NationStates Jolt Archive

Why do Humans do It?

25-04-2005, 17:24
Havent you all noticed how most people respond in an argument? If you notice, after like three threads, they start cursing and insulting... And thats in nearly all of the threads... I think its a human thing, What do all of you think?
25-04-2005, 17:26
Don't be so human-centric. You should see how crows get all ad-hominemy on yer azz when they start arguing about something! Just because you don't understand it...

sheesh...human thing indeed.
25-04-2005, 17:27
Well, seeing as how non-humans do not argue at all, it must be a human thing.

The same thing with flying fighter jets, it must be a human thing.
25-04-2005, 17:27
I only ever resort to insults when someone else has throw them at me. I know it's immature and stupid. I should take a deep breath and perhaps leave the computer for a moment instead of replying on the tilt like that.

I apologize for being an idiot, I sometimes get carried away.
Chicken pi
25-04-2005, 17:27
Havent you all noticed how most people respond in an argument? If you notice, after like three threads, they start cursing and insulting... And thats in nearly all of the threads... I think its a human thing, What do all of you think?

Depends on the argument. If you start a flamebaity thread you're going to get insults and ad hom. I've seen a lot of civil, informative debates on this forum.

(by the way, you were definitely baiting Dakini a bit in the science students thread. And you did resort to cursing and insulting yourself.)
Sith Dark Lords
25-04-2005, 17:28
In my country insulting people is an act of reverence.

So screw you, buddy!
25-04-2005, 17:29

Well, seeing as how non-humans do not argue at all, it must be a human thing.

The same thing with flying fighter jets, it must be a human thing.
Ahh.. ever see Bears arguing about 'personal space'? or Birds arguing about Territory... animals argure all the time... it's just that their arguments tend to get physcial.
25-04-2005, 17:30
Well, seeing as how non-humans do not argue at all, it must be a human thing.

The same thing with flying fighter jets, it must be a human thing.
Non-humans most certainly do argue...if you mean disagree. They tend to get a bit more physical about it however. "THIS IS MY MATE!" says one grizzly bear, "NO, SHE'S MINE!" says the other, and on with the battle royale.
25-04-2005, 17:30
I only ever resort to insults when someone else has throw them at me. I know it's immature and stupid. I should take a deep breath and perhaps leave the computer for a moment instead of replying on the tilt like that.

I apologize for being an idiot, I sometimes get carried away.

Its ok, thanks for apolagizing. But seriusly, its like a human thing. It always happens, and in some countries its accepted. Thats why Dark Siths Lords country is about to enter a huge downfall, if its not in it already
25-04-2005, 17:31

Ahh.. ever see Bears arguing about 'personal space'? or Birds arguing about Territory... animals argure all the time... it's just that their arguments tend to get physcial.'s like we share the same thoughts...

Down puppet! Down![/jk]
25-04-2005, 17:32
Depends on the argument. If you start a flamebaity thread you're going to get insults and ad hom. I've seen a lot of civil, informative debates on this forum.

(by the way, you were definitely baiting Dakini a bit in the science students thread. And you did resort to cursing and insulting yourself.)

lol I was just trying to get into the argument, but everybody was ignoring me. I dirint mean it to be an insult or anything
25-04-2005, 17:35
Its ok, thanks for apolagizing. But seriusly, its like a human thing. It always happens, and in some countries its accepted. Thats why Dark Siths Lords country is about to enter a huge downfall, if its not in it already
I think some people do it because they're jerks, I get the feeling that other people reply on the tilt in response to the jerks who start them and there are those who are calm and collected throughout.
25-04-2005, 17:39
Ah come on! I once saw a monkey fly a 747. Not a fighter jet, but I think it applies. LOL
25-04-2005, 17:41
Did any of you see that picture of pope benedict comparing him to The emperor guy from Star Wars? Honestly they look like twins, I had the picture but I deleted it in a email, look it up if you can its hilarius
25-04-2005, 17:42
Well, seeing as how non-humans do not argue at all, it must be a human thing.

The same thing with flying fighter jets, it must be a human thing.

You ever played Star Fox? I do believe Slippy flew a fighter jet. Personally, I insult people based on stupidity. Their stupidity insults me, and so I insult them in return. I'm not rude, just honest.
25-04-2005, 17:46
You ever played Star Fox? I do believe Slippy flew a fighter jet. Personally, I insult people based on stupidity. Their stupidity insults me, and so I insult them in return. I'm not rude, just honest.

I always let slippy die, I just count stand that little frog!!!!
Chicken pi
25-04-2005, 17:52
lol I was just trying to get into the argument, but everybody was ignoring me. I dirint mean it to be an insult or anything

Yeah, sometimes it's really difficult to get into a debate, especially if it's pretty heated.
25-04-2005, 18:57
Havent you all noticed how most people respond in an argument? If you notice, after like three threads, they start cursing and insulting... And thats in nearly all of the threads... I think its a human thing, What do all of you think?
A good insult will help a person feel they are very, very clever. Of course, not many people can take what they dish out.
25-04-2005, 19:07
It's just defensiveness.
Santa Barbara
25-04-2005, 19:11
Havent you all noticed how most people respond in an argument? If you notice, after like three threads, they start cursing and insulting... And thats in nearly all of the threads... I think its a human thing, What do all of you think?

Shut up!
25-04-2005, 20:31
(im not sexist but) i always thought it was a male thing. a kind of pissing contest. sometimes i can smell the testosterone through the cyber-ether
26-04-2005, 01:07
It varies (as such, I can't answer the poll).

Sometimes its to make someone back off, because they're making you look bad.
(Insulting someone sexier than you)

Sometimes its to make someone back off, because they're wasting your time.
(Insulting someone who's poking at you)

Sometimes its to aggrevate someone in to saying what they really mean.
(Honestly sometimes comes out in anger.)

Sometimes its to fit in or otherwise manipulate society.
(Like that homophobic use of the word 'gay', to mean 'bad'. I've nearly slapped my sister for using it that way.)

Sometimes, it's just being honest.
(Like when I call the homophobic jackasses that started using 'gay' as an insult a pile of worthless trash deserving to be thrown in to the manure pile with all the other $#!@.)
26-04-2005, 01:22
Off of the topic...the title sugests something else than arguing.
26-04-2005, 01:55
A chimpanzee once threw his feces at me after I accused him of committing a logical fallacy. When I pointed out that his poo-hurling did not bolster his argument for creationism, he farted so loud that I thought he was going to assplode. That was the last time I will ever debate with a chimp or creationist.
26-04-2005, 01:58
A chimpanzee once threw his feces at me after I accused him of committing a logical fallacy. When I pointed out that his poo-hurling did not bolster his argument for creationism, he farted so loud that I thought he was going to assplode. That was the last time I will ever debate with a chimp or creationist.
Jesus threw shit at you?!
The Doors Corporation
26-04-2005, 05:13
Don't be so human-centric. You should see how crows get all ad-hominemy on yer azz when they start arguing about something! Just because you don't understand it...

sheesh...human thing indeed.


He is right.
Divine Imaginary Fluff
26-04-2005, 09:11
To those who voted "The person has no life": Why? Whether a person has a life or not is completely irrelevant. I'm an example of a weird nerd with no life. I don't have any, I don't want any, and I hardly ever insult anyone online.
Funky Beat
26-04-2005, 10:54
Oooohhhhhhh... that "It." Oh, well, I always thought that people who overly insult others are just jerks.

Hmm... double standards... oh well.