Is Michael Moore crazy?
16-05-2005, 19:49
I mean, he lies in his films. He also tries to appeal to the common man, all the while living in a mansion and sending his kids to private school. He earned $1.5 million on his slacker uprising tour from speaking fees and then gave a single scholarship out (woah big spender). He tips like a jerk.
Is he insane? I'll let you decide (hint: the answer is yes ;) )
I know this is a cheap knock off of that Bush thread, I just wanted to try it out on ol' Mikey.
Crazy? Nope. He's just a guy who has a good sense of humor.
He also knows exactly what he's doing. Funny that you sorts can't figure that out!
Cabra West
16-05-2005, 19:51
I mean, he lies in his films. He also tries to appeal to the common man, all the while living in a mansion and sending his kids to private school. He earned $1.5 million on his slacker uprising tour from speaking fees and then gave a single scholarship out (woah big spender). He tips like a jerk.
Is he insane? I'll let you decide (hint: the answer is yes ;) )
I know this is a cheap knock off of that Bush thread, I just wanted to try it out on ol' Mikey.
Hmm... the behaviour you describe would fit most politicians, including Bush. Your point?
The Elder Malaclypse
16-05-2005, 19:54
You sound crazy, bitch. Sorry. :eek:
16-05-2005, 19:55
I mean, he lies in his films.
Could you elaborate?
16-05-2005, 19:56
Michael Moore is a brilliant director, possibly the greatest to come along in a long time. Nowhere in his films does he lie. Even REPUBLICANS admit this. However, he presents information in a way in which makes facts cohere to what he wants. He is brilliant in twisting information to fit what he wants it to fit. He is the most brilliant director to come along, and one whose movies I disagree with whole-heartedly(Moderate with a lean towards Democrat here).
16-05-2005, 19:56
Yes he is crazy.
He needs to stick to regular films like Canadian Bacon.
Michael Moore is a brilliant director, possibly the greatest to come along in a long time. Nowhere in his films does he lie. Even REPUBLICANS admit this. However, he presents information in a way in which makes facts cohere to what he wants. He is brilliant in twisting information to fit what he wants it to fit. He is the most brilliant director to come along, and one whose movies I disagree with whole-heartedly(Moderate with a lean towards Democrat here).
Couldn't agree more... Except I'm a far-left Socialist, which is waaay left of being a Democrat :).
Melkor Unchained
16-05-2005, 19:59
Crazy? Nope. He's just a guy who has a good sense of humor.
He also knows exactly what he's doing. Funny that you sorts can't figure that out!
The American public shouldn't rely on people like Micael Moore for their information. I watched Farenheit 9/11 and had to turn it off about halfway through: somewhere around the point where it starts playing this ominous music and showing our politicians shaking hands with Arab dignitaries I began to find myself thinking "So we're supposed to hate all Arabs now? What gives? They can't all be corrupt." Besides, I had known about 90% of the shit he explained in that movie before even watching it. I found myself muttering "yeah... and?" every ten or twenty seconds. Basically most of what it does is point out that the Bush family is corrupt, which I could have told you in 1993.
At any rate, Moore hasn't released anything remotely funny since Roger & Me. He's gotten too preachy and too pissed off.
Carnivorous Lickers
16-05-2005, 20:00
I dont care if hes crazy or sane. He is hard for me to look at or listen to. I stopped listening to anything he put out a long time ago. His fans will continue to fall all over him.
As long as he doesnt move next door to me everything will be fine.
The American public shouldn't rely on people like Micael Moore for their information. I watched Farenheit 9/11 and had to turn it off about halfway through: somewhere around the point where it starts playing this ominous music and showing our politicians shaking hands with Arab dignitaries I began to find myself thinking "So we're supposed to hate all Arabs now? What gives? They can't all be corrupt." Besides, I had known about 90% of the shit he explained in that movie before even watching it. I found myself muttering "yeah... and?" every ten or twenty seconds. Basically most of what it does is point out that the Bush family is corrupt, which I could have told you in 1993.
