NationStates Jolt Archive

Quick plug: TPM Site

24-04-2005, 07:07

I understand this is a cheap plug and I apoligize but I am trying to raise traffic to a site I am working hard on.

Politically-oriented, House of Scott gives shelter to my writing, including the bi-daily Talking Points Memo and editorials. It also features some non-fiction writing and a few downloadable files, but it is mostly used for the former purpose.

I am pouring alot of energy into the site and I hope you will check it out and become a returning visitor.
24-04-2005, 07:24
No images of GW Bush?

The Ninth Kingdom
24-04-2005, 07:36
Nopers. I like it Pilot. Nice first TMP. ;)
24-04-2005, 18:12
Thank you Ninth. And I hope the rest of you will like it as well.