Could someone explain this?
Last night I was watching the news and had seen a commercial for natural family planning. On this commercial they claimed that natural family planning was 99% effective. I know that this is infact mis-information as the true effective rate is about 75%-80%. So, my question to is to those whom might support such a outrageous claim... Why? Why would you lie to people to influence them to do something that has a greater probibility to get them pregnant. I thought lieing and spreading mis-information was a sin? Something like this is just sad and pathetic.
Jello Biafra
08-04-2005, 15:21
Last night I was watching the news and had seen a commercial for natural family planning. On this commercial they claimed that natural family planning was 99% effective. I know that this is infact mis-information as the true effective rate is about 75%-80%. So, my question to is to those whom might support such a outrageous claim... Why? Why would you lie to people to influence them to do something that has a greater probibility to get them pregnant. I thought lieing and spreading mis-information was a sin? Something like this is just sad and pathetic.
What do they mean by natural family planning? Is this the opposite of using contraceptives? I think that, if it means using contraceptives, that you would probably have a 99% rate if you combined two types, i.e. condoms and birth control pills.
08-04-2005, 15:22
Last night I was watching the news and had seen a commercial for natural family planning. On this commercial they claimed that natural family planning was 99% effective. I know that this is infact mis-information as the true effective rate is about 75%-80%. So, my question to is to those whom might support such a outrageous claim... Why? Why would you lie to people to influence them to do something that has a greater probibility to get them pregnant. I thought lieing and spreading mis-information was a sin? Something like this is just sad and pathetic.
The wonders of statistics, 99% of people they asked and they probably asked a particular group ie catholics
Anti-choice and anti-contraception people lie to promote their agenda?
I am shocked. Shocked and dismayed. :eek:
The Lightning Star
08-04-2005, 15:30
Hey, all groups make claims like this. All groups. To advanced their agenda, they always lie. Right wing groups, left wing groups, centrist groups, hotdog groups, you name it, they have at least once done something like this.
And it doesn't matter what kind of government or economic system you live in. It still happens. So, it is unavoidable.
08-04-2005, 16:41
are you sure they didnt use those 2 magic words "UP TO"?
it allows you to make all sorts of outrageous claims.
when a woman has an extremely regular cycle, and the couple follows the method with an iron dicipline, then it could be very effective. it probably also requires a weak sex drive.
and they may have a skewed definition of what effective means. it may not, in their definition, mean "1 of 100 people using this method conceived in a one year period."
since its "family planning" they may also use successful conception in their figures maybe?
Ok, Not to be a attention whore... but...Bump!
12-04-2005, 03:30
What do they mean by natural family planning? Is this the opposite of using contraceptives? I think that, if it means using contraceptives, that you would probably have a 99% rate if you combined two types, i.e. condoms and birth control pills.
I believe what they are referring to is the "rhythm" method of birth control. Basically, the idea is that since sperm can only live in the uterus/vaginal canal for 5 days, and the egg is only open to fertilization for 24 hours of the 28 day cycle, then it is possible to have sex without contraceptive agents so long as you only do it during that week between menstruation and when she releases another egg into the uterus and again for a week after the fertilization window and that week just prior to menstruation. Theoretically, you could probably have sex for 23 days out of the 28 day cycle, but these are also the people who don't like the idea of having sex during a woman's menstrual cycle (which is a bit foolish, since sexual intercourse is one of the best remedies for menstrual cramps), so they drop it to two week out of every 28 day cycle.
The problem, of course, is twofold. On the one hand, if a woman isn't the kind whom you can set a clock by her ovary's actions (which most women aren't), then being off by a day or two can mean an unexpected surprise 36 weeks later. On the other side of the coin, it means no sex for 14 of 28 days. . .and as the same people who opt for the rhythm method are also those who frown on things like oral sex and masturbation, those can be some very frustrating days.
And on the main subject, no, the rhythm method is nowhere near 99% effective. I've heard estimates down to 50%, but even 75% is pretty low. Yes, lying is a sin, but then again, people will do a lot of sinful stuff in the name of the greater good.
12-04-2005, 03:32
You see, when a man and a woman love each other, or are drunk.......
Last night I was watching the news and had seen a commercial for natural family planning. On this commercial they claimed that natural family planning was 99% effective. I know that this is infact mis-information as the true effective rate is about 75%-80%. So, my question to is to those whom might support such a outrageous claim... Why? Why would you lie to people to influence them to do something that has a greater probibility to get them pregnant. I thought lieing and spreading mis-information was a sin? Something like this is just sad and pathetic.
(Is not surprised)
Like I said earlier in another thread...everyone lies or at the least exagerates.