Racism test...
21-04-2005, 10:34
Apparently, academics at Harvard can test whether or not you're really racist, subconsciously or otherwise. It's a bit difficult to get started but worth a go.
21-04-2005, 10:44
Luckily, it concluded that I have 'no preference' for either black or white people. Not that I expected any less, but it's nice to have it validated!
21-04-2005, 10:45
My data suggests a slight automatic preference for White American relative to African American.
Right thinking whites
21-04-2005, 11:00
it asked about meats
21-04-2005, 11:12
I took a wrong turn somewhere, I got lost and didn't find the test!
21-04-2005, 12:18
I took a wrong turn somewhere, I got lost and didn't find the test!The initial pages are really badly organised. Click on the flag at the bottom that represents where you come from (if there is one - otherwise just pick a random one, I suppose), then click 'Go to the Demonstration Tests', then 'I wish to proceed', then 'Take the Race IAT'. You can also find out if you're sexist or ageist by clicking the Gender or Age IAT links! Haven't tried them myself yet, though.
The Imperial Navy
21-04-2005, 12:21
I concluded with a "No preference." So I feel ok. ;)
Imperial Dark Rome
21-04-2005, 13:05
I concluded with a "No preference."
Because I hate everyone equally. At least now it's a proven fact now that not all extreme conservatives are racists.
Posted by the Satanic Priest, Lord Medivh
San haiti
21-04-2005, 13:22
I dont see why, i answered all the questions pretty fast.
Vittos Ordination
21-04-2005, 16:00
"Your data suggest a moderate automatic preference for Black relative to White"
No wonder I can't succeed, I am racist against myself.
"Your data suggest a moderate automatic preference for Black relative to White"
No wonder I can't succeed, I am racist against myself.
This is fairly common from what I understand...
Vittos Ordination
21-04-2005, 16:07
This is fairly common from what I understand...
Seriously? I wonder why.
21-04-2005, 16:09
Apparently, I've got a preference for European Americans over African Americans.
Vittos Ordination
21-04-2005, 16:10
Apparently, I've got a preference for European Americans over African Americans.
Way to go, racist.
21-04-2005, 16:21
Well it seems I am more tolerant towards blacks than white
Though this test I cant agree is correct because it was a very confusing test..
Thats a pretty badly designed test. Learning to switch black and white face from left to right didn't make me learn to do it while also classifying words. I made no mistakes on the first part of the test, several when the back and white faces were left-right reversed, and even more when the faces were referces and I had to choose words too - but all my mistakes were from classifying faces instead of words. I'm pretty sure that I would have demonstarted a strong anti-white bias if they done the test in the opposite order.
My results haven't posted yet, and its been 15 minutes! But I must say that I don't see an automatic racial connection between rap music and classical music. What if you're black and raised listening to classical music or are white and raised listening to rap music? I think this survey is stupid.
21-04-2005, 16:36
It's difficult to do as I keep pressing thee wrong buttons as the categories keep switching over. how can you tell someone's racist from their reaction times.
21-04-2005, 16:36
apparently i prefer white people to black people.............?
Vittos Ordination
21-04-2005, 16:39
It's difficult to do as I keep pressing thee wrong buttons as the categories keep switching over. how can you tell someone's racist from their reaction times.
It tries to measure whether you associate bad connotation with black people and good connotation with white people or vice versa. If it is easier when good is on the same side as white, then you probably prefer whites. Needless to say, there are a million things that could go wrong with this test.
I didn't take the test only because i already know how i am. As a misanthrope i CAN'T be a racist...I hate everyone Equally!!! :cool:
21-04-2005, 16:48
It tries to measure whether you associate bad connotation with black people and good connotation with white people or vice versa. If it is easier when good is on the same side as white, then you probably prefer whites. Needless to say, there are a million things that could go wrong with this test.
Its more the fact that you get used to whichever came first and so keep prtessing the wrong button when it changes over. Whichever way it starts affects the results.
Vittos Ordination
21-04-2005, 16:50
Its more the fact that you get used to whichever came first and so keep prtessing the wrong button when it changes over. Whichever way it starts affects the results.
It gives you an equal amount of time to get accustomed to the second setup as well.
But I agree that this test is flawed. I'm apparently automatically moderately preferencial to blacks.
Soviet Narco State
21-04-2005, 17:02
they did this test on King of the Hill once. Hank was diagnosised to heavily prefer white people over black people and the whole town shunned him.
