protect the unique environment of their country.
Euthanasia: legalised: a person has the right to die
Evolution or Creation?: Evolution. Creation is a religious belief, not a scientific one, so if you believe in the creation that's your beef. And anyway, we can see examples of evolution throughout history and all around us as we speak, it's Science, History, Geography... to disregard evolution would be to leave out a chunk knowledge out of life. What we deserve is to try and understand this beautiful Earth around us as best we can.
FCC: Parents should regulate what is suitable and what is not for their kids. I mean, they show what they do on the news, in the middle of the day when all kids can watch, because "people have to be told". I'm sorry, but I wouldn't want any future kids of mine to watch broadcasts on war showing mutilated bodies from the age of 3.... however, I WOULD want to teach my kids about what the real world is like, just as I see fit, not as some government would choose what would and what would not be suitable for the people to see. It's my choice what the hell I want to watch too. And I'd be laughing if you protested to me that you only get to see what you want... I believe the Americans were much more protected from the war on Iraq, only hearing the "good news" that a good thing?! The chaos afterwards, the innocent civilians, the mothers and children and elderly thrown into a situation where looting and stealing and violence ran rife when order wasn't immediately installed and the people protected... What the hell was that? Some kind of "Independence Party"? Or did you just not care? Knowledge is power, people, and all people should have the choice to let themselves be equal to others. On this topic you are only holding yourselves back.
Gay Marriage: If two people are in love they should be allowed to express that through marriage. Not allowing gays to marry is discrimination and a violation of human rights
Gun Control: Very, VERY strict gun control. I'd get rid of them altogether for just controlled sport purposes
Immigration Policies: We're living in a global community. People should be free to go where they wish. The world is not made of strips of land fenced off from the rest of the world. Why can't we try to help illegal immigrants instead of pushing them away? These people can contribute to our society. We need to accept that everyone is a member of the one same world.
Income Tax: People who earn more to pay more. People who earn less have less to give and need more support. We're looking to make the gap between rich and poor fade away to create more balance and equality in the world, not create a huge, wide, gaping abyss that is impossible to cross.
Israel/Palestine: While they're both blowing each other up I couldn't care less about the politics, just the civilians... and that's work for the UN.
Philosophy: I think you've heard enough from me, really... :)
Political Party Affiliation: Green. Might as well give them a chance...
President Bush/American Policies: See FFC, I suppose :rolleyes: . The war against Iraq was handled VERY BADLY :mad: . And is still being handled very badly, and the war against terrorism seems like a bit of a charade to try and put the minds of the American public at ease whilst showing them the best of the news. And I'm going to leave it right there, before I start swearing blindly...
But apart from that, I think it's ok... except for the power game of the monopoly on oil, which isn't even America's in the first place, and Bush did a nice little job of getting hold of once Iraq was invaded, even though we have fuels to run cars that are clean and cheap and non-pollutant...
Prostitution: People have casual sex all the time. Some go that little bit further and make it their job. In some opinions it's sleazy, but as long as it is confined to one area (e.g the red light district in Amsterdam), and there are plenty of clinics open for regular mandatory check-ups and treatment run by the government in the same area, I see no real harm.
Religion: If people are religious, fine. My country wouldn't be teaching it in school, though. Incorporated into the syllabus of a class on world culture, yes.
Social Security: Employment schemes, free goverment-funded home care, help from the State in medical care... handing out wads of money, no.
The UN: Good descisions being made, but what it needs is a bit more power when it comes to dealing with breaches of human rights. They need to actually be able to do something for people unwillingly in this situation by pure chance, as well as member states.
Veganism/Vegetarianism: Nutritional information to be readily available for those who choose to make this lifestyle choice, e.g. doctors and nutritionalists able to provide vegans/vegitarians with nutritional information. Other than that: "You are? Good for you."
War in Iraq: Oh jeez. Again? OK, I'm too lazy: this time I'm just gonna C&P!!!!! :)
Handled very badly: The chaos afterwards, the innocent civilians, the mothers and children and elderly thrown into a situation where looting and stealing and violence ran rife when order wasn't immediately installed and the people protected. The aftermath is still being handled very badly. And the monopoly on oil, which isn't even America's in the first place: Bush did a nice little job of getting hold of it once Iraq was invaded. Suprise, suprise...
