homosexuality is not a choice, religion is an opiate, politics is pointless
Space Hippies
18-04-2005, 16:14
Religion- makes you feel good, is highly addictive, and makes lots and lots of money, just like an opiate.
homosexuality- isn't a choice until you prove that it is.
politics- is just a debate between so called liberals and conservatives who's only problem is that they are against each other.
18-04-2005, 16:15
Well I'm glad that's been cleared up.
18-04-2005, 16:16
Well I'm glad that's been cleared up.
Not much to argue about now, is there?
I guess we'd all better bugger off down to the pub for a drink.
18-04-2005, 16:18
Religion- makes you feel good, is highly addictive, and makes lots and lots of money, just like an opiate.
homosexuality- isn't a choice until you prove that it is.
politics- is just a debate between so called liberals and conservatives who's only problem is that they are against each other.
Agreed, sticky this thread an we can move on.
18-04-2005, 16:25
Yay! Looks like those three thorny issues are solved for all time.
* closes down the forums for good *
The Nexire Republic
18-04-2005, 16:26
Wait, why isn't it a choice?
How about instead you prove it isn't a choice. =P
18-04-2005, 16:28
How about instead you prove it isn't a choice. =P
... shhhhhhhhhh ... no appeals to logic allowed ...
Religion- makes you feel good, is highly addictive, and makes lots and lots of money, just like an opiate.
homosexuality- isn't a choice until you prove that it is.
politics- is just a debate between so called liberals and conservatives who's only problem is that they are against each other.
:eek: Are you TRYING to make sense!?
politics- is just a debate between so called liberals and conservatives who's only problem is that they are against each other.
Of course, liberalism and conservatism are the only political beliefs out there ;)
18-04-2005, 16:36
And then you have socialism, which is nonpresent in this country, but exists in something called "most of the rest of the world"
18-04-2005, 16:37
Religion- makes you feel good, is highly addictive, and makes lots and lots of money, just like an opiate.
homosexuality- isn't a choice until you prove that it is.
politics- is just a debate between so called liberals and conservatives who's only problem is that they are against each other.
Those statements carry more wisdom than I suspect you realize! :)
And then you have socialism, which is nonpresent in this country, but exists in something called "most of the rest of the world"
Well, I hate to burst that bubble up there, but it doesn't really...
Neo Cannen
18-04-2005, 16:44
Religion- makes you feel good, is highly addictive, and makes lots and lots of money, just like an opiate.
homosexuality- isn't a choice until you prove that it is.
politics- is just a debate between so called liberals and conservatives who's only problem is that they are against each other.
Firstly, you are forgetting socialists (I find it wired that Americans think that liberals=left-wing). And secondly the reason that politicans debate is that they both want the country to be great and work well, its just the politicans have conflicting ideas about what the best is and how to get there.
18-04-2005, 16:48
This is anarchism. Not that anarchism is bad, unless it becomes violent. I think a healthy dislike of government is fine, and anarchy means greater freedom anyway, so it's actually good. Freedom is GOOD!
H N Fiddlebottoms VIII
18-04-2005, 21:40
How come people leap to mention socialism as an alternative to mainstream politics and miss Objectivism (http://rous.redbarn.org/objectivism/Writing/InBrief/)?
Of course, this whole thread ressembles a four year old brat yelling out that "Tommy is a stink-head!" over and over again without any real thoughts behind it.
Vittos Ordination
18-04-2005, 21:42
politics- is just a debate between so called liberals and conservatives who's only problem is that they are against each other.
You have a very poor understanding of politics.
18-04-2005, 21:51
You want proof that you have to provide proof?
Firstly, you are forgetting socialists (I find it wired that Americans think that liberals=left-wing). And secondly the reason that politicans debate is that they both want the country to be great and work well, its just the politicans have conflicting ideas about what the best is and how to get there.
Wow, what a nice and incredibly naive view of politicians. Politicians debate because they have ideas about what will bring them the most power. Very few have any concern at all about what is best for other people at all, much less the entire country.
these are quotes from the book Why Men Don't Iron by Anne and Bill Moir. Citadel Press. I list their refs as well.
There is an area in the hyopthalamus called the sexaully dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area, and researchers have demonstrated that this area is always larger in male brains than in female brains; in rats it is between five and seven times larger, while in humans it appears to be two or three times larger.
This same area was investigated in homosexual men. Simon LeVay, in a controversial discovery, annouced that the sexually dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area was twice as large in heterosexual men as in homosexual men, which menat simply, that gay men presented a female brain structure.
Allen L.S., et al., "Two Sexually Dimorphic Cell Groups in the Human Brain" J Neuroscience (Feb. 1989) Vol. 9 (2), 497-506.
LeVays discovery was controversial becuase he studied the brains of gay men who had died of AIDS, which can change the brain's structure. The study was repeated using gay men who had not died of AIDS. He found the same female pattern structures.
"Evidence for a Biological Influence in Male Homosexuallity" Scientific American (May 1994)Vol.270 (5) 44-9
The book goes on to discuss how testosterone exposure in the womb affects male and female fetus. And points out the overwhelming evidence that sexual orientation is formed in the womb.
Pencil 17
18-04-2005, 22:26
Religion- makes you feel good, is highly addictive, and makes lots and lots of money, just like an opiate.
homosexuality- isn't a choice until you prove that it is.
politics- is just a debate between so called liberals and conservatives who's only problem is that they are against each other.
I love you, Space hippies. Marry me.
Pencil 17
18-04-2005, 22:28
You have a very poor understanding of politics.
It's kind of what it's evolved into.... in the states anyhow.
San haiti
18-04-2005, 22:39
Religion- makes you feel good, is highly addictive, and makes lots and lots of money, just like an opiate.
homosexuality- isn't a choice until you prove that it is.
politics- is just a debate between so called liberals and conservatives who's only problem is that they are against each other.
but, but, but if everyone knew this all the preachers and politicians would lose their jobs! We'll have massive unemployment and nothing to do with them all! This thread must be destroyed for the good of all mankind! Won't somebody PLEASE think of the children!!!!1!!!1one
18-04-2005, 22:41
Religion- makes you feel good, is highly addictive, and makes lots and lots of money, just like an opiate.
homosexuality- isn't a choice until you prove that it is.
politics- is just a debate between so called liberals and conservatives who's only problem is that they are against each other.
The Bolglands
18-04-2005, 22:49
soo true XD
18-04-2005, 22:51
Well see, i like how he took 2 positions on the homosexuality thing like well if u want to be gay its your feelings, but if u want to choose it you can. SO YOU CANT BE WRONG. genius. oh, and politics is pointless and retarted. :)