Those crafty UN-ites!
03-04-2005, 16:27
I have to say, they're damned cunning, those United Nations folks. Ok, we all know about the Millennium Corrupt Assessment thing, but I just realized something;
"Degradation is a barrier to UN development goals. Plans to eradicate famine and disease worldwide cannot be accomplished as expected with the environment being so damaged."
That's from Wikipedia; the actual site is rather too full of self-important nonsense for me to be much interested in trawling through it to find an equivalent quote, but the UN has always relied on others to speak the true meanings behind their words anyway.
So basically, what the UN just pulled of is; a questionable report done by people who knew the findings before they began - and then, they used said report to blame anyone but themselves for their own complete inability to meet their targets.
What a shocker. But very cunning, at least in how it was pulled off.
Ok, you can flame me and my hatred of the UN now. :cool:
03-04-2005, 16:50
Ok, you can flame me and my hatred of the UN now. :cool:
Or I could completely agree with you and your hatred of the UN :cool:
03-04-2005, 16:57
So basically, what the UN just pulled of is; a questionable report done by people who knew the findings before they began - and then, they used said report to blame anyone but themselves for their own complete inability to meet their targets.
What a shocker. But very cunning, at least in how it was pulled off.
Ok, you can flame me and my hatred of the UN now. :cool:
Wake up! There are no problems with the UN that can't be solved by
1) More money and less interference from the U.S.
2) More money and less interference from the U.S.
3) More money and less interference from the U.S.
Pick any two.
03-04-2005, 17:00
Pick any two.
2) More money and less interference from the U.S.
3) More money and less interference from the U.S.
Marrakech II
03-04-2005, 17:02
Who likes the UN? I mean if your not a John Kerry wannabe. Then who I ask?
03-04-2005, 17:04
2) More money and less interference from the U.S.
3) More money and less interference from the U.S.
There you are. Now the U.N. is a perfectly democratic, uncorrupt, benevolent organization that is dedicated to the proposition of a peaceful world. The U.S. was clearly the only thing preventing that result.
04-04-2005, 03:50
Wake up! There are no problems with the UN that can't be solved by
1) More money and less interference from the U.S.
2) More money and less interference from the U.S.
3) More money and less interference from the U.S.
Pick any two.
It don't work like that. More money = more interference. Whether it is true or not, the fact is it would become a percieved right of the US to interfere. More.
What we need is to abolish the UN, open as many borders as we can get governments to agree to for trade and movement of person, and to go to Africa to actually teach people shit, not just give them food. And then we gotta sit back and wait. That's right. There's no quick fix, it takes patience! :eek:
Super-power: k, cool.
04-04-2005, 03:53
Wake up! There are no problems with the UN that can't be solved by
1) More money and less interference from the U.S.
2) More money and less interference from the U.S.
3) More money and less interference from the U.S.
Pick any two.
You mean like the League of Nations, where the US didn't even participate? Dunno about the money issue, but it was still an ineffective body.
Niccolo Medici
04-04-2005, 08:56
Who likes the UN? I mean if your not a John Kerry wannabe. Then who I ask?
How childish. Myself for one.
04-04-2005, 09:02
Who likes the UN? I mean if your not a John Kerry wannabe. Then who I ask?
I do.
Dobbs Town
04-04-2005, 09:07
What we need is to abolish the UN, open as many borders as we can get governments to agree to for trade and movement of person, and to go to Africa to actually teach people shit, not just give them food. And then we gotta sit back and wait. That's right. There's no quick fix, it takes patience!
...while some of us might go to Africa and LEARN a few things before armchair-quarterbacking the Developing World...
That's right. There is no quick fix.
Why do you hate America?
Volvo Villa Vovve
04-04-2005, 13:32
You american should be more concern about the WTO, the worldbank and the IMF, for messing with countries and there independence. No that a minute who's organistaion useally only scew the poor countries and the USA and EU have big powers over them... I can see why you mutch more concern with the UN.
Whispering Legs
04-04-2005, 14:53
You american should be more concern about the WTO, the worldbank and the IMF, for messing with countries and there independence. No that a minute who's organistaion useally only scew the poor countries and the USA and EU have big powers over them... I can see why you mutch more concern with the UN.
No, we've noticed that we're much more able to get things done through NATO than through the UN.
When the UN didn't want to help anyone in Kosovo, who came through? NATO.
When the US needed help in Afghanistan, who came through? NATO.
Who is slated to provide help in Iraq later this year? NATO.
The UN is a worthless pile of crap, and even Kofi Annan knows it. If it were a truly effective organization, no one would be talking about "reform".
04-04-2005, 15:12
If it were a truly effective organization, no one would be talking about "reform".
How true! You nailed it Sir. Of course, this is the case with any organisation, is it not?
Niccolo Medici
04-04-2005, 16:44
How true! You nailed it Sir. Of course, this is the case with any organisation, is it not?
NATO talks frequently about reform, rethinking and reshaping its role in the world. By Whispering Leg's standards, any company that gives a shit about its performance in the
How silly. Did WL speak without thinking or do you honestly believe those who care about themselves are inferior, and only those with the perception that they are perfect and need no changes or adaptations whatsoever are worthwhile?
Because I can't think of a single multi-person entity that has not considered reform. Including all churches companies, governments, NGOS, people, music groups...
Volvo Villa Vovve
04-04-2005, 21:21
No, we've noticed that we're much more able to get things done through NATO than through the UN.
When the UN didn't want to help anyone in Kosovo, who came through? NATO.
When the US needed help in Afghanistan, who came through? NATO.
Who is slated to provide help in Iraq later this year? NATO.
The UN is a worthless pile of crap, and even Kofi Annan knows it. If it were a truly effective organization, no one would be talking about "reform".
Ok but it can also depend on that you want to do and find cool. If it is to blow things, yes it can be a bit hard to get evryone onboard ecpecially if your information is incorrect like in Iraq. If you want a forum there almost evryone can meet and peacfully solve there problem then UN can work. Also UN tropps have along history of helping and restore order. Like for example in Kosovo But you also have to remember that the UN is no superstate with there own goverment that act imiedetly, the UN is instead a coalation of many nations and is therefore not stronger then it's members.