Me it said "Your data suggest little or no automatic preference for European American relative to African American", oh well my grandpa will be dissappointed.
I just got a picture of Hitler :confused: :confused: :confused:
Your data suggest a moderate automatic association between Pepsi with fair and Coke with unfair
I think I did the wrong test.
Dutch America
21-04-2005, 17:29
I think i fucked up. :confused:
Dutch America
21-04-2005, 17:42
Ok, now I got a strong automatic preference for white people. :eek:
thats stupid, i got a bunch of black friends......
21-04-2005, 17:47
I have a strong preferance to the US, but im from the UK? like i dont geddit
Daistallia 2104
21-04-2005, 17:50
Your data suggest Inconclusive result - too many errors.
That makes me happy, seeing as race is a socio-political fiction with no biological foundation.
21-04-2005, 17:54
I concluded with a "No preference."
Because I hate everyone equally.
Are you joking or serious? Is everyone really that bad?
21-04-2005, 18:06
not sure if the test changes every time, but for me it was
white black
good bad
then it switched to
black white
good bad
and that was the end of it....
Perhaps if they had done a few more rounds, swapping good and bad etc.
And starting the test with associating white=good and black=bad might not have been a good idea either. I see slanted results coming from this test.
Anyway, I got no preference.
21-04-2005, 18:17
Strongly prejudiced towards whites.. which is bullcrap. Most of the good guys I know happen to be blacks, so I have come to hate whites, although I am one.
But, on a more positive note, no preference of straight people over gay people, which is awesome. :)
22-04-2005, 00:57
Thats a pretty badly designed test.I have to agree actually. If you're concentrating hard enough, it's easy enough to beat. Even though he's not racist, my boyfriend was told he favoured black people over white people, even though he is white - is he actually meant to be racist against 'his own' in light of that?! :confused: Makes me wonder how good Harvard University really is...
22-04-2005, 01:15
"Your data suggest little or no automatic preference for White American relative to Black American"
Although that sounds about right, that test was too simplistic.
I try to live life by this quote, "I am free of all prejudices, I hate everyone equally."-Voltaire
New Genoa
22-04-2005, 01:30
Your data suggest a slight automatic preference for White People relative to Black People
so-so answer.
Why did this test say I rivaled hitler? Just kidding, no preference.
New Genoa
22-04-2005, 01:38
and for gays:
Your data suggest a strong automatic preference for STRAIGHT PEOPLE relative to GAY PEOPLE
Hrmm I guess it's kinda true, though I don't really care.
22-04-2005, 02:32
Turns out im a bigot.
Okay, I just took the 'prefer Canada or US' test, and now I have serious problems with the way they tabulate results.
They were going by speed and I was going by accuracy. I had real trouble associating the bad words with Canada. I got a lot of red X's as a result, it wasn't funny.
And yet, the test tells me that I 'moderately prefer the US to Canada'. Well, I don't hate the US, but I can guarantee that I prefer the 'true north strong and free'. Otherwise I would be less likely to participate in the Canadian swarmings (as 31 calls them) of anyone who hints their might be something wrong with Canada. :)
This is fairly common from what I understand...
The interpretation shown above is described as 'automatic preference for Black' if you responded faster when Black faces and Good words were classified with the same key as opposed to White faces and Good words.
I think it has to do with the order in which two halves of the test are taken. Harvard apparently concludes that the faster you go, the more you like the race they're testing for.
The first stage I was confused about what I was expected to do and went slow. Then I caught on and went faster the next time around.
Coincidentally, the first stage was testing for how much you liked white Americans, while the second was testing for how much you liked black Americans.
The result said "You went faster for black people! You must like them more!" But I think it was just the learning curve of the test. I bet if they switched the two there would be a magical preference among testtakers for white people.
Socialist Autonomia
22-04-2005, 03:02
Funny. I got an automatic preference for bush even though I I am extremely left eing/liberal. I think it's that stupid goofy smile he has...Like a dog wait for a stick to be thrown.
22-04-2005, 03:29
I'm not a racist but my mamma and daddy, they raised me to recognize that whites and blacks are different, and that God says that us whites are the best and so that's what I think.
The South Islands
22-04-2005, 03:59
Odd, it says I have a slight preference for black people over white people, even though I am white.
Vaaaaary intereeeesting...
New Genoa
22-04-2005, 04:03
Odd, it says I have a slight preference for black people over white people, even though I am white.
Vaaaaary intereeeesting...
