Ok, so for the longest time I've always been against Marijuana, and have stayed away from anyone who has used it. But this past week, I've been hanging out a lot with a guy I'm now dating and he happens to be a pothead. This was a very interesting situation from me, as I've always stayed away from this kind of stuff.
However, after them blowing smoke in my face and stuff and sticking hitters in my face I decided it today. Ironic, as I just noticed that it's 4:20. It was a very interesting experience, taking my first hit.. I've looked long and hard for a good reason not to try it, other than it being a Schedule 1 controlled substance I couldn't really find any. Only real bad stuff I could come up with was from heavy and frequent users/regular users. Would never be my case, and frankly I really don't care if I ever do it again. That shit zapped the strength from me. About 5 minutes after taking a hit, they wanted me to take another and I was too lazy to hold the damn piece myself.. just took to much effort.
Anyway, I dunno. What's everyone elses thought on the matter. Oh, and happy 4:20
Sith Dark Lords
20-04-2005, 13:45
I myself never tried mary ja wanna, but that's because it never interested me. I don't drink much alcohol either. Probably 3 beers a year if I'm having a crazy year.
I saw how my friends were turning out while growing up and it kind of turned me off.
Pure Metal
20-04-2005, 13:48
Ok, so for the longest time I've always been against Marijuana, and have stayed away from anyone who has used it. But this past week, I've been hanging out a lot with a guy I'm now dating and he happens to be a pothead. This was a very interesting situation from me, as I've always stayed away from this kind of stuff.
However, after them blowing smoke in my face and stuff and sticking hitters in my face I decided it today. Ironic, as I just noticed that it's 4:20. It was a very interesting experience, taking my first hit.. I've looked long and hard for a good reason not to try it, other than it being a Schedule 1 controlled substance I couldn't really find any. Only real bad stuff I could come up with was from heavy and frequent users/regular users. Would never be my case, and frankly I really don't care if I ever do it again. That shit zapped the strength from me. About 5 minutes after taking a hit, they wanted me to take another and I was too lazy to hold the damn piece myself.. just took to much effort.
Anyway, I dunno. What's everyone elses thought on the matter. Oh, and happy 4:20
good. glad to hear you had an open enough mind to try it.
its such a shame that there's all this negative stigma and paranoia over something as harmless as weed.
so thanks Doujin, that's another notch towards people realising weed is not a bad thing :)
String musicians
20-04-2005, 13:49
dump the pot smoker!
Norwich Airport
20-04-2005, 13:50
Marijuana is fantastic, it should be legalised everywhere!!!
See, I work with the Health Department and essentially for the CDC, so it was especially interesting for me. I guess I enjoyed the experience, although I don't remember everything.. lol
20-04-2005, 14:08
Go hot boxin' :D
Legless Pirates
20-04-2005, 14:13
So you see. Potheads aren't dangerous, they're too lazy to get dangerous
So you see. Potheads aren't dangerous, they're too lazy to get dangerous
omg my bf and his friend were hillarious.. they were argueing because both of them were to lazy to pack the hitter, and it was just great :p
Legless Pirates
20-04-2005, 14:20
omg my bf and his friend were hillarious.. they were argueing because both of them were to lazy to pack the hitter, and it was just great :p
Independent Homesteads
20-04-2005, 14:31
The official definition of "a cannabis overdose" in the UK is "four pounds, dropped on your head from the fourth floor".
A reason not to use cannabis is that for a certain sort of person, with a certain sort of tendency to mental instability, even limited use can induce symptoms ranging from lasting paranoia to schizophrenia. In short, if you're already a bit wacko, weed can flip you right out.
If you're not that sort of person, it can induce laziness, giggles and a tendency to eat crap food, as well as short term memory loss.
The official definition of "a cannabis overdose" in the UK is "four pounds, dropped on your head from the fourth floor".
A reason not to use cannabis is that for a certain sort of person, with a certain sort of tendency to mental instability, even limited use can induce symptoms ranging from lasting paranoia to schizophrenia. In short, if you're already a bit wacko, weed can flip you right out.
If you're not that sort of person, it can induce laziness, giggles and a tendency to eat crap food, as well as short term memory loss.
Yes, and laziness, giggles, and tendency to eat crap food isn't really bad. Short term memory loss I have anyway, lol. Real small negatives to much larger positives.
20-04-2005, 14:36
The official definition of "a cannabis overdose" in the UK is "four pounds, dropped on your head from the fourth floor".
A reason not to use cannabis is that for a certain sort of person, with a certain sort of tendency to mental instability, even limited use can induce symptoms ranging from lasting paranoia to schizophrenia. In short, if you're already a bit wacko, weed can flip you right out.
If you're not that sort of person, it can induce laziness, giggles and a tendency to eat crap food, as well as short term memory loss.
Folks who are unstable will always find some habit to take up whether it's hard drugs, soft drugs, alcohol or some other substance abuse.
Pure Metal
20-04-2005, 14:36
The official definition of "a cannabis overdose" in the UK is "four pounds, dropped on your head from the fourth floor".
A reason not to use cannabis is that for a certain sort of person, with a certain sort of tendency to mental instability, even limited use can induce symptoms ranging from lasting paranoia to schizophrenia. In short, if you're already a bit wacko, weed can flip you right out.
If you're not that sort of person, it can induce laziness, giggles and a tendency to eat crap food, as well as short term memory loss.
it also makes you feel pretty good.
i think a certain sort of person is drawn to cannabis use - hence the claims that it 'makes you lazy', or 'leads to mental illness' are a little blown out of proportion. i smoke it and i'm very, very lazy, but i would be just as lazy if i didn't. similarly i was drawn to cannabis use because of depression - it was escapism - not the other way around
Independent Homesteads
20-04-2005, 14:41
Yes, and laziness, giggles, and tendency to eat crap food isn't really bad. Short term memory loss I have anyway, lol. Real small negatives to much larger positives.
the real negative is that you might end up a pothead. but as long as you keep
a) moving
b) working at least occasionally
c) reasonable standards of personal hygiene
d) eating fresh fruit and vegetables
you should be able to avoid even that fate
Independent Homesteads
20-04-2005, 14:43
i would be just as lazy if i didn't.
how do you know?
similarly i was drawn to cannabis use because of depression - it was escapism - not the other way around
yes but cannabis use can make a lot of people (not all) mentally worse. it did me. now i smoke "very occasionally".
Folks who are unstable will always find some habit to take up whether it's hard drugs, soft drugs, alcohol or some other substance abuse.
I disagree, I think people who are stable are more likely to fall into some form of substance abuse. Myself for example, I am told at least (and in my own opinion) that I am very stable, and I don't need marijuana for anything.. but I was curious and I tried it and I will probably do itt again every once in awhile, to escape from my stability and be a little bit unstable, need a little freedom from all that stuff.
