Star Wars Episode III: Will it be a masterpiece...a mediocrity...a monstrosity...or?
20-04-2005, 16:03
For those who plan to see Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, what do you think your opinion of the film will be? Will it be any good? Or will it be a colossal failure? Share your thoughts!!!
Independent Homesteads
20-04-2005, 16:05
i'm betting it will be pretty but pretty crap. i don't care, i got free tickets to h2g2.
I think it will be the best of the new trilogy. It has several things going for it.
-Much darker.
-Massive battle scenes in space and on ground.
-PG-13, meaning it will be MUCH more mature.
-Anakin looks badass in this one.
So...I'm hoping for the best.
20-04-2005, 16:10
I think it will be the best of the new trilogy. It has several things going for it.
-Much darker.
-Massive battle scenes in space and on ground.
-PG-13, meaning it will be MUCH more mature.
-Anakin looks badass in this one.
So...I'm hoping for the best.
It's PG-13!? :eek: Never thought I'd see a PG-13 SW film. Guess Lucas is finally developing a backbone...
It's PG-13!? :eek: Never thought I'd see a PG-13 SW film. Guess Lucas is finally developing a backbone...
Aye! And it's the reason why I think it'll do well.
More importantly however...How do YOU think Episode III will do, Roach-Busters?
The Imperial Navy
20-04-2005, 16:17
It'll be watchable I bet, but not fantastic. But I will be seing the film.
20-04-2005, 16:18
Aye! And it's the reason why I think it'll do well.
More importantly however...How do YOU think Episode III will do, Roach-Busters?
I think it will definitely be the best of the new trilogy and an excellent film in its own right, yet it won't be on par with the original trilogy (few films are, IMO). Let's hope it isn't haunted by the cheesy, sappy dialogue that pervaded Episode II.
It will be the best one ever only if Anakin, after getting his cool new darth Vader bad guy suit, comes back and lops off jar jar binks head, it would be worth the wait just to see that :D
other than that, I will reserve judgement until I get to see it
20-04-2005, 16:22
I hope to God that Jar Jar dies an agonizing death in this film. :D
I hope to God that Jar Jar dies an agonizing death in this film. :D
I heard rumor that he does...That's just rumor though. Don't get your hopes up yet. And besides, it wont be gory enough to satisfy me if it's only "PG-13". :p
I think it will definitely be the best of the new trilogy and an excellent film in its own right, yet it won't be on par with the original trilogy (few films are, IMO). Let's hope it isn't haunted by the cheesy, sappy dialogue that pervaded Episode II.
Yeah, doesn't it suck when a movie has excellent actors (Ewan McGreggor, Samuel L. Jackson, Christopher Lee) and the script absolutely BLOWS?
20-04-2005, 16:35
I hope to God that Jar Jar dies an agonizing death in this film. :D
There are a lot of rumors going around right now on that George Lucas has changed Episode III to make the ending a surprise.
The change...Jar Jar Binks becomes Darth Vader...Not Anakin!!!
Talk about a crazy plot twist :eek:
I've also heard that Episode III will have at least 10 or more Ewoks dancing around in the background of every scene. Should be neat to see :D
New British Glory
20-04-2005, 16:35
Bad news actually
Rick McCallum (producer) has actually announced that Jar Jar will not be killed. Damn it. Oh the pain, the pain of it all.
I've heard that Mace Windu's death is supposed to be pretty spectacular...he's supposed to have quite the honor guard to accompany him to the after-force. :p
As for the movie itself...sadly, I won't be going to see it until it's been out for a couple of weeks and the crowds have died by then I'll have heard all about it, and won't be able to see it without pre-judging it.
That said, it CAN'T be any worse than Episodes I & II...but it certainly won't be as good as the "original" trilogy.
Am I the only one who want's to see them make a "pre-prequel" film series based on the Knights of the Old Republic video game? :confused:
20-04-2005, 16:37
Well they really screwed up the first two. It should be callled revenge of the Brat because in the last 2 episodes we have see Anakin do nothing but whine and cry about his mommy. And hayden is A BAD ACTOR!!!! Almost as bad as Ben Affleck. Hopefully this one will take it back to what Star Wars is all about...killing people.
Im going to say that it will probably get 2 out of 5 stars, 3 out of 5 if Jar Jar is killed in the movie
No jar jar death??? :mad:
now I will have to rate the movie by normal criteria, Boobs, dead bodies and explosions
New British Glory
20-04-2005, 16:39
Well they really screwed up the first two. It should be callled revenge of the Brat because in the last 2 episodes we have see Anakin do nothing but whine and cry about his mommy. And hayden is A BAD ACTOR!!!! Almost as bad as Ben Affleck. Hopefully this one will take it back to what Star Wars is all about...killing people.
Im going to say that it will probably get 2 out of 5 stars, 3 out of 5 if Jar Jar is killed in the movie
Fans called the Brat Mannequin Skywalker. I think that Chewbacca should have played him.
20-04-2005, 16:42
what i want to know is:
how uninhibited will Anakin and Natalie Portman's (sp?) love scene be?