War on Terror: I think the whole thing is to try and put the minds of the American public at ease to get more votes, whilst showing them the best of the news. They're just making themselves more of a target. And I wasn't too impressed by the blowing up of a mosque, and I'm sure the terrorists weren't either... what the hell is Bush thinking?
09-09-2005, 18:10
The Holy Empire of Avalantia
Abortion: Against- no one has the right to take an innocent life for any reason
Affirmative Action: Against- people should be seen for their own accomplishments, not by the color of their skin.
Death Penalty: Mostly against- It should be used only in special cases, but there is no satisfaction in it no matter how evil the person was
Drugs: Against- if drugs are legalized, it will destroy all morals in this society
Economic System: Capitalism- Though competitive and hard to get a foothold, it at least ensures people get a chance. Plus you get more of a choice and more likely to get better service (unlike Socialism or Communism).
Education: Should be run by the states, but some state governments seem too incompetent to do handle it
Electoral College in USA Elections: It's fine
Environmentalism: Hard to say. It would be nice not to have the world turn into one big city, but sometimes we have to do what is needed to survive as a species.
Euthanasia: Against- Suicide of any type is wrong
Evolution or Creation?: Creation- Evolution has too many missing links, it just doesn't work and I never liked the idea anyway
Gay Marriage: Against- I'm not against homosexuals themselves, but I don't support homosexuality and I don't support the idea of gay marraige
Gun Control: Mostly against- You got to keep the guns out of the hands of criminals, but it's unconsitutional to take away gun rights of law abiding citizens
Immigration Policies: Much work is needed here, we need to toughen up the border to prevent illegal aliens from crossing the border.
Income Tax: Against- I don't see how taxing people with higher income more is going to close a gap between rich and poor
Israel/Palestine: Mostly pro-Israel- Yes, Israel has done questionable things in the past, but the PLO was much worse (killing innocent people, turning young people into suicide bombers, and starting the war in Lebanon for instance)
Philosophy: America should have a Culture of Life and should dedicate itself to stamping out evil around the world
Political Party Affiliation: Republican
President Bush/American Policies: President Bush is not perfect, but I think he is a good man and his administration has done a lot of good things. America is good country and it makes me mad when people call it evil.
Prostitution: Against- It's downgrading to society and all females
Religion: Christian (Roman Catholic), Pro-Religion- Religion brings out the best in people. It seems that the "Politicaly Correct" groups like the ACLU are trying to destroy religion. Once religion is gone, all morals in society will follow and usher in a new progressive agenda. This must not happen.
Social Security: Needs to be reformed, the system does not work
The UN: Useless and full of corruption. The General Assembly does nothing and the Security Council only does something if the five permanent chair holders can agree (fat chance). Somehow the organization needs to be reformed, or America should just withdraw.
Veganism/Vegetarianism: Against- You can eat however you want, but don't force us to follow your philosophy
War in Iraq: Full Support- Saddam needed to go, his sons were worse, and Iraq will be much better off in the long run. Plus we can't pull out now, or the rest of the world will see us as cowards.
War on Terror: Full Support- Destroy them before they destroy us
09-09-2005, 21:51
The Republic of Myidealstate
Abortion: Pro-choice. Abortion should be legal. The mother should be informed about the medical risks.
Affirmative Action: Everybody should have the same chances. Unfortunatly that makes Affirmative Action nessesary in our society .
Death Penalty: Against, taking lives is wrong. Regardless of who it does.
Drugs: Should be legal, but there should be some kind of quality control. I don't like drugs but adults have the right to destroy themself.
Economic System: All industry is randomly grouped into syndicates of roughly equal economical power. All worker and all owner of industries which are subject of a given syndicate are thought member of this syndicate and hold a vote. The day-to-day issues of the syndicates are made by an elected council and dicisions of greater importance are made by a secret vote of all members of a syndicate. While the majority of all industry is owned privatly the syndicates impose regulations onto them. The syndicates hold the legislature, judiciary and executive over there members.
Education: Sould be free and accessible for everybody.
Environmentalism: It's nessesary. Destroying our environment destroys us in the long term.
Euthanasia: Legal and accessible in clinics
Evolution or Creation?: Evolution. Makes more sense in my eyes.
FCC: What the hell is it?
Gay Marriage: Every marriage among consenting adults should be treatred alike.
Gun Control: Though I despise weapons, people should have the right to own them.
Immigration Policies: Everybody should be free to live where he/she wants.