20-04-2005, 14:47
I was a pothead for twenty years. I'm so glad I finally quit wasting my time with that stuff. After my head finally cleared up, I could see what a stupid waste it all was. I was the 'class brain' back in high school and had all this potential and wasted it. Dumb, dumb, dumb.
Mind you, I know I'm the extreme case, and most people try it, or smoke it for a few years in their youth and then grow out of it. But you never know if you're going to be the one who gets stuck on something until it happens. And while weed may be harmless compared to alcohol, tobacco, coke, etc., there are consequences to any behavior choice...
Elephant Frankie Brown
20-04-2005, 14:49
Getting stoned one night will do you far less damage than getting wankered on the alkee-whole.
And that's a fact :)
The only reason why people have a stigma about weed is because it's illegal, thus you need to know people who do it to get it, it's like a in the know thing. Of course overuse messes you up, that's true of shandy!!
America is scruud up anyway - how you have to be 21 to drink. And the government there spews up no end of misinformation about drugs. I think the British gov. is pretty good for drugs education really. (US) vs. (UK)
The official definition of "a cannabis overdose" in the UK is "four pounds, dropped on your head from the fourth floor".
A reason not to use cannabis is that for a certain sort of person, with a certain sort of tendency to mental instability, even limited use can induce symptoms ranging from lasting paranoia to schizophrenia. In short, if you're already a bit wacko, weed can flip you right out.
If you're not that sort of person, it can induce laziness, giggles and a tendency to eat crap food, as well as short term memory loss.
In that case, I shouldnt smoke canabis
People who discriminate against people who smoke the ganja have probably never tried and do not know how cool it is. I use to be one of them until highschool and it has made parts of my life more exciting. So before anyone discriminates against pot smokers they need to see for themselves what it is like. Plus pot is probably one of the safest drugs out there if you really look at it cuz it is more natural. smiles :D
20-04-2005, 14:58
I found out the other day (what is this, a marijouana style AA meeting?) that my mum has done weed within the last year, which is great, because she's the setter of good examples, and i've always wanted to experiment at least once, and weed seems one of the least harmful. the lesser of a few evils...and now that seems to make it 'okay' for me to try it.
one experience she said she had in amsterdam cafe was with her friend. they stopped in the middle of the street on the way back to their hotel (this is my mum and my godfather by the way) and he started laughing at how funny car wheels are. my mum agreed that she'd never 'looked at them in that way before' and they laughed at wheels all the way. afterwards, my mum's other friend who was also there, who stayed off it, told them all about their experience (this was their first experience) and they looked at some wheels again and decided that there was actually nothing unusual about car wheels...
Just some info: my mum is in her 40s at the mo, and she has two kids (me, 14, and my sister, 5--how irresponsible!).
20-04-2005, 15:02
Health wise, the stuff aint good for you, simple. It's worse than some stuff and not as bad as other stuff. I'm health concious and don't smoke it but I have in the past and enjoyed it. So it's just a personal choice really about the health effects versus the enjoyment and benefits. Like, with everything else in life, maybe do some research on it before you try it maybe so at least your not going into it blind, that's my best advice. Also, enjoy it with friends for the first time, don't do it to be cool, that's just a total waste of ganja anyway.
20-04-2005, 15:11
WOW!!! i just don't get it. why does someone want to make themselves stupid with others? it may be fun and a good time if you remember but in the end you get nothing.
I am for the usage of natural substances as long as it is for experiencing and exploring the self. Therefore pot if used should be used in the mid 35-60 age zone to gather enlightenement or knowledge of one self like dreaming. smoking pot should be done alone and controled. If not it's just your mind being controled by your need for sense gratification wich will lead you nowheres. With control comes true happiness. With control and awareness you are never disappointed.
and when health is concerned we do alot of things to upset our body, eat too much take medication all these things we need not but we do anyways for someone sayd to sometime. marijana may have bad side effects after a certain lack of control. Drinking too much milk will raise fat levels in your body and may lead to vomiting, taking to much medication may make your body used to it and become less effective. everything has a reaction in your body. lthe body is like a spring with control when stretching the spring it may go back to its original form but if stretched to far it will remain changed. so be carefull and dont have too much of anything.
i think that it's time the witch hunt ended. marijuana prohibition has done nothing to hinder it's use, and has only succeeded in turning ordinary, law abiding citizens into criminals. no victim, no crime. if it were legal (or at least decriminalized), people who wished to smoke marijuana could grow their own supply quite easily and inexpensively, essentially cutting out the black market and all the woes that come from it. gangs have gotten rich because of the government's lack of forsight, and until this is acknowledged and dealt with, they will continue to expand and further degrade our nation. congrats on your first experience with weed, and happy 420 to all.
The Viking Wenches
20-04-2005, 15:14
Well, I like to remain open-minded about things, but illegal drugs I am not keen on. In fact, I broke off contact with people that I was once friends with for over five years. It changed their entire personality. First, it was pot. I have a lot of friends that do it, so it didn't bother me that much. Then it was DXM...then perscription pills, then other drugs...and then failing school... In their eyes it isn't a big deal--because doing illegal drugs in the state of New York isn't a big deal?--but it completely changed who they once were. I don't regret braking off the friendship, but I wish that they would have realized that doing drugs can do a lot more to you than losing a couple can ruin your life. So, please take into consideration that the next time you want to take a "hit" that a lot of people don't talk about the side-effects that don't include lack of ambition and an altered state-of-mind.
Cerebral Plain
20-04-2005, 15:19
25 years and still smoking..... almost everyday....... it hasn't killed me yet
the only real harm that marijuana presents to you is when you smoke it, the tar that gets on your lungs, which happens to clear out 4 or 5 times faster than tar from ciggarrettes.
I smoke weed, and have smoked weed since I was 13 (7 years ago) I had bad grades in highschool sure, but that didn't come from smoking pot, that came from skipping school. on my tests and whatnot in every class I was scoring higher than most of the other students. The Alaska graduating test they instituted a few years back only took me an hour and 20 minutes for each of the three parts, and I scored in the top 90% of the state. Straight A students who took longer than myself scored lower then me as well.
Smoking marijuana does not make one stupid, sure it does bring in that problem of short term memory loss, but if you stop smoking for any given period that short term memory loss problem should stop.
There was a study done, over the course of a year a person smoked 4 joints a day. At the end of the year their brain activity was normal, as it would be if they never smoked. Now 4 joints everyday is alot, I smoke pot fairly often and I'd say at most I'd smoke the equivolent of 5 joints a week, at most.
there are ways around the harmful effects of marijuana as well, such as cooking with it, that eliminates the problem you'd have with the tar on the lungs when you smoke it out of a bong or pipe.