At any rate, Moore hasn't released anything remotely funny since Roger & Me. He's gotten too preachy and too pissed off.
I agree, except for the final two sentences. I think his movies are made for people who already know what's going on, really.
16-05-2005, 20:02
Is Michael Moore crazy?
Crazy like an unwashed Frenchman!
Crazy like an unwashed Frenchman!
You make no sense. I'm liking this.
16-05-2005, 20:04
Crazy like an unwashed Frenchman!
Now that's funny :D
16-05-2005, 20:06
Hell yes he's crazy! He would be a terrible documentaty director if he wasn't.
I find some truth in his message but his ethics are far out there. I think the become the devil to fight the devil mentality he resorts to is just maddness. However it's highly entertaining too.
If mikey moore were a carrot, what size would he be?
16-05-2005, 20:08
Maybe if they would show un-censored news and things we wouldn't have to rely on people like him(aside from the Daily Show)hehee. I have respect for the man. There are so many influences on the side of people like Bush and co that it's refreshing to have something on the opposite perspective. Yeah maybe he twists facts in his favor, but who the hell doesn't? If we had access to un-biased sources awesome, but they just don't exist. Take everything with a grain of salt. Ya know? There's no reason to get all mad and blame things on Moore. He's doing his thing deal with it. Don't like his movies and what they say don't watch them. Kinda like abortion, don't think it's morally right, don't get one.
16-05-2005, 20:10
The Daily Show Rules!
16-05-2005, 20:11
Um, how many million did Fahrenheit net?
No, he's not crazy. He's corrupt, he mislabels his work as "documentaries" and he's ugly, but he's definitely not crazy.
And Under BOBBY
16-05-2005, 20:15
he is pretty nuts.. how many pounds of shrooms did you need to smoke before trying to like bowling for columbine... and dont get me started on farenheit 911. The dude is a crazy liberal, blinded by his own ego and his own mission to slander govt. and republicans lately. honestly, he should go live in France.. of course after we tie him down and tatoo an american flag on his fat ass and "I <3 Bush 4 ever" on his forehead.
I think the real question is: Is mikey moore lazy or blaze. OK it doesnt rhyme or whatever but come on! A man needs his food! He needs to eat!
16-05-2005, 20:18
The man has his opinions and he does everything to get his viewers to agree with him. Just like politicians do, and basically everybody who writes anything that's not just amusement, the difference is that he is actually good at it.
Copiosa Scotia
16-05-2005, 20:20
Michael Moore is a brilliant director, possibly the greatest to come along in a long time. Nowhere in his films does he lie. Even REPUBLICANS admit this. However, he presents information in a way in which makes facts cohere to what he wants. He is brilliant in twisting information to fit what he wants it to fit. He is the most brilliant director to come along, and one whose movies I disagree with whole-heartedly(Moderate with a lean towards Democrat here).
A brilliant propagandist, perhaps, but I think you overstate his abilities as a film director. And it would be better to say that he does not lie outright in his films. He unquestionably edits his films in a way intended to deceive the viewer. To me, Moore is the "embarrassing supporter" of the liberal cause, and they'd do much better to distance themselves from him and his films.
16-05-2005, 20:21
I mean, he lies in his films. He also tries to appeal to the common man, all the while living in a mansion and sending his kids to private school. He earned $1.5 million on his slacker uprising tour from speaking fees and then gave a single scholarship out (woah big spender). He tips like a jerk.
Is he insane? I'll let you decide (hint: the answer is yes ;) )
I know this is a cheap knock off of that Bush thread, I just wanted to try it out on ol' Mikey.
Yes, he(she?) is indeed quite mad.
The Motor City Madmen
16-05-2005, 20:23
A brilliant propagandist, perhaps, but I think you overstate his abilities as a film director. And it would be better to say that he does not lie outright in his films. He unquestionably edits his films in a way intended to deceive the viewer. To me, Moore is the "embarrassing supporter" of the liberal cause, and they'd do much better to distance themselves from him and his films.