Originally posted by Frangland
what i want to know is:
how uninhibited will Anakin and Natalie Portman's (sp?) love scene be?
It's my guess that that would be the reason for the PG-13 think of the most half-assed love scene you've ever seen in a PG-13 movie, and there you go...
20-04-2005, 16:46
The movie, it will probably be rated PG13 and not because Lucas developed a backbone but because of the dark nature of the film. There is more violence in this film than all of his others.
I think this movie will be one of the best and will definitely be the best of the new triligy as well as probably the best SW episode ever.
I'm sure i'll be a great film.
From what i've heard, the Sabar battle between Yoda and the Dark Lord is incredible.
Greater Valia
20-04-2005, 16:57
For those who plan to see Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, what do you think your opinion of the film will be? Will it be any good? Or will it be a colossal failure? Share your thoughts!!!
From the O.C. trailer it looks really kickass. Almost as kickass as The Empire Strikes Back. Looks like more action Jedi fights, space battles etc. It cant be worse than episodes 1 or 2... They seem to have been improving, like ep. 2 was way better than ep 1 but still wasnt good enough by SW standards. (if they kept the stupid romance out of it and killed jar jar it would have been a really good movie) : /
Am I the only one who want's to see them make a "pre-prequel" film series based on the Knights of the Old Republic video game? :confused:
No. I bought that game the other day, and it rocks. I was pleasantly surprised, it's the only game on X-box i've seen with decent voice acting and plot. :D
(That may be due to the fact that it's on PC too, but my comp sucks :p)
But hey...If there's money out there, there will probably be more Star Wars films eventually...
The Abomination
20-04-2005, 17:04
I have a horrible confession to make - I purchased the graphic novel. I now know the plot, in it's entirety.
And its actually not too bad. With a good script and some good effects (and what is Star Wars if not good effects) the whole thing could be quite entertaining and definitely beats the last two. It might even be as good as Return of the Jedi... maybe even Empire Strikes back, although that would be pushing it.
Originally posted by Kanabia
No. I bought that game the other day, and it rocks. I was pleasantly surprised, it's the only game on X-box i've seen with decent voice acting and plot.
Did you buy the first one or the second one? I've played the first, and while I haven't played the second, I heard it's ending sucked ass... :(
Mister Moose
20-04-2005, 17:06
[QUOTE=The Abomination]I have a horrible confession to make - I purchased the graphic novel. I now know the plot, in it's entirety.
:eek: you monster!
I think it will definitely be better than the last two but wont beat the original movies
20-04-2005, 17:08
Depends if you mean Light Side, Neutral (same ending), or Dark Side ending.
Naxder Drol
20-04-2005, 17:11
The movie, it will probably be rated PG13 and not because Lucas developed a backbone but because of the dark nature of the film. There is more violence in this film than all of his others.
I think this movie will be one of the best and will definitely be the best of the new triligy as well as probably the best SW episode ever.
I've heard that the battle between Obi-Wan and Anakin is sick, twisted and kickass.
Did you buy the first one or the second one? I've played the first, and while I haven't played the second, I heard it's ending sucked ass... :(
Only the first, it was about half the price and I refuse to pay $80+ for games. :p And i'm going light side, because being evil is always more fun, so i'll leave that for later. Better replay value that way. :D
20-04-2005, 17:43
The movie is definately going to be better than the last two. I did see alot of first look footage a few weeks back, and it was enough to send the chills up my spine.
As for KOTOR, both 1 and 2, I played through both games, and enjoyed them immensely, and at first i thought the ending sucked on 2, due to the fact I played dark side and wanted to show no mercy. But after going through a few more times, the ending itself is not so much the cutscene, but the actual conversation with the final boss (I am trying to avoid spoilers ;)).
Finding out what happened to Revan, well, when you do... you will realise how much cooler than Vader, or any other SW character for that matter, that Revan truely is.
Enough of my KOTOR ranting, the movie looks great, and will be a technical and graphical marvel. George is meticulous about every aspect of his movie, and this will be know exception. Sure the love scenes will suck, but name any movie George has written with a credible love scene... he's just not comfortable with them.
As for Jar Jar Binks, I was hoping some grueling death at the hands of a droid army, but hey, he's really only there so guys can drag theirs younger brothers or sisters (or girlfriends for that matter, mine loves the character, so its the only way I can get her to watch SW movies with me) and sit down and watch the movie.
Anyhow, its 2:45am and I got other forums to troll ;)
Santa Barbara
20-04-2005, 18:14
Well its good that he's going to PG-13, but it's not far enough! I want an NC-17 or better yet, Unrated due to GRAPHIC FUTURE WARFARE VIOLENCE. I wanna see limbs flying left and right as evil Jedi start hacking up innocent bystanders. I wanna see people get impaled by light sabers and have boiling hot blood well up from their intestines and shoot out their mouths! I wanna see ewoks get utterly SLAUGHTERED, their patheic guerilla forces captured and their leadership in chains while the Sith brutally torture them. And don't give me that Iraqi pseudowar college freshmen 'torture' nonsense. I want to see the master use of EVIL to cause INTENSE PAIN and SUFFERING.