Income Tax: Yes, property means responsibility
Israel/Palestine: I got no idea
Philosophy: As long as people don't hurt each other, they should be free to do what they like.
Political Party Affiliation: unaffiliated
President Bush/American Policies: Dangerous, but though I'm not american I have no right to say anything abou it. At least not as long as the US doesn't decide to invade other countries (again).
Prostitution: Legal. The reason why people prostitude themself has to be eliminated.
Religion: Fine. People got the genuine need for religion, but it has to state seperate from politics.
Social Security: Nessesary
The UN: Nessesary, although the UN should punish countries which don't play by their rule, even if this country is the biggest, meanest bully on the block.
Veganism/Vegetarianism: People should eat or not eat what they want.
War in Iraq: I don't think that killing innocents solves any problem. But at least the Iraqi people are freed ... of their lives. :(
War on Terror: A silly and pathetic excuse to strip us of our civil rights
Lame Bums
09-09-2005, 22:20
The Anti Communist Republic of Lame Bums
Abortion: Pro-life. Abortion is murder, end of story.
Affirmative Action: Against. Being poor and black is a free ride to college, as it is. It's reverse discrimination, plain and simple.
Arms Trade: Whatever floats our fiancial boat.
Death Penalty: Yes, for extreme situations [e.g. murder]
Drugs: Against. D'oh.
Economic System: Capitalist/Fascist
Education: For, of course. But keep it real, no politically correct BS.
Electoral College in USA Elections: If it isn't broken don't fix it. Fine as is.
Environmentalism: Against, we have a negligible effect on the earth, so don't worry about it.
Euthanasia: Against.
Evolution or Creation?: Evolution. Creation is....unrealistic.
FCC: For.
Gay Marriage: Against. Marriage is one man plus one woman, and that only.
Gun Control: [see: Second Amendment.]
Immigration Policies: Pro-immigration. Legal immigration. Deport all illegals, guard border with machine guns, national guardsmen, and attack dogs, if necessary.
Income Tax: Against. Abolish, replace with flat sales tax.
Israel/Palestine: Israel, including all of Jerusalem, Gaza, West Bank, Sinai.
Philosophy: +3.50 economic/+9.23 authoritarian
Political Party Affiliation: Independant
President Bush/American Policies: Bush is not Hillary Clinton so I vote for him.
Prostitution: Against.
Religion: Neutral. Allow religion but keep government out of it.
Social Security: Privatize, the government's wasted enough money.
The UN: Reform. Kick out Annan. Kick out France from Security Council, add either Germany or Japan.
Veganism/Vegetarianism: Hell no.
War in Iraq: Good ideals, terrible execution.
War on Terror: [see: Iraq War]

[OOC: If yall havent noticed, I'm proudly politically incorrect, for life. :mp5:]
Neo Tyr
13-09-2005, 01:54
The Principality of Neo Tyr
Abortion:. Hmm... I personally don't belive in it, but I think a woman should have the right to choose.
Affirmative Action: No. I like it in theory but it just dosn't work well, in my opinion
Death Penalty: Not really. I suppose there is some point where it's best that the offender is removed from society, but rehibilatation is best.[/b]
Drugs: No. No, no, no, absolutely not
Economic System: Capitalism. The only one that has really stood the test of time
Education: Free and mandatory through high school, and then optional for higher education
Electoral College in USA Elections: We pretty much need it, so yes
Environmentalism: To a certain, informed, point. We need to take some care of the enviroment, but if we dont do anything we'll lose our quality of life.
Euthanasia: I'd rather not comment
Evolution or Creation?: Some sort of intelligent design. It shouldn't be taught in schools, though
FCC:Yes, I'm for it.[/b]
Gay Marriage: It dosn't harm me, it dosn't degrade society, it dosn't really harm anyone. For it
Gun Control: I think we should be able to have guns, but it should be tighter
Immigration Policies: It should continue as is but we need to crack down on some of these illegal immagrants.
Israel/Palestine: Well, it WAS Palestine's land first, but Isreal is the better state overall.
Political Party Affiliation: I lean right on economics and foriegn issues, but lean left on most social issues. Also, I try to be as realistic as possible.
President Bush/American Policies: The President isn't as bad as they say. Nor is he a great crusader. People give him too much credit power-wise anyway.
Prostitution: No. I dont agree with it morally, nor do I think it's healthy in this age of STVs. We can't let it be legal.
Religion: Episcopal Christian
Social Security: It should be privatized.
