UK Labour Party vs. US Republican Party
15-05-2005, 23:22
As we know, Tony Blair of the UK Labour Party has supported President George Bush from the Republican party about the War in Iraq.
What else do the two parties have in common? And what are their differences?
The Labour party has more more of a base in socialism, and I know that the Republican party is based in capitalism, but do the parties have similar values? Or did the two parties just work together because their two leaders agreed on Iraq?
Sonho Real
15-05-2005, 23:26
The Republicans are probably more comparable to the Conservatives than Labour, while the Democrats are like a bizzaro mix of all 3 of our major parties.
15-05-2005, 23:39
The Republicans are probably more comparable to the Conservatives than Labour, while the Democrats are like a bizzaro mix of all 3 of our major parties.
Actually I think that the Democrats are more like Labour. I'd say the Republicans are to the Right of the Tories.
Sonho Real
15-05-2005, 23:42
Yes, agreed on the Republicans being somewhat to the right of the Conservatives. The Democrats are just plain weird though. Probably more like Labour than Tory or Lib Dem, but they're weird in that they're liberal... but so not liberal at the same time. They can't seem to make up their minds what to be.
New British Glory
16-05-2005, 00:24
Its only been since the mid 1980s/early 1990s that Labour has actually been classified as a middle ground party. It has been (and in many ways still remains) the trade unionist party. Also keep in mind that several of the present Cabinet have links to communist organisations (Prescott, Reid, Mandelson, Clarke) - in fact Tony Blair is essentially a Tory in the Labour Party who they have kept because he has made them a success.
I don't know much about the US Republican Party but I do know that it is fairly right wing, probably more right wing that British politics has been for about 100 years. So the similarities that Labour and the Republicans have are minimal at best, non existent at worst. A lot of the Labour backbenchers dont like it and I think a considerable portion of the British population dont like George Bush.
16-05-2005, 00:31
The Democrats are like the old Liberal Party and the Republicans are like the Conservatives. I don't know enough about the Lib Dems to say whether or not they have any similarities to the Democrats, but my impression is that they're far more liberal. The Democrats don't really have much of an ideological base in socialism.