Political tests
so far i've seen these tests:
What shade of red are you? (http://www.redapollo.org/cgi-bin/crimson.pl)
Political compass (http://www.politicalcompass.org/)
Political standing based on moralityhttp (://www.moral-politics.com/)
World's smallest political quiz! (http://www.theadvocates.org/quiz.html)
anyone know any other ones? it's fun to take political tests
Pure Metal
19-04-2005, 19:54
might want to edit those links
and here's another http://www.moral-politics.com/
oops, i did the links wronge way around. already had that one
Pure Metal
19-04-2005, 20:07
another one then http://www.selectsmart.com/FREE/select.php?client=zeron :)
but its not a very good one (imo)
19-04-2005, 20:08
The best two on that list are the moral politics quiz and the political compass one. The others are cheap knock-offs.
Drunk commies reborn
19-04-2005, 20:21
another one then http://www.selectsmart.com/FREE/select.php?client=zeron :)
but its not a very good one (imo)
That one said I'm a radical.
19-04-2005, 20:51
might want to edit those links
and here's another http://www.moral-politics.com/
That one is rediculous... There are at least 2 factually accurate answers to each question.
19-04-2005, 20:54
That one is rediculous... There are at least 2 factually accurate answers to each question.
LOL, what little respect for this test went out the window when it pegged me as either a Democrat or a republican. :rolleyes:
Way to go sherlock
19-04-2005, 21:32
You are a
Social Liberal
(80% permissive)
and an...
Economic Conservative
(78% permissive)
You are best described as a:
You exhibit a very well-developed sense of Right and Wrong and believe in economic fairness This one was fun.
At least they are all vaguely consistant. I've gotten a libertarian-y answer on each.
so far i've seen these tests:
What shade of red are you? (http://www.redapollo.org/cgi-bin/crimson.pl)
Couldn't take that one... None of the answers even were close to my views... What can I say, I'm a capitalist....
Political compass (http://www.politicalcompass.org/)
Taken it before....
Ohh... new one... Yep, I'm a libertarian Social Liberal/Economic Conservative, and right on top of Adam Sandler...
Political standing based on moralityhttp (://www.moral-politics.com/)
I matched closest to Ronald Reagan.
World's smallest political quiz! (http://www.theadvocates.org/quiz.html)
Libertarian again... Top of the chart at that...