The UN: I think we need some sort of international government, but the UN has too many flaws right now. I think we need a whole new one.
Veganism/Vegetarianism: We're omnivores by design, and all the animals we eat have longer and safer lives than they do in the wild. I'm all for meat.
War in Iraq: We made the bed and have to sleep in it.
War on Terror: Terrorists need to be stoped but how so we fight such a mobile enemy? We should spend funds in attempts to make sure there's no more 9/11s.
Starcra II
15-09-2005, 11:35
The Starcra of Entrance
Abortion: Against with the exception of rape, incest or mother's life in danger.
Affirmative Action: Debatable.
Arms Trade: Somewhat against.
Death Penalty: Against with the exception of a murderer clearly admitting to being guilty and proof is found that he is.
Drugs: Against.
Economic System: Mixed.
Education: For education no matter the age. Option for free public schools or paying private schools. Church schools also accepted.
Electoral College in USA Elections: Not American but have no problem with current method.
Environmentalism: Completely in favour of protecting the environment.
Euthanasia: Only if the person in question has/had made a written wish for it to happen should the time come. No one else to decide, no matter how old/young the patient.
Evolution or Creation?: Creation, which led to evolution.
FCC: Debatable.
Gay Marriage: Against, no problem with a joining however, but definately no adoption or method of having children.
Gun Control: Debatable.
Immigration Policies: Looser Immigration/Emigration laws while still avoiding Illegal Immigrants.
Income Tax: For, but to be kept as low as possible.
Israel/Palestine: Not my business.
Philosophy: Not sure what is meant.
Political Party Affiliation: Judging by what NS tells me, I'm a Democratic Socialist.
President Bush/American Policies: In last election I supported Bush (even though I'm not American). And I think people critisize him to much.
Prostitution: Against.
Religion: Any Christian denomination works for me. Personally Roman Catholic however.
Social Security: For.
The UN: For, and I enjoy watching the debates but I'm not too sure about their hierarchy methods.
Veganism/Vegetarianism: Not against it. Personally I'm a semi-Vegitarian.
War in Iraq: Justified and understandable in the beginning but dragged to long.
War on Terror: Agree, but to a certain extent.
15-09-2005, 12:17
The Armed Republic of Aplastaland
Abortion: Yes, the mother decides.
Affirmative Action: Yes. It is a repair.
Arms Trade: Forbidden. It is obscene.
Death Penalty: Against assasination, you know.
Drugs: Against all, but I drink every saturday night :D
Economic System: Planified
Education: Free for all, but I admit pay for it if it's specially high quality.
Electoral College in USA Elections: It doesn't affect me.
Environmentalism: Everybody should care of its mother.
Euthanasia: For. Look The Sea Inside; would you like to be a potatoes sack?
Evolution or Creation?: Evolutioned creation.
FCC: What is it?
Gay Marriage: Yes, why can't they?
Gun Control: Strict.
Immigration Policies: If they come as legal, they're welcome. If they're not, they're welcome if they're refugees.
Income Tax: Sadly needly.
Israel/Palestine: Palestine. The "historical rights" is a danger for everybody. Would you like to see american natives occupying New York and killing British-origin Americans?
Philosophy: Have fun!
Political Party Affiliation: PSOE / IU, it depends.
President Bush/American Policies: C.R.A.P.
Prostitution: Legal, and sad.
Religion: My religion is politics... and hinduism.
Social Security: For, paid through taxes, and high quality.
The UN: As all the good desires, killed by money.
Veganism/Vegetarianism: For, why not?
War in Iraq: Crime.
War on Terror: Lie.
15-09-2005, 19:56
The <Republic> of <Muravyets>
Abortion: Pro-choice. The woman takes all the risks, so the woman should have all the authority. I’m willing to compromise on third trimester elective abortion, but I will reject any restriction that does not make an exception for the life/health of the woman. I oppose mandatory parental notification, in case of parental abuse. Doctors should discuss this issue case by case with their minor patients.
Affirmative Action: Still a necessary evil. Every time I think we might be able to dump it, some idiot dean or CEO proves me wrong.
Arms Trade: A filthy business. If it must be done, it should only be between governments, with independent outside observer/auditors. No WMD’s ever.
Death Penalty: I’m against it because people are too vindictive. It’s about revenge, not justice, and that’s bad for society.
