NationStates Jolt Archive

About US wars Iraq, Iran, etc.

08-04-2005, 01:52
The US has been involved in a number of military actions since 1950. Korea and Vietnam are the most costly. These two wars are interesting, US troops facing off against determined enemies. Both have in common that the US FAILED to complete them to full satisfaction.

Granted, Korea was started to protect the South. However, it became obvious with the major counter offensive that the US-led UN forces would "liberate" the North and unify the country. This failed because of a major Chinese intervention, you can summarize the Korean War as a draw, since neither side succesfully defeated the "other" Korea.

Vietnam is the greatest defeat ever suffered by the US military, a complete defeat. Why? Because the Viet Cong and the North Vietnamese army was determined to win. They did. After a drawn out war, the US withdrew.

The fighting depicted in Black Hawk Down, the battle in Mogadishu was also a defeat. Sure, the US suffered few casualties, but compared to what the US commanders expected it was disaster. Again a determined enemy.

The Gulf war and the Iraqi war were both fought against troops who seemed eager to lay down their arms. For example, during the Iraqi war US troops found huge depots abandoned by even the Republican Guard. Some Iraqi forces resisted but it was over quick.

HOWEVER, now determined rebels and terrorists are taking up arms against US forces. These are all called insurgents. All are considered terrorists, even though some are actually fighting against what they consider a foreign occupation. This is where the major problem is. Who knows how many Iraqis are fighting, for every Iraqi civilian killed(both by US and Iraqi fighters) more Iraqis are likely to take up arms.

Propaganda will be key for the US coalition, but right now they all seemed to be stuck in a swamp. Money and troops are spent in large amounts, billions of dollars are borrowed to afford the expensive war effort.

Who knows what will happen? I fear that Iraq will become another dictatorship, officially democratic yet still not. Bush needs to turn the charm on and try to get nations such as Germany, France, Russia, and China to send UN troops for peacekeeping. The Lone Ranger stuff's gotta go!

It seems Bush wants to invade Iran, the biggest possible disaster. A war against Iran might spurr most of the arab world to ally against the US in a holy war against a foreign invader. With the strained US military, the US might still whip the regular Iranian army but will have to deal with about 60 million angry Iranians. Bush simply can't motivate a war with any plausible Casus Belli, not even the stupid WMD crap.

Since no sane nation, let's hope Blair is kicked out, would support an invasion of Iran unless something unforeseen happens he would stand without any allies. Well, Israel might just have to help it's protector.

A side note on Iran: Face it, they have as much legal rights to have hydrogen bombs as the US.
08-04-2005, 01:54
Oh Christ, not another one.