He actually did lie in his Bowling film. Remember the cartoon that was linking the NRA and the KKK. Well, that is patently false.
Think about it this way, he made millions of dollars as a direct result of a man he supposedly despises by selling something to people who already agree with him. Brilliant!
Herman the Great
16-05-2005, 20:28
he's goood at making films.
good at manipulating people with how he pieces them together.
i don't like how he complains about things, but i think in his recent films i wonder
if he genuinely cares, are if he is just trying to make his wallet fatter.
I dont care if hes crazy or sane. He is hard for me to look at or listen to. I stopped listening to anything he put out a long time ago. His fans will continue to fall all over him.
As long as he doesnt move next door to me everything will be fine.
Club House
16-05-2005, 20:32
Um, how many million did Fahrenheit net?
No, he's not crazy. He's corrupt, he mislabels his work as "documentaries" and he's ugly, but he's definitely not crazy.
actually he is one of the leading people trying to change the oscar award title to non-fiction film.
I don't think he's ever directly lied in a movie, although he has been proven to lie many times in his books. He distorts the truth and shows partial truths to everything. A good example was when he asked a pro-war senetor "Would you ever send your kids to Iraq?", and while all the movie shows is the question and a blank stare, Moore leaves out the senetors answer "One of my sons is getting shipped out next week, and the other is in basic training right now." Crazy, I would say no, just a fat arch-liberal who is willing to bend truth to get support and make Bush look bad.
Club House
16-05-2005, 20:34
He actually did lie in his Bowling film. Remember the cartoon that was linking the NRA and the KKK. Well, that is patently false.
actually that connection was of opinion not fact. in case you didnt notice hes a member of the NRA and owns several guns himself. plus, he didnt make that cartoon.
16-05-2005, 20:35
actually that connection was of opinion not fact. in case you didnt notice hes a member of the NRA and owns several guns himself. plus, he didnt make that cartoon.
However, he showed it and it proved to be false! Therefor, he lied.
Carnivorous Lickers
16-05-2005, 20:36
he's goood at making films.
good at manipulating people with how he pieces them together.
i don't like how he complains about things, but i think in his recent films i wonder
if he genuinely cares, are if he is just trying to make his wallet fatter.
fatter would be consistant
The Motor City Madmen
16-05-2005, 20:37
actually that connection was of opinion not fact. in case you didnt notice hes a member of the NRA and owns several guns himself. plus, he didnt make that cartoon.
If you didn't notice, it was in his film. You know what they say about opinions:
Opinions are like cowboy hats, pretty soon every asshole has one.
Club House
16-05-2005, 20:38
The American public shouldn't rely on people like Micael Moore for their information. I watched Farenheit 9/11 and had to turn it off about halfway through: somewhere around the point where it starts playing this ominous music and showing our politicians shaking hands with Arab dignitaries I began to find myself thinking "So we're supposed to hate all Arabs now? What gives? They can't all be corrupt." Besides, I had known about 90% of the shit he explained in that movie before even watching it. I found myself muttering "yeah... and?" every ten or twenty seconds. Basically most of what it does is point out that the Bush family is corrupt, which I could have told you in 1993.
At any rate, Moore hasn't released anything remotely funny since Roger & Me. He's gotten too preachy and too pissed off.
1. no one is.
2. his message isnt that we should hate all Arabs, just the corrupt dictators who frequently torture their people and limit freedom of speech.
3. ok, good for you. who ever said you wouldn't know much of the stuff that was already in the movie? plus, you only watched half so thats only about 45% according to your own account.
4. was that before or after Canadian Bacon, i thought that movie was funny.
Club House
16-05-2005, 20:39
However, he showed it and it proved to be false! Therefor, he lied.
i guess im going to have to repeat myself here. "actually that ocnnection was of opinion not fact."