However even the tar from marijuana isn't too harmful. One joint has 4-5 cigarrettes worth of tar, but it also clears up 4-5 times faster. Not only that, the most that most users smoke in one day is usually 2-3 joints, and that is usually with other people present. People who smoke cigarrettes smoke half a pack to a pack a day. It is much worse with tobacco.
To my knowledge there is no known deaths caused directly by marijuana, but how many people a year are killed by tobacco? Or even alcohol?
You cannot overdose on pot, it's impossible, you would pass out before ever getting to the amount it would require to overdose.
Marijuana can also be beneficial as it increases bloodflow, and metabolism, and reduces pressure on the eyes, and prevents glaucoma.
The risk for a heart attack from smoking pot I have heard is 4 times the normal rate. Well when you jog your risk for a heart attack is 5 times the normal rate, isn't it? I have never heard of anyone having a heart attack from smoking pot, but didn't a guy keel over and die while he was out jogging?
I'm ranting here I know, but I think people should know some of this, not biased information you see on commercials and whatnot.
Oh one more note, on driving, a group of canadian scientist believe that smoking a little marijuana before driving might actually enhance one's ability to do so. In tests it's shown that subjects become more cautious after smoking a little bit, and tend to drive slower, and pay more attention.
personally when I smoke pot, I like to go out and do something, write something, build something, just find things to do. I would say that I am lazier without pot, than I am with it. I have used it for 7 years, and it hasn't had any sort of negative effect on my life. When I skipped school, it was usually to drink, not to smoke pot.
I am for the usage of natural substances as long as it is for experiencing and exploring the self. Therefore pot if used should be used in the mid 35-60 age zone to gather enlightenement or knowledge of one self like dreaming. smoking pot should be done alone and controled. If not it's just your mind being controled by your need for sense gratification wich will lead you nowheres. With control comes true happiness. With control and awareness you are never disappointed.
what a load of nonsense. Smoking pot with others is always a better experience, I know with interaction with other stoned people it heightens my high.
have you tried Salvia Divinorum (divine inebriation) ??
My boyfriend wants to try and quit pot today.
So who here enjoyed some weed on 4:20?
21-04-2005, 07:29
I'm a voter and a smoker! ;)
In my opinion alcohol is more dangerous than dope but you still need to be careful. Because MJ is illegal you gain what can only be called "shadey contacts." They call dope a gateway drug but "they" fail to realise it is because we are forced to go to dealers that substances like coke and Heroine become available. Personally I don't do any of that hard-drug rubbish because it's a death sentence but smoking dope in my opinion is equal to opening a can of beer.
21-04-2005, 07:32
Ok, so for the longest time I've always been against Marijuana, and have stayed away from anyone who has used it. But this past week, I've been hanging out a lot with a guy I'm now dating and he happens to be a pothead. This was a very interesting situation from me, as I've always stayed away from this kind of stuff.
However, after them blowing smoke in my face and stuff and sticking hitters in my face I decided it today. Ironic, as I just noticed that it's 4:20. It was a very interesting experience, taking my first hit.. I've looked long and hard for a good reason not to try it, other than it being a Schedule 1 controlled substance I couldn't really find any. Only real bad stuff I could come up with was from heavy and frequent users/regular users. Would never be my case, and frankly I really don't care if I ever do it again. That shit zapped the strength from me. About 5 minutes after taking a hit, they wanted me to take another and I was too lazy to hold the damn piece myself.. just took to much effort.
Anyway, I dunno. What's everyone elses thought on the matter. Oh, and happy 4:20
You should smoke again in the next few days. You don't get very high your very first time.
21-04-2005, 07:33
I'm a voter and a smoker! ;)
In my opinion alcohol is more dangerous than dope but you still need to be careful. Because MJ is illegal you gain what can only be called "shadey contacts." They call dope a gateway drug but "they" fail to realise it is because we are forced to go to dealers that substances like coke and Heroine become available. Personally I don't do any of that hard-drug rubbish because it's a death sentence but smoking dope in my opinion is equal to opening a can of beer.
I know of at least one kid, a former roommate of mine, who got into dealing cocaine and heroin because he used to deal weed and people always assumed he could get his hands on harder drugs for them as well.
21-04-2005, 07:39
You should smoke again in the next few days. You don't get very high your very first time.
I concur. I didnt think much of Marijuana based on my first session but my second..... Wow.
21-04-2005, 07:46
I concur. I didnt think much of Marijuana based on my first session but my second..... Wow.
Yeah. Definately.
It's something that I think everyone should experience, just for the experience itself. It's a different way of percieving things, and it opens up a lot of things in your mind that you might not have noticed sober. And I've noticed that most people grow out of weed quickly enough anyway. I'm 22 and getting high has more or less lost its appeal for me. The only time I still do it is with a particular group of friends that I don't get to see very often. Other than that, it really doesn't interest me anymore. It's that way with a great deal of my friends, too, over the last two years or so. We've all collectively gotten bored with it.
21-04-2005, 07:52
Marijuana will definetly change your music appreciation for the better, even when you are not stoned.
21-04-2005, 08:01
Marijuana will definetly change your music appreciation for the better, even when you are not stoned.
Now THAT is the biggest load of rubbish I have EVER read!
Greatful Dead? Phish? Pink Floyd? Rush? BETTER?!?! Okay, good for when you're actually stoned, but better than what when sober? White noise? Perhaps.
Sorry, dude, that's a pile of tripe and I'm calling you on it.
The Philosophes
21-04-2005, 08:07
reefer madness!!
21-04-2005, 08:08
I know of at least one kid, a former roommate of mine, who got into dealing cocaine and heroin because he used to deal weed and people always assumed he could get his hands on harder drugs for them as well.
Yep, that's exactly what i'm talking about.
21-04-2005, 08:41
Alright Now!
Won't you listen?
When I first met you, didn't realize,
I can't forget you or your surprise
You introduced me to my mind
And left me wanting you and your kind.
My life was empty, forever on a down,
Until you took me, showed me around
My life is free now, my life is clear
I love you sweet leaf though you can't hear
Straight people don't know what you're about,
They put you down and shut you out
You gave to me a new belief,
And soon the world will love you, sweet leaf
-Black Sabbath.
There are pros and cons to weed use, its a fact of life.
There are negative aspects of using weed too heavily, or at innapropriate times.
There are negative apects to just about everything when done to excess, or at the same innapropriate times.
Look, Ive been a smoker for years.
For the uniformed, or for the type of person who has never smoked marijuana before, if your curious about it, try it.
