Pork Barrel Spending
The Internet Tough Guy
07-04-2005, 21:47
Pork barrel spending is a long standing practice among politicians to secure public funds to devote to wasteful spending in their own district or state. Almost all of the time it is used to draw votes out of key constituencies.
In 2004 a record $27.3 billion dollars were wasted on this unethical political tactic. A public watchdog group, "Citizens Against Government Waste" has made an attempt to highlight this abuse of power by issueing "The 2005 Oinkers." The CAGW is a bipartisan group and does not target either side of the American Political spectrum, and provide a good view of some of things that are very wrong with US government.
Financial Times article on the Oinkers:
The Oinkers, directly from CAGW's website:
08-04-2005, 01:33
In 2004 a record $27.3 billion dollars were wasted on this unethical political tactic.a record low?
Niccolo Medici
08-04-2005, 06:19
I find it telling that partisan threads burst at the seams with people, spewing and slinging their fiery rhetoric without pause, while this thread lies dormant...much like a volcano.
Between a thread about rampant corruption and graft in the highest levels of our government, or a "Bush sucks, who's with me?", which gets clicked on?
How about a thread about "Democrats are defunct, who's with me?" threads? They get lots of loving attention. How would that do against a thread about bipartiasan misuse of power?
A thread that effects everyone equally, that goes to the very heart of the problems that exist in our federal government...That every state in the union, and every nation outside our union has experience with...nothing!
Fuck it. Just...fuck it. Governments rise and fall because of stuff like this, yet in thousands of years of human history, the message has never really "Sunk in." I don't know why people don't get it, why people are so apathetic about this, but it makes my blood boil.
Greedy Pig
08-04-2005, 06:29
Somebodies eating up the money through corrupted means as always.
Spend $1 million to dig up a hole, and $ 1 million close it back.
08-04-2005, 06:47
Pork Barrel spending consumes far more than 23.7 billion dollars. Unfortunately, its also almost completely impossible to eliminate, because its the main tactic congresspeople use to stay in office.
You know that power plant they built in your district? Or the school repairs? Or perhaps the road resurfacing they did recently? All of those things are probably a result of pork barrel spending. Your representative or senator is using his or her influence on capitol hill to help you, the voter out. Its not in anyone's interest to cut out pork barrel spending - you don't get the 'services' you expect from the federal government, your representative doesn't get any credit or support from his constituents, and other people get the money for other places. Yes, everyone would benefit in the long term if everyone could reduce government spending, but the incentive to 'defect' and get a little extra for you and your district in the short and medium terms is much too high to allow it.
08-04-2005, 07:25
They should remove the power to propose ammendments to revenue bills from the Senate. That might go a long way to slowing down the pork.
I find it telling that partisan threads burst at the seams with people, spewing and slinging their fiery rhetoric without pause, while this thread lies dormant...much like a volcano.[snip]
A thread that effects everyone equally, that goes to the very heart of the problems that exist in our federal government...That every state in the union, and every nation outside our union has experience with...nothing![snip]No one's posting because there isn't any controversy here. What's to argue? Congress is corrupt? Congress mis-spends our tax dollars? Congress just wants to get re-elected and doesn't have the best interests of the nation at heart? Congress is full of petty, venial, greedy bastards? You won't find me arguing about any of that. :rolleyes:
The Internet Tough Guy
08-04-2005, 21:58
a record low?
High, although it is difficult to get a definitive total.
The Internet Tough Guy
08-04-2005, 22:04
Pork Barrel spending consumes far more than 23.7 billion dollars. Unfortunately, its also almost completely impossible to eliminate, because its the main tactic congresspeople use to stay in office.
You know that power plant they built in your district? Or the school repairs? Or perhaps the road resurfacing they did recently? All of those things are probably a result of pork barrel spending. Your representative or senator is using his or her influence on capitol hill to help you, the voter out. Its not in anyone's interest to cut out pork barrel spending - you don't get the 'services' you expect from the federal government, your representative doesn't get any credit or support from his constituents, and other people get the money for other places. Yes, everyone would benefit in the long term if everyone could reduce government spending, but the incentive to 'defect' and get a little extra for you and your district in the short and medium terms is much too high to allow it.
Pork Barrel spending is mainly for industry and frivolous uses, not public works.
For example the 2005 Oinkers include:
$6.3 million for wood utilization research
$1.4 million for various Halls of Fame, including: $75,000 for the Greater Syracuse Sports Hall of Fame and $70,000 for the Paper Industry Hall of Fame.
for $300,000 for Anaheim Resort Transit (read: Disneyland) bus and bus facilities in the district of Rep. Loretta Sanchez (D-Calif.).
Politicians use them more as a trade off of funds than to directly raise votes. They bring back government money for industries, and the industries in turn make massive donations towards their campaign funds.
The Internet Tough Guy
08-04-2005, 22:07
No one's posting because there isn't any controversy here. What's to argue? Congress is corrupt? Congress mis-spends our tax dollars? Congress just wants to get re-elected and doesn't have the best interests of the nation at heart? Congress is full of petty, venial, greedy bastards? You won't find me arguing about any of that. :rolleyes:
This is true. It is certainly not sensational enough to stir much debate.
Although I thought there might be a little discussion, I mainly wanted people to see the articles and the CAGW website.