NationStates Jolt Archive

[b]I'm Sorry[/b]

Pharoah Kiefer Meister
25-04-2005, 23:08
This is concerning the "PATRIOT" thread that was locked out. I made a sarcastic comment about the Patriot Act, but didn't indicate it was sarcasm I am truly sorry, am I forgiven? :D
General of general
25-04-2005, 23:14
No. You will forever be "the patriot act guy" in my mind.
25-04-2005, 23:16
Why would you ask forgiveness about making a comment about the Patriot Act? Hmmm very suspect. George, Condi have you been nationstating again?
25-04-2005, 23:16
Indeed. If I see you crossing the street I'll stop and abuse you in public for not indicating sarcasm in the patriot thread.
25-04-2005, 23:17
But why the sarcasm? Why?
Lunatic Goofballs
25-04-2005, 23:21
You can earn our forgiveness by taking this tube of superglue, these golf balls, and this pair of furry slippers and- {{CENSORED By the Nationstates Safety and Public Decency Bureau }}

Pharoah Kiefer Meister
25-04-2005, 23:52
You can earn our forgiveness by taking this tube of superglue, these golf balls, and this pair of furry slippers and- {{CENSORED By the Nationstates Safety and Public Decency Bureau }}


I get the super glue and golf balls, but what are the fuzzy slippers for????? :D
Whispering Legs
25-04-2005, 23:54
Why would you ask forgiveness about making a comment about the Patriot Act? Hmmm very suspect. George, Condi have you been nationstating again?

Yes, I have been Nation Hating. And I'll be sure to use small words next time, so you'll conjugate my meaning.
Lunatic Goofballs
25-04-2005, 23:55
Those are to attach to your-{{CENSORED By the Nationstates Safety and Public Decency Bureau }}
Pharoah Kiefer Meister
25-04-2005, 23:56
Those are to attach to your-{{CENSORED By the Nationstates Safety and Public Decency Bureau }}

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! :eek:
Pharoah Kiefer Meister
25-04-2005, 23:58
Yes, I have been Nation Hating. And I'll be sure to use small words next time, so you'll conjugate my meaning.

Whispering Legs
25-04-2005, 23:59

Conjugating, you know, like putting words together to make new words so people know what the hell you're talking about, like "strategery".
Pharoah Kiefer Meister
26-04-2005, 00:05
Conjugating, you know, like putting words together to make new words so people know what the hell you're talking about, like "strategery".

MmmHmmm, Ok, ahhunh, Are you being sarcastic? :p
Whispering Legs
26-04-2005, 00:16
MmmHmmm, Ok, ahhunh, Are you being sarcastic? :p

Yes, I'm trying to emulate George Bush.