What would you do if...
a Predator wanted to fight you hand to hand?
11-04-2005, 19:08
Die. Probably rather quickly.
Haken Rider
11-04-2005, 19:08
The question everybody that's on everybodys mind: Do we have a bazooka?
Dostanuot Loj
11-04-2005, 19:09
Probably the smartest thing you can do.
Kick it in the crotch in hopes that it is a he, and has simmilar anatomy to us, and run like the wind in the other direction.
I assume you mean the alien from the movie, not a sexual predator, correct?
If so, I would:
1. Run like hell and hide in a sauna
2. Die :(
Ask yourself why you left that RPG launcher home in your closet.
Soviet Narco State
11-04-2005, 19:10
The predator has a code of honor. They only fight worthy opponents like Green Berets and South American terrorist gangs and people like that. They wouldn't pick on a skinny wierdo like me.
The question everybody that's on everybodys mind: Do we have a bazooka?
Nope, you're in Arnold's position in the first film. Except you don't have any traps, so in a way you're in Danny Glover's position. You can attempt to steal weapons from it.
The Internet Tough Guy
11-04-2005, 19:12
Add "Crap Your Pants and Whimper Like a Small Child" and I will vote.
The predator has a code of honor. They only fight worthy opponents like Green Berets and South American terrorist gangs and people like that. They wouldn't pick on a skinny wierdo like me.
Punch a predator and see what happens. It'll kill you for challenging it, they don't care how frail you are. If you challenge them they will accept, unless of course you're a pregnant female. Hunters don't kill pregnant prey.
Soviet Narco State
11-04-2005, 19:14
Punch a predator and see what happens. It'll kill you for challenging it, they don't care how frail you are. If you challenge them they will accept, unless of course you're a pregnant female. Hunters don't kill pregnant prey.
In that case I would call Batman.
The Tribes Of Longton
11-04-2005, 19:15
Try to avoid having weapons about my person, or indeed show any agressive tendencies. They don't attack unarmed creatures.
Hunters don't kill pregnant prey.
Except drunk jackass hillbilly hunters, who shoot at anything they can see two times out of ten.
Greater Yubari
11-04-2005, 19:16
Adam West vs the Predator...
11-04-2005, 19:17
run straight at it... jump around to the back of it, put it in a power headlock and break its neck.
I want to see The Punisher VS Predator, now THAT would be cool.
Adam West vs the Predator...
Christopher Reeve vs. Predator.
Soviet Narco State
11-04-2005, 19:19
I want to see The Punisher VS Predator, now THAT would be cool.
Unless it was made by the assholes who made alien v. predator.
The Tribes Of Longton
11-04-2005, 19:20
Christopher Reeve vs. Predator.
George bush vs. Predator (http://www.googlefight.com/index.php?lang=en_GB&word1=George+Bush&word2=Predator)
Ooh, it just got interesting
Legless Pirates
11-04-2005, 19:21
Shit myself. Definately
Unless it was made by the assholes who made alien v. predator.
I've been waiting for that movie since I was FIVE years old! FIVE!! Why did they get Paul Anderson and turn it into a shitfest? Why?!?
Soviet Narco State
11-04-2005, 19:22
I've been waiting for that movie since I was FIVE years old! FIVE!! Why did they get Paul Anderson and turn it into a shitfest? Why?!?
God hates you.
Unless it was made by the assholes who made alien v. predator.
Yes, Paul W.S. Anderson, maker of "Resident Evil". He'll also be making Deathrace 3000 in 2006. :mad:
I would rather have even John Wu direct AVP than Paul Anderson. Damn, AVP was SUCH a let down.
I would kill it easily. I first take my fist and wail them through a wall of antimatter. Predators are that difficult to kill, anyway the simpler way would just to take off its helmet or sneeze on it, they're not immune to what we are :)
The Downmarching Void
11-04-2005, 19:30
Since the question is about a ficticious character, my ficticious self would:
Gut the bugger from stem to sternum using only my wits and my trusty Labbats beer bottle opener.
I would the have a barbeque, charge $3000 a plate for the chance to eat Predator burgers.
While talking about viruses, I need help taking out an adware, it wont leave even after i deleted them, norton wont find it, fixlet only terminates it for a few minutes and nothing will help :(
You can also cough on a predator that would help, or send them adware, that would make them kill themselves
11-04-2005, 19:47
...am I the future governor of Kah-lee-four-neeh-ah? :sniper:
I'd release the rabbit from Monty Python: Holy Grail on his ass. Be funny to watch.
11-04-2005, 19:52
Running away isn't an option for me, even without the cast on my right leg! Neither is screaming or rolling up into a fetal position. I suppose I would have to stand and fight. ( shrug ) "The coward dies a thousand deaths, the brave only one."
11-04-2005, 19:55
From Monty Python's Holy Grail: Unleash the Holy Hand-Grenade on his scaly ass.
if we were on flat ground and i was feeling awake and we were both going hand to hand, no weapons, i would give it a try. Ive been taking karate for seven years, so if he wasnt using blades i might stand more of achance than most people. if he had an unfair advantage i would run, there is nothing cowardly about backing down when your openent clearly has a disshonorable advantage, for isntance, i would back down froma fight if i had a broken hand, trying to fight then is jsut stupid, as i wouldnt try to fight something with blades with just my body alone.
11-04-2005, 20:09
I'd run up and hug it, Predators are adorable with their mandibles and their xenomorph brandings and the hoyven-quavon.