If your not curious about it, dont bother.
Never smoke it just to be cool, or fit in with a group of pot-smoking retards, unless you, yourself, dont mind being a pot-smoking retard.
If you smoke it when your home or not in a public place and not harming anyone else, who the hell cares what you do, I say.
After nearly 16 years of "research" I figure that makes me nearly an expert on the stuff, Ive gained all sorts of perfectly useless information that will never do me an ounce of good, and would have been better spent elsewhere.
But, in retrospect, I wouldnt change much.
In comparison to alchohol or other legal intoxicants, weed is pretty damn harmless.
As long as you lay off of it occasionally , and get off your ass once in a while, its fine.
21-04-2005, 08:46
Now THAT is the biggest load of rubbish I have EVER read!
Greatful Dead? Phish? Pink Floyd? Rush? BETTER?!?! Okay, good for when you're actually stoned, but better than what when sober? White noise? Perhaps.
Sorry, dude, that's a pile of tripe and I'm calling you on it.
Although I agree with you on The Grateful Dead...
The guys in Phish have like PH.D's in music.
They are excellent musicians, even if I hate their music with a passion.
Pink Floyd have sold more records that Jesus Christ On A PogoStick, and happen to be one of the greatest Rock Bands ever.
Even if you personaly hate them, dont be a douche.
...Has Neil Pert.
Music appreciation is mental, my friend, weed is a mind expanding drug.
If you dig Bach, you fekking love him after a puff or two.
Although I agree with you on The Grateful Dead...
The guys in Phish have like PH.D's in music.
They are excellent musicians, even if I hate their music with a passion.
Pink Floyd have sold more records that Jesus Christ On A PogoStick, and happen to be one of the greatest Rock Bands ever.
Even if you personaly hate them, dont be a douche.
...Has Neil Pert.
Music appreciation is mental, my friend, weed is a mind expanding drug.
If you dig Bach, you fekking love him after a puff or two.
lol, we were listening to fity cent and eminem and laughing at them.
21-04-2005, 19:10
As bad if not worse than smoking
Alcohol all the way
But you should not get jailed unless you are a serious dealer or commit crimes on it
Hate Marijiuana but do not care if used reasonably
Red Sox Fanatics
21-04-2005, 19:25
I think I saw a banner ad on Yahoo for Reefer Madness. They either re-made it or are re-releasing it. Anyone else know anything about this? And oh yeah, I love you Mary Jane!
22-04-2005, 02:50
Now THAT is the biggest load of rubbish I have EVER read!
Greatful Dead? Phish? Pink Floyd? Rush? BETTER?!?! Okay, good for when you're actually stoned, but better than what when sober? White noise? Perhaps.
Sorry, dude, that's a pile of tripe and I'm calling you on it.
You can call me on it all you want, but I stand by my claim that a person's appreciation of music is increased by the use of marijuana and that effect carries over to times when you are not high. Also, I never mentioned any of those bands - I'm talking about your generic appreciation of music is enhanced. Some music is great when stoned and sucks when you're straight. I can agree with that general premise (which seems to be what you are arguing, if I am wrong, please let me know). However, your overall appreciation of music and enjoyment of music is enhanced.
For example - my dad loved Opera and played Opera records all the time while I was growing up - I thought it sucked and would leave the room or ask him to turn it off. Then I got high a few times and listened to it - WOW! I still don't call it my favorite and I don't choose it first - but I don't think it sucks anymore and I'm willing to listen to it and have even gone the Opera and seen it live a few times (once stoned, the rest, sober) and enjoyed it. Note also, I've not smoked pot in over 14 years now, but I still have a reaction to music that is reminiscent of being high. I enjoy good music now, much, much more than I would have if I had never listened to any while high.
BTW - I'm amazed that you seem to consider Pink Floyd as "bad" music. I think you'd find that they rank in the "elite" of music and music history if you checked.
Pure Metal
22-04-2005, 03:21
Yeah. Definately.
It's something that I think everyone should experience, just for the experience itself. It's a different way of percieving things, and it opens up a lot of things in your mind that you might not have noticed sober. And I've noticed that most people grow out of weed quickly enough anyway. I'm 22 and getting high has more or less lost its appeal for me. The only time I still do it is with a particular group of friends that I don't get to see very often. Other than that, it really doesn't interest me anymore. It's that way with a great deal of my friends, too, over the last two years or so. We've all collectively gotten bored with it.
thats starting to happen with me... i'm bored with it so all i get out of smoking is the negative aspects, like memory loss for a start :(
Club House
22-04-2005, 03:44
Ok, so for the longest time I've always been against Marijuana, and have stayed away from anyone who has used it. But this past week, I've been hanging out a lot with a guy I'm now dating and he happens to be a pothead. This was a very interesting situation from me, as I've always stayed away from this kind of stuff.
However, after them blowing smoke in my face and stuff and sticking hitters in my face I decided it today. Ironic, as I just noticed that it's 4:20. It was a very interesting experience, taking my first hit.. I've looked long and hard for a good reason not to try it, other than it being a Schedule 1 controlled substance I couldn't really find any. Only real bad stuff I could come up with was from heavy and frequent users/regular users. Would never be my case, and frankly I really don't care if I ever do it again. That shit zapped the strength from me. About 5 minutes after taking a hit, they wanted me to take another and I was too lazy to hold the damn piece myself.. just took to much effort.
Anyway, I dunno. What's everyone elses thought on the matter. Oh, and happy 4:20
high after one hit? were you smoking g13 or something. my guess is that it was all psychological and that you only thought you were getting high so your brain made you think you were having the classic reaction.
on another note, how can you not try pot?
Pure Metal
22-04-2005, 03:47
hehe i'm so baked right now :D
Marijuana is fantastic, it should be legalised everywhere!!!
... and enforced too :P
No seriously though: marijuana is the only liberal viewpoint that I have. I am pro legalizing it, because I see no good reason to keep it illegal. I mean coffee is legal, aint it? And cigarettes, and booze too. So why the doublestandard on w33d?
nevertheless, I never tried it, because I am scared of getting caught by cops, and the record ruining my future.
that was so my thing. you flithly sinner.