If it was that interesting, then you would've really elaborated more on it, so it really isn't interesting you're just saying that to feel accepted. ARENT YOU???:mp5:
22-04-2005, 04:18
Did harvard take this test themselves?
Harvard Hates The White Race?
According to Dr. Ignatiev,
“The key to solving the social problems of our age is to abolish the white race.”
“Make no mistake about it,” he says,
“we intend to keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females too,until the social construct known as ‘the white race’ is destroyed--not ‘deconstructed’ but destroyed.”
What “social construct” will be left? A black one? An Hispanic one? Muslim? Asian? What about Jewish?
The Washington Times reports that Dr. Ignatiev is himself Jewish. If Jewish intellectuals and Israeli political leaders can be believed, Jews have a cultural and racial consciousness.
Israel is the Jewish homeland, and Israelis seem determined to keep it that way.
Can anyone imagine a gentile at an Israeli university founding a magazine devoted to abolishing the Jewish race?
There's Nothing Wrong With Racism (Except the Name)
Over the last half century, the situation has been transformed through massive immigration flows, so that now England is less like an extended family, more like a hotel.
It is now very easy to find pairs of English residents who share no common ancestor for tens of thousands of years past, perhaps longer - and who know this as soon as they see each other. Our governors, by permitting large-scale immigration, have destroyed the mechanism which previously guarded against adverse consequences of natural racial feelings.
But, while destroying one mechanism, with mulish stupidity they have refused to recognize the problem which that mechanism solved. No British government in my lifetime has ever said 'We are going to change the racial make-up of the population, and here is how we are going to solve the resulting problem of racial animosities ...' Instead, they have introduced
a series of laws and social policies whose intention seems to be to root out natural racial feelings from people's minds.
Who are the racists? Are racists those, who destroy races and cultures by racemixing, or are people called racists, those who respect God's unique creation by protecting all races through racial separation in line with God's chosen people, the Jews, who continue to follow the almighty's original design by strictly obeying the policy of marriage between Jews only.
"Multiculturalism has no place in Israel. Israel was created as a Jewish state for the Jews"
Multiculturalism not for Israel - Leibler
By John Masanauskas
Melbourne - Jewish leader Isi Leibler, a staunch defender of Australian multiculturalism, says the policy has no place in Israel.
"This is a country which was set up and created as a Jewish country for the Jews," he told a Jerusalem newspaper.
Mr. Leibler has previously said that multiculturalism in Australia was something that "we are all proud being part and parcel of."
22-04-2005, 04:27
My result says i have a slight automatic preference for white people over black people, which i didn't think was true. I was also surprised at my bad sense of direction, i kept getting left and right mixed up..lol. Which i guess could affect the results.
New Genoa
22-04-2005, 04:37
My result says i have a slight automatic preference for white people over black people, which i didn't think was true. I was also surprised at my bad sense of direction, i kept getting left and right mixed up..lol. Which i guess could affect the results.
White supremascist nazi. You know that feelings festers deep inside you, bundling and growing as time melts. Sooner or later the pint up rage against the inferior races will explode in way of such carnal rage that I fear the fate of humanity and all planet earth.
So please, if you wish to save earth, become racist. And you'll stop global warming too.
I dont really trust this test...
Your data suggest a moderate automatic association between African American and Weapons: The first thing in my head, when I think of a weapon, is a white guy.
Your data suggest a moderate automatic preference for George W. Bush relative to Franklin D. Roosevelt: I wouldnt exactly wank off into FDR's mouth, but I much prefer him to bush.
Apparently, I slightly prefer young people to old people, black people to white people (I'm self-hating, YAY!), and the U.S. to Austrailia.
And I moderately prefer gay people to straight people. :D
New Genoa
22-04-2005, 05:01
Apparently, I slightly prefer young people to old people, black people to white people (I'm self-hating, YAY!), and the U.S. to Austrailia.
And I moderately prefer gay people to straight people. :D
That's BS because we all know that you're a nationalist homophobe.
That's BS because we all know that you're a nationalist homophobe.
:D When did that happen?
22-04-2005, 05:07
"Your data suggest a strong automatic preference for White People relative to Black People" Well it seems im a racist bastard :(
22-04-2005, 05:23
These are my results for the other tests, when i got faster...lol
Moderate automatic preference for young people relative to old people
Little to no automatic preference for straight people relative to gay people
Moderate association between science and male relative to female
Strong automatic preference for United States relative to Canada-I'm Canadian, so this one amuses me...lol
Little to no automatic preference of thin people to fat people
Nation of Fortune
22-04-2005, 05:34
well It says I like females more than males And I love sciences as opposed to liberal arts
and this is coming from an 18 year old male
The Vatican II
22-04-2005, 05:59
Your data suggest a slight automatic preference for White People relative to Black People
eh, whatever.