16-05-2005, 20:40
i guess im going to have to repeat myself here. "actually that ocnnection was of opinion not fact."
If it was opinion then it shouldn't be in a documentary. I guess that exposes that then.
Club House
16-05-2005, 20:40
it was in his film.
way to go Captain Obvious
16-05-2005, 20:41
He never allows the other side to get in their point of view, which stops the films being documentaries. It is pretty widely accepted that giving the other side of the argument is basic journalistic etiquette.
Don't tell Mike this though. He might sit on you.
Dominant Redheads
16-05-2005, 20:42
Hell yes he's crazy! He would be a terrible documentaty director if he wasn't.
It's stretching it more than just a wee bit to call his films documentaries.
Club House
16-05-2005, 20:43
If it was opinion then it shouldn't be in a documentary.
how so? opinions are in documentaries all the time. most of the time when someone is interviewed in any documentary they give their opinion. i beleive that any good documentary should have opinions in them.
16-05-2005, 20:45
how so? opinions are in documentaries all the time. most of the time when someone is interviewed in any documentary they give their opinion. i beleive that any good documentary should have opinions in them.
There's a big difference in what you are trying to argue.
1. An interview in a documentary is fine as long as the other side gets the same opportunity as well. I see this all the time in WWII documentaries where they interview both Japanese and Americans for the Pacific and all sides in the European theater. Moore does not do that in his films. He only does people that agree with him and when he does interview someone from the other side, he edits their content and takes them out of context.
2. A cartoon that has been proven false isn't factual wether its an opinion or not. By using his cartoon, he didn't use facts in regard to the topic that was at hand.
Club House
16-05-2005, 20:46
He never allows the other side to get in their point of view, which stops the films being documentaries. It is pretty widely accepted that giving the other side of the argument is basic journalistic etiquette.
Don't tell Mike this though. He might sit on you.
in bowling for columbine he interviews, the guy with the magnum under his pillow (name?), Charlton Heston, several members of the Michigan Militia, and he attempts to interview the American bandstand guy (name?)
Club House
16-05-2005, 20:51
There's a big difference in what you are trying to argue.
1. An interview in a documentary is fine as long as the other side gets the same opportunity as well. I see this all the time in WWII documentaries where they interview both Japanese and Americans for the Pacific and all sides in the European theater. Moore does not do that in his films. He only does people that agree with him and when he does interview someone from the other side, he edits their content and takes them out of context.
2. A cartoon that has been proven false isn't factual wether its an opinion or not. By using his cartoon, he didn't use facts in regard to the topic that was at hand.
1. they do, see above
2. he says that after the KKK is made an illegal terrorist organization, they used the NRA to advocate for their gun rights. this is not something that is proven or disproven it is a matter of opinion.
Sumamba Buwhan
16-05-2005, 20:56
Moore is a smart guy and pushes an agenda effectively. I think those that hate him are only pissed because they are being out propagandized. Oh well - Whine on you crazy diamonds.
As for showing both sides in a documentary - :rolleyes: - another whiney remark. All documentaries have opinions for one (name one that doesn't have any opinions of any kind), and not all documentaries have sides. Some are about nature (which btw also contain lots of opinion as well as conjecture). Making a documentary is not the same as journalism. I'm sleepy and not sure if my point is clear.
Frozen Hotdogs
16-05-2005, 20:58
How come no one ever brings up the acres upon acres of wetlands Michael Moore destroyed illegally to put up his million dollar mansion in northern Michigan. That is the only thing funny Michael Moore has ever done. He is a douche bag and it angers me i am from the same state. Nice depiction of Flint in Roger And Me too. Flint has always been a shit hole before and after chrysler closed. If you are not from Michigan you would not realize how Detroit is set up. Its all Suburbs an hour north and an hour south of Detroit. Not everyone working at those plants were from Flint itself, more like half if not less. Sorry Flint is a shithole, but stop blaming "Evil America". Instead of destroying state protected wetalnds to build a million dollar house, why not that money to people who need help. Preachy Assbag
Club House
16-05-2005, 20:59
Moore is a smart guy and pushes an agenda effectively. I think those that hate him are only pissed because they are being out propagandized. Oh well - Whine on you crazy diamonds.