Frankly, anything less than that is a disappointment.
If the movie follows the novelization (written by Matthew Stover) as closely as humanly possible, it will be vastly superior to Episodes I and II, and right up there with Return of the Jedi. If, as seems more likely, George Lucas touches it with his magic crap wand, it will still be very much fun to watch, with insane amounts of action, but not all that good of a movie.
For those who have choosen not to read the book, let's just say there is one large space battle, two and a half large ground battles, four exciting lightsaber duels, and one humongous slaughter of innocents. Hopefully Lucas will only be able to sandwich a very small amount of "acting" and his idea of "plot development" between all the explosions and cutting of limbs.
20-04-2005, 19:08
I have a horrible confession to make - I purchased the graphic novel. I now know the plot, in it's entirety.
And its actually not too bad. With a good script and some good effects (and what is Star Wars if not good effects) the whole thing could be quite entertaining and definitely beats the last two. It might even be as good as Return of the Jedi... maybe even Empire Strikes back, although that would be pushing it.
I read the book Abomination not to mention know behind the scenes stuff due to my hyperspace membership on
20-04-2005, 19:11
I've heard that the battle between Obi-Wan and Anakin is sick, twisted and kickass.
Considering I actually watched them practice that scene, that isn't to far from the mark :)
New Shiron
21-04-2005, 02:43
I read the novelization the other day (twice in a row)
It is well written, and lots of battles of every kind.
I won't provide spoilers, as I don't want to ruin it for anyone but I think it is possibly the best written storyline since "The Empire Strikes Back"
best of all, it refers to all of the story lines from the animated "Clone Wars" series that has been running on Cartoon Network (due to come out soon on DVD) so all of that stuff is therefore official.
21-04-2005, 02:46
It will certainly be better than ep 1, hopefully it's better than ep 2.
New Sernpidel
21-04-2005, 02:51
I think it will be the best of the Prequils, but i don't think any of the prequils can stand up to the OT
21-04-2005, 02:58
"Star Wars Episode III: Will it be a masterpiece...a mediocrity...a monstrosity...or?"
I chose "Better than either SW I or II. My daughter called today and wants me to go with her and her hubby to watch it when it's released as part of my birthday present. :D
21-04-2005, 05:18
I read the novelization the other day (twice in a row)
It is well written, and lots of battles of every kind.
I won't provide spoilers, as I don't want to ruin it for anyone but I think it is possibly the best written storyline since "The Empire Strikes Back"
best of all, it refers to all of the story lines from the animated "Clone Wars" series that has been running on Cartoon Network (due to come out soon on DVD) so all of that stuff is therefore official.
Volume 1 is already out on DVD my friend. I should know because I have it :)
The Zoogie People
21-04-2005, 05:22
As long as they have a lot of flash, bang, whizz, it'll probably be good enough for me. Star Wars isn't a deeply philosophical movie, is it?
I honestly didn't think the first two were that bad. I liked the second one in particular.
21-04-2005, 05:35
The scene in "Spaced" where Tim burns his Star Wars stuff to protest "The Phantom Menace" has to be one of the most accurate critical appraisal of what many old fans thought. Having grown up with the franchise, the first film -- with the exception of the Ray Park (sp?) fight scene -- of the prequel killed my enjoyment. The second movie, which I hoped and almost prayed (as an atheist, that means more than it seems) would be better than the first, had me giggling in utter disbelief that I paid however much it was for that offal. Terence Stamp, Christopher Lee, Ian McDiarmid, Ewan McGregor, all that talent wasted. The special effects and designs, wasted. Ugh.
I hope "Hitch-hiker's Guide to the Galaxy" isn't a disappointment else I might have to give up on sci-fi movies in toto. :(
New Shiron
21-04-2005, 17:48
Volume 1 is already out on DVD my friend. I should know because I have it :)
cool, I will have to order it online, as apparently it either sold out instantly in my little city, or hasn't arrived yet
Well, if it's as good as the book was, it will be pretty good. :cool:
Well its good that he's going to PG-13, but it's not far enough! I want an NC-17 or better yet, Unrated due to GRAPHIC FUTURE WARFARE VIOLENCE. I wanna see limbs flying left and right as evil Jedi start hacking up innocent bystanders. I wanna see people get impaled by light sabers and have boiling hot blood well up from their intestines and shoot out their mouths! I wanna see ewoks get utterly SLAUGHTERED, their patheic guerilla forces captured and their leadership in chains while the Sith brutally torture them. And don't give me that Iraqi pseudowar college freshmen 'torture' nonsense. I want to see the master use of EVIL to cause INTENSE PAIN and SUFFERING.
Frankly, anything less than that is a disappointment.
While there's no torture in the book version, there is a lot of limbs flying off and such. I think the best part will be when Obi hacks of Annis legs and drops him in the volcano.