Drugs: None for me, thanks, but pot should be legal and controlled like alcohol. Harder drugs are too destructive (medically, socially, economically) to legalize.
Economic System: Oh, hey, I don’t know – anarcho-capitalist-socialist-thingamyism? I like money. I also like fairness. I think they can go together. Government should act as a referee enforcing a limited set of clearly defined regulations to prevent public harm – anti-trust/monopoly, anti-pollution, anti-discrimination, truth-in-lending/advertising, etc. – with harsh penalties for violators. With those rules in place, let the games begin.
Education: An educated electorate is vital to a free society. I want higher national standards and communities left to find their own ways to achieve them.
Electoral College in USA Elections: Dump it. We don’t need to make compromises with slave states anymore.
Environmentalism: One of the three most important issues in the world. It’s about survival. Immediate issues include climate change, overpopulation, bad water management, and fossil fuel use.
Euthanasia: Legalize it, but with clear protections for the rights of patients and elders.
Evolution or Creation?: Evolution, please. IMO, creationism/intelligent design is nothing but a political ploy to insert a reactionary agenda into education. Science and religion are not incompatible, but they are not the same, either. They each get their own courses.
FCC: Dump it. It’s obsolete and, having nothing useful to do, it is becoming a problem.
Gay Marriage: Well, I’m not in favor of marriage as an institution, but if we must have it, then yes, by all means, gay marriage, in the interest equal rights.
Gun Control: I’ve never touched a gun and hope never to do so, but I see the sense of the right to own guns. But I favor regulation: waiting periods, background checks, licenses renewable with tests (no skeet shooters with cataracts, please), safety training, and registration of non-hunting weapons. I also want manufacturers responsible for trigger locks and tamper-proofing measures on the guns.
Immigration Policies: In the US, FUBAR. I like immigration – I’m no hypocrite – but the US situation is ridiculous.
Income Tax: I hate it. I think it might be unconstitutional. History tells us what it was like when there was none, and I don’t like that, either. I don’t know enough about alternatives such as flat tax or consumption tax.
Israel/Palestine: They’re both wrong, and I have no idea how to resolve that situation.
Philosophy: 33% Machiavelli / 33% Occam’s Razor / 33% Humanitarian Humanist.
Political Party Affiliation: None.
President Bush/American Policies: National and international disaster.
Prostitution: Should be legalized, licensed, and regulated for public health and safety (and highly readable consumer reports).
Religion: Politically: Separation of church and state now. Separation of church and state forever. Personally: I think god wants us to quit sticking our noses into other people’s private affairs. (animistic deist)
Social Security: FUBAR. It was nice when it was voluntary. Now, I resent it bitterly.
The UN: Could be an important force for the future if they ever get their act together. I’m rooting for them. Yay, international court!
Veganism/Vegetarianism: Someone else’s private affair.
War in Iraq: Violation of national and international law, even if nobody wants to admit it.
War on Terror: A fantastical creature that exists only in the dreams of spin doctors.
15-09-2005, 20:30
The Community of Ardalia
Abortion: Only in specified cases inlcuding rape, incest and the threat of lost life to mother...
Affirmative Action: Against... This is discrimination.
Arms Trade: Wrong!
Death Penalty: Nope. What if you kill someone for a crime they havent committed?
Drugs: Quite tight laws. Alcohol ok. Other drugs would be banned
Economic System: Free-marketish
Education: Free compulsory education
Electoral College in USA Elections: Dont know what this is
Environmentalism: Go Greens!
Euthanasia: I dont know.
Evolution or Creation?: Both are the same story, told differently... God created the world and then it evolved.
FCC: Eh?
Gay Marriage: Allowed
Gun Control: Extremely tight!
Immigration Policies: Refugees allowed. Economic migrants not so much...
Income Tax: Low and flat income tax...
Israel/Palestine: Both should have states!
Philosophy: Cant be bothered...
Political Party Affiliation: Conservative. But leaning towards the left-wing, socially more liberal side...
President Bush/American Policies: i dont like Bush.
Prostitution: Sick and wrong.
Religion: Undenominational Christian
Social Security: Good idea to a point. But some people abuse it
The UN: Good
Veganism/Vegetarianism: if thats what you want to do then fine
War in Iraq: Dont get me started
War on Terror: We are fighting for a good cause i guess
16-09-2005, 04:52
This thread will be locked, because of the new thread that is coming; a combined player profile, pic, and political beliefs thread all in one.