Beige United
22-04-2005, 04:41
for the longest time, i was hardcore anti-drug, discriminate against ppl who smoke, or just scared of them. and then my opinion changed after talking to one of my best friends who smokes. his smoking has always been a problem, either getting himself into trouble or bringing stress to people around him. i always tried to tell him that weed is bad, that one day it's gonna come back and get you, that he has to understand why me and my other friends are all anti-drug. but that day, he opened my eyes. he asked me how could i ever tell him what smoking pot is like if i have never tried it before. i never thought of it that way and i guess it kinda shooked me up. he's right. how are people liek us ever gonna understand how it feels like if we had never tried? it really isnt anyone's place to judge. there are other bad things that are not banned by law, and i dont know why they arent. but a lot of things are worse than marijuana. i'm not trying to say marijuana is ok, i am still anti-drug, but thats just for me personally. i guess i'm just really tired to trying to convince my friends not to do it, and i just dont see the point of doing it anymore. it's their lives, if they decide to live it that way, then be my guest. it's gona come back and get them one day. but it's better to have them experience it themselves than to have me trying to bs this all to 'em.
but i have to say my best friends smoke pot, and they are some of the coolest people i've known in my life. and i know it wont change our friendship.
San Texario
22-04-2005, 05:03
I smoke pot, although I haven't in a while. I enjoy it. I find I am a lot less tense about things than I was before. I also seem to be figuring things out a lot easier and able to think more on my feet. I enjoy getting high and going home to relax. My only problem is I get mad munchies. But, I have a lot of food and drink at home that I have for when I'm high. Surprisingly, I didn't smoke yesterday on 4/20, I was off having sex. Sex, Weed, Music, and Tech get me through life. Tech coincides with weed, all us techies do it.
that was so my thing. you flithly sinner.
Christian huh?
Well, where in the bible does it say "Thou shall not smoke cannabis or any other mind altering plant"
22-04-2005, 05:31
Christian huh?
Well, where in the bible does it say "Thou shall not smoke cannabis or any other mind altering plant"
You missed the sign: "Please don't feed the trolls" :)
You missed the sign: "Please don't feed the trolls" :)
Well where in the bible does it say "Thou shall not provide bread for any trolls, for they disgust Me"
Health wise, the stuff aint good for you, simple. It's worse than some stuff and not as bad as other stuff. I'm health concious and don't smoke it but I have in the past and enjoyed it. So it's just a personal choice really about the health effects versus the enjoyment and benefits. Like, with everything else in life, maybe do some research on it before you try it maybe so at least your not going into it blind, that's my best advice. Also, enjoy it with friends for the first time, don't do it to be cool, that's just a total waste of ganja anyway.
it depends.
my dad, marijuana kept him alive the last 2 years of his life. he would have starved to death on chemo therapy, but smoking marijuana kept his appetite alive and quelled some of the nausea, and helped him relax through some of the pain.
myself, when i was smoking weed, my eyesight stopped getting worse. i didn't need a new eyeglass prescription during the time i was smoking. coincidence? possibly, but as soon as i got married and had kids and stopped smoking, my vision started getting progressively worse again.
my recommendation is that if you are under age..oh 18 or so...stay the hell away from marijuana. it will cause permanent damage to the way your neurotransmitters in your brain develop. until that age, your brain is your most valuable growing organ...and mary j will definately inhibit your potential.
after that age, most of your neurotransmitters are fairly well occasional smoking won't mess you up too bad. nowhere near as bad as, say, alcohol or even cigarettes (a joint doesn't have the tar and chemicals put in tobacco to aid the addiction process)
but, moderation is the key, as with anything
22-04-2005, 05:55
Well where in the bible does it say "Thou shall not provide bread for any trolls, for they disgust Me"
Not sure of the exact chapter and verse, but I believe it is somewhere in the book of -
As bad if not worse than smoking
Alcohol all the way
But you should not get jailed unless you are a serious dealer or commit crimes on it
Hate Marijiuana but do not care if used reasonably
name me how many people develop lung cancer or emphysema due to marijuana smoking alone.
then tell me how many people develop liver disease or stomach conditions due to drinking alone.
states in that article that there is 5x more tar in marijuana than in cigarettes. when i smoked, i was concidered a light smoker and i smoked a pack a day, that's 20 cigarettes a day. the equivalent of 5 marijuana cigarettes a day.
when i was smoking pot, i was a pretty heavy pothead..and rarely smoked more than 3 whole joints in a day, which were usually smaller than your average cigarette (as in, containing less marijuana than the cigarette contains tobacco)
right now, i would LOVE to be able to take a hit or two at night before going to bed...but, as my husband is in the military, i refuse to risk his career.
high after one hit? were you smoking g13 or something. my guess is that it was all psychological and that you only thought you were getting high so your brain made you think you were having the classic reaction.
on another note, how can you not try pot?
i get high on one hit.
and trust me, i've known what it was like to require a whole bowl to get a buzz's just been so long since i've smoked it, when i do, it don't take much
high after one hit? were you smoking g13 or something. my guess is that it was all psychological and that you only thought you were getting high so your brain made you think you were having the classic reaction.
on another note, how can you not try pot?
no, definately not psychological. at least I'm pretty sure it wasn't. It wasn't a hitter either, it was some kind of glass piece, little bowl thing on the end of it. i got nothing when i took a couple hits from the hitter, but that glass thing kicked my ass.
Pure Metal
22-04-2005, 15:41
no, definately not psychological. at least I'm pretty sure it wasn't. It wasn't a hitter either, it was some kind of glass piece, little bowl thing on the end of it. i got nothing when i took a couple hits from the hitter, but that glass thing kicked my ass.
could have been a vapouriser?
look anything like this?
ooh just found this...
how do you know?
i know because i go for long periods of not smoking in the summer holidays - about 3 months, plus 3 weeks over xmas and easter. i'm just as lazy then as i am when i smoke, and generally more depressed too.
yes but cannabis use can make a lot of people (not all) mentally worse. it did me. now i smoke "very occasionally".
of course. all i'm saying is that, for me, i started smoking cannabis because i was depressed. the weed did not cause the depression and, going on what i said above, it doesnt' seem to make it worse for me either.
as you say, some people are made far worse by its use, but thats true with any drug. besides, firstly the percent of cannabis users who develop genuine & problematic psycological disorders is small, and second, though i don't know about this matter, i'm pretty sure the negative mental effects of marijuana use are not going to be as bad as those caused by 'harder' drugs like Herion, and (though i wouldn't class it as a hard drug) LSD.
Jello Biafra
22-04-2005, 16:18
Personally, I've never tried it and never will, as the stench is disgusting and the smell nauseates me. However, I have friends who use it, and so I wouldn't break off the friendship with them because of it. I can't imagine dating someone who did, though. I'd imagine that, as they say kissing a smoker is like kissing an ashtray, I'd imagine kissing a pot smoker is like kissing a bong.