As for showing both sides in a documentary - :rolleyes: - another whiney remark. All documentaries have opinions for one (name one that doesn't have any opinions of any kind), and not all documentaries have sides. Some are about nature (which btw also contain lots of opinion as well as conjecture). Making a documentary is not the same as journalism. I'm sleepy and not sure if my point is clear.
i think it is but thats probably because i agree with you.
Frozen Hotdogs
16-05-2005, 21:16
What a no talent ass-clown. Give any jerk-off a camera and tell them who to piss off, and any asshole could produce the shit sandwichs that douche has made.
Club House
16-05-2005, 21:21
What a no talent ass-clown. Give any jerk-off a camera and tell them who to piss off, and any asshole could produce the shit sandwichs that douche has made.
so if i gave you a camera, you could make the highest grossing documentary of all time?
Frozen Hotdogs
16-05-2005, 21:25
oh that was a documentary film......could have fooled me. I thought he was replacing Tom Green as that asshole with a camera who wont shut up and stop dicking off for the gen "X".
Club House
16-05-2005, 21:30
oh that was a documentary film......could have fooled me. I thought he was replacing Tom Green as that asshole with a camera who wont shut up and stop dicking off for the gen "X".
my question remains unanswered. documentary or not. if i gave you a camera could you make any type of movie which would gross higher than either columbine or 9/11
16-05-2005, 21:32
Can we stop with the "Is [insert controversial figure] crazy?" No, they're not crazy, they're just corrupt/propagandist/politicians, etc.
The Motor City Madmen
16-05-2005, 21:33
my question remains unanswered. documentary or not. if i gave you a camera could you make any type of movie which would gross higher than either columbine or 9/11
Actually I could, and have. Let's just say some have grossed a wee bit more then his "films".
Sumamba Buwhan
16-05-2005, 21:40
Let's just say that something smells. Have some bulls been defecating around here recently?
Frozen Hotdogs
16-05-2005, 21:41
im sure Hard To Kill, Out For Justice, Marked For Death, Under Seige (1 and 2), Into The Sun, Fire Down Below, Exit Wounds, The Glimmer Man, On Deadly Ground, Belly Of The Beast, Submerged, Out Of Reach, and The Foreigner did Steven Seagal Americas finest actor......shit no. Its no secret we as americans watch stupid shit and eat it up. how else can you explain the golf channel and geraldo rivera. just because a movie does well does not mean shit. Thats just as stupid as trying to argue that Britney Spears has the best voice in the music industry because she has high record sales. wankers
16-05-2005, 21:45
Don't forget Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Lord of the Rings also had high grossing sales.
George Lucas makes more money than Michael Moore.
The Motor City Madmen
16-05-2005, 21:48
Let's just say that something smells. Have some bulls been defecating around here recently?
Well, I am a 1st assistant cinematographer, and did attend NYU. The biggest film I worked on was Jaws with the great Bill Butler. I also assisted on Rocky II and III.
16-05-2005, 21:49
Well, I am a 1st assistant cinematographer, and did attend NYU. The biggest film I worked on was Jaws with the great Bill Butler. I also assisted on Rocky II and III.
Interesting and kewl. I bet that was fun.
The Motor City Madmen
16-05-2005, 22:11
Interesting and kewl. I bet that was fun.
Yes and Robert Shaw was one of the coolest men I have ever met. The coolest being Steve McQueen.
The Motor City Madmen
16-05-2005, 22:16
Let's just say that something smells. Have some bulls been defecating around here recently?
Nope, that's just the smell of all that spilled whiskey and rotten potatos'.