The Great Mistland
22-04-2005, 14:13
Mine was for gay/straight. It said that I moderately prefer straight people... Yet I am very much un-straight. That's just weird.
Imperial Dark Rome
23-04-2005, 08:00
Are you joking or serious? Is everyone really that bad?
I am serious. It really is that bad. I hate everyone for one reason or another. Most of the time I hate someone because of one's own stupidity. Which is the number one Satanic Sin.
Posted by the Satanic Priest, Lord Medivh
23-04-2005, 08:19
Your data suggest a moderate automatic preference for Black American relative to White American
well, thank god. some retarded survey says I am not racist.
Good job harvard.
(Though I do liek some of the black womens)
Edit: Though I am left handed, and the hottest woman I know is "black" (god I hate that term).
So screw you harvard, your test is bolicks.
23-04-2005, 08:33
I was inconclusive in the gay test.
If I were younger, I might get angry about this.
"Your data suggest little or no automatic preference for White People relative to Black People".
23-04-2005, 18:14
"Your data suggest a moderate automatic preference for Black relative to White"
No wonder I can't succeed, I am racist against myself.
What order did you get?
As much as they say the correct for it, I think some of the preference may come from which they link with "good" and which they link with "bad" first.
23-04-2005, 18:23
So screw you harvard, your test is bolicks.
Hear hear! I really hate how ppl try to quantify if I'm racist or not
"Your data suggest a moderate automatic preference for United States relative to United Kingdom"
"Your data suggest little or no automatic preference for Old relative to Young"
"Your data suggest little or no association between science and Female relative to Male"
"Your data suggest little or no automatic preference for STRAIGHT PEOPLE relative to GAY PEOPLE"
"Your data suggest a slight automatic preference for FAT PEOPLE relative to THIN PEOPLE"
"Your data suggest a slight automatic preference for White British relative to Asian British"
What order did you get?
As much as they say the correct for it, I think some of the preference may come from which they link with "good" and which they link with "bad" first.
Yeah, this happened with me too. The first directional associations stuck in my mind the most, like "good" = left or "bad = right.
23-04-2005, 18:40
Yeah, this happened with me too. The first directional associations stuck in my mind the most, like "good" = left or "bad = right.
In fact, taking more of them - I am seeing a pattern here. They *always* seem to associate the things they want to prove go together first. Thus, if they want to prove most people have a preference for white and good - they always put white on the left side, then good on the left side, then white and good on the left side. Then they switch it on you.
i obviously dislike homos
I got a test on freedom vs. security...
It suggest a strong preference for freedom.
Eh. Arguable. :)
according to this test i apparently prefer gays to stariaghts and blacks to white, i ain't liberal so i don't know how that happened
23-04-2005, 20:56
Your data suggest little or no automatic preference for Other People relative to Arab Muslims
yay! even if the test doesn't really work. :D
24-04-2005, 03:29
more racism....imagine if white people celebrated the deaths of jewish children?
wake up white man, your sons and daughters are being killed by jewish zionists/commmunists...
The Passover
News; Posted on: 2005-04-22 20:50:00 [ Printer friendly / Instant flyer ]
A tradition of hate is kept alive.
The Jewish "Passover" is an eight-day affair that will begin at sundown on Saturday. It commemorates the mass slaughter of gentile children at the hands of Yahweh, their tribal god. According to Jews, Yahweh sent a plague which passed over Jewish kids, targeting the first-born of the goyim.
Jews will gather and feast in celebration of the killings. The lavish meals feature special foods to remind them of why the gentile children deserved to die. Those foods include Haroseth, a mixture of chopped walnuts, wine, cinnamon and apples that represent the mortar the Jewish slaves used to assemble the Pharaoh's bricks; parsley dipped in salt water to be a reminder of the tears of the Jewish slaves; and bitter herbs, which is freshly grated horseradish that reflects the bitter affliction of slavery.
Many Israeli Jews are expected to celebrate Passover with a visit to one of Tel Aviv's 250+ brothels, staffed by bitterly afflicted sex-slaves from the former Soviet bloc countries.