Pure Metal
22-04-2005, 16:31
Personally, I've never tried it and never will, as the stench is disgusting and the smell nauseates me. However, I have friends who use it, and so I wouldn't break off the friendship with them because of it. I can't imagine dating someone who did, though. I'd imagine that, as they say kissing a smoker is like kissing an ashtray, I'd imagine kissing a pot smoker is like kissing a bong.
kissing a bong?
any potential date of mine is going to have to either put up with me smoking, or smoke it herself (preferably ;) )
22-04-2005, 19:56
I was raised in a very conservative, catholic household. I've always looked down on people who smoked pot and was shocked to be anywhere around marijuana... UNTIL i read a book (i love reading books) called "Why Marijuana Should Be Legal" by Ed Rosenthal and Steve Kubby... it is one of the best books i've ever read. It goes through all the amendments marijuana laws violate and stories of people imprisoned and court cases. It totally changed my mind and i think that marijuana shoudl be legal, definatly. If you're looking for some information or just something to read about this topic, i definatly recomend the book!!
Personally, I've never tried it and never will, as the stench is disgusting and the smell nauseates me. However, I have friends who use it, and so I wouldn't break off the friendship with them because of it. I can't imagine dating someone who did, though. I'd imagine that, as they say kissing a smoker is like kissing an ashtray, I'd imagine kissing a pot smoker is like kissing a bong.
The taste went away from me, after taking a hit it used to be exactly like licking an ashtray but I don't get that anymore. And to me it smells like plants I'd smell in a nursery. -shrug- It's not that bad of a smell :-D
Jello Biafra
22-04-2005, 20:23
The taste went away from me, after taking a hit it used to be exactly like licking an ashtray but I don't get that anymore. And to me it smells like plants I'd smell in a nursery. -shrug- It's not that bad of a smell :-D
Of course you'd get used to the taste after a while. And are you kidding about the smell? Most cigarettes smell better. Although I grew up around cigarette smokers, so perhaps I got used to the smell.
Dobbs Town
22-04-2005, 20:37
Jello, I can't disagree with you more. I love the smell of good marijuana - last summer I had occasion to spend many hours sitting, reading in a rocking-chair set among a lush 'compassion garden', and I can assure you, those hours were tranquil, relaxed, and...very smelly. But a lovely sort of 'smelly'.
The scent of burning pot isn't quite as lovely as sitting in a ripening garden, but provided it is of good quality, there is pleasure to be had there as well. I do like the aroma of pot being cooked into baked goods, of course.
My only objection is when people insist on mixing tobacco with weed. In that case, they are welcome to smoke their weed outside. Even I don't smoke tobacco indoors anymore. And I'm a tobacco smoker! Cigarettes go outside. Pot smoke stays inside. I have been known to make the odd exception for hash smoke, but I usually insist on mixing the hash with weed instead of tobacco in any event.
And I like kissing people when their lips taste like pot. I don't like kissing them when their lips taste like cigarettes.
22-04-2005, 20:43
Mari J is alright, it cant kill you by just smoking it alone which is something alcohol can do, but if you drink one beer, or one glass of wine you wont be drunk, but if you take just one hit, you'll get high. And if you take a lot of MJ for a long time, you will get more stupid. I can still remember back to my Jr. High days, their was this kid from NJ, he smoked a lot of MJ, and his intelligence and rememberence slid downward.
Jello Biafra
22-04-2005, 20:45
Jello, I can't disagree with you more. I love the smell of good marijuana - last summer I had occasion to spend many hours sitting, reading in a rocking-chair set among a lush 'compassion garden', and I can assure you, those hours were tranquil, relaxed, and...very smelly. But a lovely sort of 'smelly'.
The scent of burning pot isn't quite as lovely as sitting in a ripening garden, but provided it is of good quality, there is pleasure to be had there as well.
Then perhaps the only marijuana that I've smelled has been of bad quality.
My cousin, Jordan, must've had some high-quality stuff in his room, because it smelled quite good. It was also very strong.
International Terrans
22-04-2005, 20:52
it also makes you feel pretty good.
i think a certain sort of person is drawn to cannabis use - hence the claims that it 'makes you lazy', or 'leads to mental illness' are a little blown out of proportion. i smoke it and i'm very, very lazy, but i would be just as lazy if i didn't. similarly i was drawn to cannabis use because of depression - it was escapism - not the other way around
This was said a good deal earlier on, but I feel I must comment on it.
That's the exact same reason why I began using pot again - depression and escapism. I'd come home from school after a completely rotten day, smoke half a gram and I'd finally be able to forget what had happened. That and I'm genetically predisposed towards depression, so I needed something to get myself through it all.
I don't find a problem with wanting to put away all my various weed-smoking paraphrenalia when I'm stoned, it's just the fact that it's hard to remember where everything goes...
I've been off it for a couple weeks now, mainly because I can't scrounge up enough money to buy any after I finished off my stash.
Portu Cale MK3
22-04-2005, 20:56
Mari J is alright, it cant kill you by just smoking it alone which is something alcohol can do, but if you drink one beer, or one glass of wine you wont be drunk, but if you take just one hit, you'll get high. And if you take a lot of MJ for a long time, you will get more stupid. I can still remember back to my Jr. High days, their was this kid from NJ, he smoked a lot of MJ, and his intelligence and rememberence slid downward.
"his intelligence and remembrence slid downward"... perhaps he was reading emails:
"his intelligence and remembrence slid downward"... perhaps he was reading emails:
23-04-2005, 08:03
"his intelligence and remembrence slid downward"... perhaps he was reading emails:
Damn, I wonder, what if I put my 'puter in a bong?
German Nightmare
23-04-2005, 11:05
...just took to much effort.
Hehe... Don't you know it! Just think how much effort a reply took me :p
As long as you can somehow dose it and not "chemical" chemicals - ...every little thing, is gonna be alright!
now i need tio figure out how to get my own hitter and weed -.-;
Club House
24-04-2005, 04:52
no, definately not psychological. at least I'm pretty sure it wasn't. It wasn't a hitter either, it was some kind of glass piece, little bowl thing on the end of it. i got nothing when i took a couple hits from the hitter, but that glass thing kicked my ass.
hitter? is that some word for bong or joint? ive only smoked bowls and joints but i really wanna try a gravity bong.... anyone ever smoked with a gravity bong?
Club House
24-04-2005, 04:54
Personally, I've never tried it and never will, as the stench is disgusting and the smell nauseates me. However, I have friends who use it, and so I wouldn't break off the friendship with them because of it. I can't imagine dating someone who did, though. I'd imagine that, as they say kissing a smoker is like kissing an ashtray, I'd imagine kissing a pot smoker is like kissing a bong.
1. if you try it, you will like it
2. even if you dont, its worth the experience
3. the smell isnt that bad
4. ever heard of mouthwash
Saskatoon Saskatchewan
24-04-2005, 06:36
hitter? is that some word for bong or joint? ive only smoked bowls and joints but i really wanna try a gravity bong.... anyone ever smoked with a gravity bong?