Michael Moore is a brilliant director, possibly the greatest to come along in a long time. Nowhere in his films does he lie. Even REPUBLICANS admit this. However, he presents information in a way in which makes facts cohere to what he wants. He is brilliant in twisting information to fit what he wants it to fit. He is the most brilliant director to come along, and one whose movies I disagree with whole-heartedly(Moderate with a lean towards Democrat here).
I'm not clear on how you feel about Moore, are you saying he is a good director?
Club House
17-05-2005, 00:11
im sure Hard To Kill, Out For Justice, Marked For Death, Under Seige (1 and 2), Into The Sun, Fire Down Below, Exit Wounds, The Glimmer Man, On Deadly Ground, Belly Of The Beast, Submerged, Out Of Reach, and The Foreigner did Steven Seagal Americas finest actor......shit no. Its no secret we as americans watch stupid shit and eat it up. how else can you explain the golf channel and geraldo rivera. just because a movie does well does not mean shit. Thats just as stupid as trying to argue that Britney Spears has the best voice in the music industry because she has high record sales. wankers
who was trying to say this?
Club House
17-05-2005, 00:12
Well, I am a 1st assistant cinematographer, and did attend NYU. The biggest film I worked on was Jaws with the great Bill Butler. I also assisted on Rocky II and III.
did you write or direct anything that grossed higher?
17-05-2005, 00:13
I mean, he lies in his films. He also tries to appeal to the common man, all the while living in a mansion and sending his kids to private school. He earned $1.5 million on his slacker uprising tour from speaking fees and then gave a single scholarship out (woah big spender). He tips like a jerk.
Is he insane? I'll let you decide (hint: the answer is yes ;) )
I know this is a cheap knock off of that Bush thread, I just wanted to try it out on ol' Mikey.
Yes but he tels the trut if you dont want the trut then go lick my balls...
Yes but he tels the trut if you dont want the trut then go lick my balls...
I would assume this post was a joke?
We Speak English
17-05-2005, 00:25
Hell yes Moore is Crazy and I don't know where Seanqolia got her info but a true Republican would never agree with Moore. Your crazy and should be locked up with Mooore. :gundge:
17-05-2005, 00:26
Hell yes Moore is Crazy and I don't know where Seanqolia got her info but a true Republican would never agree with Moore. Your crazy and should be locked up with Mooore. :gundge:
america is contolled by jews and free maisons, you need a revolution ppl. cant you see it
america is contolled by jews and free maisons, you need a revolution ppl. cant you see it
Now it becomes clear, a troll. But is it a cave troll or a mountain troll. This could be important.
Club House
17-05-2005, 00:30
america is contolled by jews and free maisons, you need a revolution ppl. cant you see it
as a jew, i resent that. clearly the jews have shown that they have run the country better than any other group of people.
Howler Monkies
17-05-2005, 00:35
Micheal Moore is an idiot. I see no sense in anything that he says. He is a stupid piece of horse sh*t.
17-05-2005, 00:35
Yeah, Michael Moore is crazy all right...crazy like a fox.
17-05-2005, 00:38
as a jew, i resent that. clearly the jews have shown that they have run the country better than any other group of people.
you understand why everyone hates you ppl, the arabs were nice to you when the europeens killed you in the middle ages, and now you are fucking them over
He's not crazy.
Just an excellent propagandist.
Like Hitler.
17-05-2005, 00:51
Yes Michael Moore and everyone you disagree with are insane. Everyone in your life who has ever told you you were wrong or mistaken or held a belief divergent from your own is mentally ill and should be locked up.
Sumamba Buwhan
17-05-2005, 00:59
Yes Michael Moore and everyone you disagree with are insane. Everyone in your life who has ever told you you were wrong or mistaken or held a belief divergent from your own is mentally ill and should be locked up.
and that goes for EVERYBODY HERE
17-05-2005, 01:09
you understand why everyone hates you ppl, the arabs were nice to you when the europeens killed you in the middle ages, and now you are fucking them over
This is so full of lies its very pathetic