I have, I perfer over a joint or pipe myself. Depending on the context, it usually goes down pertty smooth and it's nowhere near as harsh as the lung. If you need to get high and quick, i'd suggest using the lung more than anything.
Diaga Ceilteach Impire
24-04-2005, 06:43
I myself never tried mary ja wanna, but that's because it never interested me. I don't drink much alcohol either. Probably 3 beers a year if I'm having a crazy year.
I saw how my friends were turning out while growing up and it kind of turned me off.
Jello Biafra
24-04-2005, 12:08
1. if you try it, you will like it
2. even if you dont, its worth the experience
How is doing something unenjoyable worth the experience?
Communist atlantis
24-04-2005, 12:14
Marijuana is fantastic, it should be legalised everywhere!!!
hell yea, cant wait to go back to canada where i dont have to worry about an uptight cop(the local cops dont give a shit anyway).
get stoned and topple the capitalist american terrorists
Jello Biafra
24-04-2005, 12:18
get stoned and topple the capitalist american terroristsWouldn't someone who's stoned be too lazy to do this?
Balmy Dreams
24-04-2005, 12:41
Cannabis, like all things, has its advantages and disadvantages.
The best thing, the *best* thing about it, however, and this is a reason I believe that it is condemned by most western governments, is this.
Cannabis levels things out, Cannabis removes a lot of unnecessary desire.
Cannabis is, infact, the perfect anti-capitalist drug.
It stops fierce competition, any competition from potheads is either friendly, light or non-existant.
It stops the desire to constantly buy more stuff, the need for purchasing loads of useless crap slowly disappears. Apart from munchies... but this can be rectified by stocking your cupboard with wholesome snacks!
It seems to promote interest in such things as acceptance, music, sex (though some say the reverse) hugz, general friendship, camping, going out doors and enjoying nature, etc, etc.
Im fairly convinced a large part of the depression and paranoia stems from the feeling of persecution, the stern looks from people who have been conditioned to believe the party line about Cannabis. The worry that the police are going to hassle you for not being violent, deceptive or cruel, but just sitting about minding your own business.
Also, illegality often makes people 'home-stoners' - stuck indoors not only is the level of smoke being rebreathed higher (and therefore worse for you,)
but it can make you paranoid about whats 'outside' and feelings of agoraphobias can predominate. Its much better to go out, have a smoke, a nice picnik and climb a hill or have a kick-about or whatever.
So if people arent getting angry, envious (too much), competing with each other for wealth/power/keeping-up-with-the-jones's, etc. Then the whole capitalist system falls through. Capitalism relies heavily on making people want things they dont need...
Imagine it, nobody rushing about too much, convinced they have to work, work, work, get monneymoneymoney... no one worried about appearances too much...
Cannabis can induce laziness, but more relaxedness really.
I am less lazy than a lot of my friends I know, many who do not smoke cannabis. The apathy of many potsmokers does annoy me at times, but I think much of this stems from bitterness at the condemnation and ridicule they endure from 'normal' people.
Cannabis can induce laziness, but I would rather be a decent human, organise social things, and get stuff done rather than just smoke. People can become workaholics too, and loose sight of what is good about life. In my opinion, we have a sufficiantly large world population and enough technology, that really we only need to employ people in part-time positions. I generally feel people dont need to work more than 4-5 hours a day, or maybe we should try to introduce a standard four-day working week.
Think of the benefits : -
Parents get to spend a sensible amount of time with their children
(a new policy is being drafted in the UK recently to try to keep kids in school til six because their parents cant colect them as too many are being forced to work late! Sick or what?)
Pot smokers generally work part-time jobs anyway
The extra leisure time would make people generally less stressed about work in general.
Id predict a fall in mental illness and Physical illness brought on by stress (the worst and also most common western diseases are at least partially brought on by excessive stress)
I would also predict that people, having more time for themselves, would also have more time for others. so less crime, more social responsibility, greater sense of community, etc.
But anyway, Im straying WAaaay from the point here.
In conclusion.
Cannabis as bad as anything else we put into our bodies in too great quantity.
Cannabis as good as anything else when used responsibly.
Governments have no right to determine what we want to do to our own bodies.
many problems associated with cannabis would dissipate if it was legalised, or at least show a marked reduction.
Life *might* show a pushing towards a more relaxed, manana manana attitude.
I thank you all for your time.
Pure Metal
25-04-2005, 10:56
Cannabis, like all things, has its advantages and disadvantages.
The best thing, the *best* thing about it, however, and this is a reason I believe that it is condemned by most western governments, is this.
Cannabis levels things out, Cannabis removes a lot of unnecessary desire.
Cannabis is, infact, the perfect anti-capitalist drug.
It stops fierce competition, any competition from potheads is either friendly, light or non-existant.
It stops the desire to constantly buy more stuff, the need for purchasing loads of useless crap slowly disappears. Apart from munchies... but this can be rectified by stocking your cupboard with wholesome snacks!
It seems to promote interest in such things as acceptance, music, sex (though some say the reverse) hugz, general friendship, camping, going out doors and enjoying nature, etc, etc.
Im fairly convinced a large part of the depression and paranoia stems from the feeling of persecution, the stern looks from people who have been conditioned to believe the party line about Cannabis. The worry that the police are going to hassle you for not being violent, deceptive or cruel, but just sitting about minding your own business.
Also, illegality often makes people 'home-stoners' - stuck indoors not only is the level of smoke being rebreathed higher (and therefore worse for you,)
but it can make you paranoid about whats 'outside' and feelings of agoraphobias can predominate. Its much better to go out, have a smoke, a nice picnik and climb a hill or have a kick-about or whatever.
So if people arent getting angry, envious (too much), competing with each other for wealth/power/keeping-up-with-the-jones's, etc. Then the whole capitalist system falls through. Capitalism relies heavily on making people want things they dont need...
Imagine it, nobody rushing about too much, convinced they have to work, work, work, get monneymoneymoney... no one worried about appearances too much...
Cannabis can induce laziness, but more relaxedness really.
I am less lazy than a lot of my friends I know, many who do not smoke cannabis. The apathy of many potsmokers does annoy me at times, but I think much of this stems from bitterness at the condemnation and ridicule they endure from 'normal' people.
Cannabis can induce laziness, but I would rather be a decent human, organise social things, and get stuff done rather than just smoke. People can become workaholics too, and loose sight of what is good about life. In my opinion, we have a sufficiantly large world population and enough technology, that really we only need to employ people in part-time positions. I generally feel people dont need to work more than 4-5 hours a day, or maybe we should try to introduce a standard four-day working week.
Think of the benefits : -
Parents get to spend a sensible amount of time with their children
(a new policy is being drafted in the UK recently to try to keep kids in school til six because their parents cant colect them as too many are being forced to work late! Sick or what?)
Pot smokers generally work part-time jobs anyway
The extra leisure time would make people generally less stressed about work in general.
Id predict a fall in mental illness and Physical illness brought on by stress (the worst and also most common western diseases are at least partially brought on by excessive stress)
I would also predict that people, having more time for themselves, would also have more time for others. so less crime, more social responsibility, greater sense of community, etc.
But anyway, Im straying WAaaay from the point here.
In conclusion.
Cannabis as bad as anything else we put into our bodies in too great quantity.
Cannabis as good as anything else when used responsibly.
Governments have no right to determine what we want to do to our own bodies.
many problems associated with cannabis would dissipate if it was legalised, or at least show a marked reduction.
Life *might* show a pushing towards a more relaxed, manana manana attitude.
I thank you all for your time.
excellent, i pretty much agree with this:) (but i don't have time for any kind of appraisal... off to TIN's in a min :D )
but i've said it before, and i'll say it again: the world just needs to chill out, the world would be a better place if everyone smoked pot
25-04-2005, 16:33
"his intelligence and remembrence slid downward"... perhaps he was reading emails:
It's not emails, it's the spam. Spam is hazardous as you overheat your brain due to frustation from spam
Arghh :mad: damn spam :headbang:
It's not emails, it's the spam. Spam is hazardous as you overheat your brain due to frustation from spam
Arghh :mad: damn spam :headbang:
That's why I love Gmail. I never get any spam :-D
25-04-2005, 23:06
That's why I love Gmail. I never get any spam :-D
However you are watched at all times by Big brother.
However you are watched at all times by Big brother.
I essentially work for the government, I have nothing to hide ;)
26-04-2005, 21:35
Mushrooms. That is the answer.
Bodacious Randomness
26-04-2005, 21:41
I agree with sith lord, people who start taking drugs and get drunk all the time are just looking for trouble. Im happy with life as it is, I dont have to hide behind drugs. I no alot of people may disagree with me on this topic but im happy without them! I want to be in control, im not a control freak i just would rather choose to do things when im sober and make better decisions. taking drugs is bad for you and it wastes your money. its about as smart as hitting your head on a wall. Whats the point? :headbang: i'v got a gf :fluffle: and id rather be with her than wastin my money on drink n drugs
All hard drugs should be legalized. Was that the question? Well, they should.
Seriously, everyone needs an escape. For some people it's drinking, getting high, etc. There is nothing wrong with escape, but I prefer to use safer methods myself, such as reading, writing, acting, singing, etc.
Terre de angels
26-04-2005, 22:10
Crackheads and speedfreaks and all types of hypes are dangerous, more so than the drunken redneck hopping behind the wheel of their truck. The most violent thing I have ever done stoned was attack a bag of potato chips. If someone wants to smoke a joint, leave them alone, and go nail the crackheads who are going to flail out and hurt someone. :gundge:
Pencil 17
26-04-2005, 22:12
Mushrooms. That is the answer.
Good bye liver.
All hard drugs should be legalized. Was that the question? Well, they should.
Seriously, everyone needs an escape. For some people it's drinking, getting high, etc. There is nothing wrong with escape, but I prefer to use safer methods myself, such as reading, writing, acting, singing, etc.
I agree with this post. If you can't handle life without the aide of drugs, then too bad for you. But I'm not going to be the one telling you what you can and can't do.
27-04-2005, 07:05
All hard drugs should be legalized. Was that the question? Well, they should.
Seriously, everyone needs an escape. For some people it's drinking, getting high, etc. There is nothing wrong with escape, but I prefer to use safer methods myself, such as reading, writing, acting, singing, etc.
I disagree. Alcohol is all right, Pot is reasonable, but Ice, Cocaine, Heroin, all that stuff should be destroyed.
See, what I don't understand is why pot is illegal and alcohol isnt. because the fact is alcohol is responsible for a lot of death, pain, suffering and taxpayers $. Pot generally isnt.
27-04-2005, 07:52
Good bye liver.
There is no clinical evidence that psilocibian mushrooms or lysergic acid is harmful for your body. For me - they should be sold in drugstores to anyone that had passed psychological and psychiatric tests proving that they are emotionaly stable and capable of managing their trip.
27-04-2005, 15:59
See, what I don't understand is why pot is illegal and alcohol isnt. because the fact is alcohol is responsible for a lot of death, pain, suffering and taxpayers $. Pot generally isnt.
Having known idiots under the effects of both pot and alcohol, they basically the same effect. So
Pot Heads = Alcoholics = Idiots
Those who are violent on alcohol are violent on pot and etc.
The pyschological effects on certain people are almost the same, it's just that there are more alcoholics then potheads.
Pure Metal
27-04-2005, 16:11
Having known idiots under the effects of both pot and alcohol, they basically the same effect. So
Pot Heads = Alcoholics = Idiots
Those who are violent on alcohol are violent on pot and etc.
The pyschological effects on certain people are almost the same, it's just that there are more alcoholics then potheads.
i don't know who you've been hanging round with, but, for everyone else, potheads do not act anywhere near like alcoholics :rolleyes:
nobody is 'violent on pot' for a start
See, what I don't understand is why pot is illegal and alcohol isnt. because the fact is alcohol is responsible for a lot of death, pain, suffering and taxpayers $. Pot generally isnt.
Pot was a looser in the culture wars. It was associated with black jazz musicians, mexican farmhands, and sailors. Beer was associated with the Irish but as they gained popularity their drinks became more acceptable. Cigarettes and cigars were associated with the classiest and most elite of white Americans. Mexicans and African-Americans never gained the acceptance that the Irish did so the drugs associated with them never regained their prestige.
Pure Metal
27-04-2005, 16:20
Pot was a looser in the culture wars. It was associated with black jazz musicians, mexican farmhands, and sailors. Beer was associated with the Irish but as they gained popularity their drinks became more acceptable. Cigarettes and cigars were associated with the classiest and most elite of white Americans. Mexicans and African-Americans never gained the acceptance that the Irish did so the drugs associated with them never regained their prestige.
in america, maybe. in europe alcohol has been around for centuries and has been completely assimilated into society - caucasians even produce a specific enzyme to dampen the toxic effects of ethanol, while, for example, most asians don't and are faaaaar more suseptible to alcohol poisoning than us.
pot is a relatively new drug to west europe. however, it's been smoked for even longer than alcohol's been around - approximatley 4,000 years - in eastern europe and egypt.
so